105 THE ESTATES GAZETTE January 21, 1899. Not Sold under the Hammer. JANUARY. MONDAY 16th. BISCOE and BISCOE, 14, North Audley-street, GrosYenor-square, W., and 16, Eidon-street, Finsbury, E.C. Teddington—Gloucester-road, Ash Lodge, and half an acre, F A. THOMAS PEYER and MILES, 2, Adelaide-place, E.C. St. Ives, Hunts—The Fenstanton Brewery, with 52 Hotels, Public and Beer Houses, F and L TUESDAY 17th. DUNN, SOMAN and COYERDALE, 11, St. Helen’s-place, Bishopsgate-street Within, E.C., Tunbridge Wells and Chislehurst. Shepherd's Bush—Devonport-road, a Freehold Building Site Hove, Sussex—Medina-villas, Leicester Lodge, F ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, SO, Bel-grave-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. Putney-hill—Cariton-road, Kingsland, L DEBENHAM, TE WSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Belgravia—14, Chester-street, and 14, Chapel-mews, L WEDNESDAY 18th. BEARD and SON, 110, Westbourne-groYe, W. Bayswater—Portobello-road, The Oxford Ph, L C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Ilchester House, Uxbridge-road Station, W., and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Shepherd s Bush—3 and 5, Gayford-road, L W. MARTIN and CO., Derby House, GroYe-Yale, East Dulwich Station, S.E. Dulwich—Townley-road, Brent Knoll, L; 18, 20, 38 and 40, Ashbourne-grove; 131, 133 and 147, East Dulwich-grove; 3 and 5. Melbourne-grove, L Forest-gate—19, Khedive-road, L THURSDAY 19th- H. J. 1 LIES and SONS, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, E. Ilford—St. -Mary,¿-road, a Plot of Building Land, F Messrs. TROLLOPE, 7, Hobart place, Eaton-square, 14, Monnc-street, Grosvenor-square, Halkin-street West, and 5, Victoria-street, S.W. Chelsea—84, Cadogan-sqnare, and 1, Clabon-mews, L FRIDAY 20thT GIDDY and GIDDY, 4, Waterloo-place, S.W., Maidenhead, Sunningdale and Isleworth. Portman-square—5, Lower Berkeley-street, and 5, Baker's-mews, L LONDON ANDJÏUBURBANJESULTS, JANUARY. FRIDAY 13th- BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCKMASTER, Bank-buildings, Broadway, Walham-green (at the King’s Head Hotel. Broadway, Walham-green). Putney—32, Chelverton-road, ut 88 years, GR £7 10s., £ £37 ........................ 370 28. Norroy-road, ut 87 years, GE £7 10s., E £38 ................................. 400 66, Norroy-road, ut 87 years, GE £7 10s., E £40 ................................. 430 Fulham—16 and 17, Palace-terrace, ut 86 years, GE £17, E £88 8s....................... 510 Walham-green—16, Armadale-road, ut 74 years, GE £5, E £41 12s....................... 250 Shepherd’s Bush—17, 19, 32, 34, 36 and 38, 1 Leflem-road, ut 53 years, GE £30 ............. 875 , 39 and 41, Melina-road, ut 53 years, GE £12 340 3, 5, 7 and 9, Ellerslie-road, ut 64 years, GE • £24, E £112 ........................... 1,050 Notting-hill—14, Silchester-terrace, ut 64 years, GE £6 6s................................. 200 3a, Acklam-road, ut 62 years, GE £5 10s., E £34 ................................... 265 325, Ladbroke-grove, ut 64 years, GE £10 10s., E £35 ................................... 255 11, Baymede-street, ut 62 years. GE £7 10s. 175 49, Swinbrook-road, ut 64 years, GE £7, E £28 285 39, Blagrove-road, ut 63 years, GE £6, E £28 205 Westbourne-park—43, All Saints’-road, ut 62 years, GE £10, E £38 .................. 300 23, Edenham-street, ut 61 years, GE £7... 