Supplement to the Estates Gazette. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS January 28, 1899. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. PEROIVAL L. ROGERS, LAND AQENT AND VALUER, RAMSET, HUNTINGDONSHIRE. (states Inspected and Valuations or Reports made *pon same for Investments, Loans, Mortgages, Sales, Sxohanges, or other purpose». ILFRACOMBE AND DISTRICT. H, BRAUND, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, LAND, HOUSE * ESTATE AQENT A AUDITOR, OFFICES AND PROPERTY SALE ROOK, 112, HIGH STREET, ILFRACOMBE. Register of Properties free on aoplieation. KENDAL & lake district. AUCTIONEER. VALUER, HOUSE ^ . AND ESTATE AGENT. ^ • Certified Bailiff under the Agricultural > ...... 8, Lowther Street, Kendal. Next door to the Town Hall. KESWICK & LAKE DISTRICT. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ________׳Ti* LAND , g¿ HOUSE "& ESTATE AGENTS and at COCKERMOUTH Holdings Act. KETTERING. & AUCTIONEERS, PROBATE, HOTEL AND TENANT •С»? i T. RIGHT VALUBEg. -’־■־HOUSE AND **TATI АвЕИТЯ. KING’S LYNN, TILNEY ALL SAINTS & WHITTLESEY IN THE ISLE OF ELY. STEPHEN GREGORY (F.A.I.) & SON, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS, lAnD AGENTS AND SURVEYORS Certificated Bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings Act, Secretary to Wisbech District Tenant-Right Vainers ״ Association. Survey« and Bxpenditor to Norfolk Court of Sewers Letters and Telegrams to Tilney. ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY KINGSTON-ON-THAMES. NIGHTINGALE, PHILLIPS & PAGE, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND AUCTIONEERS HAGLE CHAMBERS, KINGSTON-ON-THAMES Branoh Office WEYBRIDGE, SURREY ESTABLISHED 181». !state■. Country Mansions, Residences, Farms, and Shootings to be Let or Sold. VALUATIONS OF TIMBER AND TENANT-RIOHT Dilapidations. LANCASTER. J. P. BAINES, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND GENERAL PROPERTY AGENT, &o. CERTIFIED BAILIFF. 29, MARKET STREET. LANCASTER. AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND ACOvJUNTANT. .. ־־־־ ־ ^R В iff *---- PROPER IT INSURANCE AGENT, 10, THE ARCADE. ftUlthoB» ïo 74 C. LEAMINGTON SPA. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS, ) HOUSE AGENTS Established PARADE, AMIN( LEEDS. Estate and General Auctioneer, and Valuer, 12 years practical experience. 112, ALBION STREET, LEED Telephone 1658. Telegrams, “Gilpin, Auctioneer, Leeds.״ LEEDS. “ Yorkshire Estates Gazette.’ List of Private Sales and Lettings Published month-_^ ly gratis. IV. ! ESTABLISHBD 181 Land and Estate Agti INFIRMARY STREET, LEE] LEEDS. HEPPEB AND SONS, ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, EAST PARADE, LEEDS. ESTABLISHED 111•. HASTINGS. MESSRS. T. H. WOODHAMS & SON, (Jas. Woodhams, F.S.I.) HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS, And Stonehouse Farm, Hollington, St. Leonards. Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, Timber Valuers, Surveyors and General Agricultural and Town Valuers. HAYWARD’S HEATH, SUSSEX T. BANNISTER, F.S.I., Land Agent and Timber Surveyor, Auc tioneeb and Valuer. Sales of Fat and Stor• Stock tvary Tuesday at two o'clock. HAYWARDS HEATH, SUSSEX. Auctioneer, House, Land ^^'r\ Agricultural CL G and General Valuer, and Estate Agent, Land and Timber Surveyor. HITCHIN. GEORGE JACKSON & BON, EHTOHIN, BALDOOK A ROYSTON, HERTS AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE A HOUSE ABUTS FARM AMD TIMBER VALUERS, Hold weekly •ales of Fat and Store Stock, and Horses at their Sale Yard, Hitchin, Agents for the County Fire and ProYident Mia Office• HORLEY & REDHILL (SURREY). (On the Borders of Sussex.) BAKER AND BAKER, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS. AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL VALUERS, LAND AND TIMBER SURVEYORS. Letters and Telegrams, Horley, Surrey. Established 1874. London Offices :—49, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. HORSHAM a BURGESS HILL. J. R. THORNTON, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND TIMBER SURVEYOR LAND AND HOUSE AGENT AND VALUER. Sales by Auction of Farming Stock, Estates, Timber. Furniture, Ac. Valuations of Tenant-right, and fox Probate, Mortgage, Ac. Surveys, Plans and Report» made. Rents collected and Estates managed. And 18. GREAT GEORGE STREET, 8.W. HOUNSLOW and 20 Miles Round» i and 3, CHURCH PARADE, 195,196 and 241, ׳UGH STREET AND *V ALYERSTONE HOUSE, v HOUNSLOW. -<־ %• Survey* Auction, Land, Estate. House and Valuation Offices. Established in Hounslow over 70 years. Local Representative of the Norwich Union Fire and Life and London and Provincial Plate Glass Insurance Co’s. Telegraphic Address—“ Woods, Hounslow.