February 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 266 PARTNERSHIPS— CONTINUER. A UCTIONEER, AGENT, havin HOUSE and ESTATE AGENT, having a sound seaside business, is willing to take into partnership a gentleman who, in addition to being able to share in the usual routine work, must understand surveying and be thoroughly competent to undertake agricultural sales, valuations, etc.—Please state age, how long held a license, nature of experience, and in what county gained. Replies treated in confidence.— “ East Coast ” (626), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. _ sirous of obtaining an APPOINTMENT with view to partnership in a well-established business; highest references given and required.—Address “B.” (628), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. SITUATIONS WANTED—CONTINUED !!7ANTED, by a competent and experienced ' » auctioneer, valuer, and fire loss assessor, to SUPERVISE or take sole MANAGEMENT in good concern, or branch; practical accountant.—Address “ Hammer ” (582), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. . London or large town, with ultimate view to partnership preferred.—“ H. B.” (625), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. itti sa il aimotts AGENTS WANTED for the SALE OF I*■ NATIVE GUANO, the best and cheapest Manure for all farm and garden crops.—The Native Guano Company, Limited, 29, New Bridge-street. Black-friars. London, E.C. rno AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE and ESTATE -1 AGENTS.—Advertiser (21) desires ENGAGEMENT in office of above; six years’ good experience; well up in bookkeeping, inventory work, house agency and canvassing, insurance, etc., and general office routine; excellent references.—O. Jewell, 3, Exeter-place, Grosvenor-street, Cheltenham. A MEMBER of the Surveyors’ Institution, having sound experience in office management, capable correspondent and of good address, seeks responsible position with established London firm. —“Durston” (630), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. toaithits. YACÄNT. A GENTS Required in unrepresented districts ■aA. for the Imperial Accident, Live Stock and General Insurance Co., Limited. Established 1878. Horses, Cattle, etc., Insured against Death from Accident and' Disease. Claims paid, £150,000. Address. Mr. B. S. Essex, manager, 17, Pall Mall East, London, S.W. TO BE SOLD, RENT CHARGE in lieu of -L tithes, issuing out of lands in the County of Southampton, commuted at £282 per annum.—For particulars apply by letter to Metcalfe and Sharpe, solicitors, 40, Chancery-lane, London. rno PARENTS and GUARDIANS.—An J- established auctioneer, surveyor, land and estate agent, having City and suburban offices (three), and good general business, has a vacancy for an ARTICLED PUPIL; term three or five years; every facility given to acquire a thorough knowledge of the business and to qualify under personal supervision of the principal (a Fellow of Surveyors' Institution); moderate premium, part returned in salary.—Apply “Forest” (600), ESTATES GAZETTE office. 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. !HOUSE AGENCY CLERK Wanted at once -!J- in Suburban office, age about 22.—Apply in writing only, stating age, experience and salary required, “ C.,” c/o Mr. Batten, 26, Whiteley-road, Norwood, S.E. ARCHITECTS and SURVEYORS.—A !A. of soundlv established auctioneers, with firm of soundly established auctioneers, with first-rate connection and two branches, have Vacancy for a competent ARCHITECT and SURVEYOR ; half share of results offered; premium of 100 guineas required; highest references given and essential.— “ Energy ” (621), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E..C "DEQUIRED immediately by a firm of City Lt land agents and auctioneers, a competent and energetic CLERK, who can introduce and obtain business.—Reply, with full particulars and salary, to “Vacancy” (622), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6. St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED, a Competent CLERK, must be accustomed to general agricultural business, well up in bookkeeping, neat draughtsman, making and checking inventories, farm and weekly stock A sales; good references.—Apply, stating age, experience and salary required, to Messrs. Cook and Birmingham, auctioneers, Tiverton, Devon. ARTICLED PUPIL.—Vacancy occurs in -FA. office of old-established firm of auctioneers and estate agents on south coast; premium and references required.