January 7, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 40 ïb Auction. Sales tg Eurtinn. ]X/TESSBS. GREEN and SON, ILL AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, Beg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION of FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, Life Policies, and Reversions, take place at the MART on the LAST FRIDAY In the MONTH, and on such other occasions as may be arranged.—Particulars are invited 21 days prior. IVi ESSRS. GREEN and SON undertake Ly-L SURVEYS and VALUATIONS of LAND and HOUSE PROPERTIES, as well as of Machinery and Plant, for Ratings, Compensations, Partnerships, Estate Duties, Dilapidations, Assessment Appeals, Fire Losses, Mortgages, and other purposes. Estates managed and rents collected under Receivership and other powers. lyTESSRS. GREEN and SON invite the at- HL tention of persons requiring money on mortgage to their MORTGAGE LIST, founded in the year 1853 (entered at Stationers’ Hall), which contains particulars of sums of money in the hands of trustees and solicitors by whom they are instructed to obtain securities. Auction, Land and Estate Offices, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane. London. E.O. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. ־jV/TESSRS. H. J. BLISS and SONS beg to -ILL notify that their Sales by Auction of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Business Premises, Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, and other Properties, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, at Two o’clock precisely, on the following Thursdays throughout the year 1899: — Thursday, January 19 Thursday, February 16 Thursday, March 16 Thursday, April 20 Thursday, May 11 Thursday, May 25 Thursday. June 8 Thursday, June 22 And at intermediate dates by special arrangement. Auction, Survey and Land Offices, 106, Cheapside, E.C.. and 164, Bethnal-green-road, N.E. Thursday, July 6 Thursday, July 20 Thursday, August 17 Thursday, September 21 Ihursday, October 19 Thursday, November 16 Thursday, December 14 By order of Mortgagees. & The old-established and world-renowned Hotel distinguished as THE QUEEN’S HOTEL, UPPER NORWOOD, Occupying a unique situation, on the summit of Sydenham-hill, well known for its bracing and salubrious air, and possessing a charming outlook over the vast expanse of the surrounding scenery and its own secluded pleasure grounds of Over Four Acres, Tastefully laid out in lawns, paths, flower beds, tennis lawns, kitchen and flower gardens, and other attractions. It is erected on a dry gravel soil, and stands at an elevation of nearly 400ft. above sea level, and is highly recommended by many London physicians as a residence for those seeking health, and being placed in the midst of a large residential neighbourhood, and close to London, with abundant facilities for access to the City, West-end, and all parts of the Metropolis, commands a large clientele of first-class visitors. The whole of the property, with the exception of a part of the gardens and a portion of the building, which can be separately let off, is Freehold, and' possesses a very valuable frontage of 298ft. to the main road, with a private entrance and front carriage sweep, also a side entrance to the stabling, with provides accommodation for 61 horses, with extensive coach-houses, and which is let off on lease to Thomas Tilling and Co. (Limited), at the low rent of £250 per annum. The hotel comprises apartments for about 120 residents, whilst the reception rooms, with entrance halls and vestibules, include the main dining room, private dining room for public and private dinners, smoking room, billard room, and 22 private sitting rooms. Mostly decorated in appropriate style, a large outlay having been recently made in considerable improvements and repairs. The kitchens and accessory offices are equal to the demands of the establishment. A considerable outlay has recently been made on the improvement of the drainage. The hotel has been established nearly half a century, and having the benefit of a very old-established full license, forms a very valuable freehold hotel establishment, and, being sold by the present vendors with the benefit of possession on completion of the purchase, forms an opportunity seldom met with of acquiring a freehold property of this nature for many purposes. TV/TESSRS. GREEN and SON will Sell the ILL above very valuable FREEHOLD (and part Leasehold) PROPERTY by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, January 27, 1899, at One for Two o’clock (unless previously disposed of by private contract). May be viewed only by cards from the Auctioneers, by permission of the occupiers, and on appointment being made. Particulars, plans, and other information may be obtained from A. Godfrey Wells, Esq., solicitor to the vendors, Founders’ Hall, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C.: and of Messrs. Green and Son, auctioneers and surveyors, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London. Sale Days for the Year 1899. Messrs. 1¡!