281 THE ESTATES GAZETTE February 18, 1899. Dudley—J. Shedden and Son, of Dudley, at same, on March 6, Freehold business premises Malvern Link—J. B. Harper and Sons, of Malvern, at Malvern Link, on February 21, Freehold properties Yorkshire, Castleford—J. W. Wheater, of Castleford, at same, on February 23, Freehold licensed premises and cottage property Scarborough—V. Fowler, of Scarborough (in conjunction with E. Walker, of York), at Scarborough, on February 22, Old! Globe Hotel, F Leeds—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at same, on February 2Q, Freehold estate Leeds—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on February 20, Freehold dwelling house Leeds—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on February 21, Freehold property Leeds—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on February 28, licensed property Helperby—Renton and Renton, of Harrogate, at Boroughbridge, on February 27, residence and land Dunnington—Thomas Walker and Sons, of York, at Dunnington, on February 21, grass land York—Richardson and Trotter, of York, at same, in March, the North Eastern Hotel, F Hawes—Joseph Hopper, of Bainbridge, at Hawes, on March 2, Freehold land Leeds—Whitham and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on February 23, Freehold cottage property Bramley—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at Bramley, on March 22, Freehold property Leeds—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on February 28, Freehold licensed and other properties Leeds—E. W. Batley and Son, of Leeds, at same, eta. February 22, Freehold business premises Leeds—E. W. Batley and Son, of Leeds, at same, qn February 27, Freehold residence Leeds—E. W. Batley and Son, of Leeds, at same, on February 28, Freehold dwelling houses Sheffield—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on February 21, Leasehold residence and dwelling houses Leeds—E. W. Batley and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on March 1, dwelling house and cottage property York—Thomas Walker and Sons, of York, at same, on February 23, Freehold residence and shares Bradford—W. G. Stansfield and Co., of Bradford, at same, on February 23, Freehold residence Bolton—Thomas Walker and Sons, of York, at Pock-lington, on February 20, Freehold dwelling house Doncaster—Ernest Johnson, of Doncaster, at same, on February 24, dwelling house Warwickshire, Birmingham—William R. Fleetwood, of Birmingham, at same, on February 22, Freehold and Leasehold residences Leamington Spa—J Hawkes, of Leamington Spa, at same, on February 22, Freehold residence Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on February 23, Freehold and Leasehold property Birmingham—Grove and Baker, of Birmingham, at same, on February 21, Leasehold licensed properties Birmingham—Sidney Hirst, of Birmingham, at same, on February 27, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on February 28¿ Freehold licensed! and other properties Birmingham—Edwards, Son and Bigwood, of Birmingham, at same, on February 22, Freehold and Leasehold properties Leamington Spa—J. Anthony Locke, of Learning-ton Spa, at same, on February 20, Freehold business premises Leamington Spa—J. Anthony Locke, of Leamington Spa, at same, on March 9, cottage and׳ other properties Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on March 9, Freehold property Birmingham—Lane and Smith, of Birmingham, at same, on February 27, Leasehold properties Birmingham—Fredk. Pepper and Sharp, of Birmingham, at same, on February 24, Freehold residences and1 ground rents Henley-in-Arden, etc.—R. E. Cooper and Son, of Henley־in־Arden, at Birmingham, on February 23, Freehold properties Birmingham—James and Lister Lea and Sons, of Birmingham, at same, on March 2, Leasehold residences and Freehold building land Birmingham (near)—W. H. Smith, of Birmingham, at same, on March 8, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Blyth and Stevens, of Birmingham, at same, on March 16, Leasehold residential properties Westmorland. Kendal—M. Derome and Son, of Kendal, at same, on February 22, house property and building land Kendal—M. Derome and Son, of Kendal, at same, on March 1, Freehold property Wiltshire. Taunton—Wm. J. Villar, of Taunton, at same, on February 25, Freehold licensed and other properties Bath—Henry Mortimer, of Bath, at same, on February 27, Freehold licensed properties Buckland St. Mary—W. C. Warren and Son, of Chard, at same, on March 6, Freehold estate, comprising about 95 acres Weston-super-Mare—Lalonde Bros, and Parham, of Weston-super-Mare, at same, on February 28, dwelling houses Bath—Horton Bros., of Bath, at same, on February 28, Leasehold dwelling house Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on February 27, dwelling houses and shop