February 4, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 170 BIRMINGHAM. GRIMLEY & SON, F.S.I., Auctioneers- Surveyors and Estate Agents- SHEFFIELD, YORKSHIRE and DERBYSHIRE. HORSHAM, 8U8SEX. MESSRS. KING ÄND CHÄ8EMORE, F.S.l. Land and Timber Surveyors. CUSSEX, near HORSHAM, in a picturesque LJ favourite residential district. To be Sold, a charming Residential Estate, delightfully situated near church and village, four miles from Horsham, and three miles from two railway stations, on high ground, commanding beautiful views, comprising an excellent modern Family Residence, approached by a long carriage drive through prettily timbered parkland, containing 11 bed1 rooms, fitted bath room, entrance hall, three reception rooms, and excellent offices, good stabling for nine horses, groom’s room, coach-house, harness room, pleasure gardens, tennis lawn, bailiff’s house, and ample farm buildings. The residence is of a picturesque style of architecture, with good sanitary arrangements, and was specially built for the owner’s occupation. The estate comprises 75 acres of grass and woodland, with good ponds and small stream.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham, Sussex. SURREY, NEWDIGATE, about three miles from a railway station.—To be Let, an excellent Farm of about 354 acres, of which 220 acres are meadow and pasture, 120 acres arable, and the remainder woodland, homestead, etc. Commodious old-fashioned farmhouse, surrounded by a moat, containing attics, six bed rooms, and store room, approached by old oak staircase, two good' reception rooms, business room, kitchen, dairy, and good offices; pleasure and kitchen gardens, extensive well-arranged farm buildings and two cottages. The farm is well watered, and is in a first-rate state of cultivation, having been farmed by the owner for many years past, and is admirably adapted for the carrying of a large herd of cattle.—Rent moderate. —For further particulars apply to Messrs. King and Chasemore. land and timber surveyors, Horsham, Sussex. DEVONSHIRE. MESSRS. HUSSEY & SON (Established over a Century), Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Agricultural, Tenant-Right, Timber and other Valuers, EXETER, DEVON. Stock, Timber, and all Classes of Sales and Valuations undertaken on Moderate Terms. Telephone : No. 21, Exeter. TVE VON SHIRE. —Cullompton (near).—For Sale, valuable and compact Freehold Estate, containing 47 acres (mostly pasture and watered meadow), with suitablo farmhouse and outbuildings. Rent £99.—Price £2,200. rpOPSHAM (near Exeter), a Freehold Resi--L dence, known as Cranford, with glass verandah, large vinery, greenhouse, front and back gardens, situate on the Strand, Topsham, within 15 minutes by rail of the City of Exeter, close to the River Exe, and1 in one of the best parts of this favoured neighbourhood, with fine views of the Haldon Hills and Powderham. The house contains: On the ground floor, entrance hall, dining room, double drawing room, kitchen, scullery, larder, wash-house, and coal house; on the first floor, three bed rooms, bath room (with hot and cold water supply and shower bath), w.c., store room; on the second• floor, two bed rooms. Together with the valuable pleasure or garden ground situate opposite, having a frontage to the Strand of 40ft. 6in., and a depth of 190ft., or thereabouts, extending to the foreshore; with stable and coach-house and potting shed; boat slip 31ft. long, 8ft. 9in. wide, and summer house, overlooking the River Exe, and commanding fine views of the Estuary. Rent £45 a year on repairing lease. Freehold price, £900. T^OR SALE, near Teignmouth, South Devon, -L a very desirable Freehold Residential Property, occupying an elevated, healthy position, commanding on all sides extensive views, with detached stables, coach-house, poultry houses, piggeries and tool houses, two vegetable gardens, lawn, grass paddock and other lands, together comprising upwards of 14 acres. The house contains three reception rooms, five bedrooms, bath room, w.c., kitchen, and the usual domestic offices.—Price £5,250, or offer.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, as above. LONDON AND BERKSHIRE. Vm. R. NICHOLAS & Co. Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Blagrave Street, Reading, & 60, Pall Hall, S.W BERKS.—Between Twyford and Maidenhead.—Within about li miles of the former station, on the main G. W. R., whence London is reached in about 40 minutes by a splendid train service. In the centre of a high and lovely district. That attractive old-fashioned Georgian Residence known as HAWTHORNS, HARE HATCH, containing 12 bed rooms, three reception rooms and good offices: stabling for five, cow houses, charmingly timbered old grounds, kitchen, garden and paddock, which will be Sold by Auction, by ־TV/TESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. i.YJ_ at the London Auction Mart, on Tuesday, February 21, 1899. Particulars (with photos) and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Bloxham, Ellison, Rose and Henneky, 1, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London. W.C.; or (with permits to view) of Messrs. Wm. R. Nicholas and Co., auctioneers. 