127 THE ESTATES GAZETTE, January 28, 1899. B,C|SXm^ CASTLE (GEO.), SON & BOOTH, Auctioneers, Surveyors, &o. rHipS0w4״D?״״ID^H;8;L' Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Valuers and Surveyors. H pin״ c W ?SI?. rTWHEEIlEB’ E• A•■ Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent/ HEMMMONS *AHfWQ~iHtMBERS* J" Auotion£er’ Valuer alld Estate Agent, 15, Hart Street, nvtrnen Auctioneers, *o■ 5 and at Beading and Basingstoke. ?nd Valuer' 15' Ma*dalan Street. Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 1, Broad Street. E^a־GKLIN & JONES, Auctioneers, Frewin Court, Corn Market Street. HARRTBT T^rTSnMK?’TAAn°iiSoeeiS’ 7and & E״ate Agents■ Valuers, Surveyors, &c., 19, Broad St. Tua,״c igAiiFKS0N & JACOBS, Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate Agents and Surveyors. THAM E—BOND, EDWARD, Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent. surveyor»• RUTLANDSHIRE. OAKHAM,—BOYCE MESSBS., Auotioneers and Tenant-Right Valuers, SHROPSHIRE. fu mnw R & KIRKBY׳ Auctioneers, Valuers and Stock Salesmen, LUDLOW.—NORTON, WM., Auctioneer, 14, Corve Street. ׳GBEEN & PEABOE, Auotioneers, Valuers, &a., Cheshire Street. niWFQTcv L^S£™™ii??W0RTH־° ׳ E” E'A■1•’ Agricultural and General Auctioneer and Valuer ' WATEBIDQE & OWEN, Auctioneers, Valuers, &e. RY—KiNG, B. COURTNEY, Auctioneer and Valuer. ' ' wfmNutT^/^//R,?ER & S0N’ Auctioneers and Valuers ; and at Market Drayton. WHITCHURCH^FTmTWH W Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents; and at Whitchurch, ni jHukoh.—ETCHES, H. H., Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent. SOMERSETSHIRE. BATH'nvA7'ri.Bo1^ii?5N?Y) & S0N8> Auctioneers, Appraisers, and Complete House Furnishers, &o. i!RX & ASPREY, Auotioneers, Estate Agents, &o„ Monmouth Place, B°B™N BROTHERS, Auotioneers, Valuers. Upholsterers & House Agents, Northgate Street. BAVERTONS, Ltd., Auotioneers, Appraisers, House Agents, &c., 10, Milsom Street. CHard rnvtP™^iSa^AU.0ti0.neer8’ Ba7a?n AgaiLts’ Surveyors & Valuers, 18, Old Bond Street. CH *SO?, Auotioneers, Valuers, House, Estate and Commission Agents ^ * TS0N• Auctioneers, Hotel and Timber Valuers and Estate Agents. FROME OOOPFR CWAd(J AM^-S) & 00^Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Telegrams ; ״ Hoddelle.' OHASm Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent. SBEPTON MALLETT.—BUDD, H. 0., Auctioneer, Surveyor and Estate Agent TAUHARE i7oHNlBiiIcNDw & Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, 3, Hammet Street, ^7^5 & S0N’ Houaa and Estate Agents and Valuers, .30, North Street. ■U״ii;7r74 ?1• Auotioneers, Land Agents, Surveyors & Valuers, 5, Hammet Street ^°BRIS (0• R.) SONS, & PEARD, Land Agents, Surveyors, Valuers, &o., North Ourry. ״AK■ WILLIAM J., Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent and Surveyor, 10, Hammett Street *^rowrtnS1! MILLARD & LLOYD, Auotioneers, Valuers, & Insuranoe Agents, & at Wedmore. lA/trSVr^i ¿T,״t7״Au״iionser’ Surv«y°r & Estate Agent (Bowring & Hawkins, at GLASTONBURY׳. WEo 7 ^ R E' ~HURST, F. J., F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer and House Agent. Auctioneers. Estate Agents, Accountants, Surveyors, &o. Estab. 