267 THE ESTATES GAZETTE February 18, 1899. ¿Sales ty auction. Friday, February 24, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. A J. SHEFFIELD will Sell by Auction, at XjL• the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury, E.C., the undermentioned reliable INVESTMENTS: — BROMLEY -BY-BOW.—Nos. 40, 42 and 44, High-street, Devons-road. Three centrally placed Free-nold Houses, with exceptionally large grounds in the rear, producing £75 12s. per annum. OLD FORD.—No. 3, Gernon-road, being a bay-windowed Dwelling House, with good Workshops in rear, letting at a rental of £59 16s. per annum. Lease 40 years. Annual ground rent £6. BETHNAL-GREEN.—Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Tuscan-street, Green-street. Four good letting Houses, producing £98 16s. per annum. Lease 49 years. Ground rent £18 per annum. Solicitors, Messrs. Barfield and Barfield, 72, Fins-bury-pavement, E.C. WEST HAM.—Nos. 43, 45, 47 and 49, Brunel-street, Victoria Dock-road. Four Private Houses, letting at £81 5s. per annum. Lease 61 years unexpired. Ground rent £16 per annum. Solicitors, Messrs. Worthington Evans, Bird and Hill, 35, Eastcheap, E.C. CUSTOM HOUSE.—No. 27, Freemasons'-road. Commodious premises in an excellent business centre. Also the Goodwill, Fixtures and Fittings of a fishmonger. The premises are of the estimated clear rental value of £55 per annum. Lease 86 years unexpired. Ground rent £6 6s. per annum. Solicitor, C. T. Wilkinson, Esq., 24, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street, E.C. _ POPLAR.—Nos. 25 and 26, Cotton-street, East India Dock-road. Two Freehold Houses, producing £52 per annum. . Solicitor״ E. J. Marsh, Esq., 71, East India Dock-road, Poplar, and 2, Fen-court, E.C. WILLESDEN.—Nos. 17 and 19, Talbot-road, Church-road. Two Private Houses, producing £57 4s. per annum. Lease 88 years unexpired. Ground rent £8 8s. per annum. ir . Solicitors, Messrs. Fowkes and Son, 15, Coleman-street, E.C. ., . , _ SHARES.—40 £10 Shares (£5 paid), m the Paddington Land and Building Society, Ltd., of 55, Edgware-road. _ ״ , . _. . . Solicitor, C. P. Fielder, Esq., 3 and 4, Lincoln s-inn-fields, W.C. Printed particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the respective Solicitors; at the Mart; or from the Auctioneer’s Offices, 218, East India Dock-road, Poplar, and 35, Eastcheap, E.C. Telephone Nos.: Poplar, 272 Eastern; City, 5755 Avenue. ________ Sales by Auction. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Freehold, with Possession, of THE CRAFTON HOTEL, MIDLAND-ROAD, BEDFORD. ־IWTESSBS. FLEURET, SONS and ADAMS 1YX beg to announce that the above valuable Property, which was submitted to Public Auction on Tuesday last, did not quite reach the reserve, AND MAY NOW BE TREATED FOR PRIVATELY UPON MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.C. Sales by Euctúm. The Grand Pier, close to this establishment, is to be commenced at once.—WESTON-SUPER-MARE. —The well-known old-established Restaurant, Dining Rooms, and Boarding House, with large excursion and private dining rooms, situate and being Nos. 8 and 9, in the best part of Regent-street (sea end), Weston-super-Mare, together with extensive stabling in the rear, to which there is an excellent cab trade connection. (This portion of the business, if not required, could be let off at £50 per annum.) ___ \\TANSBROUGH, SONS and SINCLAIR are VY instructed by Messrs. Kift and Stephens, retiring from business, to Sell by Private Treaty, the LEASE, GOODWILL, and Possession of the above PREMISES, which are admirably adapted, with all up-to-date requirements. The purchaser could, if he wished, easily let off one of the above houses at £90 per annum. A modern bakehouse has been recently built at the rear, so that, if desired, a good confectionery and family bakery business could be carried on. Rent for the whole, £125 per annum. Yearly returns about £2,200. Incoming, including furniture, fixtures, cutlery, glass, china, shop stock-in-trade, and all other requirements appertaining to a restaurant business, to be had on application. It is now definitely decided that a new pier will be built from the end of this street of sufficient length to enable steamers to land at any state of the tide, in consequence of which it is estimated a much larger business will be carried on, in this street particularly. For terms and particulars apply to Wansbrough, Sons and Sinclair, Weston-super-Mare.