January 21, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 120 Sales i)2? auction. Important to Hotel Proprietors, Brewers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, and others. MONMOUTHSHIRE. MR 11■ TOMKINS has been favoured XU. with instructions to Sell by Auction, on the Premises, on Tuesday, January 31, 1899, at Two for Ihree o clock m the afternoon, subject to Conditions ®11.that valuable old-established and FEBE-H°iJiPa!nilywComlnercia!1 and Agricultural HOTEL and Postmg House, occupying a leading position m the town of Abergavenny, a thriving and increasing agricultural, commercial, sporting and residential centre in the county of Monmouth, and known as the Swan Hotel, together with the Goodwill and Possession. The property is situate in Cross-street, which is the main thoroughfare of the town, and to which and the Monmouth-road it has an extensive frontage with good draw-up. The business is not in any way trade-tied. Dor detailed particulars, with photograph and conditions׳ of sale apply to the Auctioneer, Aber-gawenny and Blaenavon; or to Mr. H. L. Baker solicitor, Abergavenny. STOCKLEY OALNE, in the parish of Caine Without, three miles from Caine Station, and about five miles from the excellent market town of Devizes. bat?? V6™*׳ FREEHOLD ACCOMMODATION ii/iT» about' two-thirds of which is now in fine Arabl^T1^ a+nd re™ainder productive Arable Lana, together with a convenient Dwelling House, Orchard range of useful farm buildings, Xard’ Cottage, etc., the whole comprising ™VoM p 7§Vyy °y thereabouts, and producing a rental of £133 3s. per annum. ]yi"®¡• r. LAVINGTOK (in conjunction with r;TT Messrs. WATERS and RAWLENCE) is favoured Ho*¿! mD־r”Ctl0nS tVSellJby Auction, at the Bear Tw״ ’f״Dr S 0n Thur?day• January 26, 1899, at property;1?TwSf' the aWe y"e forPs a. compact holding of a very for ^le0-+har+Cter’ 1S admirably adapted either for investment or occupation, and affords an 0®®01■tnnity to sportsmen; being situate ndinciif 1do'״,ns m a S°od sporting district, with adjacent landowners strict game preserves, and thoTrolfV1*!1S eilsy reach ot the meets of the Avon Vale and Badminton Hounds. Particulars, etc., may be obtained of Messrs Jack-son and Jackson solicitors, Devizes; of Messrs Hoddmg and Jackson, solicitors, Salisbury; of Mr J. E._ Searle. solicitor, 29, Bow-street, Covent-garden, i&ales ftr auction. Mr. C. W. DAVIES Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, &c., 15, UPPER STREET, ISLINGTON. Established 1837. C* ALES BY AUCTION are held periodically ~ at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, in which Properties can be included at moderate and fixed charges SALES BY AUCTION AT PRIVATE HOUSES, etc. of Furniture. Stock, and Miscellaneous Effects. Estates Managed and Rents Collected. Valuations for Probate, Transfer and Mortgage Purposes. Mr. 0. W. Davies■ also undertakes SALES and LETTINGS by Private Treaty. Auction and Estate Offices, 15, Upper-st., Islington. Sales is auction. STROUD-GREEN.—Secure Investments, lyrit. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at , ־־־ Ijhe Mart, on Tuesday, January 31, at Two o clock, THREE commodious RESIDENCES, Nos. 142 146, and 148, Hanley-road, Stroud-green; each coni taming ten rooms and good garden, and now let at very low rents, amounting to £120 per annum; years, at £8 8s. each ground rent.—Messrs. WALLER and SONS, solicitors, 75, Coleman-street, London, E.C. Auction and Estate Offices, 15, Upper-st., Islington. HIGHBURY NEW-PARK.—With possession. !Writ. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at fAMU v ^^fcTT??A3^es^y’ January 31, the desirable FAMPLY RESIDENCE, No. 145, Petherton-road, con-tairnng six bed rooms, bath room, dining, drawing, and breakfast room, kitchen, and domestic offices• long garden m rear; rental value £70; term 50 years, at £7 7s. ground rent.—J. S. TAYLOR, Esq., solicitor, 14, Old Jewry-chambers, E.O. * Auction Offices, 15, Upper-street, Islington. Re James Taylor, deceased. MR PERCY H. CLARKE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, February 7, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Lots, the following PROPERTIES: — FULHAM.