׳ARE BROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, L BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. beg to announce that the undermentioned dates have been fixed for their AUCTIONS of FREEHOLD. Copyhold, and Leasehold ESTATES, Reversions, Shares. Life Interests, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. : — Thursday, Jan. 12 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, Aug.10 Thursday, Jan. 26 Thursday, June 8 Thursday,Sept.21 Thursday, Feb. 9 Thursday, June 22 Thursday, Oct. 12 Thursday, Feh. 23 Thursday, June29 Thursday. Oct.26 Thursday, Mar.9 Thursday, July 6 Thursday,Nov.16 Thursday, Mar. 23 Thursday, July 13 Thursday,Nov.28 Thursday, April 13 Thursday, July 20 Thursday, Dec. 7 Thursdav. april 27 Thursday, July 27 Thursday, Dec.14 Thursday, May 11 Thursday, Aug. 3 Other appointments for intermediate Sales will also be arranged. Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co. publish in the advertisement columns of “ The Times ” every Saturday a list of their forthcoming Sales by Auction. They also issue from time to time schedules of properties to be Let or Sold, comprising landed and residential estates, freehold and leasehold houses, City offices and warehouses, ground rents, and investments generally, which will be forwarded free of charge on application.—No. 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Auction Sales 1899. house-yard, E.C., for the year 1899, on the following days:- Wednesday, July 19tb. Wednesday, August 23rd. Wednesday, Sept. 20th. Wednesday, October 18th. Wednesday, Nov. 15th. Wednesday, Dec. 13th. Wednesday, January 18th. Wednesday, February 15th. Wednesday, March 15th. Wednesday, April 19th. Wednesday, May 17th. Wednesday. June 21st. Landed Estates, Town and Suburban Houses, Building Land, Ground Rents. Business Premises, Reversions. Shares and other Properties for absolute sale will be included in these sales on reasonable terms, which can be fixed beforehand if so desired. Auction and Survey Offices, 30 and 31, New Bridge-street, Ludgate-circus, London, E.C. Established 1852. Telephone Number 661 Bank. Telegrams, “ Bridging, London.” ־¡wr ESSRS. H. J. BLISS and SONS will Sell -ILL by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, on Thursday, January 19, 1899, at Two, the following INVESTMENTS: — By order of the Executors of Thomas Bolton, deceased, and another. VICTORIA-PARK.—Leasehold Dwelling House, 74, Sewardstone-road. Let at £28. Term 59 years. Ground rent £4 10s. HACKNEY-ROAD.—Leasehold Dwelling House, 36, Pritchard’s-road, producing £28 12s. Term 21 years. Ground rent £4. HACKNEY-ROAD.—Two Leasehold Dwelling Houses, 5 and 6, Emma-street, Pritchard’s-road, producing £44 4s. Term five years. Ground rent £8. ILFORD.—Plot of Freehold Building Land, situated in St. Mary’s-road. Frontage 14ft. 9in., depth 100ft. Messrs. Crossfield, Cushing and Wheldon, solicitors, 354, Hackney-road, N.E. LOWER CLAPTON.—Two Freehold Dwelling Houses, 83 and 89, Clifden-street, Brodley’s-walk. No. 83, rental value, £33 16s.; No. 89, let at £31 4s. HACKNEY - ROAD. — Seven Freehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 40 to 52 (even), Boston-street, producing £148 4s. HOXTON.—Four Freehold Dwelling Houses, 21 to 27 (odd), Hobb’s-place, High-street, producing £106 12s. LIMEHOUSE.—Three Copyhold Dwelling Houses, 43. 45 and 47, Church-row, producing £36 16s. WAPPING.—Two Freehold Dwelling Houses, 4 and 6, Red Lion-street, producing £32 10s. MILE END.—Freehold Dwelling House, 4, West-street. Let at £16, and taxes. Messrs. Keighley, Arnold and Sismey, solicitors, 37, Lincoln’s-inn-fields. By order of the Mortgagees. WALTHAMSTOW.—Two Freehold׳ Dwelling Houses, known as Oak and Rose Cottages, 14 and 16, Suffolk-park-road. Pretoria-avenue, St. James’s-street Station, producing £57 4s. Also a Plot of Building Land at side; frontage 30ft., depth 84ft.—R. Voss, Esq., solicitor, 173. Bethnal-green-road, N.E. BETHNAL-GREEN. — Four Leasehold Dwelling Houses, with range of Workshops in rear, Nos. 75 and 77, and 81 and 83, Barnet-grove. No. 77 let on repairing lease, and otherwise at rentals producing £360 12s. 8d. Term 24 years. Ground rent £50.— Messrs. Tatham, Oblein and Nash, solicitors. Mansion House-chambers, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. EDMONTON.—Four Leasehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 1, 3. 5 and 7, Exeter-road, Bounces-road, producing £53 6s. Term 84 years. Ground rent £11 10s. —Messrs. Baker Blaker and Hawes, solicitors, 117, Cannon-street. E.C. VICTORIA-PARK.—A Leasehold Dwelling House. 67. Strahan-road, Grove-road. Let at £28. Lease 52 years. Ground rent £5 10s—Messrs. Edell and Gordon, solicitors, 4. King-street, Cheapside. Particulars, with conditions of sale, had at the Mart; of the Solicitors, as above; and of the Auctioneers and Surveyors. 106, Cheapside, E.C.., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, N.E. ¿Bales t>s auction. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS 51, COLEMAN STREET, BANK, E.C ranch Offices i 213’ CLAPHAM ROAD. S.W. rancn unices j ^ CRANBR00K ROAD. ILFORD, E. Telephone Nos. City 45 (Bank) ; Hford 28 (Barking) a private wire connects the offices. Telegraphic Address—" Douglas Young, London.” MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and 00.’