*® HOUNSLOW, ISLEWORTH. TWICKENHAM & FELTHAM. EDMUND HORNE, F.S.I., F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT AND SURVEYOR. (8UOOBSSOR TO JOHN PlISLRY.) Established 1101. Letters and Telesrr*ma to HOUNSLOW. HUDDERSFIELD. EDDIBON, TAYLOR AND BOOTH, Established ism, ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, Offices and Sale Rooms: 8, HIGH STREET, HUDDERSFIELD! and at DEWSBURY, T. A. TAYLOR, F.A.I. J. J. Booth, f.A.1. The Fine Art Gallery is one of the finest in the Provinces HUDDERSFIELD. GEO. TINKER & SON, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS. VALUERS, &«״ Established 1843. OFFICES, MART & REPOSITORY, 13, MARKET STREET HUDDERSFIELD. HULL. W. N. LEWENDON & SON, Estate, Hotel and General Auctioneers, Valuers, Arbitrators, Estate and Insurance Agents. Offices and Saleroom : 4, PARLIAMENT STREET. HULL. TAYLOR BROS., HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE AND BUSINESS AGENTS MORTGAGE AND INSURANCE BROKERS, 2, POSTERNGATE, HULL. HUNTINGDON. DILLEY AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS MARKET HILL, HUNTINGDON, On Mondays, Auction Yards, St. Ives, Hunts. Telegrams Dilley, Huntingdon. FARNHAM, SURREY. J. ALFRED EGGAR, F.S.I., Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, Architect and Surveyor. Rranch Office :—ALTON, HANTS. FELIXSTOWE. Established over Half a Century. _ AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ,-׳׳׳׳׳׳ r* O • HOUSE AND ^<1 &- " ESTATE AGENTS• BANK CORNER, VICTORIA PARADE FELIXSTOWE & IPSWICH AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. Berinter ..״«A*1־ OFFICES: — IRONMONGER LANE, 1.0. 2, WESTGATE ST., OOBNHILL, IPSWICH, And 10. HAMILTON ROAD, FELIXSTOWE. FROME. CHARLES COOPER, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, BstaU, Land Agricultural and General Agency 01leu County Valuer by appointment. 14, NORTH PARADE A THE MART, FROME. J™״ di?al ^ales at *he Mart. Advances may be obtained upon Consignments for absolute sale Agricultural Repository in the Market Yard. GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE. JOHN ROSS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT, Fire Loss Assessor, WEST STREET. GLOUCESTER, BRUTON, KNOWLES AND CO., KSTATE AND HOUSE AGENTS. LAND 8TTRVTE׳vn־Rq AGRICULTURAL AND^MBERVALUERS^ AND VALUERS SUCCESSION’ DUTY Valuer appointed by the Gloucestershire — J¿™7under the Finance Act, 1894. H. KNOWIJB F.S.I. •H. T. Bruton. Firm GREAT MARLOW. LAWRENCE AND SON, JAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. GREAT MARLOW, GUILDFORD. HEWETT AND LEE, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENT« AND VALUERS FOR TENANT-RIGHT^ Rents collected, Property managed and Valuations _ , made for all purposes. Weekly Sales of Stock are held in the Market every Firm(W.LEE,F.S.I. TUe>day־ m ( GEO. T. HEWETT, P.A.S.I HALIFAX & BRIGHOUSE. DAVIS, SON & SUNDERLAND E%T^ÄLVS°oToT8rK8 4 valAces 12, Obossby Stbebt, Halifax, BOROUGH SALE ROOM8, BRIGHOUSE, HARROW. AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR ARCHITECT AND ESTATE AGENT The Harrow Estate Offices, *% Petebbobough Road, Harrow. Two minutes to the left of the Met. Station. HARROW. ... Aectloxeers, Valuer*, Ноям . T\ (jO • and Inenranoe Agents. —А D 1»M. 1144. ^ ^ .