37 נ THE ESTATES GAZETTE January 28, 1899. Sales tg bunion. The FREEHOLD of the MITRE TAVERN, Mitre-court, FLEET-STREET, with premises adjoining, situate in Hare-place and Hare-court.—By order of Trustees.—Preliminary Advertisement. . on Monday, March 27, at Two o’clock precisely, the important FREEHOLD, fully-licensed, and very widely-known City TAVERN, The Mitre, situate in Mitre-court, midway between Fleet-street and the Temple, at present let for a short unexpired term; also the Freehold House and Premises adjoining, being No. 1, Hare-place, abutting on Hare-place and Mitre-court, with separate approach from Fleet-street, with possession, and the premises used as a newspaper shop, situate in Mitre-court; the whole possessing exceptional rights of light, and affording unexampled facilities, by judicious re-arrangement or rebuilding, to bring up the premises, to modern requirements, and thereby considerably augment the present large and profitable trade; further particulars will shortly appear. Hedges and Davis, solicitors, 9, Red Lion-square, W.C. Weatherall and Green, surveyors and auctioneers, 22, Chancery-lane, W.C. WIMBLEDON, SURREY. Freehold Ground Rents and Freehold Shop and other Properties, in numerous Lots, offering exceptional facilities for investment in the safest and best class of security, with the benefit of increasing value, and large augmentation of capital when the rack rentals fall into possession. WEATHERALL and GREEN will Sell by YY Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, February 27, 1899, at Two o’clock, in numerous Lots, the important FREEHOLD COMMERCIAL and SHOP PROPERTIES, situate in the best trading centre of this improving locality: — No. 28, Broadway. Let on leas« at £65 per annum, increasing to £70. No. 29, Broadway. Let on lease at £90 per annum, increasing to £100. No. 30, Broadway. Let on lease at £100 per annum. Area of Land used as roadway behind No. 31, Broadway. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. Grhd rent per ann. l ecured by Rack Rental value to which there is Rever8’n. Lease Ex- pires. £20 0 Nos. 3,4, 5 and 6, Alexandra-road.. £112 1971 20 0 7, 8, 9 and 10, 120 1971 9 0 11 and 12, ,. 60 1971 9 0 13 and 14, ״ 60 971 11 0 is, 36 1971 7 0 Hi, 30 1971 7 0 17, 30 1971 7 0 18, 30 1971 14 0 19 and 20, ״ 60 1971 18 0 21 and 22, , 60 1971 18 0 23 and 24, 60 1971 12 10 25 and 26, 64 1971 12 10 27 and 28. 60 1971 35 0 Land and buildings , 235 1988 14 16 131 and builder's yard ״ 75 1980 14 0 111 and 112, ״ 70 1980 14 0 113 and 114, ״ 70 1980 14 0 115 and 116, ״ 70 1980 14 0 117 and 118, ״ 70 1980 14 0 119 and 120. 70 1980 14 0 121 ana 122, ״ 70 1980 14 0 123 ani 124, ״ 70 1980 14 0 125 and 126, ״ 70 1980 14 0 127 ana 128, ״ 70 1980 14 0 129 and 130, ״ 70 1980 Particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained at the Auction Mart; of Messrs. Hawes and Co., estate agents, Railway Station-yard, Wimbledon; of Messrs. Leslie and Hardy, solicitors, 17, Bedford-row, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, Weatherall and Green, 22, Chancery-lane, W.C. ־IV/TESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER'S -i-YJL forthcoming Sales by Auction of LICENSED PROPERTIES at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Basing-hall-street, City, are as follows: — On February 7. THE RAILWAY HOTEL, Hornsey-road, Islington. —By direction of Mortgageess. Free Lease 67 years, at £100. Fine corner position on main road. THE GREEN MAN, Prospect-place, Balls-pond-road. Free Lease 45 years. Rent £50, nearly all cleared by Two Cottages held therewith. At a Later Date. THE NELL GWYNNE, Bull-inn-court, Strand.— Free Lease nearly 40 years. Most attractive compact Premises and highly profitable Business. Cards and particulars at the Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, Holborn, W.C. Telephone 802 Holborn. ^rtirkö ffipíls. TO PARENTS and GUARDIANS.—Auc- A tioneer, Surveyor, Land and Estate Agent, having offices at Reading, London and Henley-on-Thames, has VACANCY for ARTICLED PUPIL; term three or five years; moderate premium; could live with principal.—Write Walter Wilson, Rockey Lane Farm, Greys, Henley-on-Thames. ?Businesses. TO AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS and A VALUERS.—Two gentlemen, F.S.I., thoroughly experienced, desire to purchase established business in town or country; must show about £500 net profit, or less if scope for enlarging; replies treated in strictest confidence.