Febbxtaey 4, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 194 Worcester and Malvern—Frank Everill and Co., of Worcester, at same, on February 22, Freehold licensed and other properties Worcester—Geo. Yeates and Sons, of Worcester, at same, on February 8, Freehold properties Yorkshire, Huddersfield—Eddison, Taylor and Booth, of Huddersfield, at same, on February 14, Leasehold dwelling houses Castleford—J. W. Wheater, of Castleford, at same, on February 23, Freehold licensed premises and cottage property Leeds—Hutton, Son and Horrox, of Leeds, at same, on February 7, licensed property Beverley—Lane and Elwell, of Beverley, at same, on February 15, licensed property Thirsk—Thomas G. Parker, of Thirsk, at same, on February 7, Freehold licensed property Kirkstall—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at Kirkstall. on February 6, Leasehold dwelling houses and land Leeds—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at same, on February 16, Freehold dwelling houses Leeds—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at same, on February 13, Freehold estate Sheffield—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, at Sheffield, at same, on February 7, Freehold building estate and dwelling houses Harrogate—Renton and Renton, of Harrogate, at same, on February 6, Freehold building land Pudsey—Henry Gott, of Pudsey, at same, on February 7, Freehold dwelling houses Wakefield—Howgate and Chapman, of Wakefield, at same, on February 10, Freehold properties Sheffield—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on February 14, shop and house property Sheffield—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on February 21, Leasehold dwelling houses Keighley and Haworth—W. Weatherhead, of Keighley, at same, on February 15, Freehold licensed properties Gilling (near) and Malton—Boulton and Cooper, of Malton, at same, on February 7, Freehold estate comprising about 535 acres; and farm of about 69 acres Fulford—Richardson and Trotter, of York, at same, on February 14, Freehold residence York—Richardson and Trotter, of York, at same, on February 9, Freehold shop and dwelling house Halifax—Davis and Shoesmitli, of Halifax, at same, on February 17, Freehold cottages, farms and building land Scarborough—Andrew Orr, of Scarborough, at same, on February 10, Freehold dwelling house Adwalton—Whitham and Sons, of Leeds, at Gilder-some, on February 6, Freehold cottage property Bingley—Dacre and Son, of Otley, at Bingley, on February 13״ business premises Leeds—Beaumont and Glover, of Wakefield, at Leeds, on February 14, Freehold dwelling houses Wales. Coed way—Winterton and Sons, of Lichfield, at Shrewsbury, on February 7, Freehold estate comprising about 240 acres Ebenezer and Waen Pentir—E. H. Owen and Son, of Carnarvon, at Ebenezer, on February 18, Freehold house and shop properties Talysarn—T. W. Griffith, of Llandudno, at Deganwy. on February 10, Freehold building land and dwelling houses Neath and Pontardulais—John M. Leeder and Son. of Swansea, at Neath, on February 15״ Freehold and Leasehold properties BARNARDS, Ltd. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST—SUPPER. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. W. INNES STUCKEY, Landscape Gardener, 46, Dyne-road, Brondesbury, N.W. 13 Years with Hr. H. E. MILNER. Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on February 14, shops and dwelling houses Birmingham—Hadley and Amphlet, of Birmingham, at same, on February 10, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—F. W. Goodeve, of Birmingham, at same, on February 7, Freehold and Leasehold' properties Birmingham— Grimley and1 Son, of Birmingham, at same, on February 9, Leasehold properties Birmingham—Frank Smith and Wilson, of Birmingham, at same, on February 16, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—William R. Fleetwood, of Birmingham, at same, on February 22, Freehold and Leasehold residences Leamington Spa—J. Hawkes, of Leamington Spa, at same, on February 22, Freehold residence Birmingham—W. Fowler, Pemberton ancUBewlay, of Birmingham., at same, on February 9, Freehold ground rents Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on February 23, Freehold and Leasehold property Birmingham—Pass and Swingler, of Birmingham, at same, on February 15, Freehold and Leasehold residences Birmingham—Thomas and Bettridge, of Birmingham, at same, on February 16, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Fowler, Pemberton and Bewlay, of Birmingham, at same, on February 8, Leasehold property Birmingham—Clement, Weller and Locker, of Birmingham, at same, on February 13, Leasehold residences Birmingham—Henry Hendriks, of Birmingham, at same, on February 15, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Grove and Baker, of Birmingham, at same, on February 21, Leasehold licensed properties Birmingham—Sidney Hirst, of