Fbbbtjaby 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 282 LIST OF AUCTIONEERS’ SPECIAL STATIONERY SOLD AT The Stationery Department, “ ESTATES GAZETTE ” OFFICE* INVENTORY PAPER, good cream laid, 9d. per quire (by post 2d. extra), 10s6 .־d. per ream; better quality, cream, lOd. per quire, 12s. 6d. per ream. INVENTOEY COVERS, blue or buff, with printed label, Is. per dozen (by post 3d. extra); cloth, with name and address in gold, 7s. 6d. per dozen ; marble, Is. 8d. per dozen (by post 3d. extra). INVENTORY BOOKS (for fair copies), with printed label :—8 leaves, 2s. 6d. per dozen ; 16 leaves, 4s. per dozen ; 24 leaves, 5s. 6d. per dozen. INVENTORY BOOKS, half-bound roan, post quarto (9in. by 7in.), 80 pngs», 2s.; 130 pages, 2s. 3d.; 180 pages, 2s. 6d.; 250 pages, 8s.; 300 pages, 8s. 6d. ; 400 pagep, 4s. 6d. ; or 500 pages, 5s. each. LEATHER TABLET.— Size 9in. by 6in., to fold in half, with name and address in gold on black leather, for rostrum, from 5s., according to lettering. LINEN TICKETS, about 2in. long and fin. wide, with metal eyelet bole, for lotting goods when the other lot tickets cannot be stuck on the article, 7d. per 100, 4s. 6d. per 1,000. MANILLA LABELS.—Plain, strong and eyeletted, are kept in stock in all sizes Prices from 4s. 6d. to 11s. 6d. per 1,000—if with name and address, &e., 2s. per 1,000 extra. Stringing, 2s. per 1,000 extra. MEMORANDUM OR SMALL SALE BOOKS, foolscap 8vo, bound in stiff board covers, ruled, plain, or with cash columns, and printed name and address on cover, 20 leaf, Is. 6d. per dczen, 16s. 6d. per gross ; 40 leaf, 2s. per dozen, £1 Is. per gross. ORDERS TO VIEW, in books of 100, with counterpart perforated, Is. 6d each, postage 2d. extra. POCKET MEMORANDUM BOOKS, 9d. per dozen. PLATE NUMBERS.—Small Numbers, intended for sales of plate or other small articles ; 100 numbers one sheet, ljd. per sheet or 2s. per quire. These extend from 1 to 1,000. POSTING SLIPS, printed in red and Blue, “ Sale This Day,” “ On View,” &c., &c , 6d. per dozen, 2s. 6d. per 100. RENTAL BOOKS.—Large post quarto, for office use, bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. each (by post 8s. 9d. RENTAL SHEETS.—Loose, for rendering accounts to clients, short (13in. by 5£in). 3d. per dozen ; long (13in. by llin.) 6d. per dozen. RENT COLLECTING BOOKS FOR WEEKLY TENANCIES, for the use of Land lords and their Agents. Price Is. each (by post Is. 2d.), or 10s. per dozen. RENT BOOKS FOR TENANTS.—One quarter on a page, Id. each, lOd. per dozen, ditto, different pattern, lOd. per dozen, 9s. per gross. RENT RECEIPT BOOKS.—Quarter bound, 100 in each book, Letterpress, Is. each ditto, Litho., 2s. each. REPORT PAPER.—For Valuations (hand made), 14s. per ream, or lOd. per quire. RYDE’S SCALE OF FEES ALLOWED IN COMPENSATION CASES (on cardboard and paper), 3d. each. SALE BOOKS.—Size 7in. by 5in., strongly bound in boards with leather backs, 200 pages, ruled, cash columns ; price, with cash, 8s. per dozen ; ruled and printed, 12s. per dozen. SALE SHEETS.—Loose, ruled, 9d. per quire, 12s. per ream. SALE BOARDS, with strong clip for ditto, quarto size, price Is. SALE BOOKS for Furniture Sales (ruled) in stiff covers, with label, 12 leaf, 3s. per dozen ; 20 leaf, 4s. per dozen. 6d. each, 3s. 6d. per dozen 8d. 5 ״s. Od. ,, lOd. 7 ״s. 6d. ״ SALE LEDGERS, Octavo. 1 day’s sale 6d. each, 4s. Od. per dozen. 8d. 5 ״s. 6d. ״ 9d. 7 ״s. 6d. ״ Is. Od. 10 ״s. Od. ״ with printed heading, plain 5s. per 100, 100. Quabto. 1 day’s sale, 4 letters 1 I! 3 ,, 2 ,, 2 ,, 3 ,, 1 >! SPECIFICATION PAPER lOd. per quire. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT SHEETS, and with name and address, 6s. 6d. pei SURVEYING BOOKS, ruled and bound, leather backs, Is each, 10s. per dozen TIMBER VALUING BOOKS, Is. 6d. each-TIMBER TABLES, 3d. each. TIMBER BOOK (Revised), used by leading firms, with Timber Tables on cover on good hand-made paper, 2s. each. AUCTIONEERS’ SAND GLASS, in case, for biddings—to run down in one minute, forty-five seconds, or thirty seconds—4s. 6d. each. Postage 3d. extra. Not responsible for breakages in the post. AUCTIONEERS’ AND SURVEYORS’ TABLES, in general use (suitable for the waistcoat pocket), bound in Leather, 6d., by post 7d. With Diary for 1898, 8d., by post 9d. BOOK POST WRAPPERS for Catalogues, well gummed, printed name and address, 6s. 6d. per thousand. For Particulars, 10s. 6d. per thousand. CATALOGUE COVERS, Octavo, 9d. per dozen (lid. by post). Quarto, Is. per dozen, (Is. 3d. by post). CATALOGUE INTERLEAVING PAPER.