—Address, Bance, Hunt and Co., Southampton. ־OEQUIRED at once in an Auctioneer’s Office ! t in a northern suburb, a SHORTHAND CLERK. —Reply by letter, stating age and salary required, to “ P.” (627), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ffrûfassumal. CUBVETOES’ INSTITUTION. — Mr. Graham Mould’s Classes for next year’s examinations will recommence Tuesday, May 2 (P.A.S.I.), and Thursday, May 4 (F.S.I.). Entries may be made and advance papers studied now. At the last three Fellowship examinations all Mr. Mould’s pupils were successful. Also P.A.S.I. (1897) Penfold Silver Medal and Driver Prize.—Syllabus upon application to Mr. Graham Mould, F.S.I., 25, Great James-street, Bedford-row. Telephone 228 Holborn. Lecture room, 3, John-street, Bedford-row. T7'ACANCY occurs in office of old-established » firm of auctioneers and estate agents; will be under personal supervision; moderate premium, returned in salary.—Apply “ A. B.” (606), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. AUCTIONEERS and LAND AGENTS.—A firm near London, with sound connection and two branches, have Vacancy for ARTICLED PUPIL; splendid opportunitv of learning all branches of the business under principal’s supervision; moderate premium.—Address, Box (620), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. rpo PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMENA- V TIONS.—Complete courses of preparation in class or by correspondence in all divisions and subdivisions. At the last four examinations the following. prizes were obtained by Mr. Parry’s pupils: — 1895 and 18%, Institution Prize. Driver Prize and Penfold Siiver Medal; 1897, Institution Prize and Special Prize; 1898, Institution Prize, Special Prize, Driver Prize, and Penfold Silver Medal, and Crawter Prize (one of the two bracketed winners of the last). At the Examination of last March, more than half of the successful list were Mr Parry’s pupils.—Apply to Mr. Richard Parry, F.S.I., A.M.I.C.E., 27, Great George-street, Westminster (immediately opposite the Surveyors’ Institution). S URVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINE TIONS.— Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I. by examination, assisted in the law subjects by Mr. M.A., Barrister-at-Law, Author of the Law of Landed Estates,” the “Law of Fixtures,” Editor of the “ Law and Practice of Dilapidations, etc., prepare candidates for the above examinations in all divisions and sub-divisions. Complete course in class or by correspondence. Personal instruction. Driver prize and Penfold silver medal.—Syllabus on application to Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, 100, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.— Auctioneers’ Institute Examinations.—Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I., and Mr. Sidney Wright. M.A , Barrister-at-Law, also prepare candidates for the examinations of this Institute. (Address as above). LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS and VALUERS.—Gentleman requires position as PUPIL or IMPROVER after Easter with good firm having country connection in England; resident preferred.—“ E. S. W. D.,” West Milton, Melplash, R.S.O.. Dorset. Partorsbras. ________ son of a nobleman's agent, and at present managing estates in the home counties with the home farms etc., desires RE-ENGAGEMENT or PARTNERSHIP in a good firm.—“ M. E. Z.” (580), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. CANITAR.Y INSPECTORS.—EXAMINA- ! TIONS for qualification under the SANITARY INSTITUTE. A qualified Surveyor, and holder of certificates of competency in sanitary knowledge and building construction, is prepared to coach Ladies and Gentlemen for these Exams, by correspondence PS?S e?tlrely conditional on the pupil’s success, pay-able after passing, bar a nominal guarantee of good w!thtTpeo• B• Dafforn. P.A.S.I., 25, High-street, Wimbledon. AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE EXAMINA- „ TIONS.—Preparation for the A.A.I. Exam, of March, 1900. by Mr. J. H. W. Wheeler, F.S.I., F.A.I. Assoc. Sanit. Inst. The second annual course commences end of May next, and may be taken by correspondence or personally. — For particulars address, 189, Fulham-road, South Kensington, S.W PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAJVIINA-TIONS -—BIRMINGHAM and MIDLANDS.—Messrs. Donne and Raffety. F.S.I.. undertake the preparation of candidates for the Land Agency sub-division of these examinations. Practical work mav be seen on estates.