January 21, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE no Wiltshire. Caine—T. Lavington, of Devizes, at same, on January 26, Freehold farm, comprising about 74 acres Box (near)—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at Box, on February 1, Freehold1 cottage property Worcestershire. Surrey. Woking—Henry Harper, Walton and Co., of 23, Ebury-street, Victoria Station, London, at Woking, on February 1, Freehold residence Camberley—J. Alfred Eggar, of Farnham, at York Town, on January 27, Freehold residences Hcrsell—Chas. Atkins, of Lewisham, at Woking, on February 7, Freehold building land Peterborough—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on January 25, dwelling houses and building land Norfolk. Norwich—Messrs. Spelman, of Norwich, at same, on January 25, shares Worcester—Frank Everill and Co., of Worcester, at same, on January 25, Freehold shop, residences and building land Dudley—J. Sheaden and Son, of Dudley, at same, on February 14, Freehold dwelling houses, building land and licensed property Dudley—Alfred W. Dando, of Dudley, at same, on February 7, Freehold' dwelling houses and residences Yorkshire, Leeds—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at same, on January 24, reversionary interest Stokesiey—Hodgson and Farrow, of Stoke3iey, at same, on January 26, Freehold duelling houses Goole—T. D. Clegg, of Goole, at same, on January 30, Freehold building estate Halifax—Davis and Shoesmith, of Halifax, at same, on January 25, Freehold building land Ilkley—Beaumont and Glover, of Wakefield, at Iikley״ on January 25, Freehold dwelling houses and building land Doncaster—J. H. Crouch, of Doncaster, at same, on January 23, Freehold residence Clifford—Stephenson and Son, of York, at Clifford, on January 25, Freehold dwelling house and land of about eight acres Thorne—T. Tomlinson, of Thorne, at same, on January 25, Freehold estate and shares Sowerby Bridge—John H. Stead, of Sowerby Bridge, at same, on January 25, shops and dwelling houses Leeds—E. W. Bat-ley and Son, of Leeds, at same, on January 31, Freehold shops and dwelling houses Leeds—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on January 25, Freehold property Leeds—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on January 30, business premises and dwelling houses Leeds—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at Woodhouse, on January 30, dwelling houses Hunslet—Whitham and Sons, of Leeds, at Hunslet, on February 1, dwelling houses and outbuildings Huddersfield—Eddison, Taylor and Booth, of Huddersfield, at same, on January 31, Freehold and Leasehold properties Huddersfield—Eddison, Taylor and Booth, of Huddersfield, at same, on February 7, Leasehold dwelling houses Wales. Llanbadrig—J. Pritchard and Porter, of Bangor, at Llangefni, on January 26, Tithe rent charges Penarth—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on January 26, Leasehold villa Wrexham—Frank Lloyd, of Wrexham, at same, on January 30, ground rent Coedway—Winterton and Sons, of Lichfield, at Shrewsbury, on February 7, Freehold estate comprising about 240 acres Cardiff—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on February 2, Leasehold business premises Sussex. Lewes (near)—Bullock and Sadler, of Brighton, at same, on January 24, licensed properties Brighton—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on January 31, Freehold residence Lewes—St. John Smith, of Uckfield', at Lewes, on January 31, Freehold dwelling house Brighton—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on February 28, Freehold residences Petworth (near)—Death and Son, of Petworth, at same, on January 28, cottage property Worthing—Henry W. Figg and Son, of 37, Upper Thames-street, London, at Worthing, on January 26, Freehold residences Chichester and Bosham—Hobgen Bros., of Chichester, at same, on February 16, Freehold properties Billingshurstr—John Churchman and Sons, of Bil-lingshurst, at same, on February 6, Freehold meadow land Warwickshire. Birmingham—Thomas and Bettridge, of Birmingham, at same, on January 24, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on January 26, Leasehold residences and shops Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on February 7, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on February 14, shops and dwelling houses Birmingham—Hadley and Amphlet, of Birmingham, at same, on February 10, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—James C. Perry and Deakin, of Birmingham, at same, on January 25, Leasehold properties Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on