170 ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, SO, Bel graYe-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. Eeversion to One Forty-eighth Share of a Sum of about £140,000, invested in Colonial Government Stocks, lives aged 56 and 71 1,100 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Old Kent-road—Glengall-road, FGE’s of £100 19s., reversions ranging from 23 to 26 years (in lots) ............................. 4,155 Glengall-terrace, FGE’s of £21, reversion in 27 years ................................ 850 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbnry-cirous, E.C and Tottenham, N. Guildford Gas—£5.000 Ordinary Stock ...... 6,047 Lewes Gas—£200 Consolidated Original Capital Stock ................................... 484 Walton-on-Thames and Weybridge Gas—210 £10 “ A" Shares ........................... 3,555 West Ham Gas—22 Original £5 Shares ....... 283 Whitchurch and District (Hants) Gas—78 £10 Shares .................................. 936 Chigwell, Longhton and Woodford Gas—£165 Stock ................................... 396 Worthing Gas—30 £10 New Shares ................ 533 FURNITURE, PICTURES, BOOKS,ETC. JANUARY. MONDAY, 23.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at One o’clock—Objects of Art, Furniture, etc. By G. F. Hawkings, at his rooms, 30, Lisson-grove, at Two o’clock—Furniture, etc. TUESDAY, 24.—By Dyer, Son and Hilton, 30, Budge-row, E.C., and Blackheath, at 17, Shooter’s-hill-road, Blackheath, at One o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Rouch and Parkhouse, Crouch End, N.. at Sprmgcroft, Hornsey-lane, Crouch End, N., at Twelve o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Hampton and Sons, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W , at Mountiield, Chislehurst, at Twelve o’clock— Furniture, etc. By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms, 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., at One o’clock—Books, Manuscripts, etc.—and following days By Phillips. Son and Neale, at their rooms, 73, New Bond-street, W., at One o’clock—Silver Plate, etc. By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W., at One o’clock—Furniture, etc.—and following day. WEDNESDAY, 25.—By Furber, Price and Furber, 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C., at 44, Russell-square, W.C., at One o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Allan Booth, 284, Camden-road, N., at The Elms, 21, Hilldrop-road, Oamden-road, N.. at One o’clock—Furniture, etc. By_Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, ■^1n^street, St. James’s-square, at One o’clock Objects of Art, etc.—and following days By J°hn Barker and Co., Ltd., at their rooms, 159, Hammersmith-road, W., at One o’clock— Furniture, etc. THURSDAY, 26.—By Debenham, Storr and Sons, Ltd., at their rooms, 26, King-street, Covent-garden— Medals, Coins, etc. By Puttick and Simpson, at their rooms, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., at One o'clock—Furniture, etc.—and following day By C. Rawley Cross and Co., at their rooms, 54a, Uxbridge-road, W., at Two o’clock—Furniture etc. ’ By Alfred Squire, 106, High-street. Camden Town, at Messrs. Bowman’s Depositories, Greenland-street, Camden Town, at One o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Protheroe and Morris, at their rooms, 67 and 68 Cheapside—Water Colour Drawings, etc.