________ PERIODICAL SALES for 1899 of Estates, House Property, Building Land, Ground Rents, Shares, etc., by TV/TESSRS. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will 1YX take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, the LAST WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH. Sales for other dates may also be arranged. Special attention given to the Sale of Estates in Building Plots. . . ״ . , Railway and other Compensation Claims adjusted, as well as negotiations for the Sale and Purchase of Properties, Valuations for Probate, Mortgages, and other purposes. . ״ . , Protheroe and Morris’s Register furnishes Particulars of Residences, Investments, Land, and other Properties to be Sold or Let. / Partners : V Auction and S. F. MORRIS / Estate Offices, W. H. PROTHEROE( fi7 pr go py,pnnsid6 h. a, Morris r1&J 7’ 0ileapsidd J. B. Slade \ London, T. A. Morris j E.C. PROTHEROE AND MORRIS. LEATHERHEAD—Freehold Residence, with possession, pleasantly situate, five minutes’ walk from two railway stations. MESSRS. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will 1V-L Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, February 22, at Two o’clock, the desirable Semi-detached FREEHOLD EESIDENOE, Kingston Villa, Kingston-road, Leather-head, with seven bed rooms, bath room, two sitting rooms, offices, and good garden; rental value £45 per annum. Particulars had at the Mart; of Messrs. Layton and Webber, solicitors, 21, St. Helen's-place, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 67 and 68, Cheapside, E.C. Sale Days for the year 1899. MESSRS. DANIEL WATNEY and SONS 1YX beg to give notice that their SALES by AUCTION for LANDED ESTATES. FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD and COPYHOLD PROPERTIES, Building Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, Stocks, Shares and other Securities will take place at the Mart, E.C., on the following days, viz: — Thursday, March 16. Thursday, July 13. Thursday, April 20. Thursday, July 27. Thursday, May 18. Thursday, September 14. Thursday, June 15. Thursday, October 19. Thursday, June 29. Thursdav, November 16. Thursday, July 6. Thursday, December 14. Messrs. Daniel Watney and׳ Sons will be glad to receive particulars of any Properties intended for Sale on either of the above dates, but other sale days can he arranged. 33, Poultry, E.C. Telephone No. 968 Bank. Telegraphic address, “ Watney, Poultry, London.״ A HANDBOOK OF AUCTION LAW.—An invaluable work of reference for Auctioneers. Revised and brought up to date.—By W. Archbutt Pocock. of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Second Edition. Price 5s. net.—Estates Gazette office. By direction of the Executrix, Mrs. Martins, and in consequence of her continued ill-health. THE OGLANDER TAVERN, OGLANDER-ROAD, EAST DULWICH. Choice Suburban Wine and Spirit Establishment, in the possession of a large, easily worked, and most independent business, the house being upon a protected estate. M ’־'־ — . Proprietress■ to Submit to Auction, at the Masons' Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basinghall-street, E.C., shortly, the VALUABLE LEASE FOE ABOUT THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS, AT THE EXCEEDINGLY LOW RENTAL OF £140 PER ANNUM, . together with the Goodwill and Possession, of the above EXCELLENT SUBURBAN WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT, EXTENSIVE AND EASILY MANAGED BUSINESS, DONE AT LARGE PROFITS, and undoubtedly capable of much increase under more energetic management. The house was erected at great cost a few years ago, and has EXCELLENT BUSINESS ACCOMMODATION, TOGETHER WITH A MOST COMFORTABLE HOME. Altogether this property affords exceptional inducements to those who are searching for A GENUINE AND EASILY WORKED BUSINESS. May be viewed by card, and particulars obtained of Messrs. Bayley, Adams, Hawker and Noble, solicitors, Raydon House, Potter’s-flelds, Tooley-street, S.E. ; and of the Auctioneers. Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.C. Important Preliminary. Long Free Lease, with Possession, of a justly celebrated West-end Wine and Spirit Establishment, situate on a busy main thoroughfare, with enormous local surroundings, and possessing an immense and rapidly increasing trade of the highest class. - Proprietor to Submit to Auction, shortly, the LONG FREE LEASES AT A MODERATE RENT, greatly reduced by underletting, together with the EXCEEDINGLY VALUABLE GOODWILL, of the DAISY WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT, BROMPTON-ROAD, with shop adjoining. This property is situate close to THE JUNCTION OF SLOANE-STREET AND THE BROMPTON-ROAD, opposite Tattersall's, and in the immediate vicinity of EXTENSIVE FLATS AND OTHER BUILDINGS in course of erection, which will afford VAST ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF BUSINESS. Further particulars will be duly announced. Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.C. Important Preliminary. To be Sold by direction of the Proprietress, Mrs. Matilda Gardner, after a long occupation, in consequence of failing health, THE NOTED TURK’S HEAD, OLD KENT-ROAD, occupying one of the finest positions in this exceedingly busy and improving thoroughfare, immediately opposite the Commercial-road (a direct route to Peckham), and in the enjoyment of a very extensive and high-class business, which has for years been conducted entirely under female management. ־ pare for Sale by Auction shortly, the LEASE FOR ABOUT FIFTY-SIX YEARS, AT A ■MODERATE RENTAL, reduced by the receipt of ground rents from houses in the rear and other underlettings, together with the goodwill in trade and possession, of this CELEBRATED WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT. It is scarcely necessary to eulogise this property, as it is well known to be ONE OF THE BEST LICENSED HOUSES IN THE SOUTH OF LONDON. The Auctioneers will, therefore, only call attention to some of the most important of its characteristics : (1.) THE EXCEEDINGLY PROFITABLE CHANCE TRADE derived from the immense pedestrian and vehicular traffic steadily upon the increase. ״״״״ (2) THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SURROUNDINGS affording, beyond the average, the elements of an independent local business, and the large and thriving establishments close by from which it enjoys great patronage. (3.) THE EXTENT AND INDEPENDENCE OF THE BUSINESS, which is chiefly counter trade at the best of prices (4 ) THAT IT IS THOROUGHLY UNWORKED AND CAPABLE OF GREAT IMPROVEMENT. The Vendor courts inquiry as to the extent and profits of the trade, for which purpose the books and balance sheets may be inspected at the Auctioneers’ offices at convenient hours in the day time. The premises may be viewed only by a card from the Auctioneers, from whom further particulars may be obtained; also from Messrs. Marson, Son and Haigh, solicitors, No. 1, Southwark-bndge-road, S.E. _ __ Auction Offices23 ״, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.G. Preliminary. Bijou Wine and Spirit Establishment, excellently placed in the best part of the Strand district, between the Adelphi and the Vaudeville Theatres. THE NELL G WYNNE, BULL INN-COURT, STRAND. Free lease about 40 years, at a moderate inclusive rent. TV/TESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER are 1YX instructed by the Proprietor to Prepare for Sale by Auction, shortly, unless sold privately beforehand, the above HANDSOMELY FITTED PROPERTY, which has recently been modernised with great taste at a large expense, and is approached by a most attractive entrance way from the Strand. Fuller details in preparation. In the meantime cards to view