January 21, 1899. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS Supplement to the Estates Gazette. THRAPSTON. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. GEORGE 8IDD0NS, AUCTIONEER. ESTATE AGENT, TENANT-RIGHT AND PROBATE VALUER. THRAPSTON. Branch Offices at Onndle and Higham Ferrers. Attendance at Northampton Market every Saturday at Grand Hotel 10.30 to 11.30■___ TIVERTON, DEVON. OOOX AND BIRMINGHAM, AUCTIONEERS, VALUER«, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS. STEWARD« AND BAILIFFS UNDER THE LAW OF DISTRESS AMENDMENT ACT. Branch Office at Obediton. TORQUAY. OOX к SON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AIENTS 4, VIOTOBIA PABADE, TORQUAY. Gentlemen deairing to rent or purchase Residential Estates, Honsea, Ac״ in Devonshire or the West or Enqland should apply aa above, when the fnileat information will be supplied, _____ Established l«0t.________ TOTNES, DEVONSHIRE. BOURNE AND SON, Г.8.1., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENT«, VALUERS, AND SURVEYOR«, _____________T О T N В 8■____________ TROWBRIDGE, WILTS. FOLEY, BON AND MUNDY.F.S.L.F.A.L, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SURVEYORS, AND GENERAL VALUERS. Auction Mart and Offices:—TROWBRIDGE, WILTS״' Established over a Half Century. Telegraphic Address :—“Foleys, Trowbridge.” H. MUNDY, F.S.I., Valuer appointed by the Wiltshire County Council under the Finance Act. 1894. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. AND DISTRICT. _____"־ _ , J • ..... Tel, No. 4«. ™ V*,,' Auctioneer ^ V׳ VALUER AND «URV1YO*. — R«*later Free. Telegram• “ Orljrlnal." Offices: 3, The Pantiles, TUNBRIDGE VELLS Eatabllahed 1797. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Estates, Residences, Farms, Hunting and Shooting Quarters. Building Land, Ground Rents, &c. LANGRIDGE AND FREEMAN, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Farm and Timber Valuers and Surveyors, Tunbridge Wells, Kent: and 28, Queen-street, Cheapside, London, E.C., publish a Register of Estates, Residences, etc.. To be Let or Sold in Kent, Sussex, Surrey and elsewhere ; also a separate List of Farms to Let, which may be bad gratis on application at their Offices. Particulars of Properties inserted in the Registers free of charge. UPWELL & ISLE OF ELY ELWORTHY & 80N, LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS AND SURVEYORS. Шив Wisbech Market, Thursday!. UXBRIDGE. WILLIS AND CROUCH, (Established 1819), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 90, ST. ANDREWS, UXBRIDGE, And 29. Basin shall Street, E.G. WADHURST. SUSSEX. H. J. AUSTEN & SONS, F.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, TIMBER, TENANT - RIGHT AND GENERAL AGRICULTURAL VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS, Ac. Proprietor« of the Wadhurst Fortnightly Auction Cattle Market, f MARLING PLACE 1 Offices { AND [ WADHURST. ( GRAY LODGE. } WAKEFIELD. HOWGATE AND CHAPMAN, LAND AGENTS. AUCTIONEERS A SURVEYORS SOUTHGATE. WALSALL, STAFFORDSHIRE, AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND SURVEYOR. Offices & Mart, The Bridge. 5^5 SALES of Properties, Estates. Collieries, ־^'''^ Ironworks, Furniture, Pictures, &c. Valuations for Probate, Mortgage and Transfer. WALTHAM CROSS. N. JOSEPH TYDEMAN, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, Ac., Ae. (Establiihed 2f Years.) Valuation! for Probate, Administrations. Farm, Land and Timber Valuer. Agent for Fire, Life, Plate Glass* Employers’ Liability, Fidelity Guarantee, &c., &c. Practise! in all parishes of North Middlesex, West Essex and the County of Herts. Telegraphic Address : “ Tvdeman. Waltham Cross.” STOCKPORT. BRADY AND SON, F.S.I. (ESTABLISHED 1844), AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND AGENTS, AND SURVEYORS, 17, WARREN STREET STOCKPORT, Nat. Tel. No. 132. and at Manchester STOCKPORT. Auctioneers and .. Valuers. .... Nat. Tel. Nos. 123 A 125. 