311 THE ESTATES GAZETTE* Í’ebrüary 25, 189Ô. jgahs fcg auction. List of Sale Dates for 1899. TV/TESSBS. HUMBERT and FLINT, land 1YX agents, surveyors and auctioneers, 11, Serle-street, Lincoln’s־inn, London, W.C., and at Watford, Herts, will hold Sales of Landed Estates, Building Land, Town and Country Houses, Ground Bents, !Reversions, Life l'olicies, Stocks and Shares, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard (near th6 Bank of England), E.C., on the following Wednesdays during 1899, viz.:-־ March 15 J «ly 26 April 12 August 23 May3 September 20 May 17 OctuberlS June 7 November 15 June 28 December 13 July 5 And other dates by arrangement. Terms may be had on application. ■vr■ , — ! t״- ) Watford 43. Nat. Tel. Nos.: j LonioI1 (Holborn), 348. Salts tg auction. STANMORE, MIDDLESEX.—Freehold Property, till recently the country home of Lord Halsbury, comprising a charmingly picturesque old-fashioned gabled■ Residence, clothed with creepers and magnolias, known as Woodlands, together with delightfully timbered grounds, walied gardens, and orchards, extending to a total area of 5a. 2r. 37p. ; the residence contains large !square panelled hall, two reception, and ten bed rooms, billiard room, etc.; it is only a few minutes from Stanmore Station, L. ׳and N.W. Railway, has a frontage of 700ft. to Stanmore Hill, rendering it extremely valuable for ultimate building purposes, with possession; also two shops, two cottages, and the cottage residence known •as Loscombe Lodge, producing a rental of £100 .a year; and other small Property.—Messrs. OUMBERT and FLINT will Sell the above XL important FREEHOLD PROPERTY at the Masonic Hall, Watford, on Tuesday, March 7 next, at Five o’clock precisely. Particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Cou.thurst and Van Somner, solicitors, 13, New-inn, Strand, W.C. ; and of Messrs. Humbert and Flint, land agents and auctioneers. Watford, Herts, and 11, Serle-street, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C. GROSVENOR-SQUARE (four doors from).—A most substantial Town Mansion, with extensive stabling the rear. Held direct from the Grosvenor Estate.—With possession. '!X/TESSRS. ARBER, RUTTER and WAG- ILL HORN are favoured with instructions to Offer, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, on Wednesday, March 8, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the excellent MANSION, No. 46, GROSYENOR-STREET, containing 13 bed and dressing rooms, fitted bath room, a suite of three fine reception rooms on first floor, square entrance and inner halls, noble dining room, library, principal and secondary staircases, and complete domestic offices for a full establishment; stabling at the rear for eight horses, four carriages, and good rooms over. Held direct from the Grosve-n'or Estate at a very low rent. Printed particulars and conditions׳ of sale may be had of Messrs. Long and Gardiner, solicitors, 8, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. ; at the Mart; and with cards to view, at the Auctioneers Offices, 1, Mount-street, Berkeley-square, London, W. Salts 6!> sanctum. Messrs. STIMSON & SONS, Auctioneers and Surveyors, Land, House and Estate Agents. 8, MOORGATE-STREET, BANK, E.C., AND 2, NEW KENT-ROAD, S.E., Opposite the “ Elephant and Castle.” (The two offices are connected by private telephone). Auction Sales will be held at the Mart, Tokeanoase-yard, in the City of London, nearly every THURSDAY .at Two precisely, and on other day s as׳ occasion may require. Telegraphic address, “ Servabo, London.” In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Mr. Justice North.—“ Sharp v. Sharp.” DARTFORD, KENT.—As a going concern—The extensive Freehold Timber Yard and Saw Mills, situate in Hythe-street, known ׳as the Baltic Saw Mills, together with the machinery, plant, and goodwill of the old-established firm of James Sharp and Sons. With possession. Eight Freehold Shops and Dwelling Houses, known as Nos. 1 to 7, and 21 to 27 (odd), Hythe-street. The Shaftesbury Temperance Hotel, being No. 9, Hythe-street. Freehold Shop. No. 2, High-street. Six Freehold Houses, Nos. 56 to 66 (even), St. ATbans-road. Eight Freehold Cottages. No?. 45 to 59 (odd), Albion-ternace, Overy-street. Freehold Corner Shop, being the post office. Stone, with stabling in rear. Long Leasehold House, No. 1, Elm-road, Stone. Capital detached Freehold Residence, known as Hazelhurst, Miskm-road, with garden in rear; nearly the whole being let on leases to good tenants• at rents producing about £832 per annum.