—“ Duplex ” (512), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. V AT ANTED to Purchase, by F.S.I., with 13 V Y years’ experience, a genuine auction and valuation PRACTICE ; provinces preferred ; or would entertain partnership.—Particulars to “ F.S.I.,” 24, Priory-avenue, Hastings. _____________ AUCTION and HOUSE AGENCY Business Ax for disposal; fashionable south coast; price £220 ah at; or would accept one year’s profits and fixtures at valuation; books open to inspection.— Write “ Auction,” 101, Marylebone-road, London. THE LAW RELATING TO LANDED ESTATES.— Land, Manor, Farm, Field, Crops, Stock, Labour, etc. This work contains a resume of the law upon the most important matters connected1 with the Sale, Purchase and Possession of Landed Property; with an Appendix containing the Customs of the Country and the most important statutes connected with the subject.—By Sidney Wright, M.A., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Price 12s. 6d. (for cash, 10s. 6d.).—ESTATES GAZETTE office. Paríitrisíjítis. For PREPAID announcements the minimum charge is 3s. for 50 words: three insertions for 7s. 6d. having been articled with a well-known firm of auctioneers, surveyors, and valuers, and having capital at his command, is desirous of entering a well-established business with a view to partnership; highest references given and required.—“ Cantab ’׳ (524), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. _ College, at present assistant in a Midland firm of land agents and valuers, desires to purchase PARTNERSHIP with a provincial land agent or firm of good standing; would give assistance on trial if preferred.—Apply “ Oxon 574) ״), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A UCTION and ESTATE AGENCY Business or Partnership wanted to purchase by gentleman haying thorough practical experience and some connection; capital up to about £500; must be genuine.—Apply (strictly confidential), “ N.” (572), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.c. YOUNG GENTLEMAN, P.A.S.I., ex- -I. perienced in the development of building estates, and having command of capital, desires to enter the office of an estate agent and auctioneer with a view to ultimate partnership; absolutely essential that the business be a sound and well-established one.—“ S. H.” (570), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. AN AUCTIONEER and VALUER is pre- xx pared to treat for the Purchase of, or a Partnership in, an estate agent’s business in London (not suburban).—Address “ J. E. L.” (578), ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A GENTLEMAN, 38, with a life experience •*A of estate management in all its branches, and son of a nobleman’s agent, and at present managing estates in the home counties with the home farms, etc., desires RE-ENGAGEMENT or PARTNERSHIP in a good firm.—“ M. E. Z.” (580), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ÿrofmimtal. (PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION. — Mr. hJ Graham Mould’s Classes for next year’s examinations will recommence Tuesday, May 2 (P.A.S.I.), and Thursday, May 4 (F.S.I.). Entries 'may be made and advance papers studied now. At the last three Fellowship examinations ALL Mr. Mould’s pupils were successful. Also P.A.S.I. (1897) Penfold Silver Medal and Driver Prize.—Syllabus upon application to Mr. Graham Mould, F.S.I., 25, Great James-street, Bedford-row. Telephone 228 Holborn. Lecture room, 3, John-street, Bedford-row. (PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EX AMIN A- TIONS.—Complete courses of preparation in class or by correspondence in all divisions and subdivisions. At the last four examinations the following prizes were obtained by Mr. Parry’s pupils: — 1895 and 18%, Institution Prize, Driver Prize and Penfold Silver Medal; 1897, Institution Prize and Special Prize; 1898, Institution Prize, Special Prize, Driver Prize, and Penfold Silver Medal, and Crawter Prize (one of the two bracketed winners of the last). At the Examination of last March, MORE THAN HALF of the successful list were Mr. Parry’s pupils.—Apply to Mr. Richard Parry, F.S.I., A.M.I.C.E., 27, Great George-street, Westminster (immediately opposite the Surveyors’ Institution). PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINA- L} TIONS.— Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I. by examination, assisted in the law subjects by Mr. Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, Author of the “Law of Landed Estates,” the “Law of Fixtures,” Editor of the “ Law and Practice of Dilapidations,” etc., prepare candidates for the above examinations in all divisions and sub-divisions. Complete course in class or by correspondence. Personal instruction. Driver prize and Penfold silver medal.—Syllabus on application to Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, 100, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.— Auctioneers’ Institute Examinations.—Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I., and Mr. Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, also prepare candidates for the examinations of this Institute. (Address as above). P ANIT ARY INSPECTORS. -EXAMINA- TIONS for qualification under the SANITARY INSTITUTE. A qualified Surveyor, and holder of certificates of competency in sanitary knowledge and building construction, is prepared to COACH Ladie3 and Gentlemen for these Exams, by correspondence. Fees entirely conditional on the pupil’s success, payable after passing, bar a nominal guarantee of good faith.—Geo. B. Dafforn, P.A.S.I., 25, High-street, Wimbledon. AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE EXAMINA- xA. TIONS.—Preparation for the A.A.I. Exam, of March, 1900, by Mr. J. H. W. Wheeler, F.S.I., F.A.I., Assoc. Sanit. Inst. The second annual course commences end of May next, and may be taken by correspondence or personally. — For particulars address, 189, Fulham-road, South Kensington, S.W. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINA- ►vz TIONS.—BIBMING-HAM: and MIDLANDS.—Messrs. Donne and Raffety, F.S.I., undertake the preparation of candidates for the Land Agency sub-division of these examinations. Practical work may be seen on estates.—Particulars and terms on application, 71, Temple-row, Birmingham. ASPATR1A AGRICDLTDRAL COLLEGE (Via Carlisle). FOUNDED 1874. SITUATED IN ONE OP THE FINEST STOCK-RAISING DISTRICTS OP THE COUNTRY. Approved by the Council of the Surveyors’ Institution as affording professional instruction. Special preparation for Preliminary and Professional Associateship Examinations (Land Agency Section). Six Farms, Dairy and Workshops. For Prospectus and lists of sucoesses apply to the Principal, J. Smith Hill, B.A., B.Sc., Prizeman of the Royal Agricultural Sooiety, Associate of the Surveyors’ Institution. SITUATIONS WANTED—CONTINUED /^J.EN TLEMAN desires position as MANAGER A-J or UNDER-MANAGER ; thorough knowledge of auctions, inventories, surveys, valuations, etc. ; good negotiator and correspondent; would entertain small partnership.—“ Energetic,” c/o Dixon’s, 195, Oxford-street, W. ADVERTISER, xY business traini) , who has had a thorough business training seeks an appointment on an estate as RESIDENT AGENT or MANAGER; or would take sub-agency ; has had large experience in forestry and horticulture; also a good knowledge of agriculture and general estate management; excellent references.—Address “Forestry” (576), Estates Gazette office, 6, St, Bride-street, E.C. AUCTIONEER’S ASSISTANT Requires RE-ENGAGEMENT; six years’ experience with first-class West of England agricultural firm; excellent testimonials.—“ J. C.” (575), ESTATES GAZETTE AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS and ESTATE I XX AGENTS.—CLERK, age 21, seeks RE-ENGAGEMENT, having eight years experience with present firm; well up in clerking sales, bookkeeping, and the general office routine ; disengaged when convenient; excellent references.—Apply H. Ashton, c/o Messrs. J. Laming and Son, auctioneers, etc., Spalding. rpO AUCTIONEERS, Etc.—Wanted by a -L young man, 29 years of age, a berth as ASSISTANT to a firm of auctioneers, preferably a horse repository or general agricultural business; experience in horse sales; capable of managing a stud or small estate; home or abroad; first-class references.—Apply, with particulars, “V.” (571), ESTATES Gazette office., 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. rpO AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. -L —Advertiser, energetic and responsible, with several years’ practical experience with good provincial firms, desires RE-ENGAGEMENT; efficient in preparing catalogues, inventories, keeping and publishing registers, negotiating and canvassing; excellent references.—Apply “ E. F. D.,” 90, Marmion-road, Southsea. ADVERTISER (P.A.S.I.) Requires POST of xU TRUST, as sub-agent, secretary, clerk, etc.; experienced in land agent’s business; excellent references; salary £2.