Febetjahy 4, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 180 gales l)i} auction. PERIODICAL SALES for 1899 of Estates, House Property, Building Land, Ground Rents, Shares, etc., by jV/TESSRS. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will -l־T_L take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, the LAST WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH. Sales for other dates may also be arranged. Special attention given to the Sale of Estates and Building Plots. Railway and1 other Compensation Claims adjusted, as well as negotiations for the Sale and Purchase of Properties, Valuations for Probate, Mortgages, and other purposes. Protheroe and Morris’s “ Multum in Parvo ” Register furnishes Particulars of Residences and other Properties. Auction and Estate Offices, fi7 and 68, Cheapside, London, and Leytonstone. LEYTONSTONE, near three railway stations.—The ripest Building Land in this popular suburb. - years, the first portion of .the DYER'S HALL BUILD-J.NG ESTATE, consisting of 141 Plots, situate in the Dyer's Hail, Connaught and Grove-green-roads, tiie latter being the mam road between Leytonstone and Leyton, now being widened and kerbed by the District Council; the land is tnoroughly ripe for tiie immediate erection of shops and villas, and will be let m oiocks of Six or more Lots. Eorms of tender are now !ready, and may be obtained of Messrs. Vincent and Vincent, solicitors, 20, Budge-row, Cannon-street; and of Messrs. Trotneroe and Morris, 67 and 68, Cheapside, London, E.C., and Leytonstone. Tenders will oe received up tin Twelve o’clock noon on Tuesday, February 7, at tiie Offices of Messrs. Protheroe and Morris, 67 and 68, Cheapside, London, E.C. On Tuesday next. Genuine Sale by order of Executor !and Mortgagee respectively.—WANDSWORTH-ROAD, S.W., BECKHAM RYE, S.E., and FULHAM-ROAD, S.W. at Two ■o’ciocK, in Five Lots: — Nos. 15 and 17, CONROY-STREET, and Nos. 5 and 7, WILCOA-ROAD, Wandswortn-road, S.W. Let to old standing tenants. No. 185, PjCiCKHAM RYE, S.E.; semi-detached house with stabling and garden. Witn possession. No. 5, FLiLHAM-PARK-ROAD, S.W.—Attractive red brick house; 11 rooms, witn. possession. Held for long terms at low ground rents. Particulars of Messrs, feuding, Riper and Tallack, solicitors, 13, Vincent-square, Westminster, S.W.; and of tne Auctioneer, b4, Lupus-street, aouth Belgravia, S.W. REGENT-STREET.—On the Woods and Forests Estate.—Tne 23% years’ Lease from Christmas, 1895, of the commanding Corner Business Premises, No. 302, Regent-street, W. (with the advantage of immediate possession of the ground floor portion!; tfie wnole oeing of the rental value of upwards of £700 per annum.—For Sale by Auction, by ]WTESSRS. WALTER H. BROW A and CO., -I׳L at tne Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on Wednesday next, February 8, 189y, at One o’clocK precisely. Barticuiars and conditions of sale at tne Mart; of Edward Lazarus, Esq., solicitor, b, Bloomsbury -square, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 93 and 94, Cnancery-lane, W.C. By order of the Croydon Rural District Council. W ALlunGtON.—Four Acres of Freenoid Land, ten minutes' walk from Station, Raving a frontage of 224tt. to Demesne-road, and 1,360ft. to a proposed new road, suitable for tne erection of villa residences or artisans’ dwellings. Tne above will be Sold by Auction, in Nine or more Lots, by OOBT. W. FULLER, MOON and FUELER, -EL at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thurs-uay, February io, at six ^.m. solicitor, S. G. Edridge, ^sq., Croydon. Rarticuiars at the Auctioneers' Ounces, Croydon, Reigate, and Epsom. By order of Messrs. Watn-ey, Combe, Reid and Co., Ltd. SMITH AM BOTTOM, Coulsdon.—An important and speculative piece of Freehold Building juand, immediately adjacent to tne Red Lion, and close to Couisaon station, having a frontage to the mam Brighton-read of 264ft., with a mean depth of about 220ft. By the formation of another road available space can be created for the erection of thirty shops and cottages, which are greatly in demand.