145 THE ESTATES GAZETTE January 28, 1899. Kensington—1, Earrs-conrt-sqnare, L Stockwell—24, Love-lane, L ________ THURSDAY 26th. A. ALDRIDGE and CO., 79, Park-street, Gros-Yenor-square, W. Westbourne-park—65, 131, 174, 176, 177, 178, and 181, Kensal-road; 66, 68, 70 and 79, Southam-street, L Hyde-park—1, Hyde-park-place, L Margate, Kent—Second-avenue, Five Building Plots, F Yictoria-park—20 to 36 (even), Lamprell-street, L CURTIS and HENSON, 5, Mount-street, Gros venor-square, W. South Kensington—3, Queen’s-gate-gardens, L DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row, E.C. and Blackheath, S.E. Blackheath—11, Vanbrugh-park-road, L NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Marylebone—9 and 11, Williams’-mews; 16, Wey-mouth-street, L Begent-street—67 to 81 (odd), Mortimer-street, L STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C.* and 2, New Kent-road, S.E Leytonstone—5, Forest-villas, L Walworth—58, 60 and 62, Alvey-street, L FRIDAY 27th. E. H. HENRY, 63, High-street, Clapham, S.W. Clapham Common—73, South-side״ with Two Studios, F J HIBBARD and SONS, 9, Walbrook, E.C., Stoke Newington-green, N., and Hoe-street, Wal* thamstow, E. Tottenham—1 and 2, Cornwall-road, L Kennington—37, Royal-road, L Islington—30, Balls-pond-road, L MESSRS. MARYINS, Newport and Cowes, Isle of Wight. Whippingham, Isle of Wight—Palmers’ Estate, 225 acres, F SALES and CLARKE, 11, John-street, Minories, E.C. Wimbledon—Faraday-villas, FGR of £120 10s. Plaistow—1 to 10, Liston-street, L LONDON AND SUBURBAN RESULTS JANUARY. THURSDAY 19th. JENKINS and SON, 171, Lewisham High-road, S.E. (at the New Cross Auction Mart, Lewisham High-road). Deptford—21. Octavius-street, R £26, F .......... 340 23, Octavius-street, R £24 14s., F .......... 340 19, Douglas-street, R £30, F ................ 470 THURSDAY 26th. AUSTIN and PROBYN, 25, Station-road, Croydon, and 30, North-street, Horsham (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon). Thomton-heath—8, 10 and 12, The Drive, ut 81 years, GR £12, R £42 18s............... 205 14, 16, 18 and 20, The Drive, ut 80 years, GR £16, R £57 4s.......................... 305 65, 67 and 69, The Drive, ut 79 years, GR £12, R £46 16s.............................. 250 FURNITURE, PICTURES, BOOKS, ETC. JANUABY. MONDAY, 30.—By H. and A. Layman, at their rooms, 1, Denman Street, London-bridge, S.E., at 12.30 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Phillips, Son and Neale, 73, New Bond-street׳. W., at 26 Bruton Kreet, Berkeley Square, at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc., and following day By Christie Man son and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock— Pictuies and Drawings. IUESD Y, 3l.—By Tooth and Tooth,5 at! their (rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Che8ierton and Sons, Kensington High-street, W., and 51, Cheapside, E.C., at 35, Holland-villas-roacl, Kensington—Furniture,etc., and following days. By A. R. Peacy, Harrow Station, and 1, Stanhope-terrace, Gloucester Gate, N.W., at the Eyre Arms Assembly Rooms, St. John’s Wood,N.W^at 1 o’clock. Furniture, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc., and following day. FEBRUARY. WEDNESDAY, 1,— By Debenham, Storr and Sons, at their rooms, 26, King-street, Co vent-garden, at 12 o’clock— F urniture. By W. Hallett and Co., 102-4, Harrow-road, W., and 10, Basinghall-street, E.C., at 77, Westbourne-terrace, Hyde-park, atl o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Allan Booth, 284, Camden-road, N.. at Oak Lodge, Prmces-road, Wimbledon-park, at 12 o’clock— Furniture, etc. By C. Rawley Cross and Co., Ilchester House, Uxbridge-road Station, W., and 37, Broadway, Ealing, W. (in conjunction with Edward Longley, 230 King-street, Hammersmith, W.), at Avishayes, »Vellesley-road, Gunnersbury, at 2 o’clock— Furniture ,etc. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery,54, Pall-mall, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Pictures, engravings, etc. THURSDAY, 2.-By Match and Co.. 7, Belgrave-rcad, South Belgravia, S.W., at 7. St. George’s-road, Eccleston-square, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Collins and Collins, 34, South Audley-street, W., at 93, West-end-lane, Hampstead, at 1 o’clock— Furniture, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, at their rooms, King •street, St. James’s-square, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Pictures, etc. By Messrs. Foster, at their galleries, 54, Pall-mall, S.w., at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc. FRIDAY, 3.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their looms, King-street׳, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock —Silver Plate, etc. By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Wreford and Harding, at their rooms, 44a, Wiltor.-road, Victoria Station, at 6.30 o’clock—Furniture, etc. SATURDAY, 4.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King Street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o'clock—Pictures, Engiavings, &c. The business premises, No. 302, Regent-street, held on lease for over 20 years, will be offered to auction by Messrs. Walter H. Brown and Co., at the Tokenhouse-yard Mart, on February 8. The premises are of the rental value of £700 per annum. Marylebone—119, Seymour-place, ut &h years, O-E £9, E £55 ..................................... 130 WEDNESDAY 25th. SWAN WOODCOCK (at Stratford). Stratford—25, Gurney-road, F, EE £30 ... 495 MANSELL and ROWE, 57, Church-road, Upper Norwood, S.E. Norwood—Anerley-road, Howard House, ut 65 years, GE £13 15s., EE £75 ........ 630 EDMUND W. RICHARDSON and SON 50, Fins bury square, E.C. Mile End—51, Willow-street, ut 31£ years, GE 5s. 260 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, 8.W., and Ilford, Essex. Old Kent-road—No. 118, P, E £80 ........... 1,600 Clapham—106, Lansdowne-road, ut 434 years, GE £10, EE £80 ........................... 650 Kennington—66 and 68, Henry-street, ut 9 years, GE £6 6s............................... 160 Teddington—Verona Villas, FGE of £5 10s., reversion in 81 years.................... 118 THURSDAY 26th. A. ALDRIDGE and CO., 79, Park-street, Gros-venor-square, W. Victoria-park—56 to 64 (even), Victoria-park-road, ut 55 years, GR £4 (lease renewable at 3 per cent, on rack rentals), R £216... 2,470 Westminster—Great Peter-street, IGR of £81 5s., reversion in 79 years ............. 1,970 Margate, Kent—1 and 2, Second-avenue, F, R £240 .............................. 3,780 EYES and SONS, 7, Mark-lane, E.C. Enfield—1, 2, 3 and 4, London-road, F, R £230 4,575 C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C, Whitechapel—74, High-street, F ............... 4,500 Commercial-road East—35, Caroline-street, F ... 