—Douglas, 5, Boscombe-road, Shepherd’s Bush, London, W. TO BRIGHTON HOUSE and ESTATE A AGENTS.—A thoroughly experienced canvasser and negotiator (age 30), who has been for some years in one of the best offices in the West-end of London, desires an appointment at Brighton as MANAGER, of a branch office preferred; a moderate salary would be accepted, provided a liberal commission were allowed.—Address “ Manager ” (585), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bnde-street, E.C. ]REGISTER and NEGOTIATING CLERK, -IA of good address, with nine years’ experience, and at present holding an appointment in an auctioneer’s office, seeks a fresh ENGAGEMENT; intimate acquaintance with the West-end of London; competent in agency work, canvassing, inventories, and shorthand; age 25.—'“ A. B. C.” (586), ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED, by respectable man, aged 40, total abstainer from birth, position of CARETAKER, MESSENGER, or COLLECTOR of RENTS; thoroughly understands general repairs and management of weekly properties; highest references given. —Apply W. F. Grosse, 119, Gaisford-street, Kentish Town. rpO HOUSE and ESTATE AGENTS.—Ad - 1• vertiser, aged 25, with seven years’ experience, desires Re-engagement as Inventory, Valuation and General CLERK; W. or S.W. districts preferred; moderate salary required.—Address W. Ward, 29, Elspeth-road, Clapham Junction, S.W. A SURVEYOR, who has had 20 years’ ex- x x perience of first-class estate agency, surveying and valuations in London and country, is open to an ENGAGEMENT of a responsible nature.—Apply to “ X.” (579), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. TVO AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS.— J- Advertiser desires a SITUATION in office of above; has had five years’ experience; at present in a West-end office; can copy plans neatly, take inventories, and knows something of preparing schedules of dilapidations.—Address “ W. M.” (581), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. Y\7ANTED, by a competent and experienced * Y auctioneer, valuer, and fire loss assessor, to SUPERVISE or take sole MANAGEMENT in good concern, or branch; practical accountant.—Address “ Hammer 582) ״), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. JKtsrrilaro0tts. AGENTS WANTED for the SALE OF xY NATIVE GUANO, the best and cheapest Manure •for all farm and garden crops.—The Native Guano Company. Limited. 29, New Bridge-street. Black-friars, London, E.C. X AA Fruit Trees of all kinds -L j YJ \J can be had by the dozen, hundred or thousand. Send for Illustrated Catalogue free.— W. HORNE, Perry Hill, Cliffe, near Rochester, Kent. A GENTS Required in unrepresented districts xjl for the Imperial Accident, Live Stock and General Insurance Oo., Limited. Established 1878. Horses, Cattle, etc., Insured against Death from Accident and' Disease. Claims paid, £150,000. Address, Mr. B. S. Essex, manager, 17, Pall Mall East, London, S.W. ־TJEVELOPMENT of BUILDING ESTATES AJ —Owners of large or small estates in any approved locality in England are invited to furnish particulars of their property to Messrs. G. A. and J. Hall, of Valkyrie, Colney Hatch-lane, Muswell-hill, N., whose speciality is the development of building estates, and who are prepared either to purchase outright or to arrange mutual terms for the successful development of the same. T^OR SALE, a Bargain and a Good Invest- -1־ ment.—A Country Residence, including in all 20 rooms, with grounds well laid' out, including two lawns, shrubberies, flower beds, fruit trees, and a kitchen garden; ten glasshouses and' three cottages; good stabling and coach-house; in all about four acres; situate in a very pleasant and healthy position, and in a good vicinity for the hunt; gas and water laid on everywhere.—Price £2,600.—Apply to T. H. Higgins, Rockcliffe, Wellingborough, Norths. T^LLERSLIE, Buckden, Hunts (one and a half miles from Buckden station, and two miles from Offord station).—To be Let, with immediate possession, a small HUNTING BOX (suitable for a bachelor), with stabling, coach-house, gardener’s cottage, ornamental and kitchen gardens and orchard; in the midst of the Cambs. and Fitz-william Hounds, and within reach of the Pytchley. —For rent and further particulars apply to Dilley and Son, auctioneers and land agents, Market-hill, Huntingdon; and Auction Yards, St. Ives. BERMONDSEY.—FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE for Sale; 11,130ft.; ten minutes from London Bridge; price moderate.