—Messrs. TTUMBERT and FLINT (the persons ap-XX pointed by Mr. Justice North) will Offer the above important PROPERTIES for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, March 9, 1899, at Two o’clock piecisely, in numerous Lots. Particulars of Messrs. Martineau and Reid, solicitors, 2, Raymond-buildings, Gray’s-inn, W.C.; of Messrs. Guillaume and Sons, )solicitors, 9, Salisbury-square, Fleet-street, E.C.; at'the principal hotels in Dartford; and of Messrs. Humbert anu Flint, land agents and auctioneers, 11, Serle-street, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS, 51. COLEMAN-STREET, BANK, E.C., x, i, rxffino« <213 CLAPHAM-ROAD. S.W. Branch Offices j ^ CRANBROOK-ROAD, ILFORD, E. Telephone Nos.: City 45 Bank; Ilford. 28 Barking. A private wire connects the offices Telegraphic address—“ Douglas Young, London.” MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.’S 1VX AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.C., on the following dates throughout the ensuing year. March 8 I June 7 September 7 March 22 ! Juuel4 October 11 April 12 : Julvl2 October 25 November 8 November 22 December 6 December 13 April 26 July 26 May 10 August 16 May 24 Auyust 23 September 13 Auction Offices: 51, Coleman-street, Bank. E.O.; 213, Clapham-road, S.W. ; and Ilford, E. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. MESSRS. H. J. BLISS and SONS beg to 1VX notify that their Sales by Auction of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Business Premises, Land, ( Ground Rents, Reversions, and other Properties, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, at Two o’clock precisely, on the following Thursdays throughout the year 1899: — Thursday, July 20 Thursday, August 17 SOUTH KENSINGTON.—A comfortably arranged and conveniently situated Residence. W ith possession. MESSRS. ARBER, RUTTER and WAG- o-YX HORN are instructed to Sell, at the Mart, City, E.C., on Wednesday, March 8, 1899, at One o clock, the excellent Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE No. 5. West Cromwell-road, containing eight bed and dressing rooms, ntted bath room, four reception rooms, and good offices. Held from the freeholder for a term whereof over 69 years are unexpired, at a very low ground rent. ״ , , . ״ Particulars and conditions• of sale may be had ot Messrs. Wilkinson, Howlett and Wilkinson, solic--tors, 14, Bedford-street, Covent-garden ; at the Mart ; and with cards to view at the Auctioneers Offices, 1, Mount-street, Berkeley-square, W. Thursday next, March 2, at Two. CTIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, O at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday next, March 2, !at Two o’clock, the following PROPERTIES: — Freehold, 14, Addington-square, Camberwell. Corner Baker’s Shop, 70, Lyndhurst-road, Peckham. Nos. 1 and 3, Richmond-place, Wandsworth-road. Residence, 133, Brookley-road. Six Freehold Houses, 53 to 63 (odd), Stanstead-road, Forest-hill. Freehold Residence, 219, Stanstead-road, Forest-hill. Two Residences, 12 and 14, Whiteley-road, Gipsy-hill. Six Residences, 113, 119, and 123 to 129, Gipsy-road, West Norwood. Freehold Butcher’s Shop, 71, Bermondsey New-road; Premises adjoining in Rothsay-street. Freehold Shop. 227, Walworth-road. Freehold Residence, 64, Faversham-road, Catford. By order of Trustees and others. CHINGFORD, WALTHAMSTOW, LEYTONSTONE, BOW, DALSTON and ISLINGTON. Freehold and Leasehold Investments. R. WM. HOUGHTON will Sell by Aue- ___tion, at tlie Mart, Tokenhouse-yard., London, E.C., on Monday, March 6, 1899, at Two o’clock, the following PROPERTIED:— CHINGFORD. IMPROVED RENTAL of £45 per annum, amply secured upon the