FEBRUARY 11, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, 248 S>al«¡ J)g auction. 69, SOUTH-SIDE, CLAPHAM COMMON. Sound Freehold Investment. MAY and BOWDEN are No. ־lyTESSBS. O-IJ- structed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C , on Friday, February 24, 1899, at Two o'clock pre--the above valuable FREEHOLD SHOP PROPERTY, let at £95 pe- annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C. ; of Messrs. Nunn and Popham, solicitors, 140, Leadenhall-street, E.C. ; or of the Auctioneers, 39, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. Crown Leasehold. No. 116, NEW OXFORD-STREET, 'd' dle north side, close to Tottenham-court-road lyTESSBS. MAY and BOWDEN are in- L’-1- structed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C , on Friday, February 24, 1899. at Two o’clock pre-׳ai’?v,e val״able CORNER SHOP and PREMISES, which are held direct from the Com-missioners of Woods and Forests for over 26 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £52 10s. per annum, and let on repairing lease at a rental of £350 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Leslie and Hardy solicitors., 17, Bedford-row, W.C.; or of the Auc¡ tioneers, 39, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. No. 204, ADELAIDE-ROAD, SOUTH HAMPSTEAD five minutes’ walk from Swiss Cottage and Loudoun-road Stations. lyTESSBS. MAY and BOWDEN are in- ־1־^־structed to' Sell by Auction, at the Mart E C on Friday, February 24, 1899, at Two o’clock pre-msely the above desirable Long LEASEHOLD, semidetached RESIDENCE, with large garden, held for a53 ™?״^ years «11expired, at a ground rent of £14 14s. per annum, and let on repairing lease at £70 per annum. Possession may be had at Christmas next if desired. Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C. ; of Messrs. W. F. Watson and Son, solicitors, 22, Chancery-lane, W.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 39, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. BOND-STREET, W-Sound Investment! lyTESSBS. MAY and ROWDEN are in- structed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C , on Friday February 24, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, a PROFIT RENTAL of £120 per annum, secured for over 13 years unexpired upon the above valuable business premises. Particulars and conditions of sale mav be obtained atlhS״Maït’ E 0’; oi Messrs. Smiles, Ollard, Yates and Ollard, solicitors, 16, Bedford-row. W C and at Gresham House, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 39, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. tj? Auction. At the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, February 20, at Two p.m. lyTESSBS. SIM and RANDALL will Offer T־y^Y'Public Auction, the following PROPERTIES. LEWISHAM, S.E.—Nos. 12 and 18, Springbank-road. Immediately opposite Hither-green Railway Station entrance. Two modern Shops, let on leases to established firms at £70 each. Held on 995 years’ A• Corbett, Esq., M.P. Ground rent £12,—Solicitors, Messrs. Collyer and Davis, 15, Nicholas-lane, Cannon-street, E.O. Local Agents Messrs. Horace Randall and Co., 14, Springbank¡ road, Hither-green. ILFORD, E—No. 22, York-road.—Adjoining Ilford Railway Station. Excellent Shop, Dwelling House and Stabling. Let on lease at £72. Held on lease from Mr. Oorbett, M.P., for 994 years. Ground rent £12,—Solicitors, Messrs. Pearce and Bowse, 31, Liver-pool-street, E.O. CROUUH-HILL, N. —138, Corbyn-street. Terrace Residence, with vacant possession at Lady Day next Let at £30, tenant paying rates. Held on lease for 71 years unexpired. Ground rent £6. Drains re'aid and house redecorated since Christmas last.—Solicitors, Messrs. Forbes and Son, Ilford, and 11, London-street, E.C. FOREST-GATE.—Nos. 9 and 11, Glenparke-road.— Two centrally situated Houses, close to Romford-road and Railway Station. Let at 45s. 6d. and 47s. 6d. per month respectively. Lease 89 years unexpired. Ground rent £5 10s. per house.—Solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Rowley, 34 and 36, Gresham-street, E.C. STRATFORD, E.—Nos. 14 and 16, Reginald-road.— Situate midway between Romford-road and West Ham Park. Two desirable Weekly Houses, each let at 10s. per week, landlord paying rates. Leases about 80 years unexpired. Ground rent £10 10s. the pair. STRATFORD.—Nos. 19 and 21, Ward-road.