—Ruled 82 or 42 lines, 7s. per ream, 6d. per quire (by post 2d. extra.) CATALOGUE CASES.—Wooden boards covered roan leather, with name and address in gold, 6s. 6d. each ; plain 3s. 6d. each. CATTLE NUMBERS.—Plain Black Cattle Lot numbers, 25 on a sheet. These extend from 1 to 500, Id. per sheet, or Is. 6d. per quire ; from 501 to 1,000, 2d. per sheet, 2s. 6d. per quire. One to 500, gummed and perforated, 2d. per sheet, 2s. 6d. per quire ; 501 to 1,000, 3d. per sheet, or 3s. 6d. per quire. Postage 2d. per quire extra. If on Millboard, Is. 6d. per 100 numbers up to 500 ; 2s. 6d. per 100 beyond 500 up to 1,000. CATTLE NUMBERS.— Oblong Cattle Lot Numbers, printed in Black, 25 numbers on a sheet, 2d. per sheet, or 8s. per quire. Postage 3d. per quire extra. These extend from 1 to 200. CATTLE NUMBERS.—Oval Cattle Lot Numbers, printed in Blue, 25 numbers on a sheet, 2d. per sheet, or 2s. 6d. per quire. If gummed and perforated, 3d. per sheet or 4s. per quire. Postage 3d. per quire extra. These extend from 1 to 500. Mounted on millboard, with eyelet, 5s. per 100 numbers. CATTLE NUMBERS.—Small (with the word “ Lot ” prefixed), about f of an inch high, 50 numbers on a sheet. Id. per sheet or Is. 6d. per quire. Postage 2d. per quire extra. Gummed and Perforated, 2d. per sheet, 2s. 6d. per quire. Mounted on millboard, lOd. per 100. These extend from 1 to 999. Specimen Cattle Numbers can be had on application. COMPOSITE SALE AND LEDGER BOOKS for use in clerking outdoor sales, stiff covers, size lOin. by 5in., price 8d. each, 7s. per dozen. DELIVERY ORDERS, loose, large poet octavo (8in. by 5in.) with perforated counterpart, and name and address printed at top—Short, 5s. 6d. per 1,000 ; Long, 7s. per 1,000. Ditto, without name and address—Short 9d. per 100 (lid. by post), 4s. 9d. per 1,000 ; Long, Is. per 100 (Is. 2d. by post), 6s. per 1,000. Ditto in books, quarter bound, marble covers, with label and index—50 leaves lOd. each, 8s. 6d. per dozen ; 75 leaves, Is. each, 11s. per dozen ; 100 leaves, Is. 3d. each, 18s. 6d. per dozen. Ditto, foolscap quarto (8in. by 6fin), in marble covers with label and index and printed name and address, 50 leaves, 12s. 6d. per dozen, 100 leaves, 18s. per dozen. FIELD VALUATION BOOKS.—Large post octavo (8in. by 5in.), 120 pages, Is. 6d. each. Also made to pattern. FOOLSCAP, superfine for agreements, ruled three sides, margin and feint, Is. 6d. per quire, 25s. per ream ; ditto, fine cream laid, ruled feint, 10s. and 12s. per ream ; ditto, special value, 6d. per quire, 8s. per ream. FURNITURE LOT NUMBERS, perforated and gummed, are sold in books containing 24 sheets of numbers, 100 numbers on a sheet, price Is. 8d. each book (by post 2d. extra). Book 1 contains 24 sets of numbers, from 1 to 100; and so on up to 1,000. Also in Books, similar to above, 24 sheets of 50 numbers on a sheet, price lOd. each. These extend from 1 to 1,000. Loose Single Sheets, of 100 numbers on a sheet, similar to the above, are also kept in stock. Price 2d. per sheet, or 3s. per quire. These extend from 1 to 1,000. Above 1,000 the price is l^d. a sheet of 50 numbers, or 2s. per quire. Lot Numbers, without the word “ Lot,” gummed and perforated, in books of 50 numbers on a sheet, 24 sheets to a book, price 6d. each. These extend from 1 to 1,000. They can also be had loose in sheets, at Id. per sheet, or Is. 6d. per quire. HAMMERS, silver mounted ivory hammer, spring top, 9s. 6d., plain, 8s. 6d.; ditto, smaller size, spring top, 8s. 6d., plain, 7s. 6d. ; ivory (large) 8s. 6d., 10s. 6d. and 12s. 6d. each ; wood hammers, 2s. each ; ebony ditto, 2s. 6d. each. HOUSE AGENTS’ “ TO LET ” BILLS, Partly Printed, with space for name and address left blank. Crown (20in. by 15in.) Price lOd. per dozen. “ Offices on Floor to Let. Apply.” “ These Premises to Let. Apply ” “ Offices to Let. Apply ” “ This Warehouse to Let. Apply ” “ Shop to Let. Apply ” “ To be Let or Sold. Apply ” “ This House to Let. Apply ” “ This Basement to Let. Apply ” “ To be Sold. Apply ” “ To be Let. Apply.” INVENTORY BOOKS (7£in. by 4Jin.), 96 pages, ruled, interleaved blotting, bound red basil, with clasps, Is. 6d. each (by post 3d. extra), 16s. per dozen ; best quality, 170 pages, 2s. each (by post 3d. extra), 22s. per dozen; foolscap octavo (6in. by 4in.), ruled and paged, Is. each, 10s. per dozen. These are kept with or without interleaved blotting paper. TERMS, CASH, with a discount of 5 per cent, on orders of £3. P.O.O.’s payable to FRANK P. WILSON at the Ludgate-circus Post Office should accompany order