—Particulars and terms on application. 71, Temple-row, Birmingham. ASPATR1A AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (Via Carlisle). FOUVDE15 1874. SITUATED IN ONE OF THE FINEST STOCK-RAISING DISTRICTS OF THE COUNTRY. Approved by the Council of the Surveyors’ Insti-t tution as affording professional instruction, special preparation for Preliminary and Professional Associateship Examinations (Land Agency Section). Six Farms, Dairy and Workshops. For Prospectus and lists of successes apply to the Principal, J. Smith Hill, B.A., B.Sc., Prizeman of the Royal Agricultural Society, Associate of the Surveyors’ Institution. ADVERTISER, age 35, with 17 years’ ex-perience, wants PARTNERSHIP in auctioneer’s business; midlands preferred; with private treaty sales in land and property; would purchase business or start one in Birmingham if suitable party offered to join; agricultural auctioneering objected to.—“ Energy ” (590), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St Bride-street, E.C. !!!ANTED, a MANAGER in a leading West-’ » end suburban office; must especially be an able negotiator and able to take, in principal’s absence, entire management of a large staff and house agency business; must be energetic and hard worker, able to value furniture, and had varied experience in auction work; to a capable man a good position and prospects would be assured.—Particulars, giving age, experience and salary required, to “ Auctioneer ” (631), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED C[UB-AGENT.—Mr. Stanley H. Page, F.S.I., ׳y Ramsgate, can thoroughly recommend a practical farmer to look after one or more large farms; well experienced in mixed farming, and with all kinds of stock; excellent references.—Apply as above. SHORTHAND WRITER (Certificated) and ^ Typist, of good address and appearance, desires engagement as OOEBESPONDENOE CLEKK, or otherwise; knowledge of house agency, etc • excellent references; moderate salary.—“ K ” (595) Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. LINCOLNSHIRE LAND AGENTS’ ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of •the Lincolnshire Land Agents’ and Tenant-right Valuers’ Association was held at the Central Sale Room, Lincoln, on February 3. Mr. C. J. Calthrop, as the retiring president, named Mr. John Royce as the elected vice-president for 1899, and addressed the meeting upon his retirement, and then Mr. C. W. Tindall, F.S.I., of Wainfleet, the president for the year, took the chair. Mr. W. F. Turner (of Sleaford), Mr. W. A. Richardson and Mr. J. Taylor (Mayor of Louth) were elected members of the committee in the place of those who retired by rotation. The financial statement, reporting an increase of funds to the amount of £20, was passed, and the auditor (Mr. F. Bartholomew) was thanked for his services, and received a grant of £5 5s. in respect of his services for the past five years. A long discussion took place upon the notice of Mr. W. H. Godfrey, “ That the allowance for basic phosphate be extended.” After full consideration of the proposal, and of several amendments, the following was agreed upon, viz., “ Pasture land, on a three years’ principle ; roots, the whole cost of that used with the last year’s crops ; meadow, half the cost of that used for the crop of hay cut during the last year of the tenancy.” The proposal of Mr. Saul with regard to the trimming of hedges was 'lost. As there was not time to discuss the action of the Notts Association in reference to the proposed Agricultural Holdings Bill of Mr. Ohan-ning and others, the consideration of it was deferred. The members, to the number of 53, afterwards dined together at the Saracen’s Head Hotel. After dinner and the honouring of the loyal and other toasts, the question of the proposed amendments of the Agricultural Holdings Act was referred to by the president, the retiring president, Mr. Hanson (chairman of the Notts Association), and others. The action of the Notts Association was commended, and it was considered that several clauses of the Bill must be stoutly opposed by the several associations. A TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE, London or country.