—Carpenter’s Estate.—Just off the High-street, and in the midst of a large manufacturing district. Two Weekly Houses, let at Us. 6d. per week each. Lease 60 years unexpired. Ground rent £6 the pair. Solicitors, Messrs. Lucas and Mitchell, 156, The Grove, Stratford, Forest-gate and Ilford. Viewed by permission of tenants, and particulars can be obtained of the respective Solicitors; or post free of the Auctioneers, Sim and Randall, Forest-gate and Ilford. THE GRAFTON HOTEL, MIDLAND-ROAD, BEDFORD. A )no,-.(.,׳improving property, with growing bar and commercial trade. Situate close to tile railway station, and adjacent to the new theatre now in course of erection, the stage entrance to which fronts the house. Freehold, with possession, for Sale, after eleven years’ most successful occupation, the proprietor having purchased a large business in the metropolis requiring his entire attention. lyTESSBS. ELEUBET, SONS and ADAMS J.U. will Submit to Auction, at the Masons’ Hall iavern, Masons’-avenue, Basinghall-street, London E.C., on Tuesday, February 14, at One o’clock the ’ FREEHOLD, WITH POSSESSION, of the above most valuable property, occupying a bold corner position in the midst of a rapidly growing residential neighbourhood, within a stone's throw of the Midland Railway Station, adjacent to the Agricultural Implement Works, the Queen’s Engineering Works, and) the Gas Works, where thousands of hands are employed. It is also CLOSE TO THE NEW BEDFORD THEATRE now m course of erection and shortly to be opened Irom these and numerous other sources of trade the house derives a LARGE, MOST PROFITABLE, AND STE ADILY INCREASING BUSINESS, which cannot fail to develop into one of great magnitude. The premises are conveniently planned having recently been rebuilt in the most substantia¡ manner, and contain every modern requirement May be viewed by cards from the Auctioneers and particulars obtained from Messrs. Conquest and Clare, solicitors, Mill-street, Bedford; and of the Auctioneers, 23, Southampton-row. Holborn, W.C. To be Sold in consequence of the Proprietor being suddenly called away from England THE BARLEY MOW, ROYAL-HILL, . , GREENWICH. A newly-erected property, with every business and domestic convenience, and in the possession oi ^exceedingly easily worked and profitable busi- ־¡yiESSBS. ELEUBET, SONS and ADAMS J-'J- have been favoured with instructions from the Proprietor Mr Bevan, to prepare for Sale by Auc-tion, shortly, the VALUABLE LEASE AT THE EXCEEDINGLY LOW - . ■RENTAL OF £65 PER ANNUM, reduced by underlettings, together with the Goodwill and Possession, of the above MOSTDESIEABLE AND COMPACT SUBURBAN _ WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT offering ’ AN UNDOUBTEDLY FINE INVESTMENT FOR A ״ ״ MODERATE CAPITALIST. Further particulars will be duly announced. 8 Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn. W.C Saks t>2 auction. HACKNEY.—Freehold Investment, comprising eight commanding shops of handsome elevation, occupying a valuable central position nearly adjoining the London and County Bank, and Matthew Rose’s renowned establishment, opposite Hackney Station, N.L.R.; producing £400 per annum. TV[ESSBS. ROBERT TIDEY and SON will Sell, at the Mart, City, on Wednesday, Februarv 22, at Two o’clock, in One or Eight Lots, the EIGHT handsome SHOPS and HOUSES, Nos. 22, 24, 26, 28, 32 34, 36 and 42, Amhurst-road, Mare-street, Hackney, each let at £50 per annum on agreement (one on lease). May be viewed,, and particulars, with conditions of sale, had at the Mart; of Messrs. Geo. and Wm. Webb, solicitors, 39, New Broad-street, E.C.; or from the Auctioneers, 3, Pentonville-road, Angel, Islington Sabs fcg Auction. HIGHBURY, CANONBURY and KINGSLAND.— Leasehold Investments, producing £3% per annum ־lyrESSES. ROBERT TIDEY and SON will "־*־ Sell» at the Mart,, City, on Wednesday, February 22, at Two o’clock: — HIGHBURY.—Four Lots.—Nos. 26, 28, 30, 32 and 80, St. Paul’s-road; well situated Private Houses, held for about 26 and 27 years unexpired, at £10 and £8 12s. ground rents; Nos. 26 and 28 are let on lease, together, at £75 per annum; Nos. 32 and 80 are each let at £43, and No. 30 will be Sold with possession. CANONBURY.—'Two Lots.—Nos. 1 and 2, St. Paul’s-place, Northampton Park; attractive houses, held for about 27 years unexpired, at £10 ground rent each, and each let at £41 per annum. KINGSLAND.