— and following day By Eobmson and Fisher, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at One o’clock— Pictures, drawings, etc. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery, 54, Pall Mall, S.W., at One o’clock—Furniture, etc. WEDNESDAY 18th. FIELD and SONS, 5-1, Borough High-street, S.E. and 52, Chancery-lane, W.C. Hyde-park—14 and 14a, Lancaster-street, ut 39 years, GE £24 ........................ 1,000 2, Brook-mews North, ut 39 years, GE £4 ... 330 Old Kent-road—93, 95 and 96, Avondale-square, ut 56 years, GE £16 10s.............. 930 Camberwell—Camberwell-road, IGB of £45, ut 62 years, GE £15 ....................... 615 Mansion-street, IGE of £30, ut 62 years, GE £15 .................................... 280 Blackfriars—7, Beunett-street, F, E £94 5s. ... 960 BEARD and SON, 110, Westbourne-groYe, W. Bayswater—Chepstow Tavern-mews, IGE of £128, ut 44 years, GE nil.................. 2,320 56, Porchester-road, and 1 and 2, Celbridge- mews, ut 45 years, GE £15 .......... 1,810 43. Archer-street, ut 45 years, GE £7 7s., E £50 ................................ 510 228, Westbourne-grove, ut 45 years. GE £7 7s., B £55 .................................. 520 C. RAWLEY GROSS and CO., Ilchester House, Uxbridge-road Station, S.W., and 37, Broadway, Ealing. South Kensington—25, Edith-grove, ut 74 years, GE £7 10s., EE £75 .................... 625 Chelsea—13a and 14a. Ashburnham-road, ut 79 years, GE £13, E £78................... 750 Kensington—Addison-gardens, FGE of £30, reversion in 98 years ..................... 875 Addison-gardens, FGE of £10, reversion in 98 years .—............................. 290 H. E. FOSTER and CRAN FIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C Clapham—13, Bichmond-terrace, ut 29i years GR £7 10s., ER £50 ..................... 310 W. MARTIN and CO., Derby House, GroYe-Yale, East Dulwich Station, S.E. Walthamstow—26, Copeland-road, ut 77 years. GR £6 6s., R £34 ....................... 295 Copeland-road, FGR of £12 12s., ‘reversion in 77 years ............................... 335 Dulwich—177, East Dulwich-road, ut 65 years! GR £12, R £52 10s....................... 510 18- E1si£־road, ut 73* years, GR׳¿¿”׳£7״׳¿!! Li¿ £36 ................................ 320 no. Melbourne-grove, ut 764 years! GE £6 ios., J¿ £28 ............................... 285 10, Ashbourne-grove, ut 71 years, GE £6, R £28 .................................. 300 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Eegent-street—67 to 81 (odd), Mortimer-street, ut 66 years, GE £200, EE £2,000 Marylebone—40, Beaumont-street, ut 26 years, GE £30, E £90 ; 9 and 11, William-mews, ut 21 years, GE £18, R £115; 11, BucMngham-street, ut 13 years, GE £30, WT £109 4s.; 16, Weymouth-street, ut 17 years, GE £54, EE £200 Caledonian-road—5, Edward-square, ut 13 years, GR £10, R £28; 30, 37, 44 and 45, Edward-square, ut 41 years, GE £20, E £135 Barnsbury—27 and 28, Offord-street, ut 40 years, GE £6, WE £67 12s. STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road. S.E Leytonstone—5, Forest-villas, ut 97 years, GE £6, EE £35 Lambeth—109, Oakley-street, F, EE £40 Kennington—129 and 130a, Princes-road, ut 10 years, GE £13 8s., E £87 Southwark—39, 40 and 41, Great Suffolk-street, F, E £96 6s. Walworth—74, Westmorland-road, ut 50 years, GE £6, WE £52; 161, South-street, ut 63 years, GE £7, WE £36 8s. Heme-hrll—Hinton-road, Bridge Works, ut 41 