Estates Gazette, January 14, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. Price 3d. With which is incorporated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. ,Registered as a Newspaper.] PRICE 3d. LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1899. YOL. LIII. No. 1,753.—EST. 1858. ájales hp auction. Sales i)j? aucUon. Sales tu auction. Sales tn auction. Important Auction Sale.—By instructions from Sophia, Marchioness of Anglesey. HUNTLEYS, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, situate in the St. John’s district, and about one mile from the S. E. Railway Station. 1V/TR. EDWARD JAS. GARTER is instructed ■p1־ by Sophia, Marchioness of Anglesey, to Sell by Auction, at the Mansion known as Huntleys, as above, on Wednesday and Thursday, January 25 and 26, 1899, at Twelve o’clock precisely each dav, the large assemblage of valuable FURNITURE, wY)BKS OF ART, and EFFECTS, including brass and iron and other bedsteads and excellent bedding, handsome wardrobes and complete bed room appointments, handsomely carved oak Elizabethan dining room chairs, a 5ft. bookcase and pedestal writing tables, three elegant Louis XVI cabinets, magnifi-cently inlaid ebony table, 6ft. 6in. satinwood and marquetene cabinet, Chippendale, Sheraton and Jacobean chairs and tables, Chesterfield and other lounges and divan chairs, valuable Oil Paintings examples by Komney, Hondekoeter, Van Jansen, Buckner, Harry Hall, and others; large and unique collection of Sevres, Dresden, Worcester, Crown Derby, Bow, Swansea, and other old china ornaments, Louis Quinze clocks, candelabra, and table ornaments rare Dresden, Copeland and Derby china dinner and dessert services, about five dozen old Madeira and Chateau Yqem Sauterne, proof engravings, photographic appliances, cameras, lense3 a1ri-dCom£leteifittings׳ Turkey and other carpets, old French embossed and decorated screen, bed' and tame linen, hall furniture, copper utensils and kitchen requisites, outdoor effects, six Jersey and Alderney cows and one heifer, about 160 head of poultry 12 pigs, about 20 tons of hay, horse roller cart, cake crusher, pulper and slicer, chaff-cutting machine, etc., etc. o7P!’o״״te^iiTda^' (hy 01־ders only), Monday, January 23, 1899. Public view day, Tuesday, January 24, 1899. Catalogues 6d. each, to be obtained at the Mansion, or at the Auction Offices, 3, The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. The well-situated Mansion, with excellent accommodation and delightful grounds, in all about 33 acres, to be Let Unfurnished. Apply to the Auc-tioneer. Important to Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers, House Furnishers, etc. WAREHAM, DORSET. Important Business Premises, occupying a commanding and unrivalled position, and possessing a frontage of 68ft. to the main thoroughfare of tiie town, with back entrance, now and for many years past in the occupation of Messrs. Drew wholesale and retail ironmongers, house fur-nishers, etc., who command the principal trade of the isle of Purbech, at a rent of £84 per annum, ana affording an exceptional opportunity of acquiring first-class shop premises in the centre or this well-known market town. 1V/TESSRS. ROBERTS, SON and TORY are tta instructed by the Executors of Mr. J. Johnson (deceased) to Sell by Auction, at the Red Lion Hotel Wareham, on Thursday, February 2, 1899, at 2.30 p.m.’ the above-mentioned extensive FREEHOLD SHOP PEOPBETY, with the Dwelling House, Warehouses, Workshops, etc. Particulars, with plan and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Mr. J. Trevor Davies, solicitor. Yeovil; or of the Auctioneers, Dorchester and Y eovil. By order of the Mortgagees.—Re B. T. Hooley’s bankruptcy.—ISLE OF WIGHT.-On the Solent.— Smail choice compact Residential, Agricultural and Sporting Estate, containing about 225 acres, situate midway between Cowes and Wootton, immediately adjoining Osborne (Her Majesty’s island residence), and known as Palmers, with farm buildings, etc., and offering unique advantages for erection of a mansion or development as a building estate. "lyTARYINS will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, LT־L Tokenhouse-yard, London, on Friday, January 27, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. Particulars of Messrs. Lane, Fagge and Co., solicitors, Fitzalan House, Arundel-street, Strand, W.C. • or of the Auctioneers, Prince’s-buildings, Cowes. Foithcoming Sales for the Year 1899. IX/TESSRS. E, and H. LUMLEY (Burnley's, of •D-L st. James’s House, 22, St. James’s-street, London, S.W.) beg to announce the following days of SALE by AUCTION for the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.; but, in addition, other dates can be arranged for special sales.