—The above !will be Sold by Auction, by TJOBT. W. FULLER, MOON and FULLER, -LI at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thursday, February 16, at ,Six p.m. Vendor's Solicitors, Messrs. Pownall and Co., Staple-inn, W.C. Particulars of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, Croydon, Reigate, and Epsom. By order of the Trustees of W. J. Williams, deed. No. 108, OAKEIELD-ROAD, WEST CR0 5TDON (live minutes from Station).—A valuable, well-built, Freehold, Detached Residence, containing eight bed and dressing rooms, bath room, three reception rooms, conservatory, etc.; large garden, and¿ a piece of Freehold Building Land, having a frontage of 32ft. to St. James־’s-road. Possession at Lady Day.—The above will be Sold by Auction, by ■pOBT. W. FULLER, MOON and FULLER, JA at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thursday, February 16, at Six n.m. Solicitors, Messrs. Drummonds, 58, North-end, Croydon. Particulars at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Croydon, Reigate, and Epsom. HORSELL, SURREY. 7, 1899, at Six o’clock precisely (unless previously-disposed of by private treaty), the valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE (with cottage thereon), situate at Cheapside, Horsell, and abutting on Horsell Common, about 1J miles from Woking Station, on the London and South Western Railway, whence Waterloo Station is reached in about an hour. The property is let on a yearly tenancy of £12 per annum, landlord paying outgoings. Particulars and conditions of sale may ■be had of Messrs. Newton and Lewin, solicitors, 180, High-street, Lewisham, S.E.; or the Auctioneer, 111a, High-street, Lewisham, S.E. BUILDING ESTATE SPECIALIST. TV/TR. W. A. FISHER, 16, Finsbury-circus, ILL E.C., is open to purchase or arrange terms for the development and improvement of land and buildings, and invites correspondence from owners and others on matters arising out of the sale and purchase of properties. No commission or fees are claimed for work until an exchange of agreements has been effected. ¿£ales hi) auction. The Periodical Sales of Estates, Reversions, Shares and House Property generally (held for 64 years) for the year 1899, by IX/TESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE are i-T-L appointed to take place at the Auction Mart, E.C., on the following Thursdays: — February 9,23 July 6,13, 20 27 March 9, 23 August 3 April 13,27 September 14, 28 May 4,11,18, 25 October 12 26 June 1,8,15,22, 29 November 2 23 December 7,14 Special attention given to Rent Collecting and the entire management of House Property, Valuations for Compensations, Mortgages, and for Probate Purposes, Surveys for Dilapidations and Plans. Agents (appointed 1836) to the London Assurance Corporation. MESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, Seven. Leadenhall-street, Cornhill, E.C., and 144, Mile End-road, E. Telegrams: “Established, London.” Telephone No. 335 Avenue. COMMERCIAL-ROAD, E.—Long Leaseholds, let (one on agreement), at £8C 12s. per annum. ׳]yTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by i-L-I Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, February 23 at Two, the DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 2 and 4, Eilen-street, Backchurch-lane. Let at 15s. 6d. each per week. Landlord pays taxes. Unexpired term 80 years. Ground rent £10 each.—Solicitor, F. J. East, Esq., 10, Basinghail-street, E.C. UPTON-PARK.—Long Leasehold Corner House and Shop. lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by L»-l- Auction, at tne Mart, on Thursday, February 23, at 1!־wo o’clock, PREMISES, No. 88, Elizabeth-road, corner of Fry-road, and close to Cpton Park Station. Let on agreement to Pfloenix Sanitary Laundry, at £36 per annum. Term 9o years, at £o per annum.—Solicitor, Herbert O. Hardy, Esq., 5, Arunde1-street, W.C. MILE END.—Leasehold House and! Premises convenient for Tailoring, Boo׳t, or other Light Manufactory. Ti/TESSRS. O. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by LY_L Auction, at tne Mart, on Thursday, February 23, at Two, Nos. 23a and 24, TOLLBT-STREET, inortoik-street, Gn>»e־road, comprising ten-roomed house, workshops, witli area oi 1,869ft., stable, etc. mouse let at per annum, vacant possession of workshops on completion of purchase. Term 25 years at £9 5s. per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs, iviinet, Harvie and May, 4, King William-street, E.C. HOMERTON.—Long Leaseholds, olose to Homerton Station. MESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by Auction, at tne Mart, on Thursday, February 23, at Two, the LEASEHOLD fluuoLS, Nos. 10 and lz, Ooopersaie-road, Hign-street, close to Homerton Church. Let at 13s. eacn, per annum £67 12s. Term 80 years unexpired, at £4 eacn.—Solicitors, Messrs. Stock and Slater, 19, Walbrook, ׳E.C. ROTHERHITHE— Leasehold House and Stabling, close to tne Station (E. L. Ry.). lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by Lt.L Auction, at tne Mart, on Thursday, February 23, at Two, No 14, TUNNEL-SQUARE, hattenck-street, Adam-street, let at £54 lzs. per annum, landlord paying taxes. Unexpired term 90 years, at £15 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Finch and Turner, 84, Cannon-street, E.C. PLAISTOW.—Eight Freehold Cottages, situated near to L. T. and S. Railway Station, let to responsioie tenants, at moderate rentals. MESSRS. O. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, Februarv 23, at Two, the EIGHT FREEHOLDS, N03. 9, 11, 13, and 15, Plaistow-grove, and Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Lady-wen-piace, Plaisiow-road. Let at 7s. each, per annum £145 12s., landlord paying taxes.—Solicitors, Messrs. Wood and Sons, 16. Eastcneap, E.C, CLAPTON.—By order of the Trustees.—Leasehold Residence, in a favourite road. ]yTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by L’L Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, February 23, at Two, the LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 55. Powerscroft-road, Upper Clapton. At present in occupation of a relative of deceased. Term 99 years, from 1879. Ground rent £7 per annum.—Solicitors! Messrs. Beloe and Beloe, King's Lynn, Norfolk CHINGFORD and BARKING.—Freehold and Leasehold Houses, let at £250 18s. per annum. lyTESSRS. 0. 0. and T. MOORE will Sell by -ILL Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, February 23, at Two, in Lots, the FREEHOLDS, Nos. 15, 17 and 19, Willow-street, Chingford, let at 7s. 7s., and 7s. 6d. per week; also the 15 Long Leaseholds, Morgan's Quay, Fisher-street, Barking, let at 5s. each. Term 88 years, at £52 10s. ground rent.— Solicitors, Messrs. Mercer and Whitehead, 108, High-street, Ramsgate SHADWELL—Copyhold Premises, immediately opposite New Gravel-lane. With vacant possession at Lady Day next. lyTESSRS. O. C. and T. MOORE will Sell •ILL Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, Februf 23, at Two, the COPTHOLD HOUSE and'SHOP w small hall in rear, No. 224, High-street, near Sh; well Station. Weil adapted for mission wo which has been carried on for many years, or ; light manufacturing purposes—Solicitors, Mess Stones, Morris and Stone, 5, Finsbury-circus E C Auction and Estate Agency Offices, Seven, Lead! 1 qILoTvooI *XT' O nv>.^ AAA Hi; 1 _ TU__ .1 -1 Foithcoming Sales for the Year 1899. MESSRS. E. and H. LUMLEY (Lumley’s, of •"־*־ St. James’s House, 22, St. James’s-street, London, S.W.) beg to announce the following days of SALE by AUCTION for the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.; but, in addition, other dates can be arranged for special sales.