may be obtained at the Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, W.C. 23 FULLY-LICENSED FREEHOLD HOTELS, ROADSIDE INNS, and PUBLIC-HOUSES in MONMOUTHSHIRE. lyTESSKS. DRIVER and CO. are favoured X-Tjl. with instructions from the most Honourable the Marquis of Worcester to Sell by Auction, at the Westgate Hotel, Newport, Mon., on Wednesday, March 8, 1899, at 2.30 p.m. precisely, in 23 Lots, as under, the valuable FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED HOUSES, let at low rents, occupying excellent positions, and all capable of doing a much improved trade: — о Description of Property. Tenancy. Rent. £22 10 0 19 10 0 15 155 (app’rt’n’d) 20 0 0 30 10 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 7 10 0 (app’rt’n’d) 1 0 46 10 0 (app’rt’n’d) 24 0 0 17 15 0 (app’rt’n’d) 19 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 35 0 0 (app’rt’n’d) 20 0 0 100 0 0 24 0 0 34 0 0 16 10 0 19 0 0 (app’rtV d) Yearly Yearly Yearly Leased for 9£ yrs. unexpired Leased for 1C yrs. unexpirec Yearly Life lease now expired Leased for lif׳ 77 Yearly Yearly Leased for 18 yrs. unexpired Leased for 38£ yrs. unexpirec Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly Leased for 20 yrs. unexpired Yearly Yearly Leased for 17 yrs. unexpired Yearly Yearly Yearly AtCHEPSTOW-“ Three Tuns,” Bridge-street, at entrance to the Castle, with part of garden adjoining ............ “ Old Wye House,” at corner of St. Anne’s-lane, “ Chepstow Boat ” and Warehouse, facing the River Wye .. •• •• “Beaufort ArmsHotel’ ) in Beaufort - square, > centre of town.. *• ) “White Lion,” High־) street, near the old Town 1 gate.................J “GreyhoundInn.”Moor-) 8treet,with part of House 1 and Garden adjoining.. ) At WENTWOOD— “Fox and Hounds,” at Penyeaemawr, near the ruins of Cas Troggy .. At WOLVESNEWTON-**Plough,” on the Chep-stow-road, near the Criga-hill At TRELLECK— “ Fountain,” on the Tintern to Trelleck-road.. At TINTERN— “ Cherry Tree,” near the Tin-plate Works “ Royal George Hotel,” at the cross¿ roads in Tintern............_ Rose and Crown,” in \ delightful position, [ overlooking the River [ Wye ...............) “Anchor Inn, close to the ruins of Tintern Abbey At LLANSOY— “Cross Keys,” on the Llandenny to Llanishen road............. At DINGESTOW— “ Somerset Arms,” on the main Monmouth to Raglan road . At MONMOUTH-“ Plough,” Buckholt on Old Hereford road .. “ Royal Oak,” one mile ) from the Town on Old > Hereford road .. .. ) ‘־Cherry Tiee,” Cinder-hill-street, near the Troy Station............... “ Beaufort Arms Hotel,’ in Agincourt-square, adjoining tne Shire Hall “ Griffin," St. Mary’ cross-streets “ White Hart,” and Two Dwellings and Garden adjoining, in Wyebridge- street................ "Travellers’ Rest,” and Three Cottages near the Mayhill Station, on Cole- ford road ............ AtREDBROOK-׳* Bush,” outside the) Redbiook Station ne enne nan n,” at corner of ) y’s and White- > eets .. .. J } 14 15 18 19 20 21 23 Sales is Euctton. As a going concern. . . . In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Mr. Justice Byrne. “ Sharp v. Sharp.” DARTFORD, KENT.—Baltic Saw Mills, together with the machinery, plant and goodwill of the firm of James Sharp and Sons. With possession. EIGHT FREEHOLD SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES known as Nos. 1 to 7, and 21 to 27 (odd), Hythe-street. Also the SHAFTESBURY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, being No. 9, Hythe-street. FREEHOLD SHOP, being No. 2, High-street. SIX FREEHOLD HOUSES, being Nos. 56 to 66 (even), St. Alban’s-road. ״ , . , EIGHT FREEHOLD COTTAGES, being Nos. lo to 59 (odd), Albion-terrace, Overy-street. FREEHOLD CORNER SHOP, being the Post Office, Stone, with Stabling in rear. _ LONG LEASEHOLD HOUSE, being No. 1, Elm-road, CAPITAL DETACHED FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as Hazelhurst, Miskin-road. Nearly the whole being let on leases to good tenants at rents producing about £832 per annum—Messrs. HUMBERT and FLINT (fche persons appointed by Mr. Justice