Supplement to the Estates Gazette. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS, January 28, 1899. RICHMOND ft DISTRICT, YORKS JOHN WETHERELL, GENERAL AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, VALUER, Ac- Office and Saleroom : DUNDAS STREET, Bailiff under the Agricultural Holdings Act and Law 0׳ Distress Amendment Act. _______Agent for Fire and Life Insurance. so^ RIPON. ffi'0 Auctioneers and Valuers, ...... "p • ® —..... Certified Bailiffs, COLTSGATE HILL. ROCHDALE. S. SHEPHERD & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors, 100, YORKSHIRE STREET, ROCHDALE. ROCHESTER,^STROOD & CHATHAM. /YHARLES D. LEVY, Auctioneer, Hotel and YaIu®r' Estate and Commission lint* n?־R«!>i^0l0״t.0r,;Strood Hall,Strood,Rochester a.ent. Distraints effected m any part of the counfcrv by Indg? ?0*’ Periodical Safari I and 57®,rV description of Miscellaneous Pro׳ periy in large Hall. Valuations fo Probate and other Purposes. Estate Agent to most of the principal pro perty owners in the district. Fire claims specially- nrel pared. Telegraphic Address ; ■■ Levy, Strop™’■ 7 ROTHERHAM^ STYRING & TURNER, Auctioneers, Cattle Salesmen, Valuers <4 Estate Agents 20, MOORGATE STREET, ROTHERHAM.” Sales Of Farm Stock. Freehold and Leaseuold Property, Household Furniture. &c., Ac. Larva Anciiny Mart for the Sale of Real Estate, Shares, Ind MiAcel-laueous Property. Valuations made for probate and Aek 1883°SeS■ Bailifla under the Agricultural Holdfugs ROYSTON, HERTS. Messrs. NASH, SON AND ROWLEY, Established 1779. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS AND VALUERS, __ Wednesday Stock Sales-Boyston Market. RYE JAMES 0. VIDLER, SON ft CLEMENT¡ AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS TIMBER, TENANT-RIGHT *8BEnIrAL VALUER! OFFIOES | hIvELOCK \oAD, HASTINGS. N.B.—Letter• and Telegram« to Rye. _________Kstablished over 60 Years. SALISBURY. WATERS & RAWLENCE, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS CANAI.. SALISBURY. Scarborough; ANDBEW ORE, F.A.I., Late Pirie and Orr, ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER AN VALUER, DEALER IN LOCAL 8HARE8, HUNTBISS BOW, 8CAEBOBOUGH. Scarborough; EDWARD HARLAND AND SOi (Sole Partner—Edward Harland’s Extbix.), Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate, House, and Bu ness Agents, THE AUCTION BOOMS, ABEBDEEN WAL ___Established 1860■ Telephone No, 70. SHEERNESS. HOUSE AND ESTATE^-^iffK^ agent ^ 21, Edward Street, SHEERNESS-ON-SI SHEERNESS, ISLE OF SHEPPEY AND DISTRICT. JAMES S. BILLS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE ANE ESTATE AGENT. ( 76, Hiqh Street, Queenboro . ( 4, Edwaud Street, Sheebness. OFFICES : SHEFFIELD. JOSEPH BRIGHT & CO., Estate, House & Land Agents, Valuers, Assessor of Eire Losses, 35, NORFOLK STREET. Tele. Address: “ Bright, Sheffield.” Telephone No. 2016 SHEFFIELD. W. H. k J. A. EADON, F.A.I., A.UOTIONEMS, VALU1BS, ESTATB AGENTS, Ac., 3, ST. JAMBS’ STREET, SHEFFIELD, Sales and Valuations of Freehold and Leasehold Estate Igt Town and Country״ Hotels, Works, Machinery Household Furniture, Pictures and Works of Art, Book* Wines, Manufacturers’ A Merchants’ Stocks of all kinds _____Pen trailv situated Offices and Salerooms._ SHEFFIELD. A. E. LOCKWOOD AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT, Ac. Extensive Sale Rooms for the disposal of House and Landed Property, Shares, Household Furniture, Art and Literary Property, Old China, Jewellery, Plate, etc. Sales conducted at Private Residences. Valuations for Probate, division of Family Property, etc., etc. MEETING HOUSE LANE. PLYMOUTH AND DISTRICT. THOMAS BOWEN & 00., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, BUSI-NESS TRANSFER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND ARBITRATORS, Monthly Printed Register of Properties for Sale and to Let. Properties inspected, valued and reported on. Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act Offices : 151, Union Street, Plymouth. Tel. Add.. "Bowen. Plymouth.” Tel. No. 202. PONTEFRACT AND DISTRICT. THOMAS BARKER AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT, The only Auction Mart in Pontefract. Furniture Sales held Weekly. Rents collected and Estates managed. Valuation for Probate, Hotels, &c. Agent for the Royal Fire and Life, and Ocean Accident Insurance Cos. Agent for the Horseless Carriage and General Insurance Co., Ltd. Over 20 years’ practical experience. GREEN DRAGON AUCTION MART. PORTSMOUTH. AUCTIONEERS, HOTEL AND BUSINESS VALUERS, PROPERTY AND ESTATE AGENTS. The oldest established Business Agency in this district. 61, COMMERCIAL ROAD. PRESTON, LANCASHIRE.^- ״ AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, —Clf\W ■ AGENTS.״ Preston Auction Mart, 122, FISHEBGATE, PRESTON. _______Telephone, 198. [Established 1830.] RAMSGATE ¿NEIGHBOURHOOD Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Land, House " and Estate Agents. I Tel. Add.—Vintens, Ramsgate (Established 1836). The Estate Offices and Auction Mart, 72, HIGH ST., RAMSGATE Periodical Sales of Property Reports on Mortgage Securities. Estates Managed. Rental accounts rendered quarterly. RAMSGATE. STANLEY H. PAGE, F.S.I. (by Exam.), SURVEYOR, AUCTIONEER & ESTATE AGENT Sanitary Expert. Assessor to the Kent Fire Office. 1, HARBOUR STREET. RAMSGATE, MARGATE, AND BROADSTAIRS. . f J. W. Scarlett. a.S.a.a. *lrm• ¡J. C. GOLDSACK, F.A.I. MESSES. SCARLETT & GOLDSACK (Successors to J. 0. Twyman and Sons), 36, HIGH STREET, RAMSGATE (Established over Half a Centurv). AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS. HOTEL BROKERS, LAND, HOUSE, ESTATE. AND BUSINESS AGENTS SURVEYORS AND ACCOUNTANTS. Certified Bailiffs under Law of Distress Amendment Act. Registers of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses on application. _______Telegrams: “ Scarlett. Ramsgate.” READING. Auctioneers, Valuers, and Surveyors. Est. 1863. ־•^ç .S״ Telegrams : “Egginton. Reading.” ISO, Friar Street. wög. m READING. HASLAM & SON, P.S.I., Land Agents, Auctioneers, Surveyors, and Valuers, FRIAR STREET CHAMBERS. Established over Half a Century. Telegraphic Address: H^slam,•Reading. __________Telephone No. 225. READING A LONDON. MESSES. WM. E. NICHOLAS ft CO. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND and ESTATE AGENTS 60, PALL MALL LONDON, AND AT BLAGBAVE STREET, READING. A Register of Estates and Residences to be let or sold ia published monthly, and may be had on application Also a Register of furnished riverside and country Houses to be let for the summer months._ REDHILL & REIGATE. HARRIE STACEY, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT, SURVEYOR AND VALUER. National Telephone Nos.—Reigate 30, Redhill 31. REIGATE & REDHILL. JAMES T. PEAT, (late JOHN LEES AND BURCHELL, F.SJ.) AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT AND SURVEYOR Offices: REIGATE AND REDHILL. RICHMOND, SURREY. MESSRS. FOWLER AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, AN ! MORTGAGE BROKERS Offices : 18, THE QUADRANT Established 1868. A Fire and Burglar-proof Room for the safe ousted of Deeds, Jewellery, Plate and othei Valuables. RICHMOND, SURREY. F. di GEOOT (Suooessor to the late Mb. B. Wood), AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT Rents Collected and Estates Managed. Valuations for Probate,