Fully-licensed Hotel known as The Green Man, with stabling and outbuildings, and Ten Cottages and Land adjoining, in all about five acres. Term 98 years from September 29, 1819. ■WALTHAMSTOW. TWO FREEHOLD COTTAGES and LAND, situate adjoining St. John’s Church, Chapel End, fronting the Chingford-road, both let and producing £27 6s. FREEHOLD HOUSE and SHOP, No. 53, Hoe-street, let on lease expiring Lady Day, 1903, at £30 per aiEIGHT FREEHOLD COTTAGES, Nos. 2, 3, 4 5 6, 7, 8 ■and 9, Richard’s-place, producing about £126 per aIFR№HOLD CORNER RESIDENCE, No. 42, Brown’s-road, recently in the occupation of Mr. Smith, with stabling, etc. With possession. LEYTONSTONE. , , FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE, situate m Argyle street, frontage 60ft., depth about 107ft. BOW. Nos. 31 and 33, LEFEVRE-ROAD, let at Us. 6d. per week each. Lease 99 years, from Christmas, 1866, at a ground rent of £8 per annum. DALSTON. , . Nos 11, 12, 13 and 14, TEMPLE-STREET, producing £104 per annum. Lease 75 years, from Christmas 1841, at the annual ground rent of £10׳ per annum ISLINGTON. TEN RESIDENCES, Nos. 1 to 10, Suftolk-place, all let and producing £239 per annum. Lease 75 years, from September 29, 1844, at the low ground rent ot £30 per annum. , . _ ״ ״ Solicitors, Messrs. W. Houghton and Son, 56, New Broad-street, E.C., and Bridge-chambers, Hoe-street Walthamstow. __ WALTHAMSTOW. NINE FREEHOLD COTTAGES, known as Nos. 9 to 23a and 15a, Milton-road, Hoe-street, all let to exce. lent tenants, and producing about £160 per annum Solicitors, Messrs. Farlow and Jackson, Ingram chambers, 167, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the respective Solicitors, as above; and of the Auctioneer. 58, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. Thursday, March 9, at Two. STIMSON and׳ SONS will Sell by Auction, •at the Mart, on Thursday, March 9, at Two o’clock, the following PROPERTIES: — Leasehold Ground Rents of £48 5s. per annum, Loughborough-road, Brixton. Two Semi-detached Residences, Jersey Lodge, and Frankfort Villa, Water-lane, Brixton-hill. No. 2, Paris-street, Lambeth Palace-road. Two Houses, 122 and 124, Wenlock-street, Hoxton. Freehold Shop, 198, Mare-street, Hackney. Freehold Shop, 43, Old Hill-street, Upper Clapton. Nos. 30 and 32, Ulverscroft-road, East Dulwich. Nos. 33 to 47 (odd), Darrell-road, East Dulwich. Residence, 70, Bradgate-road, Catford. Freehold Baker’s Shop •and Dwelling House, 49, Campbell-road, Finsbury-park. House and Shop, 37, Archer-street, Notting-hill. House and Shop, 3, La nark-place, Maida-vale. Thursday, March 16. QTIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction. kJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 16, at Two o’clock, the following PROPERTIES: — Freehold Ground Rent of £15 per annum, secured upon Nos. 31 to 37 (odd), Finsbury-road. Wood-green. House and Shop, 45, Crispin-street, Spitalfields׳. Three Houses and Shops, 14, 16 and 18, Collier-street, Pentonville. Two Houses, 53 and54 ׳, Warren-street, Islington. Nos. 21, 23 and 23a, White Lion-street, Islington. Nos. 22, 26, 32 to 40, 50 to 60 (even), Ocean-street, Stepney. House, 26, Gough-street, Clerkenwell. Nos. 1 to 13, Westcott-street, Bermondsey. Nos. 27 to 32, 52, 54 to 58, Lansdown-place, Bsrmondsey. Nos. 10 to 22 (even), 21• to 33 (odd), Tisdale-place, Walworth. Nos. 10 to 18 (even), Cranswick-road, Rotherhithe New-road. Nos. 10, 12 and 14, Credon-xoad, Rotherhithe New-rd. No. 9, Bermondsey-square, Bermondsey. Nos. 11, 12, 13, Mazzard-row, Camberwell-road. Nos. 36 to 62 (even), Picton-street, Camberwell. Nos. 2a, Chiswell-street, Camberwell. Detached Residence, Ellesmere House, Weighton-road, Anerley. j6ales tij auction. Sale Days for the Year 1899. Messrs. T7ABEBB0THEB, ELLIS, EGEBTOK, -T BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. beg to an-nounce that the undermentioned dates have been fixed for their AUCTIONS of FREEHOLD, Copyhold, and Leasehold ESTATES, Reversions, Shares, Life Interests, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. : — Thursday. Mar. 9 Thursday, June 22 Thursday, Sept. 2 L Thursday, Mar. ¿8 Thursday. June 29 Thursday, Oct. I¿ Thursday,April 13 Thursday, July 6 Thursday, Oct. 26 Thur8day.April 27 Thursday July 13 Thursday, N ov. lG Thursday, May 11 Thursday,July 2u Thursday, Nov.23 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, July 27 Thursday, Dec. 7 Thursday, June 8 1 hursday, Aug. 3 Thursday, Dec. 14 Thursday, Aug. 10 Other appointments for intermediate Sales will also be arranged. . Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co. publish in the advertisement columns of “ The Times ” every Saturday a list of their forthcoming Sales by Auction. They also issue from time to time schedules of properties to be Let or Sold, comprising landed and residential estates, freehold and leasehold houses, City offices and warehouses, ground rents, and investments generally, which will be forwarded free of charge on application.—No. 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. ST. PANCRAS.—Freehold Ground Rents, amounting to £828 10s. per annum, secured upon 31 houses and shops. 27 dwelling houses, licensed beer-house, the Somers Town Presbyterian Church, and other premises, with reversions in from 22 to 41 years to rack rents amounting to nearly £4.000 per annum. CTIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, kJ at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday. March 17. at Two o’clock, in Lots, the following FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS TUNBRIDGE WELLS.—Most attractive Freehold Pro perty, known as Sunnyside, 17, Lansdowne-road Tunbridge Wells, comprising an unusually commo• dious and attractive detached Residence. Three reception rooms, six bed rooms, ground floor kitchen, etc. The reception rooms and principal bed rooms are of noble dimensions and of unusually good pitch. Gardens in the front and rear. Pos session on completion of purchase. IX/rESSBS. BBACKETT and SONS will Pell 1VX the above FREEHOLD HOUSE at the Swan Hotel, Tunbridge Well־, at Four o’clock p.m., on Friday, March 17, 1899. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Pear less! and Beeching, solicitors, Tunbridge Wells; Messrs. Ponsford, Joyce and Davis, solicitors, Willi ton: and of the Auctioneers, 27 and 29, High-street Tunbridge Wells. Thursday, March 16 Thursday, April 20 Thursday, May 11 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, June 8 Thursday, June 22 Thursday, July 6 And at intermediate dates by special arrangement. Auction, Survey and Lana Offices, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, N.E. Thursday, September 21 1׳ hursday, October 19 Thursday, November 16 Thursday, December 14 PERIODICAL SALES for 1899 of Estates, House Property, Building Land, Ground Rents, Shares, etc., by ^LESSRS. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, the LAST WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH. Sales for other dates may also be arranged. Special attention given to the Sale of Estates in Building Plots. Railway and other Compensation Claims adjusted, as well as negotiations for the Sale and Purchase of Properties, Valuations for Probate, Mortgages, and other purposes. Protheroe and Morris’s Register furnishes Particulars of Residences. Investments, Land, and other Properties to be Sold or Let. S_ . PROTHEROE ANO MORRIS. By order of the Executors.—TUNBRIDGE WELLS.— Freehold House, Ingleside, 41, St. James’s-road, Tunbridge Wells. Two reception rooms, five bed rooms, and domestic offices. Well-shrubbed garden in the front and rear. TX/rESSBS. BBACKETT' and SONS will Sell 1YX the above FREEHOLD HOUSE at the Swan Hotel, Tunbridge Wells, on Friday, March 17, 1899, at Four o’clock p.m. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. W. C. Cripps, Son and Daish, solicitors, Tunbridge Wells; and of the Auctioneers, 27 and 29, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. Amount. Secured upon RVrs’n in Rack Rents £45 80, Seymour-street, 11 and 12, Charles-street 28 y’rs, £160 £50 £95 The Prince and Princess of Wales Beerhouse, 186, Sey- mour-street The Somers Town Presbyterian Church, and 166, 168, 170 and 172, Ossulston-street 34 30 500 r £70 1 159,161, 163 and 165, Ossulston-street, 23 and 23a, Hampden-street 41 350 1 £35 13,15.17,19 and 21, 41 400 i £40 7, 9 and ll, ״ 33 140 1 £36 3 and 5, » 41 160 I £22 10 1, 32 65 £32 2 and 4, Stibbington -street 41 140 L £60 6 to 12 (even), ״ 41 280 £50 14 to 20 (even), ״ 41 210 £110 24 to 38 (even), ״ 360 £27 38a to 44 (even), ״ 200 £115 10 46,48,50,54,56, 60, 64, 68, 70 ana 72, Stibbington-street .. S3 550 £30 52, 58 and 62, 32 120 £10 74, i 33 42 HARROW-ROAD, W.—Weil-secured Investments ii Shop Property.—Messrs. LU4REBR0THER, RjLiMrt, EGERTON X BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. will Sell ny Auction, at the Mart, E.O., on i’hursday, Marcn 9, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in Three Lots, the capital modern SHOP PROPERTY, known as Aos. 344, 546 and 348, Harrow-road (one door from Sutneriand-avenue); let to old-established tenants at moderate rentals, amounting to £325 per annum; Held for about 64 years unexpired at £10 ground ren״ each- Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. LEWIS and LEWIS, solicitors, Ely-place, Hoiborn; at tne Mart; •and of Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Go., 29, Fleet-street, Tempie-bar, and lb, Old Broad-street, E.O. -by The Seven Lots above bracketed together will first be offered as a whole. They comprise a compact block of propert3r, with frontages to three thoroughfares, and cover an area of about 25,000ft. super., being over half an acre. Particulars, with plan, of Messrs. Wood and Sons, solicitors, 16, Eastcheap, E.O.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TOWN OF PONTYPRIDD. £460 PER ANNUM FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. ־]UTESSRS. STEPHENSON and ALEX-J-YX ANDER are instructed!by Robert Rickards, Esq., to Sell by Auction, in convenient Lots, at the New Inn Hotel, Pontypridd, on Wednesday, March 22, 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon, FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS, producing an annual income of £460, .he whole secured upon various valuable propertied situate at Pontypridd and Treforest, and which will be divided into convenient Lots for Sale. The sale will include the Reversion to the Freehold at the expiration of the several leases. Plans, particulars, and conditions of sale may be had upon application to Messrs. Blosse and Arthur Waldron, solicitors, Duke-street, Cardiff; Messrs. Rickards and Blosse, land agent?, Charles-street-chambers, Cardiff: or to the Auctioneers, at 5, High-street, Cardiff. Special Auction, Fridaj^, March 17. EUSTON-ROAD.—A valuable Freehold Property, on the south side of this important main thorough• fare, nearly opposite Euston-square and St. Pan• eras Station, and a convenient distance from King’s-cross and Tottenham-court-road. TIM SON and SONS will Sell by Auction, kJ at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, March 17, at Two o’clock, in One Lot, the excellent FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Nos. 163 and 165, Euston-road, comprising two houses•, with large forecourt, at present occupied by a monumental mason, and let at the inadequate rent of £90 per annum, on a tenancy subject to six months’ notice being given to expire at any Midsummer Day. The property has a frontage of 30ft. by a depth of 70ft., and covers an area of about 2.350ft. super., tlie whole of which cculd be utilised for conversion into business premises. Particulars, with plan, of Messrs. Wood and Sors, solicitors, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, Bank, E C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. airection of the Trustees under the will of Thomas Hear, Hsq., aeoeased. SOUTHEND-ON-SEA.—The cnalkweii Hail Estate, witii tnree-quarters of a mile of frontage to the sea shore.