—Three Lots.—No. 299, Kingsland-road, House, Yard, and Workshops; let to a builder at £40 per annum; and held for 20 years unexpired at £12 10s. ground rent. Nos. 307 and 309, Kingsland-road, two Private Houses; held for over 18 years unexpired, at only 10s. ground rent each, and let at £34 and £36 per annum. May be viewed, and particulars, with conditions of sale, had at the Mart; of Messrs. Cheston and Sons, solicitors, 1, Great Winchester-street, E.C.; or from the Auctioneers, 3, Pentonville-road, Angel, Islington. Important Preliminary. Long Free Lease, with Possession, of a high-das* and justly celebrated West-end Wine and Spirit Establishment, situate in a busy main thorough-ofTrade'k immense ancf rapidly increasing sources M'ESSRS. FLEURET, SONS and ADAMS •L"J~ have been favoured with instructions from the ProTp^i^orTxi(L§.ubmit to Auction, shortly, the LONG FREE LEASES AT A MODERATE RENT greatly reduced by underletting, together with the exceedingly valuable Goodwill, of the DAISY WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT .XT , BROMPTON-ROAD, with shop adjoining. This property is situate close to the junction of bio an e-street and the Brompton-road, opposite Tattersall s, and in the immediate vicinity of exten-sive flats and other buildings in course of erection, which wdl afford vast additional sources of trade Further particulars will be duly announced. Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.C. Secure Investment. CITY OF LONDON.—No. 63, Aldersgate-street, E.C.— A substantially erected modern Building, with shop on ground floor and four floors above. Let on lease to a wholesale tobacco merchant, at £315 per annum. Held for 60 years unexpired, at a moderate | ground rent. ]Y/TESSRS. HARMAN BROS, will Sell the -ILL above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, February 21, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. Particulars may be had of Messrs. Ward, Bowie and Co., solicitors, 7, King-street, Cheapside, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 75. Aldermanbury, Guild-hall, E.C._____________________________________ High-class Investments. ־M־ESSRS. HARMAN BROS, will Sell the ־Hi- following by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, February 21, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely: HAMPSTEAD, N.W.—Nos. 1 to 13, Mansfield-place, Heath-street.—13 double-fronted Weekly Houses, forming an entire square, in the centre of the town, and let to old tenants at rentals amounting to £358 per annum. The houses are in great demand; some of the tenants have been in occupation 25 years, and an empty house is unknown. Held at £28 per annum ground rent. Lease 60 years. In One Lot.—Solicitors. Messrs. Harman and Chalcraft, 17. Coleman-street, E.C. FINSBURY - PARK. — No. 18, Gloucester-road, Brownswood-park (eight minutes from the station, and midway between Finsbury and Clissold Parks). Let on lease until 1902, at the low rent of £65 per annum. Held for 80 years. Ground rent £10 10s.— Solicitors, Messrs. Munns and Longden, 8, Old Jewry, E.C. STAMFORD-HILL.—No. 25, Tottenham High-road (five minutes from Stamford-hill Station).—Capital Residence, containing five bed rooms, three reception rooms, kitchens, etc. With garden. Vacant. Rental value £45. Lease 85 years. Ground rent £8 8s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Shepheards, 31 and 32, Finsbury-circus, E.C. Particulars may be had of the Solicitors, as above: and of the Auctioneers, 75, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E.C. QUEEN-STREET, E.C. Highly Important Announcement of the Sale bv Auction of one of the finest Licensed Properties m the City of London. lyTESSBS. J. J. OBGILD, MARKS and ״ are favoured with instructions from Mr. 0. H. Belsey, the Proprietor (in consequence oi another important engagement) to Submit to Public Sale, at the Masons Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue Basinghall-street, City, on Tuesday, February 14׳ at One o clock precisely, the EXCEEDINGLY VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND PAET LEASEHOLD RENOWNED WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS licensed as the GOLDEN FLEECE, occupying a commanding corner position and numbered 8 AND 9, QUEEN-STREET, AND 14 AND 15 