600 St. George’s East—84״ St. George-street, F, R £33 600 Limehouse—16, Three Colt-street, F.............. 515 6 to 16 (even), St. Anne’s-row, ut 54¿ years, GR £30 ................................... 275 Leytonstone—270 and 274, High-road, ut 85¿ years, GR £11 10s., R £60 ............... 550 NEWEON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, N. Caledonian-road—6, Edward-square, ut 13 years, GE £10, E £28 ............................. 90 30, 37, 44 and 45, Edward-square, ut 41 years, GE £20, E £135 ............................ %o Marylebone—40, Beaumont-street, ut 26 years, GE £30, E £90 ............................ 825 11, Buckingham-street, ut 13 years, GE £30 330 Barnsbury—27 and 28, Offord-street, ut 39£ years, GE £6 .................................... 425 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Walworth—70, Villa-street, ut 52 years, GE £11 15s., E £52 .......................... 420 74, Westmoreland-road, ut 50 years, GE £6 385 161, South-street, ut 63 years, GE £7 .... 265 Southwark—39, 40 and 41, Great Suffolk-street, P, E £96 6s............................. 1,220 Camberwell—1 and 2, Padfield-street, ut 67 years, GE £9 ............................. 605 Battersea—66, 68 and 70, Shelgate-road, ut 83 years, GE £21 ............................ 855 Tooting—Bumtwood-lane, Tregadra, and Tre- gonhay, ut 81 years, GE £12, E £64 ...... 525 Wimbledon—24, Southey-road, P, E £36 .......... 520 Lambeth—109, Oakley-street, I, EE £40 ........ 515 Kennington—129 and 130a, Prince's-road, ut 10 years, GE £13 8s., B £87 ................ 265 Peckham—Eeynold’s-road, etc., a Comer Plot of Land, P................................ 220 38 to 72 (even), Cator-street, ut 63 years, GE £66 .................................... 4,040 Dulwich—Dunstan's-road, Pour Plots of Building Land, P .............................. 900 London and South Western Bank—Ten £50 Shares, £20 paid ......................... 736 Three £50 Shares, £12 10s., paid .......... 151 FRIDAY 27th. E. H. HENRY, 63, High-street, Clapham, S.W. Clapham Common—28, Orlando-road, ut 71J years, GE £9 10s., EE £60 ............... 540 J. HIBBARD and SONS, 9, Walbrook, E.C., Stoke Newington-green, N., and Hoe-street, Walthamstow, E. Hoxton—39, Felton-street, F, E £33 16s......... 335 Barnsbury—115, Offord-road, P, E £38 .......... 605 Finchley—1, Torrington-place, P, E £55 .. 630 Hackney—200 and 202, Well-street, ut 46 years, GE £12, E £120 .......................... 1,350 Notting-hill—16, Tobin-street, ut 30 years, GE £3 10s., E £40 .......................... 315 29, Tobin-street, ut 31 years, GE £3 ..... 290 Fulham—St. George's-square, IGE of £40״ ut 5J years, GE £12 ........................... 50 Stoke Newington—102, Mildmay-road, ut 52i years, GE £7, E £40 .................... 390 By Order of the Committee. Not Sold under the Hammer. JANUARY. MONDAY 23rd. F. YARLEY, 1, Stroud-green-road, Finsbury-park, N. Finsbury-park—20, Romilly-road ; 68, Blackstock- road, L ____________________ TUESDAY 24th. PERKINS and CÆSÀR, 105, Tooley-street, S.E. Dockhead—1, 2 and 3, Farthing-alley, L WEDNESDAY 25th. FULLER, HORSEY, SONS and CASSELL, 11, Billiter-square, E.C. Paddington—Bravington-road, The Bravington Engineering Works, area 11,500ft., L, with Plant, Machinery, etc. HAYMAN and CO,, 4 and 5, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C. Biggleswade, Beds—The Hollies, C MAY and PHILPOT, 140, Brixt^n-hill, S.W. Brixton—37, Josephine-avemie; 66, 70, 119 and 121, Leander-road, L Clapham—398, Clapham-road, L Streatham—Oakdale-road, Corio, F EDMUND W. RICHARDSON and SON, 50, Fins-bury-square, E.C. Canning Town—3, Shirley-street, L DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.. 