Febbttaby 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 280 Leicestershire. Somerby—Messrs. Boyce, of Oakham, at Melton Mowbray, on February 21, pasture land comprising about 49 acres Brooksby Station—Whittle and Attenborough, of Leicester, at Brooksby Station, on February 23 and 24, Furniture, etc. Leicester—H. and F. Tarratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on February 22, Freehold properties Leicester—H. and F. T.arratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on March 1, Freehold properties Leicester—H and F. Tarratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on March 8, Cricket Ground Hotel Leicester—Arthur Andrew, of Leicester, at same, on February 28, Freehold property Lincolnshire. Spalding— S. and G. Kingston, of Spalding, at same, on February 21, Freehold residence Leake Friskney, etc.—T. P. and A. Saul, of Boston, at same, on February 22, Freehold property Fleet, Long Sutton, etc —S. and G. Kingston, of Spalding, at Long Sutton, on February 24, Freehold property Pinchbeck and Spalding—J. Laming and Son, of Spalding, at same, on February 21, Freehold property Spilsby—Mackinder and Beaty, of Spilsby, at same, on February 20, Freehold licensed property Strubby—Mason and Sons, of Louth, at Alford, on February 21, Freehold dwelling house and land Skidbrook, etc.—John Taylor and Son, of Louth, at same, on February 22, Freehold estates Heckington and Anwich—T. P. and A. Saul, of Boston, at Sleaford, on February 27, Freehold property Lincoln—Robt. N. Whaley, of Lincoln, at same, on February 24, Freehold licensed property IV! iddlesex. Uxbridge—Norman and Son, of Uxbridge, at same, on March 9, Freehold properties Stanmore—Humbert and Flint, of Watford, at «ame, on March 7, Freehold property Monmouthshire. Chepstow, Monmouth, etc.—Driver and Co., of 23, Pall Mall, London, S.W., at Newport, on March 8, Freehold licensed properties Blaenavon—Straker and Son, of Abergavenny, at Blaenavon, on February 23, Leasehold shops and dwelling houses Norfolk. Norwich—S. Mealing Mills, of Norwich, at same, on February 22, Freehold property and shares Norwich—Messrs. Spelman, of Norwich, at same, on February 24, Freehold shop and dwelling houses Herefordshire. Hereford—R. Wood, of Hereford, at same, on February 21, Freehold dwelling houses and shops Hertfordshire. Ware—R. and A. G. Thorowgood, of Ware, at same, on February 21, Freehold shop and dwelling house Hertford—R. and A. G. Thorowgood, of Hertford, at same, on February 25, Freehold dwelling houses Watford—Humbert and Flint, of Watford, at same, on March 14, Freehold properties Isle of Wight. Ryde—Wallis, Riddett and Co., of Ryde, at same, on February 23, residences Kent. Chart Sutton—R. Waterman and Son, of Maidstone, at same, on February 23, Freehold property Swingfield—Thos. Wickens Fry, of Dover, at same, on February 23, Freehold dwelling house Dover—Worsfold and Hayward, of Dover, at same, on February 23, shares Lancashire. Wigan—George James Healy, of Wigan, at same, on February 24, Freehold licensed property Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 21, residence and Freehold dwelling houses Manchester—George H. Larmuth, of Manchester, at same, on February 21, Freehold licensed premises and cottages Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 22, Freehold and Leasehold properties Morecambe—Fletcher and Wilsdon, of Morecambe, at same, on February 27, dwelling house Manchester—G. H. Larmuth, of Manchester, at same, on March 1, Freehold rents Bury—Walter Brierley, of Bury, at same, on February 20, cottages, land and ground rents Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 27, Freehold residence Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 20, Freehold cottage property and land Manchester—William H. Wilson, of Manchester, at same, on March 2, Freehold dwelling house and shop Pendleton—William Wilson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on March 1, dwelling house Preston—Thos. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on February 27, Freehold dwelling houses Manchester—W. H. Robinson, of Manchester, at same, on February 28, dwelling houses Tyldesley—Thomas Crompton, of Bolton, at Tyldes-ley, on February 22, dwelling houses Manchester—Fred Thompson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 21, reversions to the value of £1,775. Durham. Darlington—Geo. Tarn Bainbridge, of Darlington, at same, on February 28, Freehold properties Essex. Southminster—A. Clear, of Maldon, at Southmin-ster, on February 28, pasture land Gloucestershire. Gloucester (near)—Bruton, Knowles and Co., of Gloucester, at same, on March 18, Wotton Court Estate, 206 acres Stow-on-the-Wold—Franklin and Jones, of Oxford (in conjunction with Tuckett and Sons, of 2, Basinghall-street, London, E.C.), at Stow-on-the-Wold, on February 23, Freehold licensed property Kingswood Hill—Young and Howes, of Bristol (in conjunction with Ramsey and Co., of 62, King William-street, London, E.C.), at Kingswood hill, on February 28, Freehold ground rents, shops and pasture land Prestbury, etc.