3, WARREN ST., and ST. PETER’S GATE. 8L 23, WARMINSTER. CLAUDE H. BARBER, AUCTIONEER VALUER, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. Valuations for probate, hotel, agricultural and all other purpo*es carefully and quickly made. Sales by auction and private treaty. Bi-monthly Sales of furniture throughout the year at The Repository, Market Place ; live and dead stock every Saturday in the Market Distance no object. Consultations free. Offices : Market Place, Warminster. Telegrams—1“ Auctio,” Warminster. STOCKTON-ON-TEES. RALPH APPLETON, F.A.I., ESTATE AUCTIONEER AND AGENT, LICENSED VALUER, Ae., STOCKTON - ON - TEES, And at THORNABY-ON-TEES. Properties and Estates managed for owners, mortgagees and others. Secretary to Chambers of Agriculture and Commerce. Nat. Tel. 4553. Chief Office .- 134, HIGH STREET, STOCKTON-ON-TEES STOCKTON-ON-TEES. J. A. HENDERSON, associate of the auctioneers’ institute of the United kingdom, AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT. STROUD, GLOS. DAVIS AND CHAMPION, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS, AGRICULTURAL AND TIMBER VALUERS. Vainer, for probate and succession duties. Register of properties to be sold or let._ STURMINSTER NEWTON. SENIOR AND GODWIN, F.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, & ESTATE AGENTS. Offices ׳— STURMINSTER NEWTON, & GILLINGHAM, DORSET. SUNDERLAND. The Central Hall Exhibition and Sale Boom!. 2 and 3, JOHN STREET. The most commodious and best known Auction Rooms in the county. Sales by Auction every Thursday at 11 and 2. Established nearly 40 years ־ Beg to intimate to solicitor*, trustees, manufacturers, tradesmen and others, that the above ball is dow open for the reception of all kinds of modern and antique furniture, pianos, jewellery, drapery, ironmongery and other stocks. Sales in private residences arranged on most reasonable terms.____________ SUTTON, SURREY. G, W. DIXON & GO., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS BAILWAY APPBOACH, SUTTON, SUBBEY Eatatea managed, Renia collected. Salea of Land and Houae Property, Farming Stock, Houaehold Furniture, Ac. Valuation for Salea, Mortgage, Probate and Succession Duties. Mortgages arranged. Agents to the Fire and Life Inanrance Office«._ SUTTON, SURREY. J . W. MATTHEWS, Land and Estate Agent, and Valuer 3, HIGH STREET, {Opposite the Hallway Station). Furnished and unfurnished bouses, business premises, and land, to be Let or Sold ; valuations for probate transfer or mortgage; inventories made and checked; dilapidations assessed ; rents collected ; estates managed. AGENT TO THE COUNTY FIRE OFFICE. SWANSfeA dt DISTRICT. EDWARD ROBERTS AND SON, P.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. ESTABLISHED OVTCK A QUABTKH OF A CENTURY. 40, OXFORD STREET. SWINDON. BISHOP & PRITCHETT, F.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. OFFICES— REGENT OIROU8, SWINDON. SWINDON. DORE, FIELDER & MASKELYNE, F.A.I., AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL AUCTIONEERS A VALUERS, ARBITRATORS, SURVEYORS & LAND AGENTS, BREWERY & HOTEL VALUERS, Offices: 16, High Street, Old Swindon, Wilts, And Town Hall Chambers. Malmesbury._ TAUNTON, SOMERSET. 0. R. MORRIS, SONS & PEARD, LAND AGENTS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS AND AUCTIONEERS, NORTH CURRY, TAUNTON, And at BRIDGWATER. TEDDINGTON. MESSES. E. & G. EICE, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS AND SURVEYORS, HIGH STREET (adjoining the Post Office), And The Causeway. Telephone No. 50, Kingston. _ SOUTHPORT & DISTRICT. JOHN HATCH. AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT. The newly erected Salerooms, are the largest and most complete in the Borough. Sales of Property, Fine Arts, Articles of vertu, Furniture and every description of Property conducted. 173, Lord Street, Southport, Offices: J Telephone No. 8$. ״ Derby Street, Ormskirk, Telephone No. IS. ■Establish ed11864. 