CARD ADVERTISEMENTS* February 4, 1899. RICHMOND * DISTRICT, YORKS JOHN WETHERELL, GENERAL ^״™EE^HOUSE AND ESTATE Office and Saleboom : DUNDAS STREET. Bailiff under the Agricultural Holdings Act and Law o' Distress Amendment Act. ______ Agent for Fire and Life Insurance. RIPON. Auctioneers and Valuers, soi5 Certified Bailie., COLTSGATE HTT.T, ■Ж0 ROCHDALE. S. SHEPHERD & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors 100, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE ROCHESTER, STROOD~* CHATHAM. /׳CHARLES D. LEVY, Auctioneer, Hotel and SSiiS' ROTHERHAM. STYRING & TURNER, Auctioneers, Cattle Salesmen, Valuers* Estate Agents 20 . ״’ MOORGATl STREET, ROTHERHAM ^ perty^HouseboM ianeou^Property6 0^Kio^a ־• & SfSS"־״ AgrieX?al°H״ldtags ROYSTON, HERTS. Messrs. NASH, SON AND ROWLEY, established 1779. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS and valuers, ----Wednesday Stock Sales-Rovston Market. RYE Jir,LJiR8 ׳ON & CLEMENTS AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS TIMBER, TEN ANT-RIGHT^ VgENIIrAL VALUERS --—, .!״״ии-дщщ * ( 0״«!eft XT Т» T.11 . _ , and ----------ROAD, HASTINGS. N'B'~K«eÎÎKir“i1î,d Tele«ram. to Rye, Established over 60 Years. SALISBURY. WATERS & RAWLENCE, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS canal, Salisbury. SCARBOHOUQHT ANDREW ORR, F.A.I. Late Pirie and Orr SirAVTAELUAENRDDiIffi& LOCAi SHARES AND ___HHNTRISS row, SCARBOROUGH. SCARBOROUGiT EDWARD HARLAND AND SONS (Sole Partner—Edward Harland's Extrix) Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate, House, and Busi-. ness Agents, THE AUCTION ROOMS, ABERDEEN WALK ---g!*SMi!hedl86U■ Telephone TV» 70 SHEERNESS. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT 41• 2i, Edward Street, SHEERNESS-ON-SEa SHEERNESS, ISLE OF SHEPPEY AND DISTRICT. JAMES S. BILLS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. OFFICES • f 76, High Street, Queenboro . 14 ־, Edward Street, Sheerness. SHEFFIELD. JOSEPH BRIGHT & CO., Estate, House & Land Agents, Valuers, Assessor of Fire Losses, 35, NORFOLK STREET. Tele. Address : “ Bright, Sheffield." Telephone No. 2015 SHEFFIELD. W. H. * J. A. EADON, F.A.I., auctioneers, valuers, estate agents, *c., 3, ST. JAMBS’ STREET, SHEFFIELD, Sale» and Valuations of Freehold and Leasehold Estate IB Town and Country, Hotel», Works, Machinery Household Furniture, Pictures and Works of Art, Books Wines, Manufacturers’ A Merchants’ Stocks of all kinds _____Centrally situated onw« ,nd Salerooms. SHEFFIELD. A. E. LOCKWOOD AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT &e Extensive Sale Booms for the disposal of House and Landed Property, Shares, Household Furniture, Art and Literary Property, Old China, Jewellery, Plate, etc bales conducted at Private Residences. Valuations for Probate, division of Family Property, etc., etc. MEETING HOUSE LANE. PLYMOUTH AND DISTRICT. THOMAS BOWEN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, BUSINESS TRANSFER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS SURVEYORS AND ARBITRATORS Monthly Printed Register °f Properties for Sale and to t> v?•« Properties inspected, valued and reported on. Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act --- ,7; X? *׳IBUiOBO дшедишеш Omoes : 151, Union Street, Plymouth. Tel. Add.. “ Bowen. Plymouth.” Tel. No. 202. PONTEFRACT AND DISTRICT. THOMAS BARKER AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT, P,® 0Sjy f uction Wart in Pontefract. Furniture Sales held Weekly. Rents collected an1׳ Estates managed. Valuation for Probate, Hotels, &c. Agent for the Royal Fire and Life, and Ocean Accident Insurance Cos. Agent for the Horseless Carriage and General Insurance Co., Ltd. Over 20 years’ practical experience. GREEN DRAGON AUCTION MART. \cb Portsmouth. AUCTIONEERS, HOTEL AND BUSINESS VALUERS, jiS? 0 Ш gv PROPERTY AND ESTATE AGENTS. The oldest established Business Agency in this district. ______ 61, COMMERCIAL HOAD prestonTlancashire.^ „ AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, r, (AN ARBITRATORS AND 0^00 ft־, ESTATE ־״’ A G EN -- Preston " Y ’’ Auction Mart, FISHERGATE, PRESTON. . Telephone, 19& [Established 1830■] RAMSGATE ¿¿NEIGHBOURHOOD Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Land, House and Estate Agents. • Tel. Add.—Vintens, Ramsgate ^ ^ (Established 1836). The Estate Offices and Auction Mart, 72, HIGH ST., RAMSGATE n , Periodical Sales of Property at Reports on Mortgage Securities. Estates Managed. Rental accounts rendered quarterly. 4* RAMSGATE. STANLEY H. PAGE, F.S.I. (by Exam.), SURVEYOR, AUCTIONEER & ESTATE AGENT Sanitary Expert. Assessor to the Kent Fire Office. 1, H ARBOUR STREET. RAMSGATE, MARGATE, AND BROADSTAIRS. Firm: il’ 7• SCARLETT. A.S.A.A. (J. C. Goldsack, F.a.I MESSES. SCARLETT & GOLDSACK (Successors to j. c, twyman and sons) 36, high street, Ramsgate’’ TT^m,iFstablished over Half a Century). AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS HOTEL BROKERS LAND, HOUSE, ESTATE AND BUSINESS AGENTS SURVEYORS AND ACCOUNTANTS ' Certified Bailiffs under Law of Distress Amendment Act. Registers of Furnished ana Unfurnished Houses on application. Telegrams: *‘Scarlett. Ramsgate.” у .sA; $0 Telegrams : Egginton. Reading.” 150, Friar Street. READING Auctioneers, Valuers, and Surveyors. Est. 1863. --- READING. HASLAM & SON, P.SI, Land Agents, Auctioneers, Suneijors, and Valuers, FRIAR STREET CHAMBERS. Established over Half a Century. Telegraphic Address: HsSLAM Rea! ing. _________Telephone No. 225, NOTTINGHAM & DISTRICT. A. W. SHELTON, A.A.I. (Member Institute Estate and House Agents.) . „ „ ?STATE AGENT AND VALUER, I he collection of rents and general management of every description of real estate in Nottingham and viciât/ Valuations for probate, mortgage, or purchase. The sale or purchase of properties. Head Office : KING STREET, NOTTINGHAM. B3?'“oh Offioea : Long Eaton, bulwell & Hucknall. Telephone 625. Telegrams: “Property, Nottingham.” Upwards of 20 years- extensive practieal experience ״ '"OTTINGHAMSHIRE. MORRIS AND PLACE, F.A.I., _________ ״ [Established l8fi] AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS •»»■A?? Assessors of Fire Losses, MIDLAND AUCTION MART, 27,BRIDLESMITH GATE, NOTTINGHAM. Periodical Sales of Properties and Shares. Sales of W°JkJL of Art’ Trade Stocks, Machinery TmnTfS;b״frTiat* t,heir “Paoious Mart. Valuations for 01 Hotels and Inna Also for Probate and Mortgage purposes. Partners ( Charles Morris, F.S.I. T.l.phoHe Ho ,»J ״“■ ’■S.I. mes!oo. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND and ESTATE 60, PALL MALLSLONDON, AND AT BLAGRAVE STREET, READING. A Register of Estates and Residences to be let or sold ia published monthly, and may be had on application Also a Register of furnished riverside and country Houses to be let for the summer months. REDHILL & REIGATE. HARRIE STACEY, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT, SURVEYOR AND VALUER, National Telephone Nos.