1863. YEOWLNSCOrS? WM°׳r SA& f.INGLAJE> Auotioneers, Aooountants, House Agents and Valuers. YfcUViL.—LUKFE, WM. T., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent. ROBERTS, SON & TORY, Land Agents, Valuers and Landed Estate Auotioneers, STAFFORDSHIRE. !°!t~E0MPHRIES, HERBERT, F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer, &o.; and at Stourbridge, R״& BARLEY. Auotioneers, Brewery and Hotel Valuers, The Mari. . ״.,„X.WLAND, J. S., F.A.I., Auotioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, Bridge Chambers. TON .—GRIFFITHS, T. H., Auotioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, Bordman’s Buildings. RTArrnIirCw״TDEi WILLIAM N., Auotioneer, Surveyor and Estate Agent; and at Liohfield f 7 A J־ E•’ Auotioneer, Valuer, &o., Phcenix Chambers, Market Square, ir.LL77-OXETER'—SOUTH & WILKINSON, Auotioneers, Land Agents and Valuers tTS!״^dt"JRENT'~BAMBER' W' H" Auotioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, London Road, TfpTON ’*T«nv • £'1 Auotioa.eer3׳ Valuers, and Estate Agents, Bolebridge Street. \~HAWKINS */ON, F.A.I., Auotioneers, Surveyors and Valuers ; and at Birmingham. WALSALL HUGHES, WALTER, Auotioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, The Bridge. !״^r70.7_"',^.79^״7״^״\E'L7uctioneer’ Ironworks, Maohinery & Rating Valuer, 323, High Street. WOLVERHAMPTON.—BARNETT (THOMAS J.) & SON, Auotioneers, &o., 25, Darlington Street. SUFFOLK, ?^OCLES.—DURRANT (GEORGE) & SONS, Auotioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, —,R,7,/Z; EDMUNDS.—CATTLE, C. F., Land Agent and Valuer, Guildhall Street. FELIXSTOWE.—DOWNING (S.) & CO., Auotioneers, Valuers, &o., Bank Corner, Viotoria Parade. DURRANT (EDWARD) & CO., House Agents and Valuers, South Glifis. f^LiXSTOWE Sc IPSWICH-DURRANT & LAMPERD, Auotioneers, &o.; and at London. HALESWORTH.—STANFORD, HERBERT S. R., Auotioneer, Valuer Land and Estate Agent. IPSWICH.—SANDBACH, A., Estate Agent, Surveyor, Auctioneer and Valuer. IPSWICH Sc DISTRICT.-GARROD, TURNER & SON, Land Agents and Auotioneers ״Ko4CTASRTirr־ ^NTJE?.'-B0R?,(R0B7•) & S0NS’ Auctioneers and Land Agents. LOWESTOFT.—BALLS, W. T., Auotioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 167. London Road. BRADBEER, B. M., Auotioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, Baltic Chambers, WavenvRd NOTLEY, A. G. & A., Auotioneers, House and Estate Agents. X MILDENHALL.—LARGE, HENRY, F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent. * CHENNELL, Auotioneers, Valuers, Estate and Insuranoe Agents. SOUTH LOWESTOFT.—TITOOMB & FEW, Auotioneers, House and Estate Agents. STOWMARKET.—■HUNT & PEDDAR Land Agents, Auotioneers and Valuers, SUDBURY.—CLAYDEN, J. CARTER, Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent. SURREY. « ?■T?Nw■ BOWER, Auotioneer, Surveyor & Valuer, Offioes, opp. Railway Station. BALHAM Sc UPPER TOOTING.—OLIMPSON & JOHNSON, Auotioneers, &o., 59, Bedford Hill Balham. Established 1872. BARNES.—LAIDLAW, ROBERT J., Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 2, Ranelagh Parade. CAMBERLEY.