years. GE £16, E £50; 1 and 2, Padfield-street, ut 67 years, GE £9, WE £72 16s. Battersea—66, 68 and 70, Shelgate-road, ut 83 years GE £21, WE £122 4s. Lower Tooting—Burntwood-lane, Tregadra, and Tregonhay, ut 81 years, GE £6 each, YE £32 each South Wimbledon—24, Southey-road, F, E £36 Peckham—38 to 72 (even), Cator-street, ut 63 years, GE £66, WE £514 16s. East Dulwich—Dunstane-road, Four Plots of Land 44ft. 4in. by 120ft., F Walworth—58, 60 and 62, Alvey-street, ut 51 years, GE £ ; 70, Villa-street, ut 52 years, GR £1115s., E £52 Peckham Eye—Eeynolds-road, a Comer Plot of Laud, F Silvertown—1 to 23 (odd), Arthur-street, ut 68 years, GE £63, WE £243 2s Shares in the London and South Western Bank DAVIS and CO., 58, Barry-road, East Dulwich, and 31, High-street, Peckham (in conjunction with T. BONSALL, 31, High-street, Peckham, and 9, Union-court, E.C., at the Peckham Public Hall, at 8 o’clock). Peckham Eye—8 and 9, Forrester-road, ut 80 years, GE £8, E £50; 30, 32 and 34, Linden-grove, ut 80 years, GE £20 5s., E £104; 31, Linden-grove, ut 80 years, GE £7 10s., EE £60 East Dulwich—279, Underhill-road, ut 75 years, GE £8, ER £40; also 60 Shares in the Crown Theatre Co., Ltd. THURSDAY 19th. DANIEL WATNEY and SONS, 33, Poultry, E C Shadwell—294 and 296, Cable-street, F, R £56 920 1.}o 9, 11 to 14, 22, 23 and 24, Albert-street, F 3,440 Albert-street, FGE of £32 16s., reversion in 4i years ............................. 2 840 High-street, FGE of £5, reversion in 231 years 155׳ High-street, Two Corner Building Sites, F ... 425 Cable-street, etc., FGR of £50, reversion in 64 years .......................... ! 320 J• Gc ™EAN and c0 > 196־ High-road, Balham, S.W., and Wandsworth-common. Balham—1 Marius-road, ut 29 years, GE £10, R .................................... H. J. BLISS and SONS, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 161, Bethnal Green-road, E. Walthamstow—14 and 16, Suffolk-park-road F 725 Victoria-^rk—67,^ Struhan-road, ut 51 years, K“"s, Glf'kil^ T’ **«*”«>* °t 83 Clapton—83 and 89, Clifden-roa'd, F ... * Hackney—40 to 52 (even), Boston-street, F 1 500 Hoxton 21 to 27 (odd), Hobb’s-place, F "" lloo Limehouse—43, 45 and 47, Church-row, C " ’4m Wappmg-4 and 6, Bed Lion-street, F ... . iS Mile End—44, West-street, F, E £16 .... .... 9v! Victoria-park—74, Sewardstone-road, ut 58 years] vri¿ ±4 10s............................ Hackuey-|6 Pritchard-road, ut 20 years] GE £4 155 5 and 6, Emma-street, ut 4J years, GE £4 85 H. E. FOSTER and CRAN FIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C Reversion to One-thirteenth part or Share of a lrust Estate, estimated value £32,178, sub-aged 56 deatl1 or re־marriage of a lady Eeversion to One-eiihth ^ Share ^"of" S'evemtimhs 1,180 of a Trust Estate, estimated value £63,436, Krd^h a present income of £31, Reversion to One-eVghth Share of Seveii-teiiths ^ of £9,61d 7s. 8d. L. and N. W. Railway aiede67Per ^ent‘ debenture Stock, life Reversion to a Moiety of £LoS''i3sV’8d]'Cape of £7° Good Hope Government Loan, life aged 70 360 Eeversion to One-seventh Share of Freehold and Properties, estimated value £90,000, life aged 55 ...... The Residue of a Sum of £250, payable to 'a gentleman aged 24, with policy for £200 and profits ................‘ .,7״ Liverpool, London and Globe—Policies for £1 000 and profits, life aged 62 ............’ 