—To Building Societies, Syndicates, Capitalists, and Speculators. A valuable Freehold Building Estate (Land Tax redeemed), situate close to Soutnend and between West Cliff ■and Leigh-on-Sea Stations on the London, Tilbury, and south-end Railway, with rapid services of trams to Fenchurch-street, Liverpool-street and St. Pancras Stations, which are reached under one hour. The property comprises a comfortable old-iashioned Residence, charmingly placed in prettily laid out pleasure grounds, witfi. stabling, dairy, green-iiouses, fruit gardens, etc., also extensive onck and timber built !'arm Buildings, and spacious cattle yard, with bailiff’s house and six cottages. The lands, which embrace an area of about 260 acres, are of a charming undulating character, beautifully timbered, having valuable and extensive frontages of about lk miles to the main road from Leigh to Southend; with well-sheltered south aspect, sloping down to the seashore, where there is three-quarters of a mile of frontage to tiie sea, which, if laid out as an Esplanade, would bring the Estate within easy reach of Southend Pier, and become eventually the connecting link between the Esplanades of Southend and Leigh, the whole becoming a magnificent promenaae, which, with its beautiful views of the varied and charming coast scenery, will become an undoubted public improvement of great value •and benefit to the town. Water and gas are easily obtainable from well-established :companies, and the new Western Valley Main Sewage Scheme recently inaugurated will place the Estate in the very advantageous position of being able to connect every part with the main sewer. Included is the Manor of Chalkwell Hail, with all manorial and other rights appertaining thereto, and also the valuable foreshore fronting the Estate, and known as the Chalkwell Foreshore or Ouse, extending about a mile and a half to within a short distance of Leigh, and comprising valuable oyster, winkle, and1 other shell-fish beds and grounds. Owing to the popularity of this part of Essex, and its wonderfully bracing character, it has been greatly sought after during recent years by London business men. The railway facihties are first-class, there being a fast service of trains which is practically unequalled, and this has contributed to the rapid growth of this favourite locality, where building sites are greatly in demand. The above property, owing to its commanding position, it wisely laid out, may become a select residential suburb of Southend, and of great profit to the promoters.—Messrs. ELLIS, EGERTON BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO have received instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Thurs day, March 23, 1899, •at Two o’clock precisely, in One Lot, the above extensive and exceptionally valuable FREEHOLD MANORIAL BUILDING ESTATE. Possession of the lands will be given on completion of the purchase. Particulars, with views, plans, and conditions of sale, are in course of preparation, and may shortly be obtained of Messrs. COPLAND and SONS, solicitors, Chelmsford; at the principal hotels in the neighbourhood; at the Mart, London; and of Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co., 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old1 Broad-street, London, E.C. T7AREBR0THER, X BREACH. GAI The Periodical Sales of Estates, Reversions, Shares and House Property generally (held for 64 years) for the year 1899, by ־TV/TESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE are _LYX appointed to take place at the Auction Mart, E.C., on the following Thursdays: — March 9,23 i August 3 April 13,27 September 14, 28 May 4, ll, 18, 25 | October 12 26 June 1,8,15, 22, 29 1 November 2 23 July 6,13, 20 27 I December 7,14 Special attention given to Rent Collecting and the entire management of House Property, Valuations for Compensations, Mortgages, and for Probate Purposes, Surveys for Dilapidations and Plans. Agents (appointed• 1836) to the London Assurance Corporation. MESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, Seven, Leadenhall-street, Cornhill, E.C., and 144, Mile End-road, E. Telegrams: Established, London.” Telephone No. 335 Avenue. O URVEYING BOOKS, rale I and bound, leather O backs, Is. each (by post Is. Id,).—STATIONERY Department, “ Estates Gazette ” OfiVe. 6, St. Bride-street, London, E.C,