Staffordshire. Wolverhampton—Henry Goddard, of Wolverhampton, at same, on February 22, dwelling houses and lock manufactory Wheaton Aston—Nock and Joseland, of Wolverhampton, at Wheaton Aston, on February 20, Freehold pasture land Bilston—Belcher and Son, of Wednesbury, at Bils-ton, on February 20, Freehold properties Longton—T. H. Griffiths, of Longton, at same, on February 22, Freehold dwelling houses, licensed property and building land Suffolk. Long Melford—Wheeler and Son,, of Sudbury, at Long Melford, on February 24, Freehold licensed properties and cottages Ipswich—Garrod, Turner and Son, of Ipswich, at same, on February 23, Freehold business premises Surrey. Crawley—F W. Stokes, of Crawley, at same, on February 22, Freehold cottage property Ashtead—Langlands and Son, of Epsom, at same, in March, Freehold cottages Guildford—Hewett and Lee, of Guildford, at same, on February 25, Freehold properties Oxshott—White and Sons, of Dorking, at Kingston-on-Thames, on March 23, Freehold licensed premises and building land Fetcham, etc.—White and Sons, of Leatherhead, at same, on March 24, Freehold properties Wales. Swansea—J. M. Leeder and Son, of Swansea, at same, on February 21, furniture, etc. Pontypridd—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on March 22, Freehold ground rents Overton-on-Dee—Churton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at Wrexham, on March 9, Freehold licensed and other properties Welshpool (near)—Morris, Marshall and Poole, of Chirbury, at Welshpool, on March 6, Freehold estate comprising about 78 acres Cardiff—Gottwaltz, Bowring and Perry, of Cardiff, at same, on March 6, dwelling houses Leintwardine—Philip Davies, of Presteign, at Leint-wardine, on February 24, dwelling house and business premises BARNARDS, Ltd. NORWICH. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST—SUPPER. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. W. INNES STUCKEY, Landscape Gardener, 46, Dyne-road, Brondesbury, N.W. 13 Tears with Mr. H. E. MILNER. Potterne—George T. Smith, of Devizes, at Potterne, on February 27, Freehold properties Wilton—Waters and Rawlence, of Salisbury, at Wilton, on February 23, Freehold properties Devizes—George T. Smith, of Devizes, at same, on February 22, Freehold business premises and dwelling house Salisbury—Waters and Rawlence, of Salisbury, at same, on March 2, licensed premises and Freehold dwelling house Worcestershire. Worcester and Malvern—Frank Everill and Co., of Worcester, at same, on February 22, Freehold licensed and other properties Sussex. Brighton—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on February 28, Freehold residences St. Leonards-on-Sea—John and A. Bray, of Hastings, at same, on February 21, residence Hastings and Ore—L. F. St. John, of Hastings, at same, on March 6, Freehold building land and residence Brighton—S. Ridley and Hollis, of Brighton, at same, on February 27, Freehold properties Worthing—Patching and Co., of Worthing, at same, on February 21, £500 Original Stock, in the Worthing Gas Light and Coke Co. Worthing—Norman and Spencer, of Worthing, at same, on February 22, residence DOGS-RACKHAM’S distemper balls. The only cure known. Has been used in the ■frlncipal Kennels nearly Fifty Years. Price Is., 2s 6d 5s., 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. flOGS - RACKHAM’S JAPANESE WORM u BALLS AND P0WDERS.-־Oi“tdT״״S medicine necessary. Price Is., 2s. 6d., and 5s., free 2d. extra DOGS-RACKHAM’S tonic condition DAI I Q are invaluable for greyhounds. Stud, DHLLO also Exhibition Dogs. Price Is„ 2s. 6d., 5s., free 2d. extra. nOGS-RACKHAM’S KATALEPRA. - cures U Red Mange, Eczema, and all Skin Diseases. Price ls.,2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. DOGS-RACKHAM'S JAPAN SOAP for wash. ing Dogs. Prevents Skin Diseases. Kills all Vermin. Tablets, 6d. and Is., post free 2d. extra. DOGS-RACKHAM’S PUPPY WORM BALLS for Puppies of all Breeds and Toy Dogs. New Remedy, Safe and Effectual. Price Is., 2s. 6d., 5s., and 10s. free 2d. extra. DOGS-RACKHAM’S ANTI-DISTEMPER ODCniCin___Eor Prevention and Cure of OruUIrlU■ Distemper. With Young Puppies its effects are marvellous. This remedy prevents contagion at Shows. Price 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s. per box, free 2d. extra. nOGS - RACKHAM’S NORFOLK HOUND u MEAL OR BISCUITS Sf ‘¿oeg8be8trKcod i<£ per cwt. Advice Gratis in all Diseases of Dogs. s** STANLEY тгчМ ST. PETER’S, NORWICH RACKHAM & CO., MAIDSTONE and KENTISH JOURNAL and SOUTH EASTERN ADVERTISER, MAIDSTONE. Established 1876, the Largest Circulation in the County of Kent and neighbouring Counties, circulated extensively and most exclusively amongst the higher and middle classes; forms an excellent medium for advertising every description of property, and for making every kind of public