-rVC'ft .......... E*nt ®°heoted. _—Auctions of all descriptlous. Valuation! f#r all purpose•. Àuetion ОАем: вЖХЖВГКНЬ, HjLRäOW. HARTLEPOOL. JOHN HUNTER, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. HOUSE, LAND SHIPPING AND ESTATE AGENT AND SURVEYOR Telegraphic Address • “ Nimrod.” Letters and Telegrams 4, Town Wall. Hartlepool. HASLEMERE & DISTRICT 0. BRIDGER & SON, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, AND The Hailemere, Hindhead, and‘ General Property Register free by post on application. No charge mad• for Registration unless business results from onr introduction. Established over 4• years. EALING, CASTLE HILL AND EALING DEAN. W. H. READ, P.A.S.I. and Assoc. San. Inst., by Exams., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND VALUER, LAND HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. Estates managed. Mortgages arranged. B, THE AVENUE OASTLE HILL, EALING, W. And at HAVEN GREEN, EALING (Between Broadway Stations). EASTBOURNE. JOHN C. TOWNER, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND COMMISSION AGENT, Valuations made for Probate and Succession Duty. Agent to the Imperial Fire Insurance Company. Auction Sales conducted in Town or Country. 57, TERMINUS ROAD. ____________________ Telephone No. 73. EASTBOURNE A HAILSHAM. ALBERT BURTENSHAW, F.B.I., AUCTIONEER, LAND TIMBER AND TENANT-RIGHT VALUER, ESTATE AGENT A SURVEYOR Office. - i HAILSHAM. i 61. TERMINUS ROAD. EASTBOURNE EAST GRINSTEAD. E. G-. ELLIS AND PALMER (Late G• Simmins and Ellis), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS, TENANT RIGHT, TIMBER AND GENERAL VALUERS, Certificated Bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings and Law of Distress Amendment Acts Sales conducted personally and Valuations for every purpose made with care and promptitude. Fire, Accidental and Live Stock Insurance Agents.—Offioes : East Grinstead, & 41, Bedford Row, W.C. Established 1874. EAST GRINSTEAD, SUSSEX. TURNER, RUDGE & TURNER, F.S.I. (Established over two centuries), AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS Land, Timber and Tenant-Right Valuations undertaken in any part of the country EAST KENT, SITTINGBOURNeT. JACKSON AND SON, F.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Offices 11T, HIGH STREET, 8ITTINGBOURNB. EGHAM, SURREY. J. WALKER, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER ESTATE AGENT, SURVEYOR AND VALUER, HIGH STREET, EGHAM, Undertakes Sales of Landed and Building Estates, Residences, Business Premises, Furniture, Timber, Live and Dead Stock, Growing Orops, Ac.; Valuations for Probate and Transfer; Estates managed Bents and Tithes collected Surveys of Property and Dilapidations. _________Establish*!» u yea as. EMSWORTH & HAVANT. Auctioneer, Valuer, tfOSD' früh Land and Estate Agent. Offices jThe Square, Emaworth. (North Street, Havant. To? EPSOM, ASHTEAD & LEATHER-HEAD. LANGLANDS AND SON, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS AND LAND AGENTS, HIGH STREET, EPSOM, and at Leathebhead. [Established 1798. lEPWORTH, GAINSBOROUGH AND DONCASTER. WM. STANDRING, F.A.I., Auctioneer, Valuer, and Estate Agent. President of the Derbyshire, Yorkshire, and Notting-hamshire Tenant-right Valuers’ Association. Bailiff under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1888, EXETER. THOMPSON AND CO., F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS, HOUSE LAND and Estate Agents, EXETER & EXMOUTH, DEVON. Monthly Auction Sales are held for the disposal of freehold, leasehold and other estates, house and shop property, land, ground rents and reversions, and the utmost market value obtained. Several choice pro-perties for sale by private contract. Valuations for probate and succession duty, trinsfer and mortgage *c. Surveys and reports made; rents collected and estates managed. Messrs. Thompson and Oo. are Bailiffs by appointment under the Law of Distress Aznend-ment Act, 1881. Telegrams, Rostrum,” Exeter. Nat. Tele. No. 9. EXETER. RIPPON, SON & CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. COMMERCIAL CHAMBERS, GANDY STREET. Telephone No, 204. FAREHAM, SOUTHSEA * SOUTH HANTS. 0. B. SMITH, SAPP AND WYATT, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT. TIMBER AND GENERAL VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS re. ^ „ and SURVEYORS, Land Department,BootheraDistrict Firm: J Ernest Sapp. (A. Wyatt. Established nearly half a century,