WELL-OOURT, CHEAPSIDE, together with the GOODWILL IN TRADE AND POSSESSION Ihis property without doubt occupies one of the choicest licensed positions for a retail trade in the City, and bears such an enviable reputation as to require little or no introduction on the part of the Auctioneers. For many years past A MOST HIGH-CLASS TRADE has been cultivated | SECOND TO NO OTHER SIMILAR ESTABLISHMENT ? IN THE CITY OF LONDON. THE PRESENT BUSINESS IS EXCEEDINGLY LARGE, OF A PROGRESSIVE CHARACTER, and is DONE ENTIRELY AT THE COUNTER AT EXTRAORDINARY PROFITS, in. the most independent manner. THE LARGER PORTION IS FREEHOLD. No. 14 Well-court, is held on free lease for an unexpired term of 60 years at £150 per annum rent Tile whole of the upper floors are let on lease to an old-standing tenant at a rental of £1,305 per annum, thus producing a WELL-SECURED PROFIT RENTAL OF £1,155 PER „ . ANNUM. Printed particulars, with plan and conditions of sale, may be obtained on the premises; at the place of sale; of Messrs. Hunters and Haynes, solicitors No. 9, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn, W.O.; and, with details of the trade payments and orders to view at the Auctioneers’ Offices, No. 21, Hart-street’ Bloomsbury-square. FINSBURY-P ARK.—Long Leasehold House and Shop Property, close to the main road and railway station ; producing £224 per annum. IV/rESSRS. ROBERT TIDEY and SON will ־*־‘־־L Sell, at the Mart„ City, on Wednesday, February 22, at TWo o’clock, in Four Lots, SIX PRIVATE HOUSES, Nos. 46, 48, 52, 54, 58 and 60, Palmerston-road, Seven Sisters-road; let to old-standing tenants on agreements at £26 per annum each, and held for nearly 70 years unexpired„ at £5 5s. ground rent each; and Two Shops and Dwellings, Nos. 44 and 100, Palmerston-road, let to a provision dealer and greengrocer, at £40 and £28 per annum; held for a like term, at £6 and £5 5s. ground rents; all tenants¡ pay rates; rents payable monthly; drains done. May be viewed, and particulars, with conditions of sale, had at the Mart; of Messrs. Francis Miller and Steele, solicitors, St. Stephen’s-chambers, Telegraph-street, E.C.; or from the Auctioneers, 3„ Pentonville-road, Angel, Islington. ISLINGTON, HOLLOWAY and CLAPTON.-Lease-holds for occupation and investment. ־TV/TESSRS. ROBERT TIDEY and SON will ^ Sell, at the Mart, City, on Wednesday, February 22, ,at Two o’clock, in Lots: — ISLINGTON.—Re Mrs. Lanagan, deceased.—No. 2, Ockenden-road, next Southgate-road, N.; semi-detached eight-roomed Residence with side entrance and good garden; lease 42 years unexpired at £6 10s. ground rent; with possession.—Vendor’s Solicitors Messrs. Snow, Snow and Eox., 7, Great St. Thomas Apostle, E.C. HOLLOWAY.—No. 33, Milton-grove, Holloway-road, House and Shop, let on lease to a baker, at £40 per annum, held for 75 years unexpired at £10 ground rent.—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Amory-Parkes and Powell, 93 and 94, Chancery-lane, W.C. CLAPTON.—One Lot.—No. 45, M'Laren-street, Rushmore-road״ House and Shop, let to a dairyman, at £42 per annum; and No. 1, Gilpin-street, adjoining, Private House, let at ,a Mission House, at £32 per annum; held, together, for over 80 years unexpired, at £18 ground rent.—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Geo. and Wm. Webb, 39, New Broad-street, London, E.C. May be viewed, and particulars, with conditions of sale, had at the Mart; of the Solicitors; or from the Auctioneers, 3, Pentonville-rd., Angel, Islington gY MULLETT, BOOKER and CO., At the Auction Mart, E.C., On Tuesday, February 28, at Two o’clock. At Low Reserves. MARLBOROUGH-GATE, HYDE-PARK. Tj^REEHOLD PROPERTY, occupying one of -L the choicest \nd most healthy positions at the West-end of London. No. 2, Marlborough-gate—A charming, modern Freehold Mansion, facing south, overlooking and enjoying lovely views over Kensington Gardens, and w.^hin easy access! of the Houses of Parliament, Clubs, and theatres. The rooms are of good dimensions, well-proportioned, and airy, and there is a secondary staircase, noble dining room, library, and billiard room, handsome suite of drawing rooms, and 11 bed and dressing rooms and bath, with ample domestic offices. With vacant possession. No. 3, Marlborough-gate-mews.