—John G. Villar, of Cheltenham, at same, on February 23, Freehold cottages and land Cheltenham—Bayley and Adams, of Cheltenham, at same, on February 23, Freehold properties Bristol—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol, at same, on February 22, Freehold licensed and other property Westbury-upon-Trym—Geo. Nichols, Smith and Alder, of Bristol, at same, on February 23, Freehold building land Bristol—C. H Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at same, on February 23, Freehold dwelling houses Bristol—C. H Tucker and Co., of Bristol, .at same, on March 1, Freehold and Leasehold properties Bristol—William R. Nurse and Co., of Bristol, at same, on February 22, licensed premises and dwelling house Stow-on-the-Wold—Young and Gilling, of Cheltenham, at Stow-on-the-Wold, on March 2, Freehold business premises and dwelling house Kingswood—Edward T. Parker, of Bristol, at Kingswood, on February 23, Freehold dwelling houses Cheltenham—Bayley and Adams, of Cheltenham, at same, on March 16, Freehold properties Brockworth—Bruton. Knowles and Co., of Gloucester, at same, on February 25, residence Hants. Portsmouth—Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on February 20, Freehold dwelling houses Southsea—Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on February 27, Freehold residence and dwelling houses Winton and Moordown—Curtis and Son, of Bournemouth, at same, on February 28, Freehold residences Gosport, etc.—Llewellyn, Puttock and Co., of Gosport, at same, on February 28, Freehold properties Gosport—King and King, of Southsea, at Gosport, on February 23, Freehold dwelling house, market garden and shares NOTICE BOARDS. Guaranteed the cheapest factory in England for all kinds of NOTICE AND SIGN BOARDS. Lints and Estimates Free. S. WATERS & SONS (Established 1831), Wood Letter Manufacturers, Swing Sign & Sky Sign Fitters, Writing Advertisement Contractors, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT. SUSPENSION BRIDGES. As erected over rivers at Hereford, Trentham, Grimsby, Keswick, Band on and abroad. Strong, Elegant and Inexpensive. From 50 to 300 feet span. Write for Illustrated List. LOUIS HARPER, A.M.I.C.E., ABERDEEN, N.B Contractor to Her Majesty’s Colonial Government. The Leading Advertising Mediums in the Midlands. Cheap, Popular, Effective Advertising! THE “HERALD SERIES’’ The leading Journals in the Districts named. These old-established Newspapers, four in number, command one of tiie most populous districts in the Counties of Worcestershire, Warwickshire, and Staffordshire, comprising a population of upwards of a million. The Herald Series comprise the following: —The DUDLEY HERALD (established 1866), with which is incorporated The Guardian, for Oldbury, West Bromwich, Smethwick, Spon-lane, etc.; WEDNES-BURY BOROUGH NEWS and Darlaston Chronicle (established 1868), extensively circulated in Wednes-bury, Darlaston, Bilston, Great Bridge, Oldbury, West Bromwich and Smethwick; TIPTON HERALD (the only local paper), and Herald, for Dudley Port, West Bromwich, Coseley, Deepfields, Great Bridge, Tividale, Burnt Tree, etc.; Worcestershire and Staffordshire COUNTY HERALD, and The Herald, for Brierley-hil’ Stourbridge, Wordsley, Rowley, Halesowen, Old-nill. Blackheath, Langley, Pensnett, Kingswinford, etc. District Offices, Wednesbury, Tipton, Brierley-hill, Stourbridge. London Office, 82, Fleet-street. Head Office, Herald Works, Dudley. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Invested Funds .. .. £10,000,000. Number of Accounts, 83,094. TWO-AND-A-HALF per CENT. INTEREST allowe on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on th minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below £10 STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased an SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Small deposits received, and Interest allowed monthly on each completed £1, The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with particulars, post free. FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT, Manager. Telephone No. 5 Holboim. Telegraphic Address: " BIRKBECK, LONDON.” rnHE “HALIFAX GUARDIAN.” — F -I- TABLISHED in 1832, nearly a quarter of century before its oldest existing contempora maintains its position as the leading weekly Ne״ paper in the extensive parish of Halifax, which 1 a population of upwards of 200,000 and extends O' the large