February 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 278 rows, H. Heath and James Cowing (agent to Sir Charles Seely). The presentation took the form of a silver tea and coffee service, a case of silver tea spoons, with dessert spoons, and a massive gold albert, which, as the inscription upon one of the pieces! testified, were a token of the esteem and respect of the Oxton tenantry and a few of Mr. Cowing’s most intimate friends on his leaving the neighbourhood. Mr. Burrows referred at some length to the widespread regret which Mr. Cowing’s departure occasioned. He was by education and descent a thoroughly practical farmer, and during the 24 years he had had the management of the Oxton estate he had faithfully discharged his duties to the satisfaction not only of Captain Sherbrooke and his father before him, the late Mr. Henry Sherbrooke, but to that of ■the farmers on the estate, which was not an easy matter in these days. The joint estates of the Earl of Harrington comprised in all about 20,000 acres, and they must congratulate him upon his success, and hope that he might be as widely honoured at Elvaston as he was at Oxton. The presentation was made by Mr. Farr, who, in a few terse sentences, alluded to the courtesy with which Mr. Cowing always conducted his business! transactions, and expressed the hope that not only would he succeed to the position that Mr. Murray had filled, but to the place that gentleman had occupied in the minds of the Earl of Harrington, his tenantry and agriculturists in general. In! reply, Mr. Cowing acknowledged the handsome gifts, and said that the life he had spent at Oxton had been one of unalloyed happiness and contentedness. He had the good fortune to serve first the late Mr. Henry 'Sherbrooke, who was a ■type of ■all that an English gentleman should be, and, later, the present head of the bouse, who was the worthy son of a worthy father. It was only after great consideration that he deoided to leave Oxton, and he did so with the deepest sorrow. In taking up his new appointment and following a gentleman like Mr. Murray he had no light task, and, perhaps, one that would be beyond him, but he hoped to succeed in his! duty both to the Earl of Harring-ton and to the tenants, and to make as many friends at Elvaston ■as he had done at Oxton. In addition to Wednesday’s recognition, Mr. Cowing has been the recipient of a massive silver bowl, suitably inscribed, from Captain Sherbrooke, a silver inkstand from the employees on the estate, and a silver tea service from the Eev. Neville Sherbrooke, of Bristol from 1867, whenever the hall is open to the public, with the exception of 10 days per annum.׳■ Friday. As usual, the week’s busi-A Quiet negs concluded in a quiet n 1B® manner. On this occasion the proceedings were extremely dull, and the results altogether unsatisfactory. Mr. Wagstaff, of Highbury-corner, submitted three leasehold houses in Gillespie-road, Highbury, held for an unexpired term of 78 years, each at a ground rent of £6 6s., and let at £84, but only one was sold, the price realised being £285, whilst Mr. Percy Garner (Messrs. Allen and Garner) was entirely unsuccessful in regard to leasehold residences at Crouch-end and Lower Clapton. Three villas, Nos. 55, 67 and 69, Barrington-road, in the first-mentioned district, each let at £42, and with 97 years of the lease unexpired, were bought in at £880, whilst a corner residence in Hare-field-road, off the same thoroughfare, held under the same conditions, but let at £55, was similarly dealt with, the price mentioned on behalf of the vendor being £440. In conclusion I may mention that the list for the forthcoming week is particularly heavy, and excellent opportunities will be afforded investors, especially those interested in the purchase of ground rents. Onlooker. PRESENTATION TO A NOTTINGHAM LAND AGENT. Mr. E. Cowing, who for the past 24 years has acted as agent for the estate of Captain Sherbrooke, Oxton Hall, was on February 1 the recipient of a handsome token of the esteem in Which he is held by the tenantry, upon taking up the important appointment in! succession to Mr. Gilbert Murray, E.S.I., ■of agent to the Earl of Harrington, ■of Elvaston Castle. The occasion was a farewell dinner held at the Mil-ton’s Head Hotel, Nottingham, over which Mr. T. Burrows presided, with the following among other gentlemen present:—Messrs. J. T. Farr (vice-chairman), J. H. Bradwell, F. W. Bur- ~Awarded FIRST PRIZE at EVERY COMPETITION (but one) in Great Main. Til * in SEPARATORS USERS SAY THEY PAY FOR THEMSELVES IN SIX MONTHS. Every “Alfa-Laval” is Guaranteed to perfectly Separate the Quantity stated, and requires Less Power to Work than any other Separator. HIGHEST CAPACITY COMPATIBLE WITH CLEAIEST SKIMMING. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. PRINCIPAL AGENCIES. (Full List of Agents will be sent on Application.) GT. BRITAIN, IRELAND & BRITISH INDIA:— DAIRY SUPPLY Co., Ltd., 28, Museum Street, London, W.C. VICTORIA J. BARTRAM & SON, King St., Melbourne. SOUTH AUSTRALIA A. W. SANDFORD & Co., Adelaide. NEW SOUTH WALES & QUEENSLAND WAUGH & JOSEPHSON, Sussex Street, Sydney. NEW ZEALAND MASON, STRUTHERS & Co., Christchurch. SOUTH AFRICA HOWARD FARRAR Sc Co., Port Elizabeth. Worked by a Girl. The Alfa Colibri skims 16 gallons an hour. Aktiebolaget Separator, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. [Please mention this Paper. value £225 per annum, was subsequently submitted by Mr. Field and withdrawn at £4,350. There were also included in his list freehold ground rents amounting to £22 10a. per annum, secured upon eight dwelling houses in D’Eynsford-road, Camberwell-green, with reversion to the rack rents at terms varying from 54-J years to 58 years. These were sold at from 30 to 33J years’ purchase. A large amount of patron-Miscellaneous. age was also bestowed upon Mr. H. J. Bliss (Messrs. H. J. Bliss and Sons), who sold a leasehold house in Old Ford-road, Bethnal-green, producing £84 per annum, and held from the Commissioners of Woods and Forests for an unexpired term of 55 years at a ground rent of £4, for £420 ; a leasehold house and shop in the Old Kent road, let at £65 a year, and held for a term expiring in June, 1911, at a ground rent of £10, for £245 ; a leasehold family residence in Pembury-road, Lower Clapton, approached by a double carriage drive, and with a carriage house adjoining, rental value £100 per annum, 46 years unexpired, ground rent £4, for £870; and five freehold dwelling houses with shops in Cambridge-road, Bethnal■ green, together with 2,500ft. of building land in the rear, rental (actual and estimated) £164 10s. a year, for £2,770. Two houses and shops in the High-road, Edgware, practically freehold, producing £66 per annum, were withdrawn by Mr. Bliss at £1,000. Of the six lots submitted by Mr. Sidney Marler (Messrs. Marler and Marler) three were sold. They comprised a freehold residence, No. 83, Ladbroke-grove, Notting-hill, let on lease at £100 per annum, which realised £2,000 ; and two long-leasehold residences in Dartry-road, KiDg’s-road, Chelsea, producing a net rental of £74 4s. per annum, which were purchased for £780. At a sale conducted by Mr. •John J. Clarke (Messrs. Martin, Clarke and Co.) three four-roomed houses, Nos. 85, 87, and 89, Dartmouth-park-hill, Highgate, producing in weekly rents £78 per annum, leased for 81 years unexpired, total ground rent £15, were sold to a dealer for £445; whilst a freehold ground rent of £45 per annum, secured upon three blocks of artisans’ dwellings in Grosvenor-road, St. Albans, total rack rental £269 2s., reversion in 99 years, was bought in at £1,200, when the bidding had reached £800 Mr. Clarke also bought■ in six freehold residences in Walton-terrace, Woodbury-park-road, Tunbridge Wells, each containing 10 rooms, and together producing a net income of £135 a year, at £1,700. The highest offer was £1,000. Mr. C. Rawley Cross, who had sold privately a freehold ground rent of £87 8s., secured upon houses in Elmwood-gardens, Ealing-common, for £2,700, was obliged to withdraw a similar security, arising out of property known as Sinclair-mansions, Kensington. An absolute reversion to freehold properties and fully-licensed premises in Grimsby, of the rental value of £450 a year, estimated market