Birmingham, at same, on February 27, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on February 28¿ Freehold licensed and other properties Birmingham—Edwards, Son and Bigwood, of Birmingham, at same, on February 22, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Thos. S. Fallows, of Birmingham, at same, on February 16, Leasehold properties Birmingham—Blyth and Stevens, of Birmingham, at same, on February 13, Freehold and Leasehold properties Wiltshire. Chippenham—Wm. Burbidge, of Chippenham, at same, on February 10, shares Broughton Gifford—Wm. Burbidge, of Chippenham, at Melksham, on February 7, Freehold cottages and gardens Potterne—George T. Smith, of Devizes, at Potterne, on February 27, Freehold properties Marlborough—Mark Jeans, of Marlborough, at same, on February 14, Freehold dwelling house and premises Chippenham—Teagle and Sons, of Chippenham, at same, on February 17, Freehold dwelling houses Worcestershire. Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on February 7, Freehold ground rents and building land Wedmore, Cheddar and Meare—Bennett, Millard and Lloyd, of Wedmore, at same, on February 8. dwelling house, business premises, brick and tile yard, and 106 acres of dairy lands Burnham and Berrow—Scott-Smith and Co., of Exeter, at Burnham, on February 28, Freehold properties Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on February 16, Leasehold and Freehold dwelling houses Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on February 21, Freehold premises Taunton—Wm. J. Villar, of Taunton, at same, on February 8. Freehold property Chard—Henry M. Hext, of Ilminster, at Chard, on February 20, Freehold business premises Crewkerne—James Wheatley, of Crewkerne, at same, on February 16, business premises Yeovil—Roberts, Son and Tory, of Yeovil, at same, on February 10, Freehold dwelling houses and gardens Bath (near)—Henry Mortimer, of Bath, at same, on February 10, Freehold land Bath—Geo. Nichols, Smith and Alder, of Bristol, at Bath, on February 11, Freehold residence Suffolk. Lowestoft—A. G. and A. Notley, of Lowestoft, at same, on February 10, Freehold property Bury St, Edmunds—Biddell and Blencowe, of Bury St, Edmunds, at same, on February 10, Freehold business premises Woodbridge—E. Jackson, of 11, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C., at Woodbridge, on February 16, Freehold building land Surrey. Hcrsell—Chas. Atkins, of Lewisham, at Woking, on February 7, Freehold building land Egham—Green and Son, of 72 and 217, King-street, Hammersmith, London, at Egham, on February 8, Leasehold cottages Camberley—Edwin Oades, of York Town, at Black-water, on February 9, Freehold shop and premises Sussex. Brighton—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on February 28, Freehold residences Chichester and Bosham—Hobgen Bros., of Chichester, at same, on February 16, Freehold properties Biilingsliurst—John Churchman and Sons, of Bil-lingshurst, at same, on February 6, Freehold meadow land Hailsham—A. Burtenshaw and Son, of Hailsham, at same, on February 8, a brickyard of about two acres St. Leonards-on-Sea—John and A. Bray, of Hastings, at same, on February 21, residence Hastings and Ore—L. F. St. John, of Hastings, at same, on March 6, Freehold building land Algarkirk—Arthur Saul, of Bourne, at Donington, on February 9, Freehold pasture lands Crowland—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on February 11, Freehold arable land Orby—John Willson and Son, of Hogsthorpe, at Burgh, on February 9, dwelling houses and shops Burgh-le־Marsh—T. Carr Young, of Alford, at Burgh-le־Marsh, on February 9, Freehold property Middlesex. Uxbridge—Willis and Crouch, of Uxbridge, at same, on February 9, Freehold property Harlington—Robert Newman, of Harlington, at same, on February 8, Freehold building land Monmouthshire. Chepstow, Monmouth, etc.—Driver and Co., of 23, Pali Mall, London, S.W., at Newport, on March 8, Freehold licensed properties Northamptonshire. Peterborough (near)—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on February 11, dwelling house and premises Norfolk. Norwich—Sewell and Barnes, of Norwich, at same, on February 17• Freehold licensed property Norwich—Messrs. Speiman, of Norwich, at same, on February 7, dwelling houses, shops and life policy Nottinghamshire. Fiskerton—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Nottingham, at Fiskerton, on February 8, Freehold farm of about 10 acres and meadow land Draycott—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at Dray-cott, on February 13, Freehold factory Beeston—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at same, on February 15, Freehold residence Oxfordshire. Bloxham—Castle, Son and Booth, of Banbury, at Bloxham, on February 7, arable land of 21 acres Shropshire. Okengates, etc.