—Apply Messrs. Woulfe, 37, Bloomsbury-square. T^REEHOLD ESTATE, 53 acres, two miles A from Horley station; 2,000ft. frontage to main Brighton road; gas and water mains pass along frontage; ripe for building good class houses.—Plan and full particulars of owner’s agents, Green and Simes, estate agents, Blenheim-mansions, Broadway, Westminster, S.W. rro LET, SALMON and TROUT FISHING, -I. best pools in Wales. Also a good House, or part of it, within 50 yards from two pools.—Apply “ W.” (587), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. J&tnattons YÄCÄNT. ■yUANTED, immediately, as IMPROVER or Y Y JUNIOR CLERK; a young gentleman with North London experience and knowledge of shorthand preferred.—Apply by letter or personally at the Estate Offices, 70, Grand Parade, Harringay-park. WANTED, an IMPROVER by a firm of YY estate agents and auctioneers on the south coast; 15s. per week to commence.—“ E. B.” (583), ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED, CLERK (middle-aged) in Land YY Agent’s office; must understand bookkeeping, office and outdoor work; good writing indispensable; shorthand desirable.—Apply by letter to F. Cover-dale, Ingatestone, Essex. WANTED "DEQUIRED by reliable and capable Clerk, AX APPOINTMENT with firm of auctioneers in country or seaside; eight years’ general experience; able negotiator, capable of managing large rent collection, and qualified for position of trust; age 25; excellent references; moderate salary.—Address “A. Y. Z.” (552), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ADVERTISER (22) is open to engagement xl as ASSISTANT, IMPROVER or CLERK to firm of auctioneers, surveyors, valuers and estate agents; has had five years’ articled experience; well up in inventories, valuations, clerking sales, house agency; also had experience in gauging and stocktaking — C. Hewitt, Kirkstall, Moor-green, Birmingham. TO AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS and A ESTATE AGENTS.—Young gentleman, aged 22, desires ENGAGEMENT with above; West-end or Country; four years’ varied experience (three 3rears articles); well up in clerking sales, inventories, valuations, advertisements, catalogues, register, and the general routine; good typist; excellent references.—William B. Batten, 2, East-park-terrace, Southampton. סוף AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. A. —Advertiser, aged 31, desires ENGAGEMENT in office of above; 13 years’ good all round experience in first-class London and country offices; accus-tomed to the preparation of auction particulars, plans and advertisements; valuations for probate, mortgage and other purposes; highest references.— “ J. K.,” 26, Cambridge-street, S.W. TO AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS.— A Advertiser, aged 22, having passed the Profes; sional Associate Examination of the Surveyors’ Institution, requires a post as SURVEYORS’ ASSISTANT; town or country; West-end experience; used to preparing specifications of general repairs and sanitary work, schedules of dilapidations, and negotiating the sale and letting of property.— “ E. C. B.” (396), ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ADVERTISER, aged 28, is desirous of ob-Xi taining a SITUATION with good firm of auc-tioneers, etc., where facilities would be given to enable advertiser to qualify for P.A.S.I. examination ; has had previous experience, and would accept nominal salary if a suitable opportunity for extending knowledge presents itself.—“ Nemo ” (566), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A CCOMMODATION FOR CLUB Wanted.— IA Wanted, in London, by a club, a good FURNISHED ROOM, which will hold 50 to 60; highest references; rent guaranteed; must be in good Situation-Particulars to “Lex” (550), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. SILVER MED., R.A.S.E., F.H.A.S., Dip. O Agrie. Cantab., public school man, 2J years on farm, two years Agrie. Coll., seeks engagement as ASSISTANT MANAGER on estate or farm; testimonials.—“ R.,” 3, St. Ann’s-park-road, Wandsworth, S.W. TO AUCTIONEERS.—Wanted, good Firm A to bujr in for £200 furniture worth £400; fair interest and storage rent paid for brief accommodation.—Address “ Bona-fides ” (584), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED by ־well-educated Youth, Situation Y Y as JUNIOR CLERK in auctioneer’s and estate agent’s office (country), with opportunity of learning business.—“ T. B.” (577), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C.