THE ESTATES GAZETTE January 21, 1899. ¿èahs il!) Auction, Well-secured Leasehold Ground Eents of £42 a year, and sound Leasehold House and Shop Properties. ־]V/TESSES. J. M. DUNCAN and KIMPTON 1YX will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, London, E.G., on Tuesday, January 31, at Two o’clock, in Lots: — ST. JOHN’S WOOD.—Leaseiioid Ground Kent of £20 per annum, amply secured upon the commodious detached residence, 23, Cavendish-road West. Back rental value £100 per annum. Term 21| years, at a peppercorn.—Solicitors, Messrs. Marchant, Benweil and Marchant, London and County Bank-building, Broadway, Deptford, and 27, College-street, E.C. CAMDEN TOWN.—Leasehold Ground Kents of £22 a year, amply secured on six shops, etc., 154 to 164 .(even), Great College-street. Term 23 years, at peppercorns. Kack rents £344. No. 158, Great College-street.—House and Shop, now let £65 a year, with possession. Term 23 years, at a peppercorn. KENTISH TOWN.—Eight-roomed House, 5, Dicken-son-street. Term 69 years, at £7 4s. Let at £36 a year. HOLLOWAY.—Corner 20-roomed Residence, 207, Tufneii-park-road, with possession. Term 70 years. Let until March, at low rent of £70 a year.—Solicitors, Messrs. Coode, Kingdon and Cotton, 34, Bedford-row, W.C.; Messrs. William Abbott and Co., estate agents, etc., 35, Cannon-street, E.C. UPPER CLAPTON. — Leasehold Residence, 21, Reighton-road, containing seven rooms, bath, etc. Let on agreement at £36 per annum. Term 79 years, at £6 10s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Preston and Erancis, Eiiots-bank-chambers, Bournemouth. DALSTON.—54 and 56, Forest-road. Let at £34 each. Term about 4| years, at £6 the pair.—Solicitor, A. J. Benjamin, Esq., 24, Coleman-street, E.C. NORTH WOOLWICH.—Six safe-letting Weekly Houses (one with shop), Nos. 1 to 6, Leigh-terrace, Eiizabeth-street. Term 97 years, at £4 and £5 each. All let. Rents £154 14s. per annum. Option of purchasing Freehold.—Solicitor, W. M. Tapp, Esq., 27, South Molton-street, Oxford-street, W. WHITECHAPEL.—Freehold Business Premises, 12 and 13, Mill-yard, Leman-street. Let on lease at £65, rising to £75 a year. STEPNEY.—Houses, 26 and 28, Caroline-street, Commercial-road. Term 59 years, at £4 5s. each. Let at 12s. per week each. , Solicitors, Messrs. Holdsworth and Payne, 5 and 6, Old Serjeant’s-inn, Chancery-lane, W.C. Particulars, etc., as above, or of the Auctioneers, 40 and 42, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C., and Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. ____________ By order of the Receiver.—The Record Cabinet Manufacturing Company (Limited).—In Liquidation.—Beneficial Interest in Leases of spacious Ground-floor Show Room, 5, Billiter-street, E.C., and of the Factory, etc., 36a, Northampton-street, Islington, held for about 20 years unexpired׳ at rack rents; together with goodwill, rights in five patents for filing documents, etc., nearly new plant and machinery, stock-in-trade, tenants fixtures, etc., as a going concern. lyrESSRS. J. M. DUNCAN and KIMPTON 1YL will Sell tlie above by Auction, at the Mart, City, on Tuesday, January 31, at Two, in One Lot. May be viewed. Particulars, etc., of the Receiver, Mr. P. W. Gamman, on the premises; of Messrs. Sewell, Edwards and Nevill, solicitors, 25, Old Broad-street, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 40 and 42, Queen Victoria-street, E.O. DEBENHAivTSTORU AND SONS, LTD. PUBLIC SALES almost daily throughout the year in two spacious rooms, of diamonds, ornaments, rubies, pearls, expensive watches, old family plate, miniatures, medals, pictures, lace, sables, etc. Special attention given to the sale of jewellers’, pawnbrokers', and other businesses in all parts of the country. Valuations of trade stocks for probate or division. Arbitrations. Auction sales of landed property. House agency and compensation cases. 6. KING STREET, OOVENT GARDEN. LONDON. Sales 1)2 Auction. lyiESSKS. BOYTON, PBCRAM and BÜCK-1VX MASTER, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, of Broadway, Walham-green. SALES BY AUCTION at the Mart, Tokenhonse-yard, E.C., every month; also local sales, in which all classes of Property can be advantageously included. Also Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate charges, SALES BY AUCTION of Stocks, Furniture, Shares, 6*ESTATES MANAGED, Rents Collected. VALUATIONS of all kinds. Compensation Claims adjusted. BUILDING LAND to Let and advances arranged. Mortgages negotiated. Auction Offices r.s->above. Mr. F. H. B. RIDDLE, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, 72, PARK-ST., GROSYENOR-SQUARE, W. Late and for many years with Messrs. Trollope as Auctioneer, and Manager of their West Halkin-street Agency Department. All matters of business with which Mr. Riddle may be favoured will receive his careful perspnal attention. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. IV/rESSRS. H. J. BLISS and SONS beg to 1YX notify that their Sales by Auction of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Business Premises, Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, and other Properties, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, at Two o’clock precisely, on the following Thursdays throughout the year 1899: — Thursday, July 6 Thursday, July 20 Thursday, August 17 Thursday, September 21 Thursday, October 19 Thursday, November 16 Thursday, December 14 Thursday, February 16 Thursday, March 16 Thursday, April 20 Thursday, May 11 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, June 8 Thursday, June 22 And at intermediate dates by special arrangement. Auction, Survey and Land Offices, 106, Oheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, N.E. MESSRS. WARE AND CARPMAEL, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS & LAND AGENTS, 30a, Lincoln’s Inn Fields (corner of Serle-street, Firm: A. W. WARE, H. CARPMAEL, F.S.I. Sales by Auction of Landed Estates, Freehold and Leasehold Property, Ground Rents, Reversions, Stocks and Shares, and other securities held periodically at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard (also by private treaty), at moderate and fixed charges. Valuations for Probate, Mortgage, Compensation, and other purposes. Surveys of Building Estates, Dilapidations and Sanitation. Special attention given to Rent Collection and Estate Management. Telegraphic Address, “ Demur, London.” Sale Days for the Year 1899. Messrs. ־FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, 1־ X BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. beg to announce that the undermentioned dates have been fixed for their AUCTIONS of FREEHOLD, Copyhold, and Leasehold ESTATES, Reversions, Shares, Life Interests, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.:— Thursday, Aug. 10 Thursday, Sept. 21 Thursday, Oct. 12 Thursday, Oct. 26 Thursday, Nov. 16 Thursday, Nov. 28 Thursday, Dec. 7 Thursday, Dee. 14 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, June 8 Thursday, June 22 Thursday, June 29 Thursday, July 6 Thursday, July 13 Thursday, July 20 Thursday, J uly 27 Thursday, Aug. 3 Thursday, Jan. 26 Thursday, Feb. 9 Thursday, Feb. 23 Thursday, Mar. 9 Thursday, Mar. 23 Thursday,April 13 Thursiay.April 27 Thursday, May 11 Other appointments for intermediate Sales will also be arranged. Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co. publish in the advertisement columns of “ The Times ” every Saturday a list of their forthcoming Sales by Auction. They also issue from time to time schedules of properties to be Let or Sold, comprising landed and residential estates, freehold and leasehold houses, City offices and warehouses, ground rents, and investments generally, which will be forwarded free of charge on application.—No. 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Estates, Country and Suburban Residences, Town Houses, Flats, Shops, Business Premises, Investments, etc. IX/TESSRS. TROLLOPE’S Printed Register of ItX Properties for Sale by Private Contract and to be Let may be had on application at their Offices, 7. Hobart-place, Eaton-square, West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square, T j n 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, and 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. Special Lists or Marked Registers will be forwarded on receipt of particulars of requirements. AUCTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1899. Messrs. Trollope’s Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Houses, Ground Rents, etc., will take place at the Mart, near the Bank of England, as follows: — Thursday, June 8th. Thursday, July 13th. Thursday, August 3rd. Thursday, February 16th. Thursday, March 9fch. Thursday, April 20th. Thursday, May 18th. Thursday, October 19th. Thursday ,November 23rd Thursday, December 14th. Sales will be held on other dates as required. In all cases Messrs. Trollope will be glad to have as long notice as possible respecting any property they may be instructed to Offer by Auction. Dates of Sales at the Mart, E.C., 1899. TVTESSRS. ROGERS, CHAPMAN and i-YX THOMAS beg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION of FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, and other