Byrne) will Offer the above important PROPERTIES for Sale by Auction at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, March 9, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in numerous׳ Lots. Particulars of Messrs. Martineau and Reid, solicitors, 2, Raymond-buildings, Gray’s-mn, W.C.; of Messrs. Guillaume and Sons, solicitors, 9, Salisbury-square, Fleet-street, E.C.; at the principal hotels in Dartford; and of Messrs. Humbert anu Flint, land agents and auctioneers, 11, Serle-street, Lincoln s-inn, W.C. The above, which will be offered in separate Lots, present to brewers, the licensed trade, and public generally, a wide field! for investment in an ever-increasing business. Printed particulars, with plans, can be had at the place of sale; at each of the above houses; at the Auction Mart and Estate Exchange, Lothbury, London; of Messrs. Williams and James, vendor’s׳ solicitors, Norfolk House, Thames Embankment, W.C.; of James Gray, Esq., solicitor (Messrs. Pemberton, Cope and Gray), 5, New-court, Lincoln’s-inn, London, W.C.; of S. H. Cowper Coles, Esq.., Estate Office, Troy, Monmouth; ׳and of Messrs. Driver and Co., surveyors, land agents and auctioneers, 23, Pall Mall (late of 4, Whitehall), London, S.W. SLOUGH. TV/TESSRS. WILLIS and CROUCH will Sell 1YL by Auction, at the Royal Hotel, Slough, on Tuesday, February 21, 1899, at Six o’clock, FOUR FREEHOLD VILLAS, known as 1 to 4, Rose-terrace, Colonial-road, Slough, near the station, of attractive elevation, exceedingly well-built, containing five rooms each. Gardens in rear and forecourts. Let to good tenants at 7s. 6d. per week each, or together per annum, £78, landlord paying outgoings. A safe and improving investment. May be viewed. Particulars and conditions of sale at the place of sale; and of Messrs. WALLER and SONS, Solicitors, 75, Coleman-street, E.C. Messrs. WILLIS and CROUCH, Auctioneers and Surveyors, Uxbridge and Southall. Foithcoming Sales for the Year 1899. MESSRS. E. and H. LUMLEY (Lumley’s, of St. James’s House, 22, St. James’s-street, London, S.W.) beg to announce the following days of SALE by AUCTION for the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.; but, in addition, other dates can be arranged for special sales.—Terms on application. Tuesday, June 20 Tuesday, July 4 Tuesday, July 18 Tuesday, Aug. 15 Tuesday, Sep. 12 Messrs. E. and H. Lumley announce in the advertisement columns of “ The Times ” on Saturdays a complete list of their sales, which will include estates in England, Ireland and Scotland, town and country properties, ground rents, reversions, gas and water shares, stocks, etc. In cases where property is to be included ample notice should be given in order to insure due publicity. St. James’s House, No. 22, St. James’s-stre^t SW. Tuesday, Oct. 17 Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuesday, Nov. 28 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Tuesday, Mar. 14 Tuesday, April 25 Tuesday, May 23 Tuesday June 6 HAMMERSMITH, GUNNERSBURY, WALHAM-GREEN, SHEPHERD’S BUSH, CHISWICK and SOUTH ACTON. MR J. C. PLATT will Offer for Sale by Auction, at his Mart, Studland Hall, King-street, Hammersmith, on Tuesday evening, February 21, 1899, at Seven o’clock, the following INVESTMENTS:— , ,״ , The Life Interest of a lady, aged 39 years, secured upon the fully-licensed Beer-house, known as the Lord Napier, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, together with two Life Policies for £100 and £150 respectively. Seventeen Leasehold Villa Residences, being Nos. 4, 6 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 26, 28, 62, 64, 66, 70, 72, and Nos. 1 and 2, Berkeley-villas, St. Mary’s-grove, Gnnners-bury. Let and producing £660 per annum. Held for long unexpired terms, at moderate ground rents. The well-built Dwelling House, being No. 61, Epirus-road, Walham-green. Estimated rental value £46 16s. per annum. Held for a long unexpired term, at a moderate ground rent. Five Leasehold Houses, being Nos. 37, 39, 41, 43 and 45, Askew-road, Shepherd’s Bush. All let and producing £178 per annum. Held for long unexpired terms at moderate ground rents. Solicitors, Messrs. Marshal and Co., 96, King-street, Hammersmith. . , , , , The Bijou Villa Residence, with coach-house and stabling, being No. 43, St. Beter’s-square, Hammersmith. Rental value £42 per annum. Held for an unexpired term, at a moderate ground rent.