—Terms on application. Tuesday, Feb. 14 Tuesday, June 20 Tuesday, Mar. 14 Tuesday, July 4 Tuesday, April 25 Tuesday, J uly 18 Tuesday, May 23 Tuesday, Aug. 15 Tuesday June 6 Tuesday, Sep. 12 Messrs. E. and H. Lumley announce in the advertisement columns of “ The Times ” on Saturdays a complete list of their sales, which will include estates in England, Ireland and Scotland, town and country properties, ground rents, reversions, gas and water shares, stocks, etc. In cases where property is to be included ample notice should be given in order to insure due publicity. St. James’s House. No. 22, St. James’s-street S W. Tuesday, Oct. 17 Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuesday, Nov. 28 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Sales l)t> auctttm. ¿ales i)g Euctum. Re James Taylor, deceased. MR. PERCY H. CLARKE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, February 7, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Lots, the following PROPERTIES: — FULHAM.—5, Edith-grove. Unexpired term 27§ years. Ground rent £5. Rent £45 per annum. CHELSEA.—16, Arthur-street, and 3a, Crooked Usage; nine years unexpired; ground rent £20. Let weekly at £64 4s. per annum. 121, Sydney-street; four years unexpired; ground rent £5. Let at £42 per annum. KNIGHTSBEIDGE.—13 and 14, Arthur-street; 11 years unexpired; ground rent £10. Producing 71 per annum. WIMBLEDON.—17, 19, 21 and 23, Palmerston-road ; 78| years unexpired; ground rent £20. Let weekly at £98 12s. per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Everett and Hodgkinson, 124, Chancery-lane, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand. By order of Executrix of Samuel Elworthy, deceased. MR. PERCY H. CLARKE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, February 7, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Lots, the following PROPERTIES: — PIMLICO.—37, Cumberland-street; 35 years unexpired; ground rent £8. Let weekly at £113 2s. per annum. CHELSEA.—34, Burnaby-street, House and Shop, 81 years unexpired; ground rent £7 17s. 6d. Let at 4׳) per annum. 31 to 34, St. Leonards-terrace, Two Houses, Two Studios; 52£ years unexpired; ground rent £45. Producing £230 per annum. BATTERSEA.—32, Park-road; 35 years nnexpired; ground rent £5. Let at £30 per annum. FULHAM.—Two Freehold Houses, 9 and 11, Good-son-road. Let weekly at £65 per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Everett and Hodgkinson, 124, Chancery-lane, W.C,; and of the Auctioneer, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand, W.C. Investments in Leasehold Shops and other Properties. MR. PERCY H. CLARKE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, !' eoruary 7, 1899, the following PROPERTIES, in Lots : — CLAPHAM.-In Lots.—Seven superior Houses and bhops, 28 to 40 (even), Abbevilie-road ; unexpired term 95! years; moderate ground rents. Producing £480 per annum. Also Block of Fiats, known as Abbeville Mansions; term 99 years; ground rent £50. Estimated rental £384 per annum. WAN Lb WORTH-ROAD.—Leasehold Workshop, 7, George-place; term 88 years; ground rent £5 per annum. Let on lease at £45 per annum.—Vendors’ Solicitors, Messrs. Waller and Sons, 75, Coleman-street, E.C. FULHAM.—40, Chessilton-road ; 81| years unexpired. Let at £40 per annum. CHELSEA.—31, Glebe-place; 42 years unexpired; ground rent £6. Let yearly at £34 per annum. 32, Upcerne-road; 83 years unexpired; ground rent £6 16s. Let weekly at £48 2s. per annum. Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Everett and Hodgkinson, 124, Chancery-lane. Particulars of Auctioneer, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand. KILBURN.—Good Leasehold Dwelling Houses, 2, 4, and 6, Stafford-road. about 70 years unexpired, ground rent £18; let weekly and producing £208 per annum. Also, separately, 127 and 128, Cam-bridge-road, ground rent £7 each; both let weekly and producing together £136 10s. MESSRS. ABERCROMBIE and EDMUNDS ^ill Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, February 7, at Tokenhouse-yard Two o’clock. Particulars of S. T. Kingston, Esq., solicitor, 41, Fitzroy-street, Fitzroy-square; and of the Auctioneers, 340, High-road, Kilburn; Biiliter House, Biliiter-street, E.C.; Willesden-green and Hendon. Telephone Nos.: Paddington 705; Avenue 5789. DE8ENHAM, STORR AND SONS, LTD. PUBLIC SALES almost daily throughout the year in two spacious rooms, of diamonas, ornaments, rubies, pearls, expensive watches, old family plate, miniatures, medals, pictures, lace, sables, etc. Special attention given to the sale of jewellers’, pawnbrokers’, and other businesses in all parts of the country. Valuations of trade stocks for probate or division. Arbitrations. Auction sales of landed property. House agency and compensation cases. 6, KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. 1899. Sales by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, E.C.,, will be held by Messrs. 0HESTERTON and SONS, on the following Thursday, June 15 Thursday, July 13 ’j fiursaay. Nov. 2 Thursday, Dec. 14. dates: Thursday. Feb. 23 Thursday, April 6 ־JLhursaay, April 27 Thursday, May 25 And on other days by arrangement. Particulars and terms for inclusion of freehold and leasehold estates, ground rents, shops, houses and land may be had on application to the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 51, CHEAPSIDE, E.C., and KENSINGTON HIGH-STREET, W. Telephone No. 5466 Bank. Mr. F. H. B. RIDDLE, E.S.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, 72, PARK-ST., GROSVENOR-SQUARE, W. Late and for many years with Messrs. Trollope as Auctioneer, and Manager of their West Halkin-street Agency Department. Ail matters of business with which Mr. Riddle may be favoured will receive his careful personal attention. CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY.—SHEPHERO’S BUSH. NDTTING HILL, WEST KENSINGTON PARK AND DISTRICT, also ealing, hanwell and squthall. Owners wishing to Sell or Let Property in these districts should send to C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Who have more applications than they can suit. Particulars inserted in their Western Suburbs Register Free. Rent Collections undertaken (large or small), and Property of all kinds managed on inclusive terms; punctual payments guaranteed. References to clients of 20 years’ standing. Offices: “ Ilchester House” (facing), Uxbridge-road Station, W. (Established 1877); and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Telephone No. 108 Hammersmith, and 63 Ealing. In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division (Mr. Justice Kekewich), 1898, H. No. 1,550; Re James Hickisson deceased.—Rushbrook v. Friend. HOXTON, DE BEAUVOIR TOWN, STOKE NEWINGTON, MILDMAY-PARK, CANONBURY, HOMERTON, LONDON-FIELDS, COMMERCIAL-ROAD, E., and BELVEDERE, KENT. Valuable Freehold and Long Leasehold Investments, comprising Four Shops, 32 Dwelling Houses, and Improved Leasehold Ground Rents, producing a total gross rental of £1,503 9s. per annum. MR. GEORGE PEARCE (of the firm of Messrs. GEO. PEARCE and SONS) is instructed to Sell by Auction, by ■order of Mr. Justice Kekewich, the Judge to whose Court the above action is attached, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City of London, on Wednesday, February ,22, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in 27 Lots, the following PROPERTIES:— Rent. Yrs unexpir’d. Gro’nd Rent. £120 68 £17 19s. £106 2s. 72è £16 £36 8s. 72! £5 5s. £37 14s. 72J £5 £30 51 £5 10?. £40 17 .־5 £5 £68 24 £6 £135 12s. 33è £20 £39 33 £4 4s. £90 19| £42 £111 43à £12 12s. £329 H6s. 231 £198 8s. £197 12s. 48è £30 £32 55 £3 3s. £45 19| £23 Situation, Nos. 10, 42 and 44, Springdale-road, Stoke Newioprton No?. 34,36 and 38, Ditto .. No. 47, Springd ale-road No. 95, Aden-grove, Stoke —NewiDgton No. 21, Wolsey-road, Mildmay- park ..................... No. 73, South gate-rd., Islingt’c Nop. 54 and 56, Ufton-road, De Beauvoir Town, N. ., Nos. 21, 22, 23 and 24, Baring- street, Hoxton............ No. 1, Gopsall-street, Hoxton.. Nos. 123 and 125. New North- road, Hoxton.............. Nos. 112,114 and 116, Wenlock- street, Hoxton............ Nog. 13, 17, 21, 23, 25 and 27, St. John’s-road, Hoxton .. Nos. 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, West-side, Uondon-fields .. No. 44, Chu׳ch-road, Homert’r No. 24, Canonbury-squaie. Canonbury ................... Also the Freehold Business Premises, No. 102, Wat-ney-street, Commercial-road, E.; Let on lease at £63 per annum, and Improved Leasehold Ground Rents of £22 5s. per annum, secured upon six houses and land in Abbey-road, Belvedere, Kent; unexpired term 61| years, ׳at £10 10s. rent. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Leslie and Hardy, solicitors, 17, Bedford-row, W.C. ; of Messrs. Crosse and Sons, solicitors, 7, Lancaster-place, Strand; and of Messrs. Geo. ,Pearce and Sons, auctioneers and surveyors, 22, Hyde-road, Hoxton, and 32, Sherborne-st., Islington. At Low Reserve. HACKNEY, BALLS POND, ST. GEORGE’S EAST, and BETHNAL-GREEN. MIN CENT S. LEIGH, will )Sell by Auction, » at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, February 8, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely: — FREEHOLD GROUND RENT £35 per annum, secured upon Nos. 77, 79 and 91, Cable-street, St. (George's East. Rack rents £170. Reversion in 80 1years. BALLS POND.—Private Residence, No. 29, Baxter-road, Essex-road. Per £35 annum. Lease 60 years. Ground rent £5 5s. HACKNEY.—Freehold Private Residence; 15s. weekly; per £39 annum. BETHNAL-GREEN—Five Weekly Houses, Nos. 1 to 5, Cornwaii-piace, Cornwall-road, James-street, Green-street, E. Per £117 annum. Lease 80 years. Ground rent £20. Particulars of the respective Solicitors: John Howard Smith, Esq., 24, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; Matthew J. Jarvis, Esq., 32, Finsbury-pavement, E.C.; Messrs. Wood and Son, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; Messrs. Harris and Chetham, 35, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 316a, Mare-street, Hackney, N.E. By order of the Trustees of the late C. J. Bury, Esq. —Nearly 12 !acres of valuable Freehold Building Land, at EDMONTON. MR, GEORGE E. HARRINGTON will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., ■on Wednesday, February 22, at Two, in One Lot, valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE, known as the Cock Field, situate in a choice position, within a few minutes’ walk of Lower Edmonton Station. Fully ripe for (building small villa residences, for which there is a great and increasing demand. Particulars and plans of Messrs. S. M. and J. B. Benson, solicitors, 1, Clement’s-inn, Strand, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Telephone 5698 Bank. "lyTESSRS. BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCK- -ILL MASTER, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, of Broadway, Walham-green. SALES BY AUCTION at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.., every month; also local sales, in which all classes of Property can be advantageously included. Also Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate charges. SALES BY AUCTION of Stocks, Furniture, Shares, etc. ESTATES MANAGED, Rents Collected. VALUATIONS of all kinds. Compensation Claims adjusted. BUILDING LAND to Let and advances arranged. Mortgages negotiated. Auction Offices r,s .above. gB?c® Messrs. H. & A. LAYMAN, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND HOUSE AGENTS. Offices and Sale Rooms, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E. Auction Rooms specially adapted for the Sale of Freehold and Leasehold Property, Silver Plate, Jewels, Precious Stones and Valuables, Furniture, ■Drapery, and all lrinds of Chattel Property, Valuations made for all Purposes. Sales as above held daily. Sales by Auction for the Tear 1899. lyTESSRS. H. J. BLISS and SONS beg to -LTX notify that their Sales hy Auction of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Business Premises, Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, and other Properties, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, at Two o’clock precisely,, on the following Thursdays throughout the year 1899: — Thursday, July 6 Thursday, July 20 Thursday, August 17 Thursday, September 21 Thursday, October 19 Thursday, November 16 Thursday. December 14 by special arrangement. i Offices, 106, Cheapside, L-road, N.E. Thursday. February 16 Thursday, March 16 Thursday, April 20 Thursday, May 11 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, June 8 Thursday, June 22 And at intermediate d; Auction, Survey and ] E.C., and 164, Bethnal־g