February 1, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Edwards, Son and Bigwood, of Birmingham, at same, on January 30, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—F. W. Goodeve, of Birmingham, at same, on February 7, Freehold and Leasehold' properties Birmingham—Grimley and' Son, of Birmingham, at same, on February 9, Leasehold properties Birmingham—Thomas and Bettridge, of Birmingham, at same, on February 2, Freehold ground rents Birmingham—Frank Smith and Wilson, of Birmingham, at same, on February 16, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—William R. Fleetwood, of Birmingham, at same, on February 15, Freehold and Leasehold residences Rugby—James Styles, of Rugby, at same, on January 23, Freehold business premises Leamington Spa—J. Hawkes, of Leamington Spa, at same, on February 22, Freehold residence Nottinghamshire. West Bridgford—F. W. Kidd, of Nottingham, at same, on January 24, Freehold residences Nottingham—Thomas Warwick, of Nottingham, at same, on January 24, Leasehold dwelling houses Oxfordshire. Banbury (near)—Miller and Abbotts, of Banbury, at same, on January 27, Freehold residence Shropshire. Shrewsbury—R. P. Price and Son, of Shrewsbury, at same, on January 24, Freehold residence, business premises and licensed property Somersetshire. Timsbury—Fry and Asprey, of Bath, at Timsbury. on February 10, Freehold residence, building and pasture lands Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on February 7, Freehold ground rents and building land Wedmore, Cheddar and Meare—Bennett, Millard and Lloyd, of Wedmore, at same, on February 8, dwelling house, business premises, brick and tile yard, and 106 acres of dairy lands Staffordshire. Rovley Regis—G. S. Gougli, of Brierley Hill, at Oldbury, on January 24, Freehold licensed property and dwelling houses Walsall—T. Harford and Son, of West Bromwich, at Walsall, on January 24, Freehold property Wolverhampton—T. J. Barnett and Son, of Wolverhampton, at same, on January 25, Freehold properties Suffolk. Ipswich—Garrod, Turner and Son, of Ipswich, at same, on January 26, Freehold land and dwelling house Lowestoft—A. G. and A. Notley. of Lowestoft, at same, on February 10, Freehold property SUSPENSION BRIDGES. As erected over rivers at Hereford, Trentham, Grimsby, Keswick, Band on and abroad. Strong, Elegant and Inexpensive. From 50 to 800 feet span. Write for Illustrated List. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK, Southampton Buildings, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, TWO-AND-A-HALF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below £10. STOCKS, SHARES and ANNUITIES purchased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CARSON'S PAINTS. f?I eeially manufactured for all kinds of Outdoor Work on Estates & Residential Property LOUIS HARPER, A.M.I.C.E., ABERDEEN, N.B - Contractor to Her Majesty’s Colonial Government. The Leading Advertising Mediums in the Midlands. Cheap, Popular, Effective Advertising! THE “HERALD SERIES” The leading Journals in the Districts named. These old-established Newspapers, four in number, command one of the most populous districts in the Counties of Worcestershire, Warwickshire, and Staffordshire, comprising ■a population of upwards of a million. The Herald Series comprise the following:—The DUDLEY HERALD (established 1866), with which is incorporated The Guardian, for Oldbury, West Bromwich, Smethwick, Spon-lane, etc.; WEDNES-BURY BOROUGH NEWS and Darlaston Chronicle (established 1868), extensively circulated in Wednes-bury, Darlaston, Bilston, Great Bridge, Oldbury, West Bromwich and Smethwick; TIPTON HERALD (the only local paper), and Herald, for Dudley Port, West Bromwich, Coseley, Deepfields, Great Bridge, Tividale, Burnt Tree, etc.; Worcestershire and Staffordshire COUNTY HERALD, and The Herald, for Brierley-hill, Stourbridge, Wordsley, Rowley, Halesowen, Old-hill, Blackheath, Langley, Pensnett, Kingswinford, etc. District Offices, Wednesbury, Tipton, Brierley-hill. Stourbridge. London Office, 82, Fleet-street. Head Office, Herald Works, Dudley. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposit, and allows Interest monthly on each completed £1. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY. HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, post free. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. rTTHE “HALIFAX GUARDIAN.” — ES- -1- TABLISHED in 1832, nearly a quarter of a century before its oldest existing contemporary, maintains its position as the leading weekly Newspaper in the extensive parish of Halifax, which has I a population of upwards of 200,000 and extends over : the large area of 75,000 acres. For a period of sixty-six years it has been closely identified with the numerous and varied industries of the Borough and surrounding township, and is generally recognised as the best local medium for advertisements of Sales of states and every description of property. Prospectuses of Public Companies, and all announcements demanding the attention of Capitalists, Investors, and others. Specimen copy free on receipt of stamped addressed wrapper. Printing and Publishing Offices, George-street, Halifax. Sent out in Dry Powder, with Oil Mixture Separate. Easily Mixed and Applied. LIQUID P A HITS For all Purposes in 40 Colours. Patterns and Prices Free on Application. WALTER CARSON & SONS, Grove Works, LOMBARD ROAD, BATTERSEA, LONDON. AND BACHELOR’S WALK, DUBLIN. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND COMPANIES AND OTHERS REQUIRING BOARDS — Should apply to — GEO. BROWN, THE OLD ESTABLISHED WILLIAM BARROK & SON, LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN, Invite intending planters to inspect th ir unrivalled Stock of ORNAMENTAL and FOREST TREES. Send for Catalogues and List of Public and Private Works carried out by them. ELYASTON NURSERIES, Borrowash, Derby. Dicksons Chester PRICED CATALOGUES POST FREE. Notice, Sip & Bill Board Contractor, WRITER, &c., Bury Street, St. Mary ixe, City, Corner of Heneage Lane. N.B.—Country firms will find this an unequalled opportunity for obtaining good Boards at the shortest | notice, and at low prices. i ' ” ■aofc Bury—J. R. Parkinson, of Bury, at same, on January 30, cottage and shop property Oldham—Allen, Mellor and Co., of Oldham, at same, on January 25, Leasehold property Manchester—George Unsworth, of Manchester, at same, on January 25, Freehold dwelling houses Manchester (near)—William Wilson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on January 31, Freehold shop property and land Manchester—G. H. Larmuth, of Manchester, at same, on January 24, Leasehold land Pilling—R. G. Warriner, of Lancaster, at Pilling, on January 24, Freehold dwelling houses Leicestershire. Hathern—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at Hathern, on January 25, Freehold cottages and Keg^worth—Thomas Wilson, of Nottingham, at Keg-worth, on January 25, Freehold property Melton Mowbray (near)—Royce and Wright, of Melton Mowbray, at same, on January 24, cottages, shares and' building land . Leicester—Hincks and Shakespear, of Leicester, at same, on February 1, Leasehold premises and life policies ___ _ ״ T . Leicester—Warner, Sheppard and Wade, of Leicester, at same, on January 31, Freehold licensed pro- Leicetter—H. and F. Tarratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on January 25, Freehold dwelling houses . , Sileby—John J. Curtis, of Leicester, at Sileby, on January 25, cottage property Leicester—John J. Curtis, of Leicester, at same, on January 31, cottage property Hinckley (near)—Miller and Brown, of Leicester, at Hinckley, on January 23, manufacturing premises ^ , gyston—J. D. W. Bilham, of Leicester, at Syston, on January 24, Freehold shops and dwelling houses Lincolnshire. New Leake and Stickney—James Eley, of Boston, at same, on January 25, Freehold estate, comprising farmhouse, building, arable and pasture land Louth—Dickinson and Riggall, of Louth, at same, on January 31, Freehold dwelling houses and land East Ville—William Welsh, of Spilsby, at same, on January 30, Freehold estate of about 62 acres Market Rasen—Nettleship and Sons, of Market Rasen, at same, on January 31, Freehold dwelling house and grass land of about eight acres Whaplode and Deeping St. Nicholas—S. and G. Kingston, of Spalding, at same, on February 7, Freehold dwelling houses and land Middlesex. Uxbridge—Willis and Crouch, of Uxbridge, at same, on February 9, Freehold property Northamptonshire. Peterborough—Fox and Yergette, of Peterborough, at same, on January 31, building estate HILL & SMITH CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. Iron Hurdles and\ Field and Entrance Gates, Wire Fencing, Tree Guards, Stable and Cowhouse Fittings, Piggeries, Netting, Black Varnish. THE PARAGON CATTLE CRIB. Strong but Light. Cheap but Durable. Price, Painted from 45 -, Galvanized from 52/- each. The ECONOMIC SHEEP RACK, 9ft. long. Price 68 6 each. CATTLE, SHEEP and PIG TROUGHS, and other Agricultural Feeding Appliances. Catalogues free on app cation to HILL & SMITH, Brierley Hill Ironworks, nr־ Dudley. OR 118, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. Replies mention this advertisement.