—Terms on application. Tuesday, Jan. 17 Tuesday June 6 Tuesday, Sep. 12 Tuesday, Feb. 14 Tuesday, June 20 Tuesday, Oct. 17 Tuesday, Mar. 14 Tuesday, July 4 Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuesday, April 25 Tuesday, July 18 Tuesday, Nov. 28 Tnesday, May 23 Tuesday, Aug. 15 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Messrs. E. and H. Lumley announce in the advertisement columns of “The Times’’ on Saturdays a complete list of their sales, which will include estates in England, Ireland and Scotland, town and country properties, ground rents, reversions, gas and water shares, stocks, etc. In cases where property is to be included ample notice should be given in order to insure due publicity. St. James’s House, No. 22, St. James’s-street״ S.W. By order of the Trustees of Mr. Greatrex. MARYLEBONE. WILLIS and CROUCH will Sell at the V V Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, January 24, 1899, at Two, 119, SEYMOUR-PLACE, MARYLEBONE-ROAD, let on lease at £55 per annum, and held for 96 years from 1811, at £9 ground rent. May be viewed by permission. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. WOODBRIDGE and SONS, Solicitors, 7, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn; and Uxbridge; And of the Auctioneers, 29, Basinghall-street, E.C., Uxbridge _and Southall. KINGSLAND. "YyiLLIS and CROUCH will Sell at the V V Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, January 24, 1899, at Two, in One Lot, THREE SIX-ROOMED HOUSES and a CORNER SHOP, known as 34, 35, 36 and 37, Lee-street, close to Kingsland-road, N., let and producing £158 12s. per annum, and held at a ground rent of £12 a year. May be viewed. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. WALLER and SONS, Solicitors, 75, Coleman-3treet, E.C.; And of the Auctioneers, 29. Basinghall-street. E.C., ________________________Uxbridge and Southall. By order of the Trustees of the late Mr. E. White. WESTBOURNE-PARK. WILLIS and CROUCH will Sell at the I V Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, January 24, 1899, at Two, THE LEASEHOLD HOUSE, known as 157, Cornwall-road, Westbourne-park, let at £42 per annum, and held for 67 years unexpired at £10 ground rent. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. WOODBRIDGE and SONS, Solicitors, 7, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn, and Uxbridge; And of the Auctioneers, 29. Basinghall-street, E.C., ________________________Uxbridge and Southall. By order of the Trustees of the late Mr. E. White. NOTTING-HILL. WILLIS and CROUCH will Sell at the » t Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, January 24, 1899, at Two, No 31, BLAGROVE-ROAD. NOTTING-HILL, let to an old-standing tenant at £34 per annum, and held for 65 years unexpired at £7 ground rent. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. WOODBRIDGE and SONS, Solicitors, 7, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn; and Uxbridge; And of the Auctioneers, 29. Basinghall-street, E.C., _______________________ Uxbridge and Southall. UXBRIDGE. WmLIS an(j CROUCH will Sell at the * » Chequers, Uxbridge, on February 9, 1899, at Three, in Two Lots, FOUR FREEHOLD HOUSES, known as Nos. 5 to 8, Highfield-terrace, Mead-road1, Uxbridge, all let to excellent tenants at £16 per annum each, tenants paying the usual rates and taxes. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. GARNER and SON, Solicitors, ,, Uxbridge and Hounslow; Messrs. WILLIS and CROUCH, Auctioneers and Surveyors, 29.. Basinghall-street, E.C.; Uxbridge and Southall. At the Mart, E.C., January 30, at Two. MR. W. N. WILLOUGHBY will Sell four 1VL modern FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES. 12. 13, 14 and 15, Fairview-terrace, Auckland-hill. West Norwood; let weekly, and producing £197 12s. per annum. Also a Plot of Freehold Building Land adjoining, suitable for the erection of shop and dwelling house. Particulars of the Auctioneer, at his Offices, 399 and 363d, Norwood-road, S.E. SOUTH KENSINGTON, S.W. (near Gloucester-road Station).—In consequence of the decease of the late owner—The excellent FAMILY RESIDENCE, No. 3, Queen’s-gate-gardens, cheerfully situate facing Gloucester-road, and being one of the few houses having direct access to the private gardens in rear; the accommodation comprises 11 bed and dressing rooms, four spacious and lofty reception rooms, and comnlete offices; held for a long term at a low ground rent. Possession on completion. —Messrs. /^URTIS and HENSON are instructed to Sell yj the above by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, January 26, 1899, at One o’clock precisely (unless previously disposed of by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Gadsden and Treherne, solicitors, 28. Bedford-row, W.C. ; and, with orders to view, of the Auctioneers, 5, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, W. Telephone 1460 Gerrard. UPPER CATERHAM.