60 Pall Mall (opposite Marlborough House), S.W., and at Blagrave-street, Reading. MORTGAGES. TV/TESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. ILL have several sums of money, both large and small, to put out on good mortgage security, from 3£ per cent., and will be glad to receive particulars from persons desiring same as soon as possible. Auction Offices, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Valuations for purposes of sale. Valuations on behalf of purchasers. Valuations on behalf of trustees. Valuations for mortgages. Valuations of land and timber. ־jl/TESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. I’-L make these a speciality in their business. From their extensive practice they are able to give an authoritative opinion upon the value of land and timber in any part of the kingdom, for the guidance of vendors, purchasers, mortgagees, trustees, or for any other purposes. Terms on application. Auction Offices, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. OROYDON. SUR R EY. HOOKER & WEBB, Surveyors, Valuers, Auctioneers, &c., 4, HIGH STREET, CROYDON. EDENBRIDGE, KENT.—Freehold Investment. TTOOKER and WEBB have received instruc-XI. tions to Sell by Auction, at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thursday. February 23, 1899, at Six o'clock precisely, the FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as The Coffee Palace, High-street, Eden-bridge, within five minutes’s walk of Edenbridge Station (L. B. and S. C. R.), and one mile from the S. E. R. Station. The property comprises a brick-built and tile-roofed house, containing four bed rooms, two sitting rooms, shop, kitchen, and offices. In the rear there is a large timber-built detached room with galvanised iron roof and brick foundations, and a good large garden. Gas and water are laid on. The property occupies a central position, and has a valuable frontage to the High-street, and, with a small judicious outlay, could be easily converted into excellent business premises. May be viewed with orders to be obtained of the Auctioneers; and particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Beaumont, Son and Rigden. solicitors. 33, Chancery-lane, W.C.; at the place of sale; and of the Auctioneers, 4, High-street, Croydon. CROYDON.—Sale of Freehold Residence, and Long Leasehold House and Shop Property. TXOOKER and WEBB have received instruc-XI. tions to Sell by Auction, at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thursday, February 23, 1899, at Six o’clock precisely, in Four Lots: — LANARK, ALTYRE-ROAD, EAST CROYDON, a well-built Freehold detached modern Residence, with attractive elevation, situate in a first-class position, and close to the main line station, whence the City and West-end can be easily reacioa The house contains six bed rooms, bath room (h. and c.), three reception rooms and excellent domestic offices; good garden with lawn, and flower beds, and is at present let at £80 per annum, on a three years’ agreement expiring before the date of sale, so that immediate possession can be given on completion of the purchase. The property has a frontage of 44ft., by a depth of 121ft. Also an excellent Long LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Nos. 65 to 83 (odd numbers), Longfellow-road, West Croydon, comprising nine houses and one shop, in a thickly populated and increasing neighbourhood, a short distance from West Croydon Station. The houses, which are /.׳ell built, and contain good accommodation, are let at a rental of 10s. a week each, landlord paying rates and taxes. The shop is let at £45 per annum on three years’ agreement, tenant paying rates and taxes, the whole property thus producing a gross rental of £279 per annum. The houses may be viewed with order to be obtained of the Auctioneers; and particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Marshall and Liddle, solicitors, 62. North-end, Croydon; at the place of sale; and of the Auctioneers, 4, High-street, Croydon. SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, by TV/TESSRS. GRIMLEY and SON, on Thurs- d-VX day, February 9, 1899, at the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, at Seven o’clock to the nun ute: — UPPER WEBSTER-STREET, ASTON NEW TOWN (near Clarendon-street). Lot 1.—Four well-built front DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 46, 48, 50 and 52, Upper Webster-street, each containing parlour, kitchen, scullery, and two bed rooms, with private yards, outbuildings, and gardens thereto, let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £55 18s. per annum. Leasehold for a term having 67 years unexpired at September last, subject to a yearly ground rent of £10 15s. WHITMORE-STREET, HOCKLEY. Lot 2.—A well-situated LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, consisting of Four front Dwelling Houses, Nos. 31, 34, 35 and 36, Whitmore-street, each containing parlour, kitchen, two bed rooms, attic, and cellar, *with joint use of paved yard and outbuildings, in the occupation of weekly tenants at rents amounting to £58 10s. Leasehold for a term having 73 years unexpired from December last, subject to a ground rent of £23 5s., which is reduced to £13 by a sub-ground rent of £10 5s. secured by adjoining property. GREEN WAY-STREET, SMALL HEATH. Lot 3.