599 y Order of the Committee. FRIDAY 27th. At ONE o’clock. SALES and CLARKE, 11, John-street, Minories E. C. Wimbledon—Faraday-terrace, FGR’s of £126 10s reversion in 99 years Piaistow—1 to 10, Liston-street, ut 77 years, GR £40, WR £183 Thornton Heath—Sandfield-road, Mount View and Ventnor, ut 99 years, GR £7 7s. each, R £40 each At TWO o’clock. J. HIBBARD and SONS, 9, Walbrook, E.C., Stoke Newington-green, N., and Hoe-street, Walthamstow, E. Hackney-Well-street, IGE of £120, ut 47 years, GE PuUlii?S_?.t,kGeorge's־s5y Tottenham—1 and 2, Comwall-road, ut 55 years GE ±5 * Hoxton 39,- Felton-street, F, WE js33 16s. Barnsbury—115, Offord-road, F, E £38 Finchley—1, Torrington-place, F, E £55 Nottingduli-ie, Tobin-street, ut 30 years, GR £3 10s., 29, Tobm-street, ut 31 years, GR £3, WR £33 16s. Balls Pond—30, Balls Pond-road, ut 33 years, GE £25, j¿ ±׳oo as. MESSRS. MARYINS, Newport and Cowes, Isle of Wight. East Cowes, Isle of Wight—Palmer’s Estate, 225 acres, E. H. HENRY, 63, High-street, Clapham. S.W. Clapham Common—28, Orlando-road, ut 72 years F, ER l°M׳ £E £60; S°Uth Side' Eagle Hoase*: FORTHCOMING SALES. Sales at the Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. Country Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere. JANUARY. MONDAY 23rd, At TWO o’clock. F. YARLEY, 1, Stroud-green-road, Finsbury-park, N. Finsbury-park—68, Blackstock-road, ut 73 years, GE £6; 20, Eomilly-road, ut 65 years, GE £3, B £45; 34 and 36, Ambler-road, ut 65 years, GE £3 each, E £32 each; 49, Wyatt-road, ut 72 years, GE £5, E £28 Battersea—Falcon-grove, IGE of £19 2s., ut 52 years, GE nil ________________________ TUESDAY 24th. At TWO o’clock. DAYID BURNETT and CO., 15, Nicholas lane, E.C. Muswell-hill—Sidney-road, Palm Lodge, and' 14 Plots of Land, F Chelsea—69 and 70, Beaufort-street, nt 15 years, GR £8, R £50 WILLIS and CROUCH, 29, Basinghall street, E.C., and Uxbridge. Marylebone—119, Seymour-place, ut 8 years, GR £9, R £55 Kingsland—36 and 37, Lee-street, ut 20 vears, GR £12, R £ Westbourne-park—157, Cornwall-road, ut 67 3'ears, GR £10, R £42 Notting-hill—31, Blagrove-road, ut 65 years, GR £7, R £34 PERKINS and CiESAR, 105, Tooley-street, S.E. Dockhead—1, 2 and 3, Farthing-alley (London-street), ut 63 years, GR £15, WR £93 12s. results of auction sales. *״state Exchange Copyright Report. QthSftS3 at the Man• London■ “<>«>» ^ere JANUARY. THURSDAY 12th. HORNBY and CRANSWICK (at Hornsea). Great Cowden, Yorks-A Freehold Farm, con- taining 2271 acres ..........2>600 MONDAY 16tb. J. andR. KEMP and CO., 27, Albany-street. N.W. eicLS'i3a^k7~50 ־=naburgh-terrace, and 4 £111 enck-mews, ut 23* years, GR £5, R . “’1°1*:*errace• at224 ׳ years, GE £2l] E £75 14׳M A. THOMAS PEYER and MILES, 2, Adelaide place, E.C. Bat\^Wery־F°ur £10° 4i P“ Cent’ Deben- Halm“'li־C^ridge^^Pampisford Breweries- 388 500 £1 Ordinary Shares .. o¿״ t 500 # ^ per Cent• Preference "Shares. 675 J *Stick116-£5°° P°Ur Per Cent' Debenture Brampton 630 ference Shares ......... ? Manchester Brewery-£500 Four per‘Cent.‘״De^ benture Stock .................... ״״ Barnsley Brewery-£500 41 per'"c^nt." D^b¿¿: ture Stock ............... ״־״on ^ TUESDAY 17 th-A. PREECE (at Shepherd’s-bush). Hammersmith—-23 and 25, Raynham-road, ut 65 y ears, GR £10 .................. aco ?5 Ower״tolleiroad’ ut 64 years, GE״¿¿, R £28 325 19, Mall-road, ut 64 years, GE £7, E £42 4oo Fulham—46, May-street, ut 64 years, GE £6, Kf26 ............................. 