—Reigate 30 __________________Redhill 31._______ REIGATE & REDHILL. JAMES T. PEAT, (late JOHN LEES AND BURCHELL, F.S.I.) AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT AND SURVEYOR __Offices: REIGATE AND REDHILL. RICHMOND, SURR EyT MESSRS. FOWLER AND SON AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS ׳AND MORTGAGE BROKERS Offices : 18, THE QUADRANT. Established 1868. 4 Fire and Burglar-proof Room for the safe custody of Deeds, Jewellery, Plate and othe¡ Valuables. 1 RICHMOND, SURREY. F. Di GROOT (Suooessor to the late Mb. B. Vvoodi, AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT. Rents Collected and Estates Managed. Valuations for Probate, &e. Offices:—42, GEORGE STREET OAKHAM. MESSRS. ROYCE, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, Offices ; — MARKET PLACE. _____Agents to the Phcenix Fire Office, OLDHAM. HUGH SHAW AND SONS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS OF MACHINERY PROPERTY, ETC., ETC. Fire Loss Assessors and Financial Agents. Manohmtmi—11, CHAPEL WALKS Blackpool—12, BIRLEY STREET. OSWESTRY, NORTH SHROP SHIRE, AND BORDERING WELSH COUNTIES. WILLIAMS AND NICHOLSON, ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND SURVEYORS, Offices :—SALOP HOUSE, OSWESTRY. [Established 1876.] OSWESTRY, SALOP. WHITFIELD AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, ™״׳MISTOOK SALESMEN AND Established 30 years. *Sam-e ufor Probate, Administrations, undS tbedT=^ VaIuef8• Certificated Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1889 Valuers under the Finance Act of 1895. Offices—willo w street, OSWESTRY. OXFORD. Eatablished 1840, E. J. BROOKS, AUCTIONEER SURVEYOR, VALUER, HOUSE ״ LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. Secretary to the Oxford and Abingdon Permanent _ „ Benefit Building Society. Office»: 15, MAGDALEN STREET, OXFORD OXFORD AND BERKS. MESSRS. FRANKLIN AND JONES AUCTIONEERS, LAND AGENCY OFFICES: Frewin Court, Corn Market St., Oxford AND ’ Ascott near Wallingford, Berks. OXFORDSHIRE. MESSRS. PAXTON *HOLIDAY, F.S.I. Estate Agents, Agricultural, Timber and General Valuers and Surveyors Vainers by appointment to the Oxfordshire Conntv Council. BICESTER, OXON. Sale» and Valuation» of all kinds of Property undertaken on reasonable terms in any part of the country „„ Established upward» of half-a-century. Offices also at Banbury,Chipping Norton & Deddington NEWMARKET, SUFFOLK AND C A hfi BS. MES8R8. GRIFFITHS * OHENNELL AUCTIONEERS. VALUERS. ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, ROTHSAY HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS HIGH STREET, NEWMARKET. NEWPORT, MON. Nat. Tel. 213. AUCTIONEERS, Land Agents and Surveyors, Tenant-right *Timber ^_^ Valuers, "!Ay־ ’ ''' MONTHLY PROPERTY REGISTER. 8“U ' " Stock Sale Fixtures.— ■^5* Weekly, Newport Market; Fortnightly --'''''Chepstow and tevern Tunnel Markets ; Monthly Lydney Market. And at CHEPSTOW—Nat, Tele. 5. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. THOMAS PARRY, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL VALUER Established is7S. Superintendent Registrar of Birth«, Death« and Marriages, for the District of Newport. Mon. NEWPORT (MO N.) FRED. J. ROBERTS, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, RENT COLLECTOR, BAILIFF, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, Distraints made In Town or Country „ OFFICES: WESTGATE CHAMBERS, COMMERCTAT. ST, OXON, BERKS & HANTS. SIMMONS AND SONS, LAND AND PKOPEH^^AOTNTS, VALUERS AND ׳CHARLES SIMMONS, F.S.I. FIBH : J W. ANKER SIMMONS, F.S.I. I C. FRANKLIN SIMMONS, F.S.I Addresses : HENLEY - OJS - THAMES BASINGSTOKE, READING. PETERBOROUGH Established nearly naif a century " FOX AND VERGE TT E. SUii VETOES AND LAND AGENTS. PROPERTY atvt AGRICULTURAL AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT ANI — , , . , estate valuers. Wednesdty8anfsX“OT°Ut!h Ca“le Marte‘•eTen Offices:—NARROW STREET ________(Opposite the Angel Hotel). PNORTHA^P TONSHIRE & DISTRICT BRIsTOW, WARWICK AND POTTER SURVEYORS, 1׳AND AGENTS,^AUCTIONEERS, ’ MARKET SQUARE, PETERBOROUGH. Established 1820. Reports and Valuations for Mmt gage or other purposes. Surveys and Fsf ate t_ pared. Timber aid TenanwKit“^1"?^®^״^: Esta^eDutyParEstatps Enfranchise'ment/or estate iJuty. Estates Managed and Rents Colleufpd Quarterly Accounts. Baniers-Stamford Lston? and opalding Bank, Peterborough. PETERSFIELD & SOUTH HANTS. Auctioneers, Surveyors, Farm Stock and General Valuers, GO AUCTION & NEWTON ABBOT. JAMES STOOKE, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, TENANT-RIGHT VALUER, LAND AGENT AND SURVEYOR, NEWTON ABBOT, DEVON __________ Established 1870■ NEWTON ABBOT & TOTNES7 RENDELL & SYMONS, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Tenant - Right Valuers, Estate Agents and Surveyors. ___________Established 1818. NORFOLK & SUFFOLK. HAB1EST0N, BECCLES & BUNGAY, - AUCTIONEERS. 30^ VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. HARLESTON. NORTHAMPTON. MACQUIRE & MERRY, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER“, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND FIRE LOSS ASSESSORS. Established 1815. Periodical Sales of Properties and Shares. Reports and Valuations of Propeities for Mort-gage andother purposes. Hotel and Tenant-right Valua-tions. Fire Loss Assessors to several Insurance Offices. 2, GUILDHALL ROAD, NORTHAMPTON. N c rthaiviptonshire. RICHARD G. SCRIVEN, F.S.I., LAND AGENT AND VALUER, CASTLE ASHBY, NORTHAMPTON. Northampton Office : 4, Derngate. Northampton on Saturdays only, from 11 till 1. NORTHAMPTON & DISTRICT. BARBER AND SONS, F.A.I., College Street, Northampton, TENANT - RIGHT TIMBER AND S®P®RAL AGRICULTURAL AND PROPERTY VALUERS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS . AND SURVEYORS. ״,ania « het of Houses in Town or County to be Let ’ furnij*ed and unfurnished, and Estates for Sale, snooting and Hunting Boxes, &c.. can be bad gratis on _______application. Established 1849. NORTH V>F ENGLAND! RICHARD 0. PEARCE, F.A.I. Of London, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, AUCTIONEER AND „ VALUER, DARLINGTON Telegrams. “ Pearce, Darlington.” NORTH SHIELDS. Auctioneer snd !׳avant Street, Petersfield. 0b V Valuer, Estate and Property Agent, 85 and 86, HO WAND STREET. NORWICH. W. HILL FORSTER, P.A.S.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, ORFORD HILL, NORWICH. ~ NOTTINGHAM, J. T. W H I T E H 0 R N, GAUGER AND Y^HOT^’ Offices : THE MART, THURLAND STREET .___________Established 1872. a district. JNO. H. BRADWELL & SON, AUOTIONBEBS, ESTATE AGENTS, TENANT-BIGHT AND _ . ; TIMBER VALUEBS, Estate* *nrveyed and planned. ^^^-Thurlakd'streI^^^a^‘61" SOUTHWELL SWANdHOTEH MANSFIELD