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 90, 92, 96, 98 and 100, Greenway-street, comprising Five front Dwelling Houses, with private yards and outbuildings, and Six Dwelling Houses and gardens in the rear, known as Exmouth-place let at weekly rents amounting to £117 13s. per annum. Term unexpired 70 years from December last. Ground rent £18. BISHOP-STREET (near Lower Hurst-street East). Lot 4.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising the front Three-story Dwelling House, No. 79, Bishop-street, and Four Dwelling Houses and Workshop, and outbuildings in paved yard in the rear, in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £52 13s. Term unexpired 39 years from March last. Ground rent £6 16s. per annum. BENAORE-STREET and YERE-STREET. Lot 5,—A capital LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 123 and 124, Ben acre-street, and No. 51. Yere-street, consisting of a Retail Shop and Dwelling Houses, and Two other Dwelling Houses, in the occupation of good tenants, at very low rents amounting to £93 7s. per annum. The tenant of No. 124 pays the rates, but receives an allowance of 30s. per annum; for the other house the landlord pays the rates. Leasehold for an unexpired term of 51 years, from March last. Apportioned ground rent £6. LITTLE GREEN-LANE. SMALL HEATH. Lot 6,—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 118, 120 and 124, Little Green-lane, nearly opposite Wynd-cliff-road, comprising Three front Dwelling Houses; and Six convenient Dwelling Houses, with garden plots and outbuildings in two yards in the rear, let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £110 18s. 8d. per annum. Term 75 years. Ground rent £12 2s. 4d. ALMA-STREET, ASTON NEW TOWN. Lot 7.—A substantially built LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, consisting of Retail Premises and Dwelling House, No. 111. Alma-street, containing shop, sitting room, kitchen, and four bed rooms, with cellars having rolling way from yard, let at a weekly rent amounting to £20 16s. per annum; and the commodious Dwelling House, No. 113, Alma-street, adjoining, together with the extensive Stabling, yard, and outbuildings in the rear, let on lease until 1913. at a rent of £26 per annum, the tenant doing all repairs and paying rates and taxes. Total rental £46 16s. per year. Term 56 years. Ground rent £8 12s. 8d. ARCHIBALD-ROAD and LIME-GROVE, HANDSWORTH. Lot 8—Two well-built RETAIL SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES. Nos. 17 and 19, Archibaid-road, in the occupation of tenants of long standing, at rents amounting to £38 per annum, the tenants paying rates; together w.xh the Coal Yard, Stable, and outbuildings, with gateway entrance; and the small VILLA RESIDENCE. No. 1, Lime-grove, let at a weekly rent amounting to £16 18s. per annum. Total rental £54 18s. Term 78 vears. Ground rent £11. FINCH-ROAD and ARCHIBALD-ROAD, HANDSWORTH. Lot 9.—A well-built VILLA RESIDENCE, No. 78, Finch-road, containing entrance hall, parlour, kitchen, scullery, three bed rooms, and attic, with private yard and garden at rear, and garden plot at front, let at £21 per annum, the tenant paying all rates and taxes; and Two double-fronted DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 1 and 3, Archibald-road, let at rents amounting to £37 10s. per annum, the landlord paying rates and taxes. Total rental £58 10s. Term 76 years. Ground rent £14 10s. LITTLE GREEN-LANE. SMALL HEATH. Lot 10.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, consisting of Four double-fronted Cottages, each containing parlour, kitchen, and two bed rooms, with the garden plots and outbuildings thereto, situate and being known as Brighton-terrace (next No. 52;, Little Green-lane (near Coventry-road), let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £44 17s. per annum. Term 64 years. Ground rent £10. NOVA SCOTIA-STREET. Lot 11.—Eight DWELLING HOUSES, three of which are front, and numbered 33. 34 and 35, Nova Scotia-street, the remainder being in the rear, let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £83 4s. per annum. Term unexpired 47 years. Ground rent £16. CLIFTON-ROAD, ASTON Lot 12.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, consisting of Four front Dwelling Houses, Nos. 34, 36, 38 and 40. Clifton-road, and Seven well-arranged Houses in the rear, with garden plots, outbuildings, and yards thereto, approached by party entry from the street, in the occupation of weekly tenants at rents amounting to £120 18s. pei annum. Term unexpired 76 years. Ground rent £22. UPPER PERSHORF-ROAD. Lot 13.—A small VILLA RESIDENCE, No. 96. Upper Pershore-road, known as Glen View, and large garden in the rear; and Four well-arranged DWELLING HOUSES, known as Mayfield Avenue, in the occupation of weekly tenants at rents amounting to £79 19s. Term unexpired 93 years. Ground rent £18. FARM-STREET, HOCKLEY (near Burbury-street). Lot 14.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, consisting of the Front Dwelling House, 328, Farm-street, and Eight Dwelling Houses, Shopping, and outbuildings and yard in the rear; and Manufacturing Premises, with gateway entrance, No. 326. Farm-street, the whole being let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £141 14s. Term unexpired 62-years. Ground rent £14 9s. 8d. Solicitors, Messrs. Ansell and Ashford. 