149 THE ESTATES GAZETTE January 28, 1899. Northamptonshire. Peterborough—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on January 31, building estate Norfolk. Norwich—Sewell and Barnes, of Norwich, at same, on February 17, Freehold licensed property Nottinghamshire. Nottingham—T. Wilson, of Nottingham, at same, on January 31, business premises East Kirkby—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Nottingham, at East Kirkby, on January 30, Freehold cottages and building land Oxfordshire. Banbury—Castle, Son and Booth, of Banbury, at same, on January 30, Freehold property Bloxham—Castle, Son and Booth, of Banbury, at Bloxham, on February 7, arable land of 21 acres Rutlandshire. Langham—Messrs. Royce, of Oakham, at Langham, on February 2, Freehold cottage property Shropshire. Lincolnshire. Owston Ferry—Wm. Standring, of Epworth, at Owston Ferry, on February 1, Freehold residence Louth—Dickinson and Riggall, of Louth, at same, on January 31, Freehold dwelling houses and land East Ville—William Welsh, of Spilsby, at same, on January 30, Freehold estate of about 62 acres Market Rasen—Nettleship and Sons, of Market Rasen, at same, on January 31, Freehold dwelling house and grass land of about eight acres Whaplode and Deeping St. Nicholas—S. and G. Kingston, of Spalding, at same, on February 7, Freehold dwelling houses and land Bicker and Algarkirk—W. Cooley and Son, of Bicker, at Donington, on February 9, dwelling house and land North Kyme—Robert Earl, of Sleaford, at North Kyme, on February 7, Freehold property and land of about 11 acres Ruskington—Robert Earl, of Sleaford, at Rusking-ton, on February 9, Freehold licensed property Quadring—Lumby and Son, of Donington, at same, on February 9, dwelling house and land comprising about 36 acres Skirbeck and Wyberton—Sharp and Son, of Boston, at same, on February 1, pasture and meadow land of about nine acres Barnetby—C. J. Calthrop, of Barton-on-Humber, at Barnetby-le-Wold, on February 8, Freehold property Bassingham—Edward Bailey and Son, of Newark-upon-Trent, at Bassingham, on January 30, Freehold dwelling house and land Mareham-le-Fen—Parish and Stafford Walter, of Horncastle, at Mareham-le-Fen, on February 3, Freehold property Harsington—Parish and Stafford Walter, of Horn-castle, at same, on February 4, Freehold pasture land Croft, Stickney, etc.—Mackinder and Beaty, of Spilsby, at same, on February 30, Freehold estates Castle Bytham--Messrs. Royce, of Oakham, at Castle Bytham, on February 2, Freehold cottage property Tunbridge Wells—Brackett and Sons, of Tunbridge Wells, at same, on February 3, Freehold dwelling house Wye—W. and B. Hobbs, of Ashford, at Wye, on February 10, Freehold estate Lancashire. Heaton Norris—George Unsworth, of Manchester, at Heaton Chapel, on January 31, Freehold residences and building land Cheadle—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at Cheadle, on February 1, Freehold land Bury—J. R. Parkinson, of Bury, at same, on January 30, cottage and shop property Manchester (near)—William Wilson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on January 31, Freehold shop property and land Preston—J. B. Jones and Sons, of Preston, at same, on February 8, Freehold dwelling houses Preston—T. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on February 2, Freehold dwelling house and shop Penwartham—T. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on February 6, farm, comprising about 31 acres Torrisholme—R. C. Warriner, of Lancaster, at Torris-holme, on February 2, Freehold property Carnforth—R. C. Warriner, of Lancaster, at Carn-forth, on February 1, Freehold property Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 8, dwelling house Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 7, licensed premises and cottages Waterfoot—Ashworth Law, of Newchurch, at Water-foot, on February 1, Leasehold premises Bolton—T. Crompton, of Bolton, at same, on February 2, dwelling houses