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. Streatham—22, Pathfield-road ; 17, Buckleigh-road; 45, Greyhound-lane; 9, 11 and 19, Tankerville-road; 24 to 32 (even), Ellison-road, L Notting-hill—13 to 19 (odd), Jameson-street, ut 52 years, GR £28, WR £176 16s. H. CHAPMAN and CO., 2, Southampton-street, Strand, W.C. Leyton—Tyndall-road, Freehold Building Land, 120ft. by 90ft. Hastings—36, 38 and 40, Braybrook-road, ut 72 years, GR £3 12s. each, R £35 each EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, 99, Gresham-street, E.C. City of London—60, Cheapside, ut 62 years, GR £1,260, R £2,300 Richmond—203 to 211 (odd), Lower Mortlake-road, F, R £285 Stocks and Shares in various companies BALCH and BALGH, 225, Kentish Town-road (at the Red Cap, Camden Town, at 7.30 o’clock). Regent’s-park—3, Kingstown-street, ut 49 years, GR £5, R £30 ALFRED PREECE, 31, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, W.C. (at the Station Hotel, Acton, at 8 o’clock). Acton, Kew Gardens, Gunnersbury, Twickenham, and Mortlake—31 Properties, producing £819 per annum __________________________ THURSDAY 2nd. At TWO o’clock. COOPER and GOULDIRG, 41, Moorgate-street, E. C. Chiswick—16 to 18, Hogarth-lane, F, WR £57 2s. ; 1 to 35 (odd), Hogarth-avenue, F, WR £470 12s.; 2 to 24 (even), Hogarth-avenue, F, WR £300 6s. ; 181, 183, 189, 191, 193 and 195, Devonshire-road, F, WR £102 14s.; also a Yard and Stabling in rear, area 7,500ft., F; Devonshire-road, FGR’s of £18, reversions in 70 and 77 years H. E. FOSTER and CRAN FIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C. Reversions, Policies, etc. FORTHCOMING SALES. Sales at the Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. Country Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere. JANUARY. MONDAY 30th. At TWO o’clock. W. N. WILLOUGHBY, 399, Norwood-road, and Tulse-hill, S.E. West Norwood—12 to 15, Fairview-terrace, F, E £197 12s.; and a Plot of Land adjoining, frontage 26ft.. P CLIMPSON and JOHNSON, 59, Bedford-hill, Peckham—188, 190, 192 and 194, Hollydale-road Balham—7, Cathles-road Thornton Heath—36 to 48 (even), Beulah-road North, F R £192 8s. Finsbury-park—105, Fonthill-road WRIFORD and DIXONS, 4, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Twickenham—The Avenue, Avenue Villa, F, BE £60 Borough—1 to 6, Avon-place, P, WE £124 16s. Poplar—Cording-street, IGE of £22, ut 177 years, GE £12 EDWARDS and CATES, 60, Gt. Portland-street, Bournemouth—Wootton-gardens, IGE of £10, ut 63 years Marylebone—124, Great Portland-street, nt 74 years, GE £36, EE £340 Finchley — Eegent's-park-road, Stoneleigh, nt 91 years, GE £8 10s., EE £65 ROBSON and PERRIN, Station-road, Finsbury-park and Stroud-green Stations, N. Barnsbury—20, Sheen-groye, ut 37 years, GE £6 Hornsey—Green-lanes, Warden Villa, and Newent Villa, ut 29 years each, GE £6 each, EE £45 each Camden Town—110, King’s-road, nt 24 years, GE £6 6s., E £40 EDWIN EYANS, 253, Lavender-hill, S.W. (at the Falcon Hotel, Clapham-junction, at 7 o’clock). Wandsworth Common—133 to 139, St. James’s-road; 15, Apsley-road; 9 to 15, Maskell-road, P; 69, 71, 85. 