27, Bennett’s-hill. Auctioneers’ Offices, 39 and 40, Temple-street. Birmingham. NICHOLSON, GREAYES, BÄRBER, and HASTINGS, Estate & General Auction Mart, 2, HIGH STREET, CROOKES, SHEFFIELD. VALUABLE building estate. i\ Ripe for Development. To be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, on Tuesday, February 7, 1899, at Four o’clock for Half-past Four precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced: — ____ _ The valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE, with farmhouse and cottages, containing 4a. 2r. 38p. (or 22,929 square yards), having a good frontage to Crookes, and extending backwards to Bole-hill-lane. The farmhouse and land are now occupied by Mr. J. Loates, whose tenancy will terminate on March 25 next. The estate may be developed practically without any waste land, as a road 40ft. wide may be cut from Crookes to Bole-hill-lane, leaving building sites on both sides of the road. Crookes is rapidly increasing in population, and houses let very readily and at good rents. The trams are expected to run close to this The * Corporation Water Conduit runs under part of the land at a depth of 70 yards from the surface, but the owners of the surface are entitled to build over the conduit, and to receive compensation for any subsidence. ,. For plans and particulars application may be made to Messrs. Holmes and Watson, surveyors, Church-street; to the Auctioneers; or to Messrs. Rodgers, Thomas and Sandford, solicitors, 30, Bank-street, Sheffield. ______ HIGH-GREEN, CHAPELTOWN. J^XCELLESTT STONE-BUILT PROPERTY. To be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, on Tuesday, February 7, 1899, at 4.30 p.m. precisely, subject to the Conditions of Sale to be then produced: — The SEVEN Stone-built DWELLING HOUSES, one of ■which is used as a Saleshop, ־with the gardens and outbuildings thereto, situate at Piece End, High-green, Chapeltown. in the occupation of Messrs. Hugh, Blythe, Brailsford, and others, and producing a gross annual rental of £72 4s. The site is Freehold, and contains 2.420 square yards or thereabouts. The property is always well let. Further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, 2, High-street; or from Messrs. Rodgers, Thomas and Sandford, solicitors, 30, Bank-street, Sheffield. Preliminary Notice. To Brewers and others. rTTEE Valuable FREEHOLD FULLY- A LICENSED INN, called tlie Crispin Inn, at Asliover, will be Offered for Sale by Public Auction by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS, in the month of February next. Full particulars will be advertised next week. Jones and Middleton, Chesterfield. John Shaw, deceased. WESTON-STREET, SHEFFIELD. ־]EXCELLENT DWELLING HOUSES.—To J-j be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, on Tuesday, February 21, 1899, at Four o’clock for halfpast Four precisely, subject to conditions of the Sheffield Law Society and special conditions: — A PAIR of well-built brick DWELLING HOUSES, with excellent yard and outbuildings., being Nos. 121 and 123, Weston-street, Sheffield. No. 123 is let at £14 10s. a year, the tenant paying his own rates, and No. 121 is in the occupation of the trustees, but is of equal rental value. The gas fixtures in No. 121 will be included in the sale. The site is held on lease for 500 years from March 25, 1875, at an annual ground rent of £5 6s. Any further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, 2, High-street; or from Arthur Neal, solicitor, 10, Figtree-lane, Sheffield. DUKE-STREET, PARK. Valuable Shop and House Property, with Beer-off License. lUESSRS. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, ■ILL BARBER and HASTINGS are instructed by Thomas Woodcock, Esq.״ the owner, to Offer for Sale by Public Auction, at their Estate Mart, 2, High-street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, February 14, 1899, at 4.30 p.m., subject to conditions:— THREE capital SALESHOPS, Nos. 195, 197, 199, Duke-street, occupied by Mr. W. H. Fisher, fish dealer, Mr. W. A. Pashley, grocer, and Mrs. D. Gregory״ draper, respectively. Attached to Mr. Pashley’s shop is a valuable beer-off license. Mr. Pashley’s tenancy terminates April 19, 1904, and Mrs. Gregory’s May 3, 1904. The tenants of the three shops pay their own rates, the landlord paying half the poor rate for the cottage, formerly 201, Duke-street (part of Mrs. Gregory’s premises). Also the NINE DWELLING HOUSES adjoining, Nos. 203, 205, Duke-street, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, in Hampden-street, with one house in the yard at the back of Mrs. Gregory’s premises, occupied by Mr. Thackray. The landlord pays the rates of these nine houses, which rates (including the half poor rate referred to) are estimated at £25 8s. lid. per annum. The premises are held on lease for 99 years, from March 25, 1840, at the annual rent •of £4 4s., and produce the gross annual rental of £151 19s. lOd. The property, which is situate in one of the best business and letting localities in the Park, is well-built and moderately rented, while the shops and houses are in great demand; and the sale affords an opportunity of lucrative investment. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers; or William Irons, solicitor, 10, St. James’s-street, Sheffield.