January 28, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 160 Sales is auction. To Brewers, licensed1 Victuallers, and others.— MOUNT PLEASANT HOTEL, Millbay-road, PLYMOUTH—Sale, with possession, of this important Freehold Licensed Property, adjoining Millbay Railway Station, G.W.R. Sell, on the Premises, by Auction (if not previously sold by private treaty), and subject to the Law Society's general and other special conditions, on Tuesday, January 31, 1899, at 6.30 p.m., all that exceptionally valuable fully-licensed HOTEL, known as the Mount Pleasant Hotel, situate and being No. 12, Millbay-road, Plymouth, comprising, on the ground floor, hotel׳ bar, tap room, bar parlour, private room, kitchen, scullery, cellar, and usual offices; second floor, two dining rooms, drawing room, and two bed rooms; third floor, six bed rooms¡, four attics, above. Also tenement, with covered way, comprising seven rooms, at the rear. The property has a frontage of 75ft. in Millbay-road, and a depth to a lane behind, of 150ft. It faces the Millbay Railway Station, now in course of enlargement, and which, when completed, will afford considerable facilities for the development of business in the immediate neighbourhood, Millbay Railway !Station being the terminus of the G.W.R., on which a large sum of money is now being spent. The house is in excellent repair, and a good, sound, first-class business is carried on, thereby affording the trade and others an exceptional opportunity of acquiring a good class fully-licensed hotel. Special attention should be given to the fact of its being one of the finest hotels in Plymouth. Furniture, fittings, etc., to be taken at the Auctioneer's valuation. Cards to view and further information may be obtained from the Auctioneer, Old Town-chambers, 104, Old Town-street, Plymouth; or of Messrs. Skar-don and Phillips, solicitors, Victoria-chambers, Plymouth. Important to Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers, House Furnishers, etc. WAREHAM, DORSET. Important Business Premises, occupying a commanding and unrivalled position, and possessing a frontage of 68ft. to the main thoroughfare of the town, with back entrance, now and for many years past in the occupation of Messrs. Drew, wholesale and retail ironmongers, house furnishers, etc., who command the principal trade of the Isle of Purbech, at a rent of £84 per annum, and affording an exceptional opportunity of acquiring first-class shop premises in the centre of this well-known market town. TV/TESSRS. ROBERTS, SON and TORY are H-L instructed by the Executors of Mr. J. Johnson (deceased) to Sell by Auction, at the Red Lion Hotel, Wareham, on Thursday, February 2, 1899, at 2.30 p.m., the above-mentioned extensive FREEHOLD SHOP PROPERTY, with the Dwelling House, Warehouses, Workshops, etc. Particulars, with plan and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Mr. J. Trevor Davies, solicitor. Yeovil; or of the Auctioneers, Dorchester and Yeovil. Imnortant to Brewers, Syndicates, and Capitalists. the Wrekin Hotel, Wellington, on Thursday. February 16, and subject to conditions, the following valuable PUBLIC-HOUSES: — THE ALBION, situate at St. George’s. THE PHEASANT, situate at Wrockwardine Wood. THE VICTORIA 1 ®ofh situate at Oakengates. The above houses’ are all doing a capital business, and should command1 the attention of the trade. Full particulars׳ may be obtained from the Auctioneers; or from Mr. J. V. T. Lander, solicitor, all of Wellington, Salop. . o’clock precisely, the following PROPERTIES, unless previously disposed of by private treaty : — HAMMERSMITH BROADWAY (rear), within two minutes of the stations of the District, Metropolitan, and South-Western Railwavs, and almost opposite the Vestry Hall .—An important Freehold Building Site, ripe for immediate development, and covering a superficial area of about 23.857ft., known as Nos. 15 and 17, Brook-green-road, to which there is a frontage of about 110ft.; if not sold the land will be Let on an 80 years’ Building Lease immediately afterwards—Solicitors, Messis. Lake and Lake, 10, New-square, W.C. EALING-GREEN.—A valuable Freehold Investment, comprising Two Family Residences, one with stabling, situate in this favourite portion of Ealing, known as No¿׳. 