—The capital Freehold Stable at the rear of the preceding residence. Consists of five stalls, loose box, harness room, large coach-house, living rooms״ etc. With vacant possession. No. 4, Marlborough-gate-mews—The eligible Freehold Stable, consisting of six stalls, loose box, large coach-house, etc. Let on a repairing lease at £110 per annum. With e״-rly possession. Also The Freehold Land or Roadway, known as Marlborough-gate-mews, abutting on to the front of the stables, with the advantages attached thereto. Solicitors, Messrs. Wordsworth, Blake and Co., Southsea House, Threadneedle-street, E.C. HYDE-PARK.—No. 57, Gloucester-terrace, and 11, Brook-mews North.—The excellent Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, situate close to the Park and Kensington Gardens, comprising ten bed and dressing rooms, four reception rooms, and light offices. Also stabling at the rear. At present let on a yearly tenancy of £30 a year. Electric light and modern drainage. Held in one lease for an unexpired term of about 38| years, at the moderate ground rent of £24 a year. Possession of house on completion of purchase.—Solicitors, Messrs. Riving-ton and Son, Fenchurch-buildings, E.C. HYDE-PARK ESTATE.—No. 34, West- bourne-terrace.—The desirable Long LEASEHOLD Family RESIDENCE, situate close to the Park and Kensington Gardens, containing 11 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, four reception rooms. Held for an unexpired term of over 38 years, at a ground rent of £55 a year. Possession on completion of purchase.—Solicitors, Messrs. Edwards, Heron and Co., 24, Lawrence-lane, Cheapside, E.C. At a moderate reserve. HYDE-PARK-GARDENS (No. 5, Kensington Gar dens-terrace).—A Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, occupying a charming corner position, with a view of Kensington Gardens, comprising three floors of bed and dressing rooms, four excellent reception ditto, and light offices. Term unexpired about 35| years, at a low ground rent, with vacant possession.—Solicitors, Messrs. Rowley, Chatwin and Emerson, Birmingham. May be viewed with cards to be obtained of the Auctioneers. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of the respective Solicitors; at the Mart; and of Messrs. Mullett, Booker and■ Co., auctioneers and surveyors, Albion House, Hyde-park-square, W. (the corner of Albion-street). LIMEHOUSE, BETHNAL-GREEN, STEPNEY, ROTHERHITHE and HATFIELD BROAD OAK. MESSRS. JOBES, SOX and DAY will Sell D-L by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-y ird, City, on Thursday, February 23, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Lots; — LEASEHOLDS IN ONE LOT. SIXTEEN DWELLING HOUSES, being 24 to 39, Dalgleish-street, Commercial-road, Limehouse, producing £406 18s. ,per annum. Held for a term of 21 years from September, 1885, at a moderate rent of £190 per annum.—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Stones, Morris and Stone, 5, Finsbury-circus, E.C. FREEHOLDS IN SEVEN LOTS. 1. -TWO DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 273 and 275, Globe-road, Bethnal-green, producing £54 12s. per annum. 2. —TWO HOUSES and SHOPS, 51 and 53, Rope- J maker’s-fields, Limehouse, producing £39 per annum J 3. -TWO DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 22 and 24 Durham-row, Stepney, producing £39 per annum. 4•—TWO HOUSES and SHOPS, Nos. 22a and 24a, Durham-row, Stepney, producing £52 per annum. 5. —TWO HOUSES and SHOP, Nos. 14 and 16, Ben Jonson-road, High-street, Stepney, producing £50 14s. per annum. 6. —HOUSE and SHOP, No. 266, Rotherhithe-street, Rotherhithe, and Plot of Land at side, producing £23 8s. per annum. 7. —Extensive PREMISES, with Fire Engine Station, known as Queen’s Head, Hatfield Broad Oak, ׳Essex, not now licensed, partly in hand. Possession on completion. Vendors’ Solicitors, Messrs. Gellatly and Son, No 17, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Auction and Survey Offices, 586, Commercial-roiad, Stepney, E. CATTLE MARKET-STREET, NORWICH.—The Fully-hcensed Public-house and Premises known as the Buff Coat, situate in a most commanding position with the long frontage of 142ft. to the Cattle Market. C¡ EWELL and BARNES have received in-structions to Sell by Auction, on Friday, February 17, 1899, at the Eoyal Hotel, Norwich, at Seven o'clock in the evening, this valuable FKEE-HOLD PEOPEETY, having a superficial area of 6,030ft. The property is let on a repairing־ lease to Messrs. Morgan and Co. for 21 years expiring September 29, 1900, at the low rental of £120 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale, with plan, may be had of the Auctioneers, Queen-street, Norwich; y and of Henry R. Culley, Bank-street, Norwich, In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division (Mr. Justice Kekewich), 1898, H. No. 1,550; Re James Hickisson deceased.