87, 89, 93 , 95, 97, 101, 103, 111, 102, 104, 106, 110, 112 and 116, Bramfield-road; and 9, 11, 49, 53, 55, 57, 61 and 63, Kelmscott-road, L Wandsworth—24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 36a, The Grove, L Lavender-hill—45, Marney-road; and 68 to 74, 96 and 98; and 104 to 110, Sugden-road, L Battersea-^18, Castle-street; 421, 423, Battersea-park-road; la and 2a, St. James-grove; and 22 and 24, Kennard-street, L Clapham Junction—132, Este-road West Norwood—28, 32, 42, 44, 46 and 48, St. Julian’s Farm-road F. MILLER and REID, 5 and 6, Clement’s-inn, Strand, W.C. (at the Falcon Hotel, Clapham-junction, at 3 o’clock). Clapham Junction—75, 77, 83, 87, 89, 91 and 93, The Grove, ut 90 years, GE £45 10s., E £211 Earlsfield—Stanley, Allfarthing-lane, nt 90 years, GE £7, E £30; 3, Lemuel-street, ut 90 years, GE £12 10s., E £65; 60, 62, 75 . 77 and 79, Westover-street, ut 95 years, GE £37 10s., E £186 : 95 and 97, Earlsfleld-road, ut 90 years, GE £19 10s., E £82; 34. 34a, 34b, 34c, Earlsfield-road, ut 90 years, GE £34, E £160; Lily Villa, Dingwall-road, ut 90 years, GE £6. E £38 12s.; and 5, 6 and 7, Norton-gardens, Westover-road, ut 90 years, GR £15, E £105 W. EYDMANN and SON, 225. High-street, Acton (at the George Hotel, High-street, Acton, at 7 o’clock). Acton—93 and 95, Mill-hill-road, EE £60, F; 3, Apsley-villas, Horne-lane, L; 40, Park-road East, together with the adjoining Plot of Building Land FRIDAY 3rd. At TWO o’clock. H. Y. CHEW, 35, Gt. St. Helens, E.C., Walthamstow, Leytonstone and Maryland Point, E. Leytonstone—Poppleton-road, Highlands, nt 96 years, GE £5 12s. 6d., E £45 Walthamstow—30 and 32, Melville-road, ut 81 years, GR £6 each, E £26 each; Whipp’s-cross, Berthons, P, E £120; and 23 Plots of Land, P RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at the Mart. London, except where otherwise stated_ JANUARY. SATURDAY 7th- ELWORTHY and SON (at Wisbech). Wisbech St. Peter, Cambs—White Hall Farm, 36a. lr. 10p., P ................. 3,180 Pour Enclosures of Pasture, 43a. 3r. 27p., P 3,140 THURSDAY 19th. WORSFOLD and HAYWARD (at Dover). Dover, Kent^-Stroud-street, the Ship Hotel, ut 70 years, GR £4 6s., R £80 ........ 1,500 10. Albert-road, nt 66£ years, GR £2 10s., R £24 .............................. 325 12, Woolcomber-lane, F ..............' 240 16, Oswald-road, F ................... 205 Snargate-street. a Bonded Vault and Yard, ut 17 years, GR £6 ................. 350 Snargate-street, FGR of £18, reversion in years ................................ 294 HADDON and TURNBULL (at Hawick). Minto, Roxburghshire—The Estate of Hassen- deanburn. 666 acres ..............16,200 MONDAY 23rd. F. YARLEY, 1, Stroud־green־ro FinsburY* park, N. Battersea—Falcon-grove, IGR of £19 2s., ut 52 years, GR nil ...................... 350 Finsbury-park—49, Wyatt-road, ut 714 rears, GR £5, R £28 .......................... 3I0 34 and 36, Ambler-road, ut 65 years, GR £6, R £64 .............................. 780 TUESDAY 24th. DAYID BURNETT and CO., 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. ’ Chelsea—68 and 70, Beaufort-street, ut 15 years, GR £8, R £50 ....................... 300 WILLIS and CROUCH, 29, Basinghall-street, E.C., and Uxbridge. Kingsland—34, 35, 36 and 37, Lee-street, ut 20 years, GR £12....................... g00 FURLONG and SONS (at their rooms, Eleanor-road, Woolwich). Plumstead—2, Parry-place, L Woolwich—30, Rectory-grove, L; also 20 Shares in the West Kent Gas Co.