70 and 72, Ranelagh-road, let to good tenants, on repairing agreements, at the inadequate total rental of £95 p.a. —Solicitor, W. Weed, Esq., Queen-street-chambers, Maidenhead. Particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained of the respective Solicitors, or of the Auctioneer, at his offices. 14, Victoria-street, Westminster, and at Burgess -hill, and Horsham, Sussex. Steles tj) auction. Sales for the Year 1899.—Telephone No. 669 Bank.— Telegraphic Address, “ Akaber, London.” lyTESSRS. BAKER and SONS beg to an-ILL nounce that their Sales of LANDED ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, Shares and other Properties will be held at the Mart. Tokenbouse-yard1, E.C., on the following Fridays during the year 1899: — February 10. May 12. July 28. February 24. May 19. August 25. March 3. May 26. September 8. March 24. June 9. September 22. April 14. June 16. October 6. April 21. June 23. October 20. April 28. June 30. November 10. May 5. July 14. November 24. July 21. December8. Auctions can be held on days besides those above specified.—11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. On the borders of the CITY OF LONDON.—Important Block of Freehold Property. lyTESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by -b’-L Auction, on Friday, February 10, 1899, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., at Two o’clock precisely, the highly valuable FREEHOLD compact block of PROPERTY, comprising a total area of about 18,000ft., close to Farringdon-street Station, and having a frontage of about 175ft. to Cow Cross-street, abutting in the rear on the Metropolitan Railway, to which it has a frontage of about 96ft. The rear portion of the site is at present partly covered by newly built and capacious warehouses, while the frontage is available for building purposes of any kind. Possession of the whole site will be given on completion of the purchase, and two-thirds of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at Four per Cent. Owing to its proximity to the railway and Metropolitan Meat Market, and being in the midst of one of the most busy centres of London, it offers an excellent position for central storage for the various railway companies, cold storage for American, Colonial, and European produce, or, in fact, for any large business undertaking or institution. Particulars, plan, and conditions of sale of H. Garrard Clarke, Esq., solicitor, Cordwainers’ Hall, 7, Cannon-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. BOURNEMOUTH.—Valuable Long Leasehold Ground Rent of £10, secured upon the Residence known as 9, Wootton-gardens, Old Christchurch-road, having a frontage to Wootton-gardens of 30ft., and an average depth of 59ft., leased to substantial tenant for three years from September 29, 1897, at a rental of £35, but of an estimated rental of £50; the house is well built and in good repair.—Solicitors, Messrs. Field, Roscoe and Co., 36, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London, W.C. PORTLAND ESTATE.—Valuable Long Leasehold Business Premises, known as 124, Great Portland-street, Oxford-circus containing large shop and basement, first floor ¡and bath room, let to substantial tenant for 21 years on lease at £200 per annum; second, third, and fourth floors of eight rooms in hand, but of an estimated rental of £140: lease 79 years from October 11, 1894. at a ground rent of £36 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Bolton and Co.. 3, Temple-gardens, Temple, E.C. FINCEGLEY.—Valuable Long Leasehold Semi-detached Residence, known as Stoneleigh, Regent’s-park-road, Church-end, Finchley. N., containing six bed rooms, two reception rooms, bath, kitchen, and usual offices; conservatory and well-stocked garden ; uninterrupted view over Express Dairy Company’s land, which cannot be built upon for about 70 years; lease 91 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £8 10s. per annum; estimated rental £65; vacant possession—Solicitors, Messrs. Vaughan and Buss, 17 Southampton-street, Fitzroy-square. W. MESSRS. EDWAEDS and OATES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.G. on Monday, January 30, 1899, at Two o'clock nre-cisely. Particulars and1 conditions of sale may be bad at the Mart: of the Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers, 60, Great Portland-street, W. gteks tnj Euctioti. MONMOUTHSHIRE. 