—SADLER & BAKER, Auotioneers, Valuers, Land and Estate Agents. CATERHAM,—RUTLEY, 0. & F., F.S.I., Auotioneers, Valuers, &o„ and 11, Dowgate Hill, E.O. CHERTSEY.—WATERER & SONS, Auotioneers, Land and Estate Agents. CRANLEIGH.—WELLER & SON, Auotioneers, Valuers, Timber Surveyors, House Agents, &o. CROYDON.—ALLBRIGHT & CO., Auctioneers, Surveyors, &c., 98, North End. AUSTIN (J. E.) & PROBYN, Auotioneers, &o., 25, Station Road; and at Horsham, Sussex. BATCHELAR & SON, LTD. (Est. 1834), Estate Agents, Auotioneers, &o.; and at Beoken-ham and Bromley, Kent; City Offioes, 4, Birohin Lane, Oornhill, E.O. BOWDITCH & GRANT, Surveyors, Auotioneers, Land and Estate Agents, 103, George Street COURTENAY, WELLS & 00., Auotioneers and House Agents, 53, London Road. DICKINS (JOHN P.) & CO., Auotioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 6, George Street. FULLER (ROBT. W.), MOON & FULLER; and at Reigate and Epsom. GENDLE & CO., Auctioneers, Valuers, &c., Imperial Buildings. Telephone No. 49, Croydon. HOOKER & WEBB, Surveyors, Valuers, Auotioneers, &a., 4, High Street. RYMER, MESSRS, Auotioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, &o., 92, North End; Horley & Thornton Hth SLADE & CHURCH, Surveyors, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, &o., 128, George Street. CROYDON (WEST).—WOOLLETT A. G., Auotioneer, &o., 20, Station Road., and at South Norwood DORKING.—WHITE & SONS, Land Agents, Auotioneers and Surveyors. EGHAM.—WALKER, J,, Auotioneer, Estate Agent, Surveyor and Valuer, High Street, EPSOM, ASHTEAD Sc LEATHERHEAD.—LANGLANDS & SON, F.A.I., Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, The Auction Mart, Epsom, and branches. Estab. 100 years. See Card Advt. EPSOM.—CORBETT, W. H., Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, High Street. ESHER Sc DISTRICT.—GARROD, JOHN, F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer, House, Land & Estate Agent. FARNHAM.—EGGAR, J. ALFRED. Auctioneer, Estate Agent, Valuer, Architect and Surveyor. GODALMING.—COeLIER & SON, Estate, House and Insuranoe Agents and Valuers, High Street. FOLKER & HORTON, Auotioneers, House, Land and Estate Agents, Ohuroh Street, GUILDFORD.—FOLKER & HORTON, Auotioneers and Surveyors, 9, HighStreet TURNER (ALEX. H.) & GO., Auotioneers and Estate Agents. GUILDFORD & DISTRICT.—CROWE, ARTHUR E., F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer, Surveyor, House Land and Estate Agent, opp. the Jno. Station. Looal Correspondent for Hampton and Sons ׳ HEWETT & LEE, Auotioneers, Surveyors and Valuers, 143, High Street. HAMPTON COURT, MOLESEY DISTRICT.—MOORE, A., Auotioneer, Surveyor and Valuer. HAMPTON HILL.—BALLARD, G. O., Auotioneer, &c., successor to Mr. J. Embleton. HASLEMERE.—BRIDGER(G.) & SON, Auotioneers, Tenant-Rights General Valuers & House Agents EVENNETT, REGINALD 0. S., Auotioneer, Valuer, Land, House and Estate Agent. HORLEY & REDHILL.—BAKER & BAKER, F.A.I., Auctioneers, Valuers, &e. GREAT GRIMSBY.