—Experienced CLERK is willing to prepare auction particulars, posters, catalogues, inventories, specifications, valuations, sale clerking reports, registers, etc., etc.; terms per day or other-wise. Write B.,” 3, The Avenue, Kew-gardens, London, S.W. (Kindly keep address for future reference.) סרך AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. -J- —Young gentleman (25), with moderate capital at command and eight years’ experience, desires a SITUATION in an established firm with a view to partnership; full information required and highest references given.—“ J. B.,” 30, Richmond-terrace, Clifton, Bristol. סרך AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, -f Etc.—PARTNERSHIP REQUIRED by expe-rienaea auctioneer; thoroughly acquainted with freehold and other properties (land or building), agricultural and other stock, tenant-right, furni-ture, etc., agency and other routine; thoroughly good valuer and arbitrator; reliable salesman; 17 years continual experience; highest references.— Apply to “ Expert ” (601), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. 'PARTNERSHIP (owing to the death of one -L of the partners) offered in one of the leading auctioneering firms in the Midland counties; several bmithfields and very extensive general business in property and stock sales, valuing, etc.; established over 50 years.—Apply, in strict confidence, to “ Auctioneer ’ (605), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. rpo AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS and r AGENTS—Advertiser (aged 35), who has had large practical experience in town and the provinces, is desirous of securing a partnership in an established business; or position as assistant with view to same; highest references; all communications will be treated in strictest confidence.—Please address “D.’’ (609), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St Bride-street, E.C. TTNERGETIC MAN (35), now Manager for estate agent in large town, and principally 111 negotiating private sales, desires PARTNERSHIP in sound, well-established business, with good scope; full investigation required and invited; state capital necessary.—Address, in first instance ■Yorks” !602), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A GENTLEMAN, graduate of Cambridge . University, with sound practical experience, having been articled with a well-known firm of auctioneers, surveyors, and valuers, and having capital at his command, is desirous of entering a well-established business with a view to partnership• highest references given and required.—" Cantab ” (524). ESTATES GAZETTE office. 6, St. Bride-street E C PARTNERSHIP.—Auctioneer (Midlands) -L requires young energetic man as PARTNER; capital £250 to £450, according to share taken; pupil partner or uartner to purchase business in «hort time might be entertained.—State age, qualifications, and which of above terms desired to “Property” (624), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. VOUNG MAN, age 21, four years’ experience, A^ATrÎÎlr®?1-as ar,fcicled Pupil, requires an ENGAGEMENT with good firm of auctioneers and valuers; used to weekly stock sales; well up in valuations, iarm sales, and farm management generally; first-class references; could act as assistant steward if required; low salary would be accepted for first year.—Mumford House, Kingsnorth, near Ashford Kent. !?STATE OFFICE.—Wanted, Situation as .. JUNIOR CLERK; age 18; shorthand and type-wnter; for character apply Blennerhassett, estate agent, Cnckhowell; excellent references if required ■Richmond Young, Fro, Crickhowell. ADVERTISER (19) Requires SITUATION tVttvtivvt■» auctioneer's and estate agent’s office as JUNIOR CLERK; four years’experience; references r4iplX ‘‘,S• S• S•” (612)> ESTATES GAZETTE office' 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. Hanö aitò üüitsts. T!EVELOPMENT of BUILDING ESTATES J-I —Owners of large or small estates in any approved locality in England are invited to furnish particnlars of their property to Messrs. G. A. and J. Hall, of Valkyrie, Colney Hatch-lane, Muswell-hill. N.. whose speciality is the development of building estates, and who are prepared either to purchase outright or to arrange mutual terms for the successful development of the same. rpO AUCTIONEERS and VALUERS.—Ad- -L vertlser, who has served three years as articled pupil to large Midland firm of auctioneers and valuers, is a member of Midland Tenant-right Valuers' Association by examination, seeks situation as IMPROVER ; to commence at a moderate salary with view to improvement.—Apply S. D. Taylor’ Packington House, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. rpO AUCTIONEERS.