23 FULLY-LICENSED FREEHOLD HOTELS, ROADSIDE INNS, and PUBLIC-HOUSES. MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are favoured with instructions from the most Honourable the Marquis of Worcester to Sell by Auction, on Wednesday, March 8, 1899, at the Westgate Hotel, Newport, Mon., at 2.30 p.m. precisely, in 23 Lots, as under, the valuable FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED HOUSES, let at low rents, occupying excellent positions, and all capable of doing a much improved trade: — Rent.. £22 10 0 19 10 0 15 155 ACTON, KEW GARDENS, GUNNERSBURY, TWICKENHAM and MORTLAKE. on Wednesday, February 1, 1899, at Eight o’clock in the evening precisely, THIRTY-ONE PROPERTIES, situate at High-street, Birkbeck-grove, Mansell-road, and Shakespeare-road, Acton; Clarence-road, Kew Gardens; Wellesley-road, Gunnersbury; Amyand-park-road, Victoria-road and Haggard-road, Twickenham; Rosemary-terrace, Mortlake. All let at rentals amounting to £819 per annum. The properties may be viewed bv permission of the tenants. Particulars can be had at the place of sale; of the Solicitors, Messrs. Leggatt, Rubinstein and Co., 5, Raymond-buildings, Gray’s-inn, W.C. ; and at the Auctioneer’s Office, 31, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, W.C. By direction of Trustees. EDMONTON, MIDDLESEX, NORWOOD, SURREY, and NETLEY, HANTS. Valuable House Property, producing a rental of about £266 per annum. The important FREEHOLD BUSINESS PREMISES, known as 180, Upper Fore-street, Edmonton, Middlesex; large provision stores, at the low rent of £50 per annum. The FOUR FREEHOLD RESIDENCES. Nos. 8, 10, 12 and 14, Palace-road, Norwood, Surrey, occupied at rents amounting to £112 per annum. And the TEN COTTAGE TENEMENTS, Nos. 1 to 10, Arthur-terrace, Station-road, Netley, Hants, producing a gross revenue of about £104 16s. per annum.—Will be Sold by Auction, by lyTESSRS. VERNON and SON, at the Mart, i-YA Tokenhouse-yard, London, on Tuesday, January 31, 1899, at Two o’clock. The premises may be viewed by permission of the tenants. Particulars may be obtained at the place of sale; of Messrs. Norton, Rose, Norton and Co., solicitors, 10, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W.; or of Messrs. Vernon and Son. land agents and auctioneers, 29, y Cockspur street, London, S.W., and High Wycombe, \ Bucks. By order of Executors.—Freehold and Leasehold Investments. ־TyTESSRS. BOYCE and EVENS will Sell by ±V־ Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday. February 8. at Two o’clock, as follows: — OLD FORD.—The Freehold House and Shop. 236. Roman-road. Let on repairing lease at £35 per annum. DALSTON.—Leasehold Residence, 16, Alvington-crescent. Let at £36; term 67 years unexpired at £6 ground rent. KENTISH TOWN.—Two Leasehold Dwelling Houses, 88 and 90, Carlton-street, producing £64 per annum the two; term 61 years unexpired, at ground rent of £6 per annum each. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of J. Funston, Esq , 93. Finsbury-pavement. E.C.: and at the Auctioneers’ Offices. 92, Hoxton-street. N. ACTON.״ MIDDLESEX (close to Mill Hill Park Station). the town, tram and ’bus roads. ־lyTESSRS. W. EYDMANN and SON are AtA favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the George Hotel. High-street, Acton, on Thursday, February 2, 1899, at Seven o’clock in the evening, in Two Lots (with vacant possession), the pair of well-built Semi-detached FREEHOLD VILLAS, with good gardens and side entrances, situate Nos. 93 and 95, Mill1 Hill-road, offering a first-class opportunity to secure for occupation, neat villa residences of the estimated rental value of £30 per annum each. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Thos. White and Sons, solicitors, 11, Bedford-row, London. They will also offer at the same time, by order of the Executors of the late Jas. Puttick, and others, the FREEHOLD HOUSE, No. 40, Park-road East, together with the adjoining Plot of BUILDING LAND, and the Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 3, Apsley-villas, Horn-lane (each with vacant possession). Particulars and conditions of sale of T. H. Engall, Esq., solicitor, Churchfield-road, Acton; W. A. Brown, Esq., solicitor, 55, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. ; and at the Auctioneers׳׳ Offices, 225, High-street, Acton, W. (app’rt’nd) 20 0 0 30 10 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 7 10 0 (app’rt’n’d) 10 0 46 10 0 (app’rt’n’d) 24 0 0 17 15 0 (app’rt’ n’d) 19 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 35 0 0 (app’rt’n'd) 20 0 0 100 0 0 24 0 0 34 0 0 16 10 0 19 0 0 (app’rt’n’d) Tenancy. Yearly Yearly Yearly Leased for 9£ yrs. unexpired Leased for 10 yrs. unexpired Yearly Life lease now expired Leased for life aged 77 Yearly Yearly Leased for 11 yrs. unexpirec Leased for 38£ yrs. unexpirec Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly Leased for 2 yrs. unexpirec Yearly Yearly Least d for 1’. yrs. unexpiiei Yearly Yea!ly Yearly Description of Property. win— hep- ) the > At CHEPSTOW ‘‘ Three Tuns,” Bridge-street, at entrance to the Castle, with part of garden adjoining ............. “ Old Wye House,” at corner of St. Anne’s-lane, and the back........... Chepstow Boat ” and large Warehouse, facing the River Wye 'Beaufort ArmsHotel” Beaufort - square, centre of town.. “ White Lion,” High- ) street, near the old Town £ gate..................J “GreyhoundInn,”Moor- ] street,with part of House h and Garden adjoining.. J At WENTWOOD— “Fox and Hounds,” at) Penycaemawr, near the > ruins of Cas Troggy .. J At WOLVESNEWTON-‘ Plough,’’ on the Chep-stow-road, near Criga-hill at TRELLECK-“ Fountain,” on the Tintern to Trelleck-road.. At TINTERN— Cherry Tree,” near the Tin-plate Works . .. “ Royal George Hotel,” I; the cross; roads in Tintern.............״ Rose and Crown,” in \ a delightful position, [ overlooking the River ( Wye ...............J “ Anchor Inn, close to the ruins of Tintern Abbey At LLANSOY-“ Cross Keys,” on the Llandenny to Llanishen road................... At * INGESTOW— “ Somerset Arms,” on the main Monmouth to Raglan road ........... At MONMOUTH-** Plough/’ Buckholt on Old Hereford road .. “ Royal Oak,” one mile i from the Town on Old > Hereford road .. ..J “Cherry Tiee,” Cinder-hill-street׳, near the Troy Station................ “ Beaufort Arms Hotel/ in Agincourt-square, aa-joining tne Shire Hall “ Griffin,” at corner of ) St. Mary’s and White- > cross-streets .. • •) “ White Hart,” and Two Dwellings and Garden adjoining, in Wyebridge- street................. ‘Travellers’ Rest,” anc Three Cottages near the Mayhill Station, on Cole■ ford road ............ At REDBROOK— “Bush,” outside the j Redbiook Station .. j Sales is &uctimi. Periodical Sales.—Established 1843 MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRAXFIEED (successors to Marsh, Milner and Co.) conduct PERIODICAL SALES of v REVERSIONS (absolute and contingent), Life Interests and Annuities, Life Policies, Shares and Debentures, Mortgage Debts and Bonds, and Kindred Interests, . . on the FIRST and THIRD THURSDAYS m each month throughout the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. , . x ״ j, r .onn The following are the appointments fixed for 1899: September 21 October 5 October 19 November 2 November 16 December 7 December 21 Telephone No. 999 February 2 June 1 February 16 June 15 March 2 July 6 March 16 July 20 April 6 August 3 April 20 August 17 May 4 September 7 May 18 Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. Bank. 10 12 J 14 16 18 20 By order of the Executor and Mortgagee respectively. -WANDSWORTH-ROAD, S.W., and PEOKHAM RYE, S.E. at Two o’clock, in Four Lots: — Nos. 15 and 17, CONROY-STREET, and Nos. 5 and 7, WILCOX-ROAD, Wandsworth-road, S.W., ail let to excellent tenants. No. 185, PECKHAM RYE, S.E. ; semi-detached house with garden and stabling. With possession. Held for long terms at low ground rents. Particulars of Messrs. Yeilding. Piper and Tallack, solicitors. 