—Barber and Son, of Wellington, at same, on February 16, licensed properties Picklescott^Alfred Mansell and Co., of Shrewsbury, at same, on February 24, Freehold licensed property Shifnal—R. J. Owen, of Shifnal, at same, on February 6, Freehold cottages Dudley—J. Shedden and Son, of Dudley, at same, on February 14, Freehold dwelling houses, building land and licensed property Dudley—Alfred W. Dando, of Dudley, at same, on February 7, Freehold' dwelling houses and residences Warwickshire. Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on February 7, Freehold and Leasehold properties D־ Principal Kennels nearly Fifty Years. Price Is., 2s. 6d.. 5s., 103., and 20s., free 2d. extra. STANLEY flOGS - RACKHAM'S JAPANESE WORM u BALLS AND POWDERS ■ cient. N o other medicine necessary. Price Is., 2s. 61., and 5s., free 2d. extra free 2d. extra. nOGS-RACKHAM’S KATALEPRA. - cures U Red Mange, Eczema, and all Skin Diseases. Price Is.,2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. Vermin. Tablets, 6d. and Is., post free 2d. extra. nOGS-RAGKHAM’S PUPPY WORM BALLS U for Puppies of all Breeds and Toy Dogs. New Remedy, Safe and Effectual. Price Is.,2s. 62., 5s., and 10s. free 2d. extra. urLUM lU■ uistemper. mm xouug rupyi 8 its effects are marvellous This remedy prevents contagion at Shows. Price 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s. per box, free 2d. extra. ...... _ per cwt. Advice Gratis in all Diseases of Dogs. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER to H.M.’s Government, Council of India, Science and Art Department, Admiralty, &c. Mathematical, drawing & surveying INSTRUMENTS of every descri tion of the highest quality and finish, at the most moderate prices. Price Lists post free. Engine Divider to the Trade.—Ad Iress: GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. 'PLANTING SEASON■^ HARDILY-GROWN Forest, Fruit, & all other Trees & Plants Evergreens, Roses, &c. Stocks quite Unequalled for “QUALITY," “VARIETY," & “EXTENT.״ Priced Catalogues Post Free. LDicksons (M0׳Acres) CHE8TER.J ST. PETER’S. NORWICH. RACKHAM & CO., ־TV/TAIDSTONE and KENTISH JOURNAL 1VX and SOUTH EASTERN ADVERTISER, MAIDSTONE. Established 1876, the Largest Circulation in the County of Kent and neighbouring Counties, circulated extensively and most exclusively amongst the higher and middle classes; forms an excellent medium for advertising every description of property, and for making every kind of public announcement. Published every Thursday and Saturday, price Id., unstamped. The “ Journal is the most influential newspaper in the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and the South Eastern District, in which it is the recognised Conservative organ, and is extensively circulated among the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and the Commercial Classes. It therefore offers to Solicitors, Auctioneers, Estate and Land Agents, Public Companies, and every class of trades a valuable opportunity of laying their proposals before the public. The “ Journal ״ contains full reports of the Provincial and County Markets, and during the season special reports of the Foreign and Home Hop markets Established 1774. THE “ CUMBERLAND PACQUET ״ AND WARE’S WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER (Published every Thursday Morning), IS the Oldest Newspaper in either Cumberland, Westmorland, or Durham. The organ of the Conservative Party in West Cumberland. Full reports of all local events. Having an extensive and influential circulation I throughout the county, the “ Cumberland Pacquet ” furnishes one of the best mediums for advertising. PRICE ONE PENNY. DiCKSONSî^SâChESTÏR PRICED CATALOGUES POST FREE. Somersetshire. Timsbury—Fry and Asprey, of Bath, at Timsbury, on February 10, Freehold residence, building and pasture lands SPECIAL!! TO COUNTRY LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS & SURVEYORS. LITHOGRAPHING LITHOGRAPHIC DRAWINGS, Maps & Flans of Estates ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, AND LANDSCAPES Of every description drawn by First rate .Artists with the UTMOST EXPEDITION, AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. ESTIMATES FORWARDED On application to THE ESTATES GAZETTE, FRANK P. WILSON, Proprietor. 6, St. BRIDE ST., FLEET ST. Printing Works: 16, 17 & 18, HARP ALLEY, St. BRIDE ST., LONDON. RATING.—This work, which is written from a Surveyor’s standpoint, gives under three heads—Principles, Practice and Procedure—a clear and comprehensive survey of all the matters appertaining to this difficult subject■. In addition to the pages devoted to the rating of land and buildings, exhaustive chapters are devoted to the complex points arising out of the rating of Railways, Canals, Tramways, Gas and Water Companies, Docks, Harbours, and Piers.—By Michael Faraday (Rating Surveyor), the Legal Matter revised by Stanley A. Latham, LL.B., of the Parliamentary Bar, A.I.C.A., F.R.S.S. Net Cash Price, 10s. 6d.—Estates Gazette office.