—BROOKLESBY, D., Auotioneer, Fire Loss Assessor & Hotel Valuer, Osborn St. BUTLER, W. C., Auctioneer, &e., Cleethorpe Road; House Property bought & sold on commission. WARNER, J. W., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, Flottergate. HOLBEACH.—HACKWORTH, BARRELL & HOBDAY, Auctioneers,Valuers, &c., and at Spalding LINCOLN—HALL (RICHARD), VICKERS & SHAW, Auotioneers and Valuers, Bank Streei LINCOLN & DISTRICT—RICHARDSON (T.B.) & SON, F.A.I., Auotioneers, &o., Old Corn Exohange LINCOLN, HORNCASTLE & WOODHALL SPA—WALTER, J. E., Auotioneer, Valuer &o LOUTH—MASON & SONS, F.S.I., Auotioneers, Valuers, Estate Agents and Surveyors. ’ LOUTH & GRIMSBY.—DICKINSON & RIGGALL, Auotioneers, Valuers, Land Agents &o. TAYLOR (J.) & SON, Auotioneers, Valuers, and Land Agents. SLEAFORD.—HINCKS & TURNER, F.S.I., Land Agents, Auotioneers and Valuers. SPALDING—HALL (GEO.) & SON, Agricultural and General Auotioneers and Valuers. KINGSTON, 8. & G., F.8.I„ F.A.I., Agricultural and General Auotioneers, Valuers and T,a.T,d Agents, Spalding (and Holbeaeh). LAMING (J.) & SON, A.A.I., Auotioneer, Tenant Right and General Valuers. LONGSTAFF (R.) & Go., Auotioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. Established 1880. MIDDLESEX. ACTON.—EYDMANN & SON, Auotioneers and Estate Agents, 225. High Street. HARDY, THOS. A., Auotioneer, Surveyor, and Certified Bailiff, 234, High Street. HOPE, JOHN P., Land Agent and Auotioneer, North London Station, Aoton, BEDFORD PARK.—JOOKEL, F. W,, Auotioneer and Estate Agent, BRENTFORD.—WOOD, FURNESS & 00., Auotioneers, 196, High Street. CHISWICK—EYDMANN, SIDNEY, Surveyor, Land and Estate Agent, 298a, High Road CROUCH END.—THOMPSON (T. HERBERT) & CO., House & Estate Agents, Surveyors & Valuers EALING—READ, W. H., P.A.S.I., Auotioneer, Surveyor, &o., 8, The Avenue, Oastle Hill Ealine HAMPTON HILL & HAMPTON—HOSKING & SON, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, offioes close to Hampton Hill Station, and at Twickenham Junction. HARLINGTON —NEWMAN, ROBERT, Agricultural, Market Garden & General Auotioneer & Valuer HARROW—BAYFIELD & PEAOEY, Auotioneers, Estate Agents, &o,, adjg. Met. Railway Station CLARKE, J. W., P.A.S.I., “ The Harrow Estate Offioes,” Peterborough Road and Wealdstone ' RHOADES, SMITH & 00., Auotioneers, House & Estate Agents, &o., Greenhili HOUNSLOW—HORNE, EDMUND, F.S.I., F.A.I. (Suooessor to John Pelsley), Auotioneer, Surveyor and Land Agent, Established 1803. 1 WOODS, THOMAS, F.S.I., F.A.I., Auotioneer, Surveyor, Land Agent & Valuer. Estab 70 vears SOUTHALL.—NEWALL TH03.. Arohiteot, Land Surveyor and Sanitary Engineer. ' * RAVENSHEAR, GEORGE, Auotioneer, &o., Manor House, Southall. STAINES—DAY, R., F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer, Surveyor, &a., The Junotion Station (L. & S. W R MANSBRIDGE & SAVAGE, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, &oM High Street, ' STRAWBERRY HILL, Twickenham, &o—PENNINGTON, E., Auotioneer, Rlwy. Sta., Strawberry Hill SUDBURY & WEMBLEY—WARD, G. H., Surveyor, Valuer, House, Land and Estate Agent TEDDINGTON— MARTIN, STANLEY A., Auctioneer, &o., Town Hall. S RICE, E. & G. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, &c., High St. Tele : No. 50 Kingston TWICKENHAM Sc THAMES VALLEY—HOSKING & SON, Auotioneers, &o., Twickenham Juno UXBRIDGE—WESTON, WILLIAM, Auctioneer, Surveyor, &c., High Street (facingTown Hall). MONMOUTHSHIRE, ABERGAVENNY—STRAKER (J.) & SON, Auotioneers, Land and Estate Agents, Tiverton Plana ABERGAVENNY & DISTRICT—T. H. TOMKINS, Auotioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent CHEPSTOW—DAVIS, SON, NEWLAND & HUNT, Auotioneers, Valuers and Land Agents MONMOUTH.—NELMES & POOLE, Auotioneers, and at Ooleford, Glouoestershire. & NEWPORT,—GRAHAM (WM.), HITOHOOX & 00. Land Agents, Surveyors and Auotioneers NEWLAND, DAVIS & HUNT, Auotioneers, Valuers and Surveyors, PARRY, THOMAS, Auotioneer, Land and Estate Agent, ROBERTS, F. J., Auotioneer, House and Estate Agent, Westgate Chambers, Commercial Street YOUNG, JOHN, F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer and Aooountant, 1, Tredegar Chambers. NORFOLK. CROMER—BLANCHFLOWER, T. A. (late Sandford.W. G.), Auctioneer, &c., & 10, Basinghall St P(l CROMER & MU NDESLEY—CARTER, R., A S.I., Auotioneer, House Agent, Architect and Surveyor׳ CROMER Sc SHERINGHAM—LIMMER, H. J״ F.A.I., Auotioneer, Valuer and House Agent 7 WATTS (E.) & CO., Auotioneers, House, Land and Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers' DEREHAM.—CRANMER, THOMAS, Auotioneer and Valuer, Quebeo Street. DEREHAM Sc SWAFFHAM.—WARREN, T. H., Auctioneer, Land Agent & Valuer Established! R87 DISS—GAZE, THOS. WM., F.S.I., Auotioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent. ’ FAKENHAM—TURNER. R. J., Auotioneer. Valuer Land and Estate Agent and Arohiteot. GREAT YARMOUTH—CASTLE & JOHNSON (0. W. Johnson, Certificated Bailiff) Auotioneers &o., Bridge Auotion Mart, Gt. Yarmouth ; High Street, Gorleston; and St. Oiaves Stook Mart ’ GAMBLING, WM., Auotioneer, Valuer, &c., Regent Street. '־ WARREN, THOMAS W., Auotioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, 38, Regent Street HARLESTON.—DURRANT (GEO.) & SONS, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents KING’S LYNN Sc NORWICH— BECK (EDMUND) & SONS, Auotioneers, Valuers & Estate Agents MILES & SON, Auotioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, Athenssum Chambers 5 KING’S LYNN & TILNEY—GREGORY (STEPHEN), F.A.I., & SON, Auotioneers and Land Agents MUNDESLEY-ON-SEA-WAKELIN (T. L.) & SON, Surveyors, House and Estate Agents Est 1890 NORTH WALSHAM —DIXON, JOHN, Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, BrentnalfHouse NORWICH—BELL (A.W.) & CO., Auotioneers, Estate Agents, Valuers <4 Aooountants. 31 Bedford At KEITH, THOS. H:, Land Agent, Auctioneer, Valuer and Shooting Agent. ’ NORWICH & DISTRICT—CLOWES & NASH, Auotioneers, Estate Agents, &o., Bank Chambers CROWE, F. B., Auotioneer, House, Estate Agent and Valuer, St. Stephen’s Street FITT (GEORGE) & CO., Auotioneers, Valuers, Arohiteots and Surveyors, Queen Street FORSTER, W. HILL, P.A.S.I., Auotioneer, Valuer, Surveyor, &o., Orford Hill, SWAFFHAM—HEYHOE (R.) & SON, Auotioneers, Valuers, Surveyors, Land and House Agents THETFORD—OLDMAN & SONS, Auotioneers, Valuers, Land and Estate Agents. 