—5, Edith-grove. Unexpired term 27| years. Ground rent £5. Rent £45 per annum. CHELSEA.—16, Arthur-street, and 3a, Crooked Usage; nine years unexpired; ground rent £20. Let weekly at £64 4s. per annum. 121, Sydney-street; four years unexpired; ground rent £5. Let at £42 per annum. KNIGHTSBRIDGE.—13 and 14, Arthur-street; il years unexpired; ground rent £10. Producing 71 per annum. WIMBLEDON.—17, 19, 21 and 23, Palmerston-road; 783 years unexpired; ground rent £20. Let weekly at £98 12s. per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Everett and Hodgkinson, 124, Chancery-lane, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand. Licensed Victuallers, and others.— MOTTTH PSASA״׳F 30™L. Millbay-road, PLYMOUTH —Sale, with possession, of this important Freehold Licensed Property, adjoining Millbiv Railway Station, G.W.R Joining jaiUBay M־B. ROWLAND HAMBLY has been Sell wltE mstructions from the owner to ”,i ?n the Premises, by Auction (if not previously sold by private treaty), and subject to the Law S»״■ general and other special conditions, on Tuesday, January 31, 1899, at 6.30 p.m., all that a7"115??0״,״06־a4’iable Bdly-licensed HOTEL, known No 1!e TMmrni Plei}sa£‘,t Hotel, situate and being o. 12, Millbay-road, Plymouth, comprising on the ground floor, hotel bar, tap room bar pariour private room kitchen, scullery, cellar and usual offices; second floor, two dining rooms, drawing room, and two bed rooms; third floor, six bed rooms; four attics above. Also tenement with covered way, comprising seven rooms, at the rear TJ1®, property has a frontage of 75ft. in Millbay i ï°ad׳ t■0 a lane behind, of 150ft. It faces the Millbay Railway Station, now in course of enlargement, and which, when completed, will afford ness1?nert£hbl® faoiJ.i.ties for the development of busi-wtl S G?® ™m.edlate neighbourhood, Millbay Rail-way ■Station being the terminus of the DIE on TheCbna־IarSe snm °f money is now being spent, fill* bi S l9 1P exo«llent repair, and a good, sound thftrade buJm?£s 1S carried on, thereby affording the trade and others an exceptional opportunity of acquiring a good class fully-licensed hotel. Special attention should׳ be given to the fact of its being one of the finest hotels in Plymouth. Furniture flttmgs, etc., to be taken at the Auctioneers vahS- i?*‘? View and further information may be iMnMa׳rfr™ ihe Auctioneer, Old Town-chambers! dün °״ ï°'nmireet' Plym.outh; or of Messrs. Skar-Plymolith EEllllps' 80!1«!tors, Victoria-chambers, By order of mortgagees.—CITY-ROAD, CAMDEN-TOWN and MAIDA-VALE. iyj"R. 0. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at , , tbe Mart, on Tuesday. January 31, at Two o dock, the LEASEHOLD HOUSE, 22. Haverstock-street. City-road, let at £34, term 25 years, at £5 6s. 8d. ground rent; TWO HOUSES, 225 and 227 Arlington-road, Park-street. Camden Town, each let at 16s. 6d. weekly, term 14 years, at £10 the two; ~ mYTr״-w ovimr. ־־"- ־ ״------ TWtwfl TW0 ?F? of! STABLING, 11 and 12, London; ®^Messrs. Waters and RaWIence, Saltalrapy״ Northwich-mews, Maida-vale, estimated rent £60, ? or ^r• T. Lavington, Marlborough J ’ Important to Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers House Furnishers, etc. t a A „ WAREHAM, DORSET. Important Business Premises, occupying a commanding and unrivalled position, and possessing Afr5>ntage P? to the main thoroughfare of the town, with back entrance, now and for many years past m the occupation of Messrs. Drew wholesale and retail ironmongers, house fur-mshers, etc who command the principal trade of of״Purbech, at a rent of £84 per annum, ana affordmg an exceptional opportunity of acquirmg first-class shop premises in the centre of this well-known market town. MESSRS. ROBERTS, SON and TORY are instructed by the Executors of Mr. J. Johnson wt uSed to by Auction׳ at the Red Lion Hotel Wareham, on Thursday, February 2, 1899, at 2.30 p.m., PROmwmeiW extensive FREEHOLD SHOP Workshops ^*etc**1 ^ Dwellmg Souse, Warehouses, Particulars, with plan and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Mr. J. Trevor Davies, solicitor. Yeovil; or of the Auctioneers, Dorchester and -. ---------, rent £60, term 24 years, at £10.