—Four Dwelling Houses, Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8, Clifton-cottages, Chaldon-road1; producing £64 10s. per annum; lease 77 years unexpired; ground rent £15 10s. per annum.—Messrs. TSAVID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, February 14. Particulars as in preceding advertisement. WEST CROYDON.—Six small Villas, Nos. 8 to 18, Dennett-road, Broad-green; producing £124 16s. per annum; lease 83 years unexpired; ground rent £29 3s. 6d. per annum.—Messrs. TSAVID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the J-' abqve by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, February 14. Particulars a3 in preceding advertisement. TOTTENHAM.—Just off the High-road.—Nine convenient Villas, Nos. 23 to 44, Park-lane; producing £234 per annum; lease 82£ years unexpired; ground rent £31 10s. per annum.—-Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, February 14. Particulars as in preceding advertisement. HORNSEY.—An Undivided 133d-707th Share of Seven Villa Residences, Nos. 44 to 56, Hampden-road; producing £214 per annum; lease 83| years unexpired; ground rent £60 per annum.—Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, February 14. Particulars as in preceding advertisement. Sale February 21, 1899. SUTTON, SURREY.—Re Miss M. L. Thornton, deed. —Detached Residence, known as Olapham Lodge, occupying a pleasant and retired position near Banstead Downs, containing six bed and dressing rooms, three reception rooms, and good1 offices; detached stabling, outbuildings, garden and land, in all about six acres. With possession—Messrs. TVAVID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. Particulars of Messrs. Godden, Son and Holme, solicitors, 34, Old Jewry, E.C.; Messrs. Morgan, Baines and Clark, estate agents, Sutton; or of the Auctioneers, 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Sale April 18. HAMMERSMITH, FULHAM, EAST DULWICH, CHISWICK, ASHFORD (Middlesex), and WALTON-ON-THAMES.—Messrs. TA AYID BURNETT and CO. beg to announce -U' that the SECOND PORTION of the ESTATE of Bouverie Deedes, Esq., deceased, comprising 81 HOUSES, will be Offered to Auction, on Tuesday, April 18. Particulars are in course of preparation, and, when ready, may be obtained of Messrs. Mullens and Bosanquet, solicitors, 11, Queen Victoria-street. E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, Messrs. David Burnett and Co., 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Telephone 5663 Bank. ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX. Freeholds in Splendid Market Position. TtyTESSRS. EYES and SONS, of 7, Mark-H-L lane, E.C., will Sell, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, January 26, 1899, at One o’clock, the FOUR extremely valuable and desirablv situated FREEHOLD SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES, each having good storage in the basement, with the use of a large yard in the rear, the whole forming a very valuable block of property in the very best market position in the town, known as Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, London-road, Enfield, producing an annual rental of £230, and let on repairing leases to first-class tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from Mr. Arthur E. Eves, solicitor, 7, Mark-lane, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers, of the same address. Capital Investments, at nominal :ground rents. ¥K FRED YARLEY will Sell by Auction, ־ILL at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, January 23, at Two, as follows: — FINSBURY-PARK.—The Rock, 68, Blackstock-road, valuable Corner Business Premises, handsomely fitted and intended for a fully-licensed public-house, but suitable for almost any business; estimated rental value, if licensed, £150; lease 73 years, at only £6. FINSBURY-PARK.—49, Wyatt-road, capital two-floor six-roomed Residence; let at £28; term 76 years, at £5. CLAPHAM.—Leasehold Ground Rent of £19 2s. per annum, secured on Nos. 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 and 47. Falcon-grove, Falcon-road; term 52 years, at a peppercorn.—Solicitor, H. B. Wedlake, Esq., Bank-chambers, Finsbury-park. FINSBURY - PARK. — 20, Romilly ־ road, double-fronted Semi-detached ten-roomed Residence; let at £45; term 66 years, at only £3. FINSBURY-PARK.