69 THE ESTATES GAZETTE January 14, 1899. Hants. Winchester—Gudgeon and1 Sons, of Winchester, at same, on January 18, Freehold residential property and building land Southsea—Penney and Clark, of Southsea, at same, on January 17, Freehold properties Portsmouth—Ernest Hall, of Portsmouth, at same, on January 19, Freehold shop and dwelling houses Southsea^Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on January 23, Freehold residence, business premises and land Herefordshire. Marston, Pembridge and Kington—H. F. Russell, of Pembridge, at Kington, on January 24, Freehold properties Hertfordshire. Ware—R. and A. G. Thorowgood, of Hertford, at Ware, on January 24, Freehold properties Kent. Maidstone—R. Waterman and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on January 19, Freehold properties and shares Chart Sutton and Maidstone—R. Waterman and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on January 26, Freehold properties New and Old Brompton—W. E. R. Randall, of Chatham, at same, on January 17, Freehold business premises, dwelling houses and land) Cranbrook—Geo. F. Attree, of Brighton, at Cran-brook, on January 26, Freehold residence and shares Dover—Worsfold and Hayward, of Dover, at same, on January 19, Freehold licensed property and residences Tunbridge Wells—E. J. Carter, of Tunbridge Wells, at same, on January 25 and 26, Furniture, etc. Lancashire. Warrington (near)—Thomas Sutton and Sons, of Warrington, at same, on January 18, Freehold farm, comprising about 23 acres Manchester—G. H. Larmuth, of Manchester, at same, on January 25, Freehold ground rents Stalybrid'ge—Samuel Hall, of Stalybridge, at same, on January 25, licensed premises and dwelling houses Radcliffe—Shepherd and Son, of Rochdale, at Rad-cliff e, on January 25, Leasehold shop and dwelling house Salford—Beck and Makinson, of Manchester, at same, on January 24, Freehold properties Devonshire. Exeter—A. Bromley Sanders, of Exeter, at same, on January 17 and 18, Furniture, etc. Plymouth—Rowland Hambly, of Plymouth, at same, on January 31, The Mount Pleasant Hotel, F Plymouth—Gilchrist and Bishop, of Plymouth, at same, on January 19, Freehold building land Plymouth—Woolland and Sons, of Plymouth, at same, on January 17, Freehold' residence Teignmouth—Robert Frost and Son, of Teignmouth, at same, on January 18, Leasehold dwelling house Honiton—T. D. Hussey, of Honiton, at same, on January 25, Freehold dwelling house and shop Newton Abbot^James Stooke, of Newton Abbot, of same, on January 19, Leasehold property Rowbarton—Wm. J. Villar, of Taunton, at same, on January 25, dwelling house Dorsetshire. Lyme Regis—Radford and Radford, of Lyme Regis, at same, on January 20, Freehold business properties Brid'port—Milledge and Son, of Weymouth, at Brid-port, on January 25, Freehold dwelling houses and premises Wareham—Roberts, Son and Tory, of Dorchester, at Wareham, on February 2, Freehold dwelling house and shop property Gloucestershire. Gloucester (near)—Bruton, Knowles and Co״, of Gloucester, at same, early in March, Wotton Court Estate, 206 acres Cheltenham—Engall, Cox and Co,, of Cheltenham, at same, on January 26, cottage and land Bristol—C. H. Tucker, of Bristol, at same, on January 18, business premises Bristol—C. H. Tucker, of Bristol, at Kingsdown, on January 19, Freehold and Leasehold dwelling houses Bristol—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol, at same, on January 18, Leasehold properties and fee farm rents Clifton—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at Clifton, on January 17, Freehold residences Bristol—A. J. Welsby and Co., of Bristol, at same, on January 25, dwelling houses and shop Bristol—Charles A. Tricks and Son, of Bristol, at same, on January 17, Freehold and Leasehold properties Bristol—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol, at same, on January 23, Freehold dwelling houses Bristol—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol, at same, on January 25, Freehold residences Hanham—Young and Howes (in conjunction with Nichols, Matthews and Co.), of Bristol, at Hanham, on January 17, Freehold cottage property Cheltenham—Engall, Cox and Co., of Cheltenham, at same, on January 26, business and residential properties