—Advertiser, with three J- years’ experience with leading Brighton firm seeks IMPROVER CLERKSHIP, with or without view to ultimate partnership, in good auctioneer’s office; country town preferred; understands house agency, inventory, sale work, surveying, etc. ; moderate salary.—“ Sales,” Soham Villa, Brettell-lane, Stourbridge. rpo AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. J- —Advertiser (age 25), P.A.S.I., with eight ears' experience in West-end office, seeks RE-ENGAGE-MENT; excellent references.—“ C. D." (623), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. T° AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS and ESTATE AGENTS.—Advertiser, aged 21, desires ENGAGEMENT with above; just completed articles (three years) with one of the best firms in West of England: well up in the general routine of auctioneers’ and valuers’ work in all its branches.— T. Humphreys, Dolgnan, Newtown, Mon. AN ARCHITECT and SURVEYOR of 20 -UL years’ practical experience, seeks an appointment as RESIDENT ARCHITECT or AGENT to a large estate; references given.—“ P. Q.” (598), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A DVERTISER, ־wdio has held Auctioneer’s license for 12 months, and has completed articles with auctioneer and valuer in the Midlands, desires ENGAGEMENT with firm, where, in consideration of small salary, further experience could be obtained; well up in all office work, bookkeeping, etc.; excellent references.—Apply “ J. R.” (629), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. !?OR SALE, a Bargain and a Good Invest-T ment.—A Country Residence, including in all 20 rooms, with grounds well laid1 out. including two lawns, shrubberies, flower beds, fruit trees, and a kitchen garden; ten glasshouses and1 three cottages: good stabling and coach-bouse; in all about four acres; situate in a very pleasant and healthy position, and in a good vicinity for the hunt; gas and water laid on everywhere.—Price £2,600.—Apply to T. H. Higgins, Rockcliffe, Wellingborough, Norths. WORCESTERSHIRE, near Malvern Hills. V V small Freehold Estate (12 acres) for Sale, with house, cottage and buildings, part orcharding; on main road.—Particulars apply “ G.,” 24, Digby-road, Finsbury-park, N. SMALL Nicely-Furnished HOUSE Wanted in the neighbourhood of New Barnet; drawing room, dining room, three or four bed rooms, usual offices, stable for one horse, with tennis lawn preferred; wanted for six months from March 25; tenant’s option for further three if required; drains to be in thorough order: price about £12 per month. Order to view.—Apply Box (619), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. BERMONDSEY.—FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE for Sale; 11,130ft.; ten minutes from London Bridge; nrice moderate.—Apply Messrs. Woulfe, 37, Bloomsbury-square. BALLYARDS MANSION HOUSE, COUNTY ARMAGH. FOR LETTING. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. This is a charming Country Residence, built in modern style, and elegantly finished with stained glass and semi-arched dome light to hall and staircase. It contains very large drawing and dining rooms, studv. nine bed rooms, two dressing rooms, bath room (hot and cold water), lavatory, servants’ apartments, etc., etc. There are two conservatories, communicating with drawing room. The turret tower commands a magnificent view of the surrounding country, and from it can be seen the two cathedrals of Armagh, and the Palaces of the Archbishop of All Ireland and the Cardinal Primate. The mansion is handsomely furnished and has every modern convenience. It stands high in its own domain, and overlooks a well-wooded plantation, which art and nature have combined to make a nlace of much beauty. Through it runs a trout stream. The lawn, pleasure grounds and flower gardens are laid out with great taste, and there is a good kitchen garden and apple orchard. There are two gate lodges, also a carriage drive of three-quarters of a mile. There is also the best of stable accommodation, and office houses. It is two miles distant from the city of Armagh, and within one mile of a nost. telegraoh and money order office. Pillar box near one of the gate lodges. In the neighbourhood are clubs for hunting, golfing, lawn tennis, hockey, and cricket, fishing and shooting. The house and pleasure grounds would be let separately. Terms and all information on anplicatiou to p. P. MARTIN and CO., English-street, ARMAGH.