—J. S. BLANCKENSEE, Esq. solicitor, 29 and 30, King-street, Cheapside. Estate and Survey Offices, 15, Upper-st., Islington. WESTMINSTER. Valuable Freeholds, for investment or occupation. ־MESSRS. ROBINS, SNELL and CO. will j 9?%r by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday. February 8 next, at Two precisely־, m One Lot, the FREEHOLD HOUSES, Nos. 59 and 60, York-street. Westminster, close to St. James s־park Station. The property has an area ot about 1,200 square feet, and would prove a highly remunerative investment either as a lodging house or tor development in connection with any adjoining property. Particulars of the Solicitor, Mr. Guy Ellis, 11 nnwinJVC■; or at the Auctioneers' Offices, 22. Conduit-street. Bond-street, W. By order of Executrix of Samuel Elworthy, deceased. MR. PERCY H. CLARKE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, February 7, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Lots, the following PROPERTIES: — PIMLICO.—37, Cumberland-street; 35 years unexpired; ground rent £8. ■Let weekly at £113 2s. per annum. CHELSEA.—34, Burnaby-street, House and Shop, 81 years unexpired; ground rent £7 17s. 6d. Let at 40 per annum. 31 to 34, St. Leonards-terrace, Two Houses, Two Studios; 521 years unexpired; ground rent £45 Producing £230 per annum. BATTERSEA.—32, Park-road; 35 years unexpired; ground rent £5. Let at £30 per annum. FULHAM.—Two Freehold Houses, 9 and !1, Good-son-road. Let weekly at £65 per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Everett and Hodgkinson, 124, Chancery-lane, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand, W.C. Saks 1)2 Auction. MESSRS. GREEN and SON, LtX AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS. 28 and 29, St. Swithin’a-lane, London, Beg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION of FREEHOLD. LEASEHOLD, and) COPYHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, Life Policies, and Reversions, take place at the MART on the LAST FRIDAY in the MONTH, and on such other occasions as may be arranged.—Particulars are invited 21 days prior. Investments in Leasehold Shops and other Properties. MR• PERCY H. CLARKE1 will Sell by J-'-L Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday February 7, 1899, the following PROPERTIES, in CLAPHAM.—In Lots.—Seven superior Houses and Shops, 28 to 40 (even), Abbeville-road; unexpired ״®S1 95? years; moderate ground rents. Producing annum. Also Block of Flats■, known as Abbeville Mansions; term 99 years; ground rent £50. Estimated rental £384 per annum. WANDSWORTH-ROAD.—Leasehold Workshop, 7 George-place; term 88 years; ground rent £5 per annum. Let on lease at £45 per annum.—Vendors’ Solicitors,_ Messrs. Waller and Sons, 75, Coleman- M ESSRS. GREEN and SON undertake -D-L SURVEYS and VALUATIONS of LAND and HOUSE PROPERTIES, as well as of Machinery and Plant, for Ratings, Compensations, Partnerships, Estate Duties, Dilapidations, Assessment Appeals, Fire Losses, Mortgages, and other purposes. Estates managed and rents collected under Receivership and other powers. "MESSRS. GREEN and SON invite the at- i-T.L tention of persons requiring money on mortgage to their MORTGAGE LIST, founded in the year 1853 (entered! at Stationers’ Hall), which contains particulars of sums of money in the hands of trustees and solicitors by whom they are instructed to obtain seemities. Auction, Land and Estate Offices, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane. London. E.C. By order of Mortgagees. The old-established and world-renowned Hotel, distinguished as THE QUEEN’S HOTEL, UPPER NORWOOD, Occupying a unique situation, on the summit of Syd'enham-hill, well known for its bracing and salubrious air, and possessing a charming outlook over the vast expanse of the surrounding