value £10,700, life aged 61, was sold by Mr. W. B. Cranfield for £5,150. Other transactions included the sale of an improved ground rent of £38 10s. secured on property in Millbrook-road, Brixton, lease 23 years, ground rent £2 10s., by Messrs. Green and Simes for £480, and the disposal of Box 5 on the first tier, in the Albert-hall, by Mr. G. B. Smallpeice at £320. The box comprises 10 seats, each subject to an annual rate. The charge does not exceed £2 per chair, and the right is con-lerred of using or sub-letting the seats during the residue of a term of 999 years Wednesday. The freehold ground rent of City £800 attached to the block of Rents. °™ces and sale rooms known as St. Magnus House, Monument-street. King William-street, which covers an area of 4,000ft. super, and is let at actual and estimated rents amounting to £3,301, reversion in 90 years, was sold to-day by Mr. W. B. Cranfield (Messrs. H. E. Foster and Cranfield) for £23,000, or 28f years’ purchase. Bs-the-way, I am reminded that it was just here, in Pudding-lane, that the historic fire of London originated. It was here, also, that the eminent architect Sir Christopher Wren once resided ; but these facts, of course, did not affect the value of the security referred to. There were not many in the room when it was submitted, and it was not expected that Mr. Cranfield would be able to realise. The price obtained was considered satisfactory, although the auctioneer dwelt for a considerable time in the hope of getting 30 years’ purchase. Mr. E. H. Bousfield (Messrs. Edwin Fox and Bousfield) obtained between 28 and 31 years’ purchase for a large number of freehold ground rents, secured upon residences in Ambleside-avenue, Rydal-road, Mitcham-roaa and BabiDgton-road, Streat-ham, let on leases for terms having about 86 and 82 years unexpired, and producing rack rents ranging from £60 to £100 per annum. The same auctioneer also sold a ground rent of £135 per annum, arising from a modern building, No. 52, Forestreet, City, leased for 60J years from Michaelmas, 1887, with right to lessee to renew for a further term of 43J years, and held on lease at a head rent of £5, renewable in perpetuity every 14 years from Michaelmas, 1887, at a fine of £35. The premises are leased to the occupiers at £250 per annum, but they were estimated to be worth £300 per annum. The price realised was £3,500. Thursday. Upon entering the Auction Land'ait Mart this afternoon my atten-Streatharn. tion was ^rst Directed to the crowded attendance in the spacious “ A ” Boom, chartered by Messrs. Field and Sons, of the Borough. Inquiries elicited the fact that Mr. James F. Field was about to offer a freehold building estate, known as High View-park, Streatham. which no doubt was the principal source of attraction. The land, which is situated at the rear of Leigbam-court-road, near to West Norwood Station, has frontages to Canterbury-grove, Boyal-circus, and anothei road in West Norwood, also to Knollys read, Streatham, and contains an area of about 16J acres. The total frontage to existing roads is 1.200ft., and it was stated that the land was ripe for immediate building operations. Mr. Field in drawing attention to a plan of development, suggested that the creation of ground rents in respect of about 280 houses, averaging 20ft. frontage each, offered to a sydicate or speculator a most lucrative investment. It appeared that the estate is at present let on a yearly tenancy, and for the purposes of the sale notice to quit had been given, which expired on May 1, 1899. The majority of those present were evidently fully alive to the importance of this offer, for the bidding reached £14,500, at which amount the property was allowed to pass from the possession of the trustees. A freehold detached family residence, distinguished as Shenley, Leigbam-court-road, Streatham, with an acre of garden, tennis-ground and kitchen, estimated rental MODEL THE 66 1899 HAMMOND TYPEWRITER, Perfect Alignment. Uniform Impression. Any Width of Paper 32 styles of Type More New Features. A Back-space Key. Interchangeable Type. Work in Sight. 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