Cheltenham—W. H. Horsley, of Cheltenham, at same, on January 27, Freehold residence FORTHCOMING SALES BY AUCTION IN THE COUNTRY. London Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere. All announcements of sales should reach our Office by the first post on Thursday morning, or they cannot appear in the paper of the Saturday following. Berkshire. Beading—Simmons and Sons, of Beading, at same, on January 17, Freehold licensed premises Abingdon—Harris and Jackson, of Abingdon, at same, on January 19, Freehold properties Lambourn (near)—Dreweatt and Watson, of Newbury, at same, on January 17, Freehold property Ascot—Chancellor and Sons, of Bichmond, at Ascot, on February 15, Freehold building land! of about seven acres Beading—J. J. Cooper (J. Omer Cooper and Son), of Beading, at same, on January 19, Freehold dwelling house and land Hungerford—A. W. Neate, of Hungerford, at same, on January 25, Leasehold and Freehold premises Cornwall. Penzance—Edward Eve, of Penzance, at same, on January 17, dwelling house Germoe—John Coad, of St. Keverne, at Helston, on January 18, Freehold properties Penzance—George E. Jenkin, of Penzance, at same, on January 18, Freehold dwelling houses Cumberland. Carlisle—Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at Carlisle, on January 16, Freehold licensed property, and dwelling houses Derbyshire. Derby—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at same, on January 27, Freehold properties and shares Derby (near)—J. and W. Heathcote, of Derby, at same, on January 20, Freehold property and shares Ockbrook—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at Ock-brook, on January 30, Freehold dwelling houses and building land Ashoree^Ernest S. Mitchell, of Chesterfield, at Ashoree, on January 30, Freehold house, buildings, and 14 acres grass land Increasing Bates at Liverpool.—A special meeting of the members of the Liverpool and Bootle Property Owners and Batepayers’ Association was held on January 6, to protest against the proposed increase of sanitary rates, and also to consider the advisability of voting against the Corporation ¡Bill. Mr. J. W. Beader, who presided over a numerous attendance, moved the following resolution:—•“ That this meeting viewing with alarm the lavish expenditure of the Corporation committees and formidable estimates presented by them involving increased taxation, notwithstanding the number of new assessments and income derived from the corporate estate, hereby cordially approves of the action of the City Council to refer the estimates to a special committee, and earnestly hopes that a recommendation will be made to reduce the high sanitary rates, and that in any event they be not further increased.” Mr. B. Killip seconded, and said it was becoming a most serious matter the way in which their rates were increasing, extravagance going on apparently throughout the city generally. Unless they as property owners and ratepayers did something to stop that extravagance there was no telling where they would be landed (hear, hear). Mr. B. A. Bellwood, the secretary of the association, replying to a question as to the nature of the Corporation Bill, said it was the usual omnibus Bill, which was promoted every year, and he thought it might very well stand over for a year or two to see how the rates went on. Mr. J. W. Fairbrother remarked that the Council did not propose to put on a tramway rate, but, instead, were going to raise all the rates to pay for their wretched blundering in connection with the tramways system of Liverpool. The resolution was carried unanimously. Mr. Henry Jones moved that a copy of the foregoing resolution be sent to the Lord Mayor, with a respectful request that it should be read at the meeting of the City Council on the 18th instant. Mr. Jacob Lipson seconded, and this also was unanimously adopted. The ESTATES GAZETTE can be obtained •f our City Agents, Messrs. POTTLE and SONS, Koyal Exchange. NOTICE. FRANK P. WILS0R Begs to notify to his numerous Patrons, and Subscribers to the “ Estates Gazette ” that he has NO CONNECTION with a firm of similar name carrying on business in the North of London. The OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for the supply of AUCTIONEERS’ SPECIAL STATIONERY AND REQUISITES (Established nearly 50 years), Has only one address— ESTATES GAZETTE OFFICE, 6, St. Bride Street, LONDON, E.G. RATING.