8 WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA.—ANDREWS, GEORGE S., Auotioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent WYMONDHAM—STANDLEY (JOHN) & SONS, Auctioneers, Valuers, House & Estate Agents. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. KETTERING.—ROBINSON (J.) & SON, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents. NORTHAMPTON—BARBER Sc SONS, Auotioneers, House, Land and Estate Agents CAMPION J. S., Auotioneer, Annraiser and Estate Agent. Demgate. MAGQUIRE & MERRY, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Valuers, and Estate Agents, 2, Guildhall Road SCRIVEN, R. G., F.S.I., Land Agent and Valuer, Castle Ashby. NORTHAMPTON Sc TOWCESTER—LOVELL, TOM A., Auotioneer and Valuer WILSON, MATTHEW 0״ Auotioneer, Valuer, Land & Estate Agent, Market Street Chambers PETERBOROUGH—BRISTOW, WARWICK & POTTER, Surveyor¡, &o., Market SquLe ^t 1820 CRAIG, J. B״ Auotioneer, Aooountant and Surveyor. square, ■&st. 1820. FOX & VERGETTE, Surveyors, Auotioneers and Estate Agents THRAPSTON—SIDDONS, GEO., Auctioneer and Valuer ; and at Oundle and Higham Ferrers WELLINGBOROUGH— COULBECK, J. J., Auotioneer and Estate Agent. Ferrers NORTHUMBERLAND. BLYTH.—MILLARD, THOS., Auctioneer, Valuer and Surveyor. HEXHAM.—HAVELOCK, HENRY, Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 2, St. Cuthbert’s Terrace THOMPSON, MATTHEW J., Auotioneer, House and Estate Agent. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE—ANDERSON (WM.) & SONS, Auotioneers, Estate Agents andRemovsl Contractors ; Sale Rooms and Depository, FLOWERS, ROBT., F.A.I., Auotioneer and Valuer, 148, Westgate Street. HINDMARSH (R. & T.) & HEPPELL, Auctioneers, 61, Westgate Road. MACK, R. & W. & C., Auotioneers, Valuers, Sea., 73 and 77, Pilgrim Street, NORTH SHIELDS.—BAINBRIDGE & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, &c., Camden Street TATE, WILLIAM I., Auotioneer, Valuer and Estate and Property Agent. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. BULWELL—SHELTON, A. W., A.A.I., Estate Agent and Valuer, 46, Main Street. HUCKnALL TORKARD.—SHELTON, A. W., A.A.I., Estate Agent and Valuer, South Street. NOTTINGHAM—BRADWELL (JNO. H.) & SON, 11, Thurland Street; & Southwell & Mansfield. HAYLOCK, FREDERICK, Auotioneer and Valuer, Swann’s Yard, Long Row HAWKSLEY & ASLIN, Estate Agents, Mortgage Brokers and Valuers, 6, Middle Pavement. KIDD, F. W., Auotioneer and Valuer, Thurland Street. LANGLEY, J, MARTIN, Land and Estate Agent and Valuer, 9, Middle Pavement. MORRIS & PLACE, F.A.I., Auotioneers, Valuers, &o., 27, Bridlesmith Gate. SCOTTORN, G. H., Auotioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent and Property Broker, Brougham Chambers SHELTON, A. W״ A.A.I., Estate Agent and Valuer, King Street. WHITEHORN, J; T., Auotioneer and Valuer, The Mart, Thurland Street. STAPLEFORD.—BRIGGS, WM., Auotioneer, Valuer, Estate and House Agent. OXFORDSHIRE. BANBURY.—CASTLE, SON & BOOTH, Auotioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. MARGETTS (JNO.) & SONS, F.S.I., F.A.I״ Auotioneers & Estate Agents, 32 Bridge St., & Warwick