Leicestershire. Cheltenham—S. M. Cornelius, of Cheltenham, at same, on February 7, Freehold residence and garden ground Cirencester—C. F. Moore, of Cirencester, at same, on February 6, Freehold premises Cirencester—A. F. Hobbs, of Cirencester, at same, on February 6, Freehold shop and cottages Bristol—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at same, on February 8, Freehold dwelling houses Redland—Masters and Moon, of Weston-super-Mare, at Clifton, on February 8, Freehold shop and dwelling house Stow-on-the-Wold—Franklin and Jones, of Oxford (in conjunction with Tuckett and Sons, of 2, Basinghall-street, London, E.C.), at Stow-on-the-Wold, on February 23, Freehold licensed׳ property Hants. Boscombe—Atkey and Roker, of Bournemouth, at Boscombe, on February 7, Freehold and Leasehold properties Liphook and Headley—C. Bridger and Son, of Hasle-mere, at Liphook, on February 6, Freehold properties Portsmouth—Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on February 20, Freehold dwelling houses Herefordshire. Ross—Rootes and Wintle, of Ross, at same, on January 31, Freehold dwelling house and1 shop Hereford—R. Wood, of Hereford, at same, on February 21, Freehold dwelling houses and shops Kingsland—R. H. George, of Leominster, at same, on February 10, Freehold pasture land of about 11 acres Huntingdonshire. Shrewsbury—R. Price and Son, of Shrewsbury, at same, on February 3; Freehold property Bridgnorth and Chelmarsh—Perry and Phillips, of Bridgnorth, at same, on January 30, Freehold property Okengates, etc—Barber and Son, of Wellington, at same, on February 16, licensed properties Somersetshire. Timsbury—Fry and Asprey, of Bath, at Timsbury, on February 10, Freehold residence, building and pasture lands Uxbridge—Willis and Crouch, of Uxbridge, at same, on February 9, Freehold property Harlington—Robert Newman, of Harlington, at same, on February 8, Freehold building land Bedfont—John F. Pott, of Staines, at Bedfont, on February 1, Freehold cottages Monmouthshire. Abergavenny—T. H. Tomkins, of Abergavenny, at same, on January 31, Freehold licensed property Leicester—Hincks and Shakespear, of Leicester, at same, on February 1, Leasehold premises and life policies Leicester—Warner, Sheppard and Wade, of Leicester, at same, on January 31, Freehold licensed pro* . perty Leicester—John J. Curtis, of Leicester, at same, on January 31, cottage property Hinckley—T. and G. Harrold, of Hinckley, at same, on February 2, Freehold property Leicester—H. and F. Tarratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on February 8, licensed and other properties Somerby—Messrs. Royce, of Oakham, at Melton Mowbray, on February 21, pasture land comprising about 49 acres Brooksby Station—Whittle and Attenborough, of Leicester, at Brooksby Station, on February 23 and 24, Furniture, etc. Peterborough—Fox and Yergette, of Peterborough, at same, on January 31, Freehold building land Kent. Canterbury—Young and Briggs, of Canterbury, at same, on February 4, Freehold property Tunbridge Wells—Messrs. Wickenden, of Tunbridge Wells, at same, on February 17, Freehold cottage property Maidstone—W. Day and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on February 16, Freehold property WILLIAM BARROK & SON, LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN, Invite intending planters to inspect th ir unrivalled Stock of ORNAMENTAL and FOREST TREES. Send for Catalogues and List of Public and Private Works carried out by them. ELYÄSTON NURSERIES, Borrowash, Derby. notice. FRANK P. WILSON Begs to notify to his numerous Patrons, and Subscribers to the “ Estates Gazette ” that he has NO CONNECTION with a firm of similar name carrying on business in the North of London. The OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for the supply of AUCTIONEERS’ SPECIAL STATIONERY AND REQUISITES (Established nearly iO years), Has only one address— ESTATES GAZETTE OFFICE, 6, St. Bride Street, LONDON, E.G. IRON FENCING, GATES, &c. BAYLISS JONES & BAYLISS’ COMBINED-MESH GALVANISED WIRE TREE NETTING. GUARDS. CONTINUOUS BAR FENCING & GATES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SHEEP AND CATTLE HURDLES ־h Averages 2 0 per cent. Cheaper than Ordinary Netting. ft Illustrated Catalogue of.all kinds of Hurdles, Fencing.Gates,&c Free VICTORIA WORKS, WOLVERHAMPTON. LONDON offices ano Show noors-139 & 141, CANNON STREET, E.C. ALL AT YERY LOW PRICES. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. W. INNES STUCKEY, Landscape Gardener, 46, Dyne-roxd, Brondesbury, N.W. 13 Years with Mr. H. E. MILNER. SECOND EDITION, PRICE 3s. 6d. By POST 2d. extra. “NASH’S” HAY & STRAW TABLES These Tables have been compiled expressly For the use of Auctioneers, Valuers, Hay and Straw Dealers, Farmers, and other persons connected with Agriculture, And will be found invaluable for arriving at the Contents, Weight and Price of Oblong or Circular Stacks of Hay and Straw, By H. F. NASH A.A.I. London :—Estates Gazette office, No. 6, St. Bride-street. Fleet-street. E.C. MATHEMATICAL INSTBUMENT MANUFACTURER to H.M.’s Government, Council of India, Science and Art Department, Admiralty, &c. J^J-ATHEWATICAL, DRAWING & SUR VEYING INSTRUMENTS of every description of the highest quality and finish, at the most moderate rices. Price Lists post free. Engine Divider to the GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.O. Established 1774. THE “ CUMBERLAND PACQUET ” AND WARE'S WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER (Published every Thursday Morning), IS the Oldest Newspaper in either Cumberland, Westmorland, or Durham. The organ of the Conservative Party in West Cumberland. Full reports of all local event». Having an extensive and influential circulation throughout the county, the “ Cumberland Pacquet " furnishes one of the best mediums for advertising. PRICE ONE PENNY. TO CERTIFICATED BAILIFFS• Agreement for “ WALKING POSSESSION.” DRAWN BY G. ST. LEGER DANIELS, Esq., LL.B. Barrister-at-Law. Author of the “ Law of Distress,” &c., &c. Foolscap, price 3s. per quire ; by post, 3s. 3d. This agreement has been prepared with a view to enabling certificated Bailiffs to adopt (ai the request of a tenant) the custom of non-continuous or “ walking possession.” Recent well-known decisions render it necessary that in all cases where bailiffs and tenants agree on the convenience of “ walking possession ” that the agreement should be clearly set out, and it is believed that the Estates Gazette form will be found to answer all requirements. FRANK P. WILSON, “Estates Gazette” Office, 6, St. Bride Street, E.C. HORNE'S FRUIT TREE DRESSING. Ay _ Unvaluable). Has stood the test of 11 years as the best remedy known for capturing the winter moths. Thousa*־ ds of pounds worth of fruit has been saved by its use, that otherwise would have been lost if left to the ravages of the Caterpillar Pest. No time should be lost in ordering same as the moths appear early in October. Pamphlet free. Fruit Trees by Dozen, Hundred or Thousand can be supplied. Illustrated Catalogues Free. KENT. A—Male. B — Female. W. HORNE, CLIFFE, NEAR ROCHESTER; Price ISs. Demy 8yo, 450pp. ESTATE FENCES; Theip Choice, Constpuction and Cost BY ARTHUR VERNON, F.S.I., Landl Agent and Architect; Land Agent to the late Right Honourable the Earl of Beaconsfleld, K.G., and many Landowners; Member of Council and Honorary Examiner of Surveyors’ Institution, &c., &c., With about 150 Illustrations and a Treatise on Boundaries and Fences in their Legal Aspect By T. W. MABSHALL, B.C.L., OXON. E. and F• N. SPON, Limited. 125, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST—SUPPER. LAVENDER PLANTS. Strong Bushy Plants, 2 to 3 years old, of the true sort, 15s. per 100 ; £6 per 1,000, free on rail. CABBAGE PLANTS. Ellam’s Early, Enfield Market and Champion Drumhead, August-sown from proved seed, 3s. per thousand. H. W. NUTT, EAST END, FLITWICK, BEDS.