area of 75,000 acres. For a period of sixty-six years it has been clos l(Jeriilfied wittL tlle numerous and varied industr of the Borough and surrounding township, and generally recognised as the best local medium : advertisements of Sales of Estates and every descr tion of property. Prospectuses of Public Compani and ail announcements demanding the attention capitalists, Investors, and others. Specimen copy free on receipt of stamped address wrapper. Printing and Publishing Offices, George-street, Halifj THE BURY and NORWICH POST, published every Monday night for Tuesday morning. Price One Penny. For more than 100 Years the High-class County Newspaper. The BURY and NORWICH POST is the only weekly naper published on Tuesdavs ciiculatin? in the Agricultural Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire,and the Isle of Elv. Tbe BURY and NORWICH POST is published in time for the important markets of Bury St. Edmunds, Ipswich, Norwich, Stowmarket. Sudbury, Halesworth and Harleston, and has a larger postal circulation among farmers and the capitalist classes than any other weekly newspaper in the Eastern Counties. Offices: 19, Abbeygate-street, Bury St Edmunds. CARSON'S PAINTS. Specially manufactured for all kinds of Outdoor Work on Estates & Residential Property Sent out in Dry Powder, with Oil Mixture Separate. Easily Mixed and Applied. For all Purposes in 40 Colours. Patterns and Prices Free on Application. WALTER CARSON & SONS, Grove Works, LOMBARD ROAD, BATTERSEA, LONDON. AND BACHELOR’S WALK, DUBLIN. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND COMPANIES AND OTHERS REQUIRING BOARDS — Should apply to — GEO. BROWN, THE OLD ESTABLISHED Notice, Sign & Bill Board Contractor, WRITER, &c., Bury Street, St. Mary ixe, City, Corner of Heneage Lane. N.B.—Country firms will find this an unequalled opportunity for obtaining good Boards at the shortest notice, and at low prices. Tarporley—Churton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at Tarporley, on March 1, Freehold estate Whitby—Pickering and Nightingale, of Chester, at same, on March 11, Freehold farm, comprising about 52 acres Runcorn—Churton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at Runcorn, on March 8, Freeheld residence Chester—Churton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at same, on March 11, Freehold dwelling houses Cornwall. Penzance—Edward Mitchell, of Penzance, at same, on February 23, Freehold property St. Mawgan-in-Pydar—John Tremaine, of St. Columb, at same, on March 2, Freehold farms Newquay—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at Newquay, on February 21, Freehold residence Penzance—George E. Jenkin, of Penzance, at same, on February 21, Leasehold residence Cumberland. Carlisle—Robert Dalton, of Carlisle, at same, on February 28, Freehold property Derbyshire. Derby—J. and W. Heathcote, of Derby, at same, on February 24, Freehold building estate Melbourne—Newbold and Son, of King’s Newton, at Melbourne, on February 22, Freehold cottages and building land Derby—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at same, on February 24, Freehold dwelling houses and business premises Devonshire. Kingsbridge—W. H. Kelland, of Kingsbridge, at same, on February 28, Anchor Hotel Dawlish—Scott-Smith and Co., of Exeter, at same, on February 21, Freehold properties Exeter—Thomas Martin, of Exeter, at same, on ‘February 22, Freehold business premises Torquay—Percy Whitton (of the firm of Thompson and Co., of Exeter), at Torquay, on February 20, Leasehold residence Sidmouth—Potbury and Sons, of Sidmouth, at same, on February 23, Freehold property Mutley—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on February 21, shop properties Exeter—Hussey and Son, of Exeter, at same, on February 21, Freehold residence Ivybridge—Rendell and Symons, of Totnes, at Ivy-bridge, on February 24, Freehold properties Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at same, on March 9, Freehold residence Dorsetshire. Beaminster, Netherbury, etc.—Samuel Cox, of Beaminster, at same, on February 23, dwelling houses, shops and land HILL & SMITH CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. Iron Hurdles mid Field and Entrance Gates, Wire Fencing, Tree Guards, Stable and Cowhouse Fittings, Piggeries, Netting, Black Varnish. THE PARAGON CATTLE CRIB. Strong but T ight. Cheap but Durable. Price, Painted from 45 Galvanized from 52/־ each. The ECONOMIC SHEEP RACK, 9ft. long. Price 68 6 each. CATTLE, SHEEP and PIG TROUGHS, and other Agricultural Feeding Appliances. Catalogues free on application to HILL & SMITH, Brierley Hill Ironworks, nr, Dudley. OR 118, QUEEN YICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. Replies mention this advertisement.