13, Vincent-square, Westminster, S.W. ; and of the Auctioneer, 64, Lupus-street, South Belgravia, S.W. The above, which will be offered in separate Lots, present to brewers, the licensed trade, and public generally, a wide field for investment in an ever-increasing business. x X! Printed particulars, with plans, can be had at the place of sale; at each of the above houses; at the Auction Mart and Estate Exchange, Lothbury, London; of Messrs. Williams and James, vendor’s solicitors, Norfolk House, Thames Embankment, W.C.; of James Gray, Esq., solicitor (Messrs. Pemberton, Cope and Gray). 5, New-court, Lincoln’s-inn, London, W.C.; of S. H. Cowper Coles, Esq., Estate Office, Troy, Monmouth; and of Messrs. Driver and Co , surveyors, land agents and auctioneers, 23, Pall Mall (late of 4, Whitehall), London, S^W._____ At Low Reserve. HACKNEY, BALLS POND, ST. GEORGE’S EAST, and BETHNAL-GREEN. VINCENT S. LEIGH, will Sell by Auction, \ at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, February 8, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely: — FREEHOLD GROUND RENT £35 per annum, secured upon Nos. 77, 79 and 91, Cable-street, St. /George’s East. Rack rents £170. Reversion in 80 years. BALLS POND.—Private Residence, No. 29, Baxter-road, Essex-road. Per £35 annum. Lease 60 years. 1Ground rent £5 5s. HACKNEY.—Freehold Private Residence; 15s. weekly; per £39 annum. BETHNAL-GREEN.—Five Weekly Houses, Nos. 1 to 5, Cornwall-place, Cornwall-road, James-street, Green-street, E. Per £117 annum. Lease 80 years. Ground rent £20. Particulars of the respective !Solicitors: John Howard Smith, Esq., 24, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; Matthew J. Jarvis, Esq., 32, Finsbury-pavement, E.C.; Messrs. Wood and Son, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; Messrs. Harris and Chetham, 35, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 316a, Mare-street, Hackney, N.E. On Wednesday next. LET TON.—Valuable Freehold Building Land, in well developed and improving neighbourhood; 120ft. frontage to Tyndall-road, depth 90ft.; choice site for eight medium-sized houses; ready for building operations; roads sewered and made by District Council.—Solicitor, C. G. Hobbs, Esq., Portland-chambers, 93, Great Titchfield-street, W. By order of Mortgagee.—At a low reserve. HASTINGS, SUSSEX.—Nos. 36, 38 and 40, Braybrooke-road.—In Three Lots.—Conveniently planned Residences, in a capital position; held1 for 72 years, at low ground rents, and producing £35 per annum each.—Solicitors, Charles Balcombe, Esq., Tice-hurst, Sussex, and C. G. Hobbs, Esq., as above. Local Auctioneer, W. N. Oldham, Esq., 6. Havelock-road, Hastings. HENRY CHAPMAN and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, February 1, 1899, at Two o’clock.—Auction Offices, De Vere House, 2, Southamp-( ton-street, Strand. Thursday next.—Periodical Sale No. 636.—Reversions, Annuities, Life Policies, Shares, etc. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD 1VX will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday next, February 2, at Two o’clock, in Lots:— . _ The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-eighth Share of a Trust Fund now represented by part of an Adventurer’s Share in the New! River Co., India Stock, etc.,x of the present estimated value of £40,314, receivable on the decease of a lady aged 71. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to Two One-fourth Shares of a Trust Estate of about £30,000, receivable on decease or marriage of a lady aged 57. Also An ANNUITY of £25, payable during the life of a gentleman aged 26, and charged upon the above Trust Estate. . An ANNUITY of £5, payable during the life of a gentleman aged 54, together witn a LIFE POLICY ׳for £500, with profits, effected in 1868 with the British Equitable Assurance Co., on the above life; annual premium, £10 15s. 8d. Also , A LIFE POLICY for £200, with profits, effected in 1878 with the Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society, on the above life; annual premium, £5 8s. 6d.; bonus additions, £47. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to a Trust Fund of £5,580, now represented by India Stock, etc. (subject to payment thereout of £3,000), receivable on the decease of a lady aged 77. . . z A BOND for the sum of £1,000, carrying interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, and repayable on February 1, 1901. POLICIES OF ASSURANCE for— £1,000, with profits, effected in 1855 with the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, on life aged 74; annual premium, £24 13s. 4d.; bonus additions, £613. . , ״ £1,000, with profits, effected in 1857 with the Star Life Assurance Society, on life aged 64; annual premium, £19 12s. 6d.; bonus additions, £571. £1,000, with profits, effected in 1865 with the Universal Life Assurance Society, on life aged 70; annual premium reduced by bonuses to £15 19s. £1,000, with profits, effected in 1859 with the Scottish Provident Institution, on life aged 66; annual premium, £19 5s.; bonus additions, £470. £1,000, with profits, effected in 1858 with the Standard Life Assurance Company on life aged 72; annual premium, £26 9s. 2d.; bonus additions, £445. £500, with profits, effected in 1853 with the Eagle Insurance Company, on life aged 77; annual premium, £13 2s. 6d.; bonus additions, £178. £500, with profits, effected in 1858 with the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, on life aged 77; annual premium, £11 4s. 2d. £500 (endowment), with profits, effected in 1890 with the Atlas Assurance Company, on life aged 40. payable on November 7, 1918, or at previous death; half-yearly premium, £8 8s. 9d. £250 (endowment), with profits, effected in 1895 with the Scottish Widows’ Fund Life Assurance Society, on life aged 39, payable on December 30, 1909, or at previous death; half-yearly premium, £8 19s. 2d. ... £250 (endowment), with profits, effected in 1895 with the same office on life aged 49; payable on December 30, 1909, or at previous death; half-yearly premium, £9 3s. 7d. SHARES in— IRISH PROPRIETARY OIL FIELDS of GASPE. CANADA.—500 Shares of £1 each. BULLIONIST PUBLISHNG COMPANY (Limited).— 500 Shares of £1 each, fully paid. Particulars of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry. E.C. MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD beg to announce that their MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS are held at the Mart, Token-house-yard, E.C., on the THIRD WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH throughout the year. The appointments fixed for 1899 are as follows: — February 13 I May 17 | September 20 March 15 | June 21 | October 18 April 19 I July 19 I November 15 I August 16 I December 20 Vendors, solicitors and trustees having properties for sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C._Telephone No. 999 Bank.___________ CITY OF LONDON. To Trustees and Investors.—A valuable FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £800 per annum, amply secured upon a modern and imposing block of office property, known as St. Magnus House, Monument-street, King William-street. The building, which is of modern and substantial construction, occupies a prominent corner position nearly facing the Monument, possessing the commanding frontage of about 203ft. It is four stories in height, exceptionally well lighted, and is now being fitted with a hydraulic passenger lift. The greater portion is let, and the present actual and estimated rack rentals amount to upwards of £3,300 per annum, to which there is a valuable reversion in 90 years. lyTESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD iXL will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, February 15, 1899, ׳at Two o’clock, the above valuable FREEHOLD GROUND RENT, offering to Trustees and others an investment of the most secure character. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Pedley, May and Fletcher, solicitors, 23, Bush-lane, Cannon-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, E.C. WH. COLLIER, F.S.I., Auctioneer to the • BRITISH LAND COMPANY for many years, undertakes the development and Sale of Building Estates in all parts of the country, makes valuations of Landed Estates and House Property, prepares and negotiates Railway Claims, and obtains Mortgages. Building Land wanted to purchase, and advances made on Freeholds.—Address, 130, Strand, W.O., late of Moorgate-street. Printed and Published by the Proprietor. Frank P. Wilson, at the Estates Gazette Printing Works. No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, E.C.