—34 and 36, Ambler-road, two desirable non-basement seven-roomed Residences, let at £32 each; worth £40; term 66 years, at only £3 ground rent each per annum. Solicitors, Messrs. Ward, Perks and McKay, 85, Gracechurch-street. E.C. Particulars of the respective Solicitors; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneer, 1, Stroud-green-road, Finsbury-park Station, N. Telephone 203 K.C. TYAYID BURNETT and CO., -L' Late Bean, Burnett and Eldridge (Established 1863), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS, 15, NICHOLAS-LANE, LONDON, E.C. Telephone 5663 Bank. Sale January 24. MUSWELL-HILL.—Small Detached Freehold Residence, known as Palm Lodge, Sidney-road, with garden, stabling, and outbuildings. With possession.—Messrs. DAYID BURNETT1 and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, January 24. Particulars of Messrs. Reep, Lane and Co., solicitors, 4, Great St. Thomas Apostle, E.O.; or of the Auctioneers, 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. MUSWELL-HILL.—Eleven Plots of Freehold Building Land in Sidney, Birkbeck and Wetherill roads, ouite ripe for building small villas.—Messrs. D‘ AYID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, January 24. Particulars as in preceding advertisement. TOTTENHAM, Bruce-grove—Well-built Corner Villa Residence, with possession, No. 79, The Avenue; drawing and dining rooms, three bed rooms, bath room, and domestic offices ; nice garden.—Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and OO. will Sell the above on January 24. Particulars of Auctioneers, 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. SOUTH KENSINGTON.—Excellent Residence (No. 52, Redcliffe-road), containing three reception rooms, conservatory, six bed rooms. Lease 68 years; ground rent £10.—For Sale, with possession, by Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and CO., at the Mart, on Tuesday, January 24. Particulars of Messrs. Mullens and Bosanquet, solicitors, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.O.; or of the Auctioneers, 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. CHELSEA.—A Short Leasehold Investment, being Nos. 68 and 70, Beaufort-street, King’s-road. Lease 15 years unexpired. Ground rent £8. Underleased1 for whole term less ten days at £50, leaving a net income of £42.—Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, January 24. Particulars of Messrs. James and James, solicitors, 23, Ely-place, E.O.; or of the Auctioneers, 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. FURNITURE and EFFECTS removed from above, including excellent double circular fronted brougham, black mare, harness, donkey, etc.— Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above at the Rooms, No. 77, Chancery-lane, E.C., on Wednesday, January 25. Catalogues of Auctioneers, 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Sale February 14. Leasehold Ground Rents equal to Freehold.—Messrs. 'PjAYID BURNETT and CO. are instructed -L' by the Executors of Bouverie Deedes, Esq., to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Tnesday, February 14. LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS, amounting to £722 2s. per annum, thoroughly well secured upon 207 houses in Binus, Devonshire, and Duke roads, and Glebe and Dale streets, Chiswick, together with the reversion to the rack rentals, amounting to about £5,910 per annum on the expiration of the leases, in about 70 years; held for 999 years from 1868, and thus presenting an investment of the highest character, practically equal to freehold, and especially suitable for insurance companies and trustees. Particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Mullens and Bosanquet, solicitors, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Leasehold Ground Rents, £253 4s. per annum.—Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and CO. are instructed by the Executors of Bouverie Deedes, Esq., to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, February 14, in Seven Lots, LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS, amounting to £253 4s. per annum, exceedingly well secured upon 38 houses and shops in Barnwell, Rattray and Jelf roads, Brixton, of the rack rental value of £1,540 per annum; held' for about 73 years unexpired, at ־a nominal rent of £2 per annum for the whole. Particulars and conditions of sale as in preceding advertisement. SEVENOAKS.—Six well-built Dwelling Houses, Nos. 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12, Greatness-terrace, Seal-road (four minutes of the Bat and Ball Station); all let and producing £109 4s. per annum; lease 78 years ur.expired; ground rent £24 per ׳annum; affording a lucrative investment.—Messrs. DAYID BURNETT and CO. will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, February 14. Particulars as in preceding advertisement.