230 GEO. RAYENSHEAR, 49, Broadway, Ealing (at the Feathers Hotel, Ealing, at 7.30 o’clock). Hanwell—17, 19, 21 and 23, Elthorne-avenue, Boston-road, R £136, F; and 23 and 25, St. Mark’s-road, R £57, F Ealing—Reversion to 18, Woodville-road (age 55); also £1,050 Stock in the Brentford Gas Co.; and £1,800 Ordinary Stock in the Gas Light and Coke Co. WEDNESDAY 25th. At TWELVE o’clock. FULLER, HORSEY, SONS and CASSELL, 11, Billiter-square, E.C. Paddington—Bravington-road, The Bravington Em gineering Works, with Plant and Machinery, ut 20 years, GE £ At 1.S0 o’clock. MANSELL and ROWE, 47, Church road. Upper Norwood, S.E. Norwood—28, Auer ley-road, ut 64 years, GE £13 15s., EE £75 At TWO o’clock. MAY and PHILPOT, 140, Brixton-hlll, S.W. Brixton—66 and 70, Leand'er-road, ut 92 years, GE £14, R £72; 119 and 121, Leander-road, ut 92 years, GE £14, E £78; 37, Josephine-avenue, ut 66 years, GE £9 9s., E £48 Clapham—398, Clapham-road, ut 19 years, GE nil, P Streatham—Oakdale-road, Corio, F, E £100 EDMUND W. RICHARDSON and SON, 50, Fins-bury-square, E.C. Canning Town—3, Shirley-street, ut 90 years, GE £8 8s., ER £40 Hackney—223, Hackney-road, F, P; also a FGR of Mlle £36d_51’ WillGW־street’ ut 31 ye*rs, GR 5s., WR YOUNG and CO., 51, Coleman-Btreet, E C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. Streatham—22, Pathfield-road, ut 80 years, GR £10, R £55; 17, Buckleigh-road, ut 80 years, GR £10 10s., R £55; 45, Greyhound-lane, ut 80 years, GR £8 10s., R £45; 9, 11 and 19, Tankerville-road, ut 80 years, GR £8 each, R £42 each; 24 to 32 (even), Ellison-road', ut 80 years, GR £8 each, R £40 each Kensington—1, Earl’s-court-square, ut 72 years, GR £34, R £140 Teddington—Verona-villas, FGR of £5 10s. Old Kent-road—No. 118, F, R £85 Clapham—106, Lansdowne-road, ut 42 years, GR £10 ER £80 Kennington—66 and 68, Henry-street, ut 9 years, GR £10 10s., R £72 6s. Stockwell—24, Love-lane, ut 42 years, GR £10, R £52 SWAN WOODCOCK, 74, Leytonstone-road. Stratford (at the Swan Hotel, Broadway, Stratford, at 8 o’clock). Stratford—25, Gurney-road, Leytonstone-road, ER £30, F Leyton—60 and 62, Calderon-road, High-road, ut 83 years, GR £12, R £57 4s. THURSDAY 26th At ONE o’clock. DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row, EC-. and Blackheath, S.E. Blackheath—11, Vanbrugh-park-road, ut 58 years GE £12 CURTIS and HENSON, 5, Mount-street, Gros-venor-square, W. South Kensington—3, Queen’¿-gate-gardens, L EYES and SONS, 7, Mark-lane, E.C. Enfield, Middlesex—1 to 4, London-road, F, R £230 At TWO o’clock. A. ALDRIDGE and CO., 79, Park-street, Gros-Yenor-square, W. Westminster—Great Peter-street, FGE of £81 5s reversion in 79 vears Westbourne-park—65, 131, 174, 176, 177, 178 and 181 Kensal-road; and 66, 68, 70 and 79, Soutkam-street, L Margate—Cliftonville, 1 and 2, Second-avenae, and a Plot of Land, 105ft. by 89ft., F Victoria-park—20 to 36 (even), Lamprell-street, nt 80 years, GR £31 183., WR £189 16s. Hyde-park—L Hyde-park-place, Lease 7 years, R ±00/׳, ER £900 G. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street. E.C. Whitechapel—74, High-street, F, P 0omni.|vCial'r0ad East—35׳ CaroUne-street, F, E ±׳Di CS. Limehouse—16, Three Colt-street׳. F, R £44 4s.; 6 to R £93612s St‘ Ann,s'row׳ ut 76 rears, GR £30, Leytonstone—?70 and 274, High-road, ut 86 years, GR £10, R £60 St. George’s East—84, St. George’s-street, F, B £33