6* SOUTHSEA & DISTRICT. AUCTIONEERS, Land & Estate Agents, and Valuers, U _ Printed _ Register of Houses, &c., to be let furnished ■<־" and unfurnished, and to be —׳^gold, forwarded post free on application. *V-—"Periodical Auctions of Houses, Land and Shares. Offices—OSBORNE ROAD, SOUTHSEA. SOUTHSEA, FAREHAM *SOUTH HANTS. ERNEST HALL, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER AND GENERAL VALUER, ESTATE AGENT & SURVEYOR. 57, Commercial-road, Portsmouth. 151, West-street, Fareham, and High-street, Cosham. SOUTHSEA & PORTSMOUTH. KING AND KING, VALUERS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND PROPERTY AGENTS, 20, PALMERSTON BOAD, SOUTHSEA, 130, QUEEN STREET, POBTSEA Sir W. D. King, F.S.I. 1 ( Mr. G. E. Kent, F.S.I. Mr. Thos. King, F.S.I. j F-rm• I Mr. F. Blake F.SL SOUTH SHIELDS. VASEY AND REED Auctioneers and Valuers, House and Estate Agents, 25, KING STREET, SOUTH SHIELDS. THETFORD, STOW BEDON AND DISTRICT. -¿С,. AUCTIONEERS, _____- VALUERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Offices : THETFORD. O^P ST. ALBANS. HERTS MIDDLESEX, and ADJOINING COUNTIES MESSRS. HARDING, LOW & HARDING (Eatabllahed over 70 year«), 49, FlNSBURY-rAVKMENT. LONDON, and ST, ALBANS (S. L. HARDING, F.S.I., J.P. Firm \ R. J. Low. F.S.I. is. Pryor Harding, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND, TIMBER AND RATING SURVEYORS, VALUERS, AUCTIONEERS, Ae. Salea of Landed and Residential Estate«, Freehold and Leasehold Properties Farming Stock, Timber and Underwood, Household Furniture, Ae., undertaken Valuation« for Probate, Mortgage and other purposes, Estates managed. Compensation, Arbitration and Rating Appeal Cates conducted. Mortgages arranged ST. ALBANS. MESSRS. RUMBALL & EDWARDS (Established 1820), LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS, Agents to the Sun Fire and Life Offices. Compensations and Dilapidations assessed under the Agricultural Act or otherwise, and all Land Agency business conducted under personal supervision. ST, HELENS. GABRIEL MOON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, SPECIALITY (Copyright). Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Mansion*, Villas, Farms, Works, and other property, conducted on a new and original method. All properties are personally inspected in detail and photographed with high-class lenses of varying angles as circumstances may require. On the day of sale each lot is beautifully illustrated with Photographic Transparencies,from 6 to 20 feet in diameter, with the aid of a magnificent Triple Optical Lantern, and Oxy-hydrogen Lime-light, mixed jets, compressed gasses. The value of this form of Sale cannot be over-estimated, as, by its means, the Auctioneer can take his audience (without leaving their chairs) in and around the respective lots and show them its value and beauty. Buyers are beyond doubt influenced by the sight of the object on sale. It is a notorious fact that bidders at time! attend such sales without having previously visited the property. Mr. MOON is both an Amateur Photographer and Lantern ist. Office! : WINDLE CHAMBERS. HARDSHAW ST., ST. HELENS ST. HELENS. WALTON AND WOOD, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS AND ESTATE AGENTS, HARDSHAW STREET, And at Market Street, Earlestown. ST. LEONARD’S-ON-SEA. BEAGLBY’S SURVEYORS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS. SANITARY SURVEY DEPARTMENT. A concise and regularly revised printed Register of Houses, Business Premises Lodging Houses, &c. 59. LONDON ROAD. STAFFORD. JOHN EDWARD EVANS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT AND SURVEYOR PHCENIX CHAMBERS, MARKET SQUARE, STAFFORD. Mortgages negotiated. Telegrams. “ Evana, Vainer Stafford.” STEYNINQ & STORRINGTON, SUSSEX. HARRY JAS. BURT, Land and Timbee Surveyor, Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent. SHEFFIELD AND DISTRICT. WILLIAM BUBH & SONS, THE SHEFFIELD ESTATE SALE ROOMS AND AUCTION MART. Weekly Sale! of Freehold and Leasehold Property Shares, Reversions, Ac., at the Estate Sale Rooms Church Street, Sheffield. Sales of Furniture, Works of Art, Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ Stocks, &e.