Securities, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the following days, at Two precisely: — Tuesday, June 13. Tuesday, July 11. Tuesday, September 12. Tuesday, October 17. Tuesday, November 21. Tuesday, February 14. Tuesday, March 14. Tuesday, April 11. Tuesday, May 9. Arrangements can be made for other dates if desired, and terms for the sale of house property, furniture, and effects by auction, also for valuation for probate and other purposes, surveys, specifications, etc., may be obtained on application at the Auction and Survey Offices, No. 78, Gloucester-road, South Kensington, 50, Belgrave-road, S.W., and Earl’s-court, S.W. -- - - - the late firm of Farebrother, Ellis, Clark and Co.), begs to announce that his auction sales for the year 1899 of country estates and residences, town houses, business premises, ground rents and other investments, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., periodically, and at other dates, both in London and in the provinces, as may be advisable in the interests of his employers. Sales of furniture, farming stock and effects conducted, and valuations made of every description of property for sale, purchase, estate duty, or other purposes.—43, Chancery׳ lane, London, W.C. Telephone No. 1,017 Holborn. CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY.—SHEPHERD’S BUSH. HOTTING HILL, WEST KENSINGTON PARK AND DISTRICT, ALSO EALING, HANWELL AND SOUTHALL. Owners wishing to Sell or Let Property in these districts should send to O. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Who have more applications than they can suit. Particulars inserted in their Western Suburbs Register Free. Rent Collections undertaken (large or small), and Property of all kinds managed on inclusive terms; punctual payments guaranteed. References to clients of 20 years’ standing. Offices: “ Ilchester House” (facing), Uxbridge-road Station, W. (Established 1877); and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Telephone No. 108 Hammersmith, and 63 Ealing. PERIODICAL SALES for 1899 of Estates, House Property, Building Land, Ground Rents, Shares, etc., by ]yiESSRS. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will -IYA take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, the LAST WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH. Sales for other dates may also be arranged. Special attention given to the Sale of Estates and Building Plots. Railway and other Compensation Claims adjusted, as well as negotiations for the Sale and Purchase of Properties, Valuations for Probate, Mortgages, and other purposes. Protheroe and Morris’s " Multum in Parvo ” Register furnishes Particulars of Residences and other Properties. Auction and Estate Offices, f>7 and 68, Cheapside, London, and Leytonstone. MESSRS. GILLOW AND CO , AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS, (Established over 100 years), 406, Oxford Street, W. (Telephone 30 Padd.). "jV/TESSRS. GILLOW and CO. beg to an-IYX nounce that their Sales by Auction of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Ground Rents, and other securities are held periodically at the Mart. Properties can be included at moderate and fixed charges. VALUATIONS of all kinds. ESTATES managed and rents collected. SALES BY AUCTION of Furniture, Stock, etc. Messrs. Gillow and Co. also undertake the Sales 1and Lettings of town and country properties by private treaty. Office: 406, OXFORD-STREET, W. £ahs¡ is auction. At Low Reserve. HACKNEY, BALLS POND, ST. GEORGE’S EAST, and BETHNAL-GREEN. VINCENT S. LEIGH will Sell by Auction, » at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, February 8, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely: — FREEHOLD GROUND RENT £35 per annum, secured upon Nos. 77, 79 and 91, Cable-street, St. /George’s East. Rack rents £170. Reversion in 80 years. BALLS POND.—Private Residence, No. 29, Baxter-road, Essex-road. Per £35 annum. Lease 60 years. Ground rent £5 5s. HACKNEY.—Freehold Private Residence; 15s. weekly; per £39 annum. BETHNAL-GREEN.—Five Weekly Houses, Nos. 1 to 5, Cornwall-place, Cornwall-road, James-street, Green-street, E. Per £117 annum. Lease 80 years. Ground rent £20. Particulars of the respective Solicitors: John Howard Smith, Esq., 24, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; Matthew J. Jarvis, Esq., 32, Finsbury-pavement, E.C.; Messrs. Wood and Son, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; Messrs. Harris and Chetham, 35, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 316a, Mare-street, Hackney, N.E. WIMBLEDON.—Valuable Freehold Ground Rents of £126 10s. Q