scenery and its own secluded pleasure grounds of Over Four Acres, Tastefully laid out in lawns, paths, flower beds, tennis lawns, kitchen and flower gardens, and other attractions. It is erected on a dry gravel soil, and stands at an elevation of nearly 400ft. above sea level, and is highly recommended by many London physicians as a residence for those seeking health, and being placed in the midst of a large residential neighbourhood, and close to London, with abundant facilities for access to the City, West-end, and all parts of the Metropolis, commands a large clientele of first-class visitors. The whole of the property, with the exception of a part of the gardens and a portion of the building, which can be separately let off, is Freehold, and' possesses a very valuable frontage of 298ft. to the main road, with a private entrance and front carriage sweep, also a side entrance to the sta HIGHBUEY and CANONBUBY.—Higb-class Eesi-dences for occupation. ־MR. FREDERICK WARMAN, F.A.I., will w ?®1•1,־I at *he Mart■ City, on the 31st, at Two — 2־ HIGHBUEY MEW-PABK.-Very attractive Besidence, exceptionally well fitted in a most expensive and! first-class style, to be sold for °MCUDaJ10?: splendid situation; six spa-cious and !ofty bed. chambers, well-fitted bath room and lavatory, very fine hall magnificently fitted, SficLTeliI elegant reception rooms, ample domestic founds; electric light installation. ";JL11i^ etc•; telephones throughout; term 50 ytJciis, aii sol/. ?JHHHHHY■ NEW-PABK, N.—Very attrac-tive Semi-detached! Besidence; six excellent bed¡ chambers, bath room and lavatory, three elegant ®4?V large £arden; term 50 years, at Solicitors, Messrs. Hubbard, Son and Eye, 110, Cannon-street. E.C. HIHHHHHY NEW-PABK.—High-class Semidetached Family Besidence; excellent position• seven large bed rooms, two well-fitted bath rooms’, tiiree handsome reception rooms, etc.; excellent gardens; term 51 years, at £15.-Solicitors, Messrs. Boulton, Sons ■and Sandeman, 21a, Northampton-square, E.O. CANONPTJRY.-No. 32, St. Mary’s-road.- Very superior Semi-detached Residence; 11 good rooms• nice !gardens; let at £63; term 50 years, at £10.X Solicitors, Messrs. Chester, Broome and Griffiths, 36 Bedford-row. W.C. CANONBUBY;—No. 4, Alwyne-villas. — Desirable Semi-detached Residence, with octagon tower; ten large rooms, etc.; large garden; rental £60; term 46 years, at £10—Solicitors, Messrs. Wooton and Son, 2. Fmsbury-circus, E.C. t Chessilton-road ; 81^ years unexpired. Let at £40 per annum. CHELSEA.—31, Glebe-place; 42 j^ears unexpired; ground rent £6. Let yearly at £34 per annum. 32, Upcerne-road; 83 years unexpired; ground rent £6 16s. Let* weekly at £48 2s. per annum. Ven.5?r^1Solicitors’ Messrs. Everett and Hodgkinson, 124, Chancery-lane. Particulars of Auctioneer, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand. carriage sweep, also a siae entrance to tne sta-p t 1 4 ^ bling, with provides accommodation for 61 horses. st^TTT tîaÎ’Vy AUCTION SALES. M ESSRS. FIELD and SONS’ AUCTIONS I-'-I- take place MONTHLY at the Mart, and include e^ery description of House Property. Printed terms can be had on application at their offices. Messrs, ineld and Sons undertake surveys of all kind!», and give special attention to Rating and Compensation Claims.—Offices, 54, Borough High-street, and 52, Chancery-lane, W.C. Telegraphic Address—“ Federalist. London.” Y eovil. _________ By order of the Mortgagees.—Be E. T. Hooley's bankruptcy. ISLE OF WIGHT.-On the Solent.-bmall choice compact Eesidential, Agricultural and Sporting Estate, containing about 225 acres, situate midway between Cowes and Wootton immediately adjoining Osborne (Her Majesty's island residence), and known as Palmers, with farm buildings, etc., and offering unique advan-tages for erection of a mansion or development as a building estate. ־MARVINS will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, ״S?kei;hmnse־ya.rf H°nd Strand; of Messrs. Walford and Wilshin, auctioneers, Anerley, S.E.; and of Messrs. Field and Sons, as above. Short Notice. Important Sale of about 65 Freehold and Leasehold Houses. MR. EDWIN EVANS will Sell by Auction, ־*־׳־^־ at the Falcon Hof־el nrlirvirnno• t,,„״ ?