—Rushbrook v. Friend. HOXTON, DE BEAUVOIR TOWN. STOKE NEWING TON, MILDMAY-PARK, CANONBURY, HOMER-TON, LONDON-FIELDS. COMMERCIAL-ROAD, E. and BELVEDERE, KENT. Valuable Freehold and Long Leasehold Investments, comprising Four Shops, 32 Dwelling Houses, and Improved Leasehold Ground Rents, producing a total gross rental of £1,503 9s. per annum. MR. GEORGE PEARCE (of the firm of Messrs. GEO. PEARCE and SONS) is instructed to Sell by Auction., by order of Mr. Justice Keke-wich, the Judge to whose Court the above action is attached, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City of London, on Wednesday, February 22, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in 27 Lots, the following PROPERTIES:— Situation, Rent. Yrs unexpir'd. Gro’nd Rmt. £120 68 .־,19 £17 £106 2s. 72^ £16 £36 8s. 72ä £5 5s. £37 14s. 72è £5 £30 51 £5 10s. £40 17 .־-5 £5 £68 21è £6 £135 12:. 33è £20 £39 33 £4 4s. £90 I9| £42 £111 43è £12 12e. £329 H6s. 23J £198 8s. £197 12s. 48è £30 £32 55 £3 3s. £45 19| £23 Premises, No. 102, Wat- VALUABLE LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS. LEE, KENT.—By order of the Executors of the Rev D. A. Beaufort, deceased.—The valuable and well-secured Leasehold Improved Ground Rents, amounting to £232 per annum, secured on Private Residences, Shop Property, and!' extensive Nurseries, situate and being Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37, 46 , 48 and 50, Leyland-road, and No. 34. Eltham-road. Lee, Kent; held from the Commissioners of H.M. Woods and Forests for 65 years unexpired, at nominal head rents. MESSRS. GRANT, WHIELDON and CO. JXL win Sell the above, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 21, at Two precisely, in Five Lots. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart; of Messrs. Leefe and Leefe, solicitors, 1, Quality-court, Chancery-lane, W.C.; and of l the Auctioneers, 112, Holland-park-avenue, W. j vendor’s solicitor. Nos. 10, 42 and 44, Springdale road, Stoke Newington No34,36 .־ and 38, Ditto . No. 47, Springdale-road No. 95, Aden-grove, Stoke —Newington No. 21, W olsey-road, Mildmay- park ..................... No. 73, Southgate-rd., Islington Nos. 54 and 56, Ufton-road, De Beauvoir Town, N. .. Nos. 21, 22, 23 and 21, Baring- street, H ox ton.......... No. 1, Gopsall-street, Hoxton.. Nos. 123 and 125. New North- road, Hoxton.............. Nos. 112,114 and 116, Wenlock- street, Hoxton............ Noe. 13, 17, 21, 23, 25 and 27, St. Jobn’s-road, Hoxton .. Nos. 28,29, 30, 31 and 32, West side, London-flelds No. 44, Church-road, Homert’o No. 24, Canonbury-square, Canonbury .................... ney-street, Commercial-road, E. ; let on lease at £63 per annum, and Improved Leasehold Ground Rents of £22 5s. per annum, secured upon six houses and land in Abbey-road, Belvedere, Kent; unexpired term 61| years, !at £10 10s. rent. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Leslie and Hardy, solicitors, 17, Bedford-row, W.C. ; of Messrs. Crosse and Sons, solicitors, 7, Lancaster-place, Strand; and of Messrs. Geo. Pearce and Sons, auctioneers and surveyors, 22, Hyde-road, Hoxton, and 32, Sherborne-st., Islington. First-class Shop Property.—By order of Executors. CHELSEA. WHEELER and SON will Sell by Auction, * * at Chelsea Town Hall, on Thursday, February p-m•’ the following LEASEHOLD SHOP PROPERTIES: — 317, FULHAM-ROAD. — Commandingly situated Cp׳rner Shop in best business portion of road, corner of Callow-street. Lease 50 years. Ground rent £20. Let on lease at £120. 43, SMITH-TERRACE, near Sloane-square.—Producing £46 16s. per annum; lease 45 years; ground rent £5. Solicitor, T. J. Robinson, Esq., 31, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C., and 280. King’s-road, Chelsea. Auc-tioneers, Messrs. Wheeler and Son, 189, Fulham-road, Printed and Publishea by tile Proprietor. Feank P. Wilson, at the ^states Gazette Printine Works, No. 6. St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, E.C.