—This work, which is written from a Surveyor’s standpoint, gives under three heads—Principles, Practice and Procedure—a clear and comprehensive survey of all the matters appertaining to this difficult subject. In addition to the pages devoted to the rating of land and buildings, exhaustive chapters are devoted to the complex points arising out of the rating of Railways, Canals, Tramways, Gas and Water Companies, Docks, Harbours and Piers.—By Michael Faraday (Rating Surveyor), the Legal Matter revised by Stanley A. Latham, LL.B., of the Parliamentary Bar, A.I.C.A., F.R.S.S. Net Caah Price 10s. 6d.—ESTATES GAZETTE office. ־ ORNAMENTAL- BAYLISS, JONES, AND BAYLISS’ IRON FENCING, HURDLES, GATES, 8cc. WOLVERHAMPTON. London Offices and Showrooms— 139 & 141, CANNON STREET, E.C. Please mention this Payer. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. W. INNES STUCKEY, Landscape Gardener, 46, Dyne-road, Brondesbury, N.W, 13 Years with Mr. H. E. MILNER. SECOND EDITION, PRICE 3s. 6d. By POST 2d. extra. “NASH’S” HAY & STRAW TABLES These Tables have been compiled expressly For the use of Auctioneers, Yaluers, Hay and Straw Dealers, Farmers, and other persons connected with Agriculture, And will be found invaluable for arriving at the Contents, Weight and Price of Oblong or Circular Stacks of Hay and Straw, By H. F. NASH A.A.I. London :—Estates Gazette office, No. 8, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street. E.C. STANLEY MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER to H.M.’s Government, Council of India, Science and Art Department, Admiralty, &c. MATHEMATICAL, DRAWING & SUB- VEYING INSTRUMENTS of every description ‘ ’i, at the most moderate Engine Divider to the of the highest quality and finish^at the most moderate Tice Lists post free. pnces. Trade.—Ad Jress : GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.O. Established 1774. THE “ CUMBERLAND PACQUET ” AND WARE’S WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER (Published every Thursday Morning), IS the Oldest Newspaper in either Cumberland, Westmorland, or Durham. The organ of the Conservative Party in West Cumberland. Full reports of all local events. Having an extensive and influential circulation throughout the county, the “ Cumberland Pacquet ” furnishes one of the best mediums for advertising. PRICE ONE PENNY. WILLIAM BARROK & SON, LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN, Invite intending planters to inspect th ir unrivalled Stock of ORNAMENTAL and FOREST TREES. Send for Catalogues and List of Public and Private Works carried out by them. ELYASTON NURSERIES, Borrowash, Derby WATER SUPPLIES. Subterranean streams discovered. Approximate depth and yield estimated. Unsatisfactory existing supplies tested. All works of water supply carried out. Estimates furnished Free. Highest Testimonials at Home and Abroad. Patronised by His Highness the Khedive, the Egyptian Government, and extensively throughout the United Kingdom. LEICESTER GATAKER, Water Expert, BATH. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAK FAST-SUPPER. TO CERTIFICATED BAILIFFS• NOW READY. Crown 8vo. Price 3s. 6d. net. NEW (THIRD) EDITION. A HANDBOOK OF THE LAW OF DISTRESS (With Index and List of Cases), By G. ST. LEGER DANIELS, LL.B., And of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. FRANK F. WILSON 6, St. Bride Street, Fleet Street, London, E.C, Agreement for “ WALKING POSSESSION." DRAWN BY G. ST. LEGER DANIELS, Esq., LL.B. Barrister-at-Law. Author of the “ Law of Distress,” &c., &c. Foolscap, price 3s. per quire ; by post, Bs. 3d. This agreement has been prepared with a view to enabling certificated Bailiffs to adopt (aithe request of a tenant) the custom of non-continuous or “ walking possession.” Recent well-known decisions render it necessary that in all cases where bailiffs and tenants agree on the convenience of “ walking possession ” that the agreement should be clearly set out, and it is believed that the Estates Gazette form will he found to answer all requirements. FRANK P. WILSON, “Estates Gazette” Office, 6, St. Bride Street, E.C.