„,!7 ye Paicon Hotel, adjoining Clapham Junc-«oJüj ״■)?n’i Thursday evening, February 2, 1899, at the following excellent to 139, St. Freeholds. COMMON.—Nos. 133 Seven o’clock precisely INVESTMENTS: — WANDSWORTH James’s-road. WANDSWORTH.—No. 15, Aspley-road. WANDSWOBTH. Nos. 9 to 15, Maskel׳l-road, g Particulars"־־at Mart;’¿}'Solicitors; and of Auc■ Leaseholds »?r,״׳,S”?Ii?er House, Highbury-corner, N. Tele with extensive coach-houses, and which is let off on lease to Thomas Tilling and Oo. (Limited), at the low rent of £250 per annum. The hotel comprises apartments for about 120 residents, whilst the reception rooms, with entrance halls and vestibules, include the main dining room, private dining room for public and private dinners, smoking room, billard room, and 22 private sitting rooms. Mostly decorated in appropriate style, a large outlay having been recently made in considerable improvements and repairs. The kitchens and accessory offices are equal to the demands of the establishment. A considerable outlay has recently been made on the improvement of the drainage. The hotel has been established nearly half a century. and having the benefit of a very old-established full license, forms a very valuable freehold hotel establishment, and, being sold by the present vendors with the benefit of possession on comnle-tion of the purchase, forms an opportunity seldom met with of acquiring a freehold property of this nature for many purposes. MESSRS. GREEN and SON will Sell the 1YX above very valuable FREEHOLD (and part Leasehold) PROPERTY by Auction, at the Mart, E.O.. on Friday, January 27, 1899, at One for Two o’clock (unless previously disposed of by private contract). May be viewed only by cards from the Auctioneers, by permission of the occupiers, and on appointment being made. Particulars, plans, and other information may he obtained from A. Godfrey Wells. Esq., solicitor to the vendors, Founders’ Hall, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C.: and of Messrs. Green and Son, auctioneers and surveyors, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London. Garratt-lane. phone 171 Dais. ENFIELD. MIDDLESEX. ___Freeholds in Splendid Market Position. MESSRS. EVES and SONS, of 7, Mark- I-'J- lane. E.C.. will Sell, at the Mart, Tokenhonse-vard, E.C., on Thursday. January 26, 1899. at One o clock, the FOUR extremely valuable and desirablv ^tuated FREEHOLD SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES, each having good storage in the basement, with the use of a large yard in the rear, the whole forming a very valuable block of property in the very best market position in the town, known as Nos. 1, 2. 3 and 4, Loudon-road. Enfield, producing an annual rental of £230, and let on repairing leases to first-class tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale mav be obtained from Mr. Arthur E. Eves, solicitor, 7, Mark-lane, E.C.: and of the Auctioneers, of the same address. Wednesday next.—MILE END.—Sound little Investment. MR. J. S. RICHARDSON wdl Sell, at the J-'-L Mart, City, on Wednesday next, January 25, at Two, the well-placed DWELLING HOUSE 51 Willow-street, St. Peter's-road, almost adjoining Messrs. Gharrmgton s Brewery. Let weekly, and producing £36 per annum. Term 31 years at 5s. ground rent Particulars of Messrs. J. and M. Solomon, solici-tors 58, Fmsbury-payement; and of the Auctioneer 50, Fmsbury-square. LEASEHOLD GBOUND BENTS. LEE KENT.—By order of the Executors of the Eev. D. A. Beaufort, deceased.—Preliminary. MESSRS. GRANT, WHIELDON, and CO., d׳-L will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.O., on luesday, March 21, at Two precisely, in Lots valuable LEASEHOLD IMPEOVED GBOUND BENTS, amounting to £232 per annum, amply secured on Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37, 46, 48 and 50, Leyland-road, and No. 34, Eltham-road, Lee, held from the Commissioners of H. M. Woods and Forests for 65 years to run at nominal head rents. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale are in course of preparation, and may shortly be obtained ot the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 112 Holland-park-avenue, W. LA VENDEE-HILL.—No. 45, Marney-road No,Al8E?D?4E־SILLJ-o0Sueden־road Ten־ Houses. £nd 98’ and 104 to no. an?Hous?EA—^°" 4S’ 0astle־street■ Corner Shop en^A9־T1H?®^A'1E>AFK'E0A:D•-No°• 421׳423 ׳ and ia and 2a, St. Janies s-greve adjoining BATTEBSEA-PAEK-BOAD.—Nos. 22 and 24 Ken-nard-street (weekly). J''en CLAPHAM JUNCTION.—No. 132, Este-road. WEST NOBWOOD.—St. Julian's Farm-road. Nos. zo, 6¿, 42. 44. 45 and 48. WANDSWOETH COMMON. - Bramfield-road. 17 S, fo?A9101-103 ־97 ־95 ־93 ׳89 ’87 16? ,112 ׳' m׳ VmasbroNysOf™ 049MKO|rieISS06?t'rOad• 9pW;״N?oS^?E«H',TT!le Croye. ’׳Six Villas. Nos. 24, Zo. ¿u. 3Z, 34, 36, 36a. NOTE —Property buyers are invited to write for particulars of these properties, which form the safest investment on the market. Auctioneer’s Offices, 253, Lavender-hill, S.W. Tele-p j11-^ 53n Battersea. Also 2, St. George’s-circus, S.E and Earlsfield, S.W. At the Mart. E.O., January 30, at Two. MR• W. N. WILLOUGHBY will Sell four -i-^ modern FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES. 12. 13, 14 and 15, Fairview-terrace, Auckland-hill. We־t !Norwood; let weekly, and producing £197 12s. per annum. Also a Plot of Freehold Building Land adjoining, suitable for the erection of shop and dwelling house. Particulars of the Auctioneer, at his Offices, 399 and 363d, Norwood-road, S.E. No. 28, Anerley-road, UPPER NORWOOD, within five minutes of the Crystal Palace and High and Low Level Stations. ־TV/TESSRS. MANSELL and ROWE will Sell 1YX by Auction, at the (Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. E.C., on Wednesday, January 25, at Half-past One o’clock, the long LEASEHOLD detached RESIDENCE, known as Howard House. 28, Anerley-road, Upper Norwood, containing four bed rooms (one fitted with bath), dressing room, three reception rooms, kitchen, and cellarage. Moderate garden. Estimated rental value £75 per annum. Possession on completion. Term 97 years from December 25, 1866. Ground rent £13 15s. per annum.—May be viewed.—Particulars, with conditions of sale, at the Mart; of Messrs. Kil-lick. Hutton and Yint, solicitors, Commercial Bank-buildings, Bradford; of G. Thatcher, Esq., solicitor, 32. Essex-street, Strand; and of the Auctioneers, 47, Church-road, Norwood, S.E. BARNSBURY, CAMDEN TOWN and GREEN-LANES. MESSRS. ROBSON and PERRIN will Sub- -1VX mit the following PROPERTIES to Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, January 30, at Two UVPPlQplir ■ — BARNSBURY.—No. 20. Sheen-grove. Let at £42 per annum, payable monthly., landlord paying rates and taxes. Lease 37 years at £6 ground! rent. HORNSEY.—Warden Villa, and Newent Villa. Green-lanes. Newent Villa let at £45 per annum: and Warden Villa, of the same rental value, will be sold with possession. Lease 29 years each; ground rent £6 each. In One Lot. CAMDEN TOWN.—110, King’s-road. House and Shop. Let at £40 per annum, tenant paying rates and taxes. Lease 24 }'־ears: ground rent £6 6s. Auctioneers’ Offices, Finsbury-park Station. City Office. 31, Nicholas-lane, E.C.; Branch Offices, Stroud-green and Hornsey Stations, N. Executors’ Sale.—77. WESTBOURNE-TERRACE, HYDE-PARK. MESSRS. W. HALLETT and CO. will Sell -LtX by Auction, on the Premises, Wednesday, February 1, at One o’clock precisely, the remaining CONTENTS, comprising rosewood drawing room suite, dining room dit+o in leather, sideboard, piano, harmonium, harp, bed room furniture, bronze statuary, items of antiquity and general effects. View day prior and morning of sale. Catalogues of the Auctioneers. Offices, 102 to 104, Harrow-road, Paddington-green, W., and 10, Basinghall-street, E.O. Printed and Pubhshea by tne Proprietor. Feank P. WILSON, at the Estates Gazette Printine Works, No. 6. St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London. E.O.