—Solicitors, Messrs. Beaumont and Son, 23, Lincoln s-mn-fields, W.C. ___ THE LION BREWERY, PRINCES RISBOROUGH, BUCKS, comprising excellent home premises, residence, malt-house, and cottages, together with 80 hotels, public and beer houses, of which 62 are Freehold and Copyhold. MESSRS. ALFRED THOMAS, PETER and MILES have received instructions to Sell the above by Auction, in One Lot, at the Mart, London, on Monday, February 20, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. The rents receivable exceed £1,000 per annum, and the sales represent about £15,000. The houses generally are of a good type, and well situate in Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Thame, Ohesham, Leighton, Dunstable, Luton, Great Missenden, and other towns and villages in the district. Detailed particulars, conditions of sale, and plans may be obtained of Messrs. Horwood and James, solicitors, Aylesbury; and of Messrs. Alfred Thomas, Peyer and Miles, brewery auctioneers and valuers, 2, Adelaide-place, London Bridge, E.C._________ FULHAM. Licensed Freehold Property, known as the EAGLE BREWERY, Aintree-street, Fulham, comprising dwelling house, spacious stores, yard, offices, and stabling, together with the valuable reversion. MESSRS. ALFRED THOMAS, PETER aud 1VX MILES will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, London, on Monday, February 20, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. The property possesses extensive and very valuable frontage to the street, and is let to the New Phoenix Brewery Company (Limited), on a repairing lease, having about 47 years to run, at the nominal rent of £60 per annum. Particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Millington and Simpson, solicitors, Boston, Lincoln; and of the Auctioneers, as in above foregoing advertisement. ___________________ For occupation and investment. MESSRS. FORTES CUE and BRANSON 111 will Sell by Auction, at their Mart, 54a, Gold-liawk-road, on Tuesday evening, February 28, 1899, at 7.30 sharp:— _ The LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and PREMISES, known as 26, Coningham-road; let at 14s. 6d. per week; ground rent £6 per ,annum. And A charming BIJOU RESIDENCE, known as 47, Bolingbroke-road, West Kensington; long lease at £7 10s. ground rent. With possession. Also The well-built and attractive RESIDENCE, known as 48, Basslin-park-road, Rylett-road, W.; lease 980 years, at £8. Vendor will give possession on completion of purchase. , ,, RAVE'NSCOURT-PARK.— No. 38, Wendell-road, Rylett-road. Lease 80 years, at £6. Rental value £30 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Shaen, Roscoe and Co., 8, Bedford-row, W.C. WEST KENSINGTON—No. 14, Bichmond-gardens. Let and producing 28s. per week. Lease 64 years, at £9 ground rent. , ,s _ ., ANERLElh—25, Stodart-road. Freehold Residence, producing 13s. 6d. weekly. Solicitor, F. Hatton, Esq., 150, Strand, W.C. Particulars and conditions of sale of the Auctioneers, on application at 54a, Goldhawk-road (next Railway Bridge)._______________________________ With possession. CAMBERWELL-GREEN. ־MESSRS. PRALL and PRALL will Sell by J.YL Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Tuesday, March 7, 1899, at Two o’clock, an excellent FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as No. 37, Camberwell-green, at present in hand, but of the estimated rental value of £60 per annum. The property has a frontage of 33ft. 9in. to Camberwell-green, and a depth of about 150ft., and contains an area of about 5,050 square feet. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart; of Messrs. Prall, Son and Prall, solicitors, Rochester; and of the Auctioneers, Dartford and Rochester.