____________ TUESDAY 31st• At TWO o’clock. C. W. DAVIES, 15, Upper-street, Islington, N. City-road—22, Haverstock-street, ut 25 years, GR £5 6s. 8d., R £34 Camden Town—225 and 227, Arlington-road, ut 13 years, GR £10 Maida-vale—11 and 12, Northwick-mews, ut 24 years, GR £10״ ER £60 Stroud-green—142, 146 and 148, Hanley-road, ut 70 years, GR £25 4s., R £120 Highbury—145, Petherton-road, ut 73 years, GR £7 7s., ER £70 L. FARMER, 56, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C., and 12, High-road, Kilburn, N.W. Kilburn—2, Brondesbury-road, ut 60 years, GR £14, ER £120; 2, Exeter-road, ut 70 and 93 years, GR’s £15 15s., ER £110; 2, Minster-road, ut 90 years, GR £12 10s., ER £100 Maida-vale—33, Hamilton-terrace, ut 37 years, GR £12, ER £220 Camberwell—278 and 280, Camberwell-road, F, R £110 J. M. DUNCAN and KIMPTON, 50 and 52, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C., and Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. Kentish Town—5, Dickenson-street, ut 69 years, GR £7 4s., R £36 Upper Clapton—21, Reighton-road, ut 79 years, GR £6 10s., R £36 St. John’s Wood—Cavendish-road West, IGR of £20, ut 21 years, GR nil Camden Town—158״ Great College-street, ut 23 years, GR nil, R £65; and IGR of £22, ut 23 years, GR nil Dalston—54 and 56, Forest-road, ut 3 years, GR £6, R £68 Holloway—207, Tufnell-park-road, ut 70 years, GR £9, R £70 North Woolwich—1 to 6, Leigh-terrace, ut 98 years, GR £25, WR £154 14s. Whitechapel—12 and 13, Mill-yard, F, R £65 Stepnev—26 and 28,. Caroline-street, ut 60 years, GR £4 5s. each, WR £31 4s. each ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C. and Tottenham. N. Gas and Water Stocks and Shares RUTLEY, SON and YINE, 6, George-street, Euston-ro*d, N.W. New Southgate—Bowes-road, The Woodlands, F, P Kentish Town—11, 14 and 15, Willingham-terrace, ut 42 years, GR’s £4 10s. each, R’s £28 and £30 each; 131, Prince of Wales-road, ut 13 years, GR £7, R £40 Holloway—49 and 51, Marlborough-road, ut 66 years, GR £7 7s. each, R £40 each Bloomsbury—8, Silver-street, ut 26 years, GR £12, R £50 Marylebone—42, Bolsover-street, ut 13 years, GR £38, R £80 F. WARMAN, Spencer House, Highbury, N. Highbury—2 and 4, Highbury New-park, ut 50 years, GR £32; 94, Highbury New-park, ut 51 years, GR £15, ER £110 Canonbury—32, St. Mary’s-road, ut 44 years, GR £10. R £63; 4, Alwyne-villas, ut 46 years״ GR £10, R £60 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Brixton—199 and 201, Brixton-hill, F, ER £140 Streatham—58, Streatham-hill, ut 20 years, GR £30, ER £170; 70 and 72, Streatham-hill, ut 26 years, GR £47 10s., R £270 8s. Addlestone, Surrey—North Lodge, and 11a. 3r. Op., F Battersea—2, 6. 8, 22 and 30, Rush-hill-road, ut 73 years, GR’s £6 each, R’s £30 and £32 each YERNON and SON, 29, Cockspur-street, S.W., and High Wycombe, Bucks. Edmonton—180, Upper Fore-street, F, R £50 Norwood—8, 10, 12 and 14, Palace-road, F, R £112 Netley, Hants—1 to 10, Arthur-terrace, ut 983 years, GR £7, R £104 16s. GREEN and SON (at their mart, 217, King-street, Hammersmith, at 7 o’clock). Hammersmith—6 and 8, Great Church-lane, R £62 8s., F; and 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28, Holcombe-street, R £119 12s., L Acton—223, Acton-lane, R £60, F; and Freehold Building Land, frontage 125ft. to Acton-lane FEBRUARY. WEDNESDAY 1st. At TWO o’clock. S. FORTESCUE and SONS, 56, Ludgate*hill, Forest-gate—547 to 557 (odd), Romford-road, ut 88 years, GR £36, R £186