announcement. Published every Thursday and Saturday, price Id., unstamped. The “ Journal is the most influential newspaper in the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and the South Eastern District, in which it is the recognised Conservative organ, and is extensively circulated among the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and the Com mercial Classes. It therefore offers to Solicitors Auctioneers, Estate and Land Agents, Public Com panies, and every class of trades a valuable oppor tunity of laying their proposals before the public The “ Journal ׳ contains full reports of the Provincial and County Markets, and during the •eason special reports of the Foreign and Home Hop markets MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER to H.M.’s Government, Council of India, Science and Art Department, Admiralty, &c. MATHEMATICAL, DRAWING & SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS of every descri tion of the highest quality and finish, at the most moderate prices. Price Lists post free. Engine Divider to the Trade.—Ad 'ress : GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. SPECIALITIES. for roofs, buildings, hay SHEDS, &c. Iron Fencing, Hurdles & Gate» Wire Netting and Tubes. Roofing Felt and Poultry Appliances. ,Complete Roofs and Building». ^IT“Sg£*Tank8, Troughs and Corn Bins. T • Best Quality at Lowest Price* PRICE LISTS AND ESTIMATES FREE 7rom JOHN ATTWOOD REEVE. Stony Stratford WILLIAM BARROK & SON LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN, Invite intending planters to inspect th״ir unrivalled Stock of ORNAMENTAL and FOREST TREES. Send for Catalogues and List of Public and Private Works carried out by them. ELYASTON NURSERIES, Borrowash, Derby. Established 1774. THE “CUMBERLAND PACQUET ״ AND WARE’S WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER (Published every Thursday Morning), IS the Oldest Newspaper in either Cumberland, Westmorland, or Durham. The organ of the Conservative Party in West Cumberland. Full reports of all local events. Having an extensive and influential circulation throughout the county, the “ Cumberland Pacquet ” furnishes one of the best mediums for advertising. PRICE ONE PENNY. Norwich—James Mobbs, of Norwich, at same, on February 24, Freehold dwelling'house and building land Northamptonshire. Fletton and Boroughbury—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on February 21, Freehold shop, dwelling house, workshop and building land Peterborough—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on March 1, cottage property Nottinghamshire. Nottingham—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Nottingham, at same, on March 1, Freehold licensed premises Nottingham—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at same, on February 22, Freehold property Oxfordshire. Alkerton and Balseóte—Castle, Son and Booth, of Banbury, at same, on March 2, Freehold estates Shropshire. Picklescott—Alfred Mansell and Co., of Shrewsbury, at same, on February 28, Freehold licensed property Shrewsbury—Barber .and Son, of Wellington, at Shrewsbury, on February 21, Freehold property Baschurch—William Hall, Wateridge and Owen, of Shrewsbury, at Baschurch, on March 6, Freehold licensed property and building land Newport—Furber and Burton, of Newport, at same, on February 22, licensed and other property Shrewsbury—William Hall, Wateridge and Owen, of Shrewsbury, at same, on February 24, shares Shrewsbury—R. P. Price and Son, of Shrewsbury, at same, on February 24, Freehold dwelling houses Newport—Furber and Burton, of Newport, at same, on February 24, Freehold property Bishop’s Castle—Morris, Marshall and Poole, of Bishop’s Castle, at same, on March 1, Freehold dwelling houses Somersetshire. Burnham and Berrow—Scott-Smith and Co., of Exeter, at Burnham, on February 28, Freehold properties Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on February 21, Freehold premises Chard—Henry M. Hext, of Ilminster, at Chard, on February 20, Freehold business premises Bedminster and Totterdown—E. T. Parker, of Bristol, at Bedminster, on February 22, Freehold ground rents and residences Wells—Bennett, Millard and Ll'oyd, of Wells, at same, on February 23, Freehold dwelling houses and gardens BOBY’S “SIMPLEX HAND SEED DRILLSy THOUSANDS IN USE. ~ Carriage Paid for P.O.O. - 10/6 Write for list of other sizes ; Full Illustrated Catalogue on aoplication. ADDRESS :— R. BOBY, Ltd., St. Andrew’s Works, BURY St. EDMUNDS. DlCKSONSÏâjrntCeESTER PRICED OATALOGKJES РОЯТ FREE SUBSCRIPTION FORM. ----+---- Please send me %\)t dstahs until further notice. I enclose Post Office Order for 15s. in payment of One Year’s Subscription. Name....................... Address......... Date................. Frank P. Wilson, “ Estates Gazette, 6, St. Bride Street, London, E.C.