* ILL AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.Con the following dates throughout the ensuing year. January 11 May 10 September 13 January 25 May 24 September 27 February 8 JuDe 7 October il February 22 June 14 October 25 March 8 July 12 ! November 8 March 22 July 26 } November 22 April 12 August 16 December 6 April 26 August 23 | December 13 Auction Offices: 51, Coleman-street, Bank, E.C.; 213, Clapham-road, S.W.; and Ilford, E. Important Notice of Sale. By order of the Trustees. STREATHAM, TEDDINGTON and EARL’S-COURT. MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. •ILL have been instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, Japuary 25, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely:— Property. Rental per ann. Lease Gr’und Rent. STREATHAM.—A corner Residence, Redclyffe, Patsfield-rd. £55 88 £10 STREATHAM.-No. 17, Buck-lei gh-road £55 80 £10 10 STREaTHAM.-No. 45, Grey-fa ound-lane £45 80 £8 L0 STREATHAM.-Nos. 9, 11, 19, Tankerville-road £42 each 80 £8 each STREATHAM.-Nos. 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32, Ellison-road.. £40 each 80 EARL’S - COURT. — A noble corner Residence, No. 1, Earl’s-court-square, S.W. £140 72 £34 Also a FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £5 ICs., secured upon 1, Verona-villas, Princes-road, Tedding-ton. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at• the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Bennett and Co., solicitors, 68, Coleman-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. By order of the Executors of the late Mrs. C. M. Basset, deceased, 12, Sloane-gardens, S.W. MR. DAVID B. BRYETT (having sold the ILL Residence) has been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, upon the Premises, as above, on Wednesday and Thursday, January 11 and 12. 1899. at Twelve precisely each dav, the superior FURNITURE, comprising massive brass bedsteads, spring and hair mattresses, mahogany bed chamber suite, 7ft. mahogany winged wardrobe, marble top washstands, duchesse dressing tables, chest of drawers, Brussels, velvet pile, and Turkey carpets, a 6ft. inlaid Coromandel wood cabinet, amboyna. and inlaid marquetry fancy tables, seven-octave grand pianoforte in rosewood case by John Broad-wood and Sons, 6ft. ebonised and amboyna china cabinet, dark oak dining room suite. 6ft. sideboard. 15 carved back chairs in marone morocco, valuable collection of water-colour drawings by the following well-known artists: T. B. Hardy. W. A. Knell. R. H Carter. Rose Barton, H. G. Stormont. R. W. Frazer. Herbert Marshall, and Vernon Howard. Artist proof engravines. old coloured prints, marble statuettes Louis XIV. and grandfather clocks, girandoles, mirrors. Dresden. Chelsea, and decorative china ornaments, set of Jubilee coins, plate and plated articles, linen, Chubb’s safe, dinner, dessert, tea and breakfast services, kitchen coppers, cutlery, glass, and a variety of useful effects. Private view, by cards only, on Monday. January 9, and on view dav prior to sale. Catalogues at Auction Offices, 13, Sloane-square, S.W. OLD KENT-ROAD.—A commodious Freehold Shop and Premises, known as No. 118, Old Kent-road, S.E., together with Stable at the rear. Let to a substantial tenant at a rental of £85 per annum. —Solicitor, A. F. Douglas, Esq., 10, Old Jewry-chambers, E.C. CLAPHAM.—With possession.—A capital double-fronted Leasehold Family Residence, known as Clinton Lodge, No. 106, Lansdowne-road, containing six bed rooms, dressing and bath rooms, drawing, dining and! morning rooms, and ample domestic accommodation. The house is decorated in an artistic manner, and is in an excellent state of repair, and ready for immediate occupation. Rental value £80 per annum. Lease 42 vears. Ground rent £10.—Solicitors, Messrs. Loxdale, Jones and Co., 85, Gloucester-road, South Kensington. KENNINGTON.—A Semi-detached Pair of Short Leasehold Houses, known as Nos. 66 and1 68, Henry-street, Upper Kennington-lane. No. 66 let to a weekly tenant, producing £41 12s. per annum. No. 68 let to a quarterly tenant at a rental of £32 per annum. Together they produce a total rental of £73 12s. per annum. Lease nine years; ground rent £5 5s. each. STOCKWELL.—A compact Leasehold House and Stabling, No. 24, Love-lane, let to two weekly tenants, producing a yearly income of £52. Lease 42 years; ground rent £10.—Solicitor, H. F. P. Roberts, Esq., 7, Gray’s-inn-place, W.C. MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. -ILL wiii Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, January 25, at Two precisely. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained I at the Mart, E.C.; of the Solicitors; and of the I Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-/ road, S.W., and Ilford, E. Salts t£ Eucitiin. By order of Trustees. Leasehold Ground Bents, amounting to £128 per annum, well secured upon 21 sets of stabling, situate Nos. 1 to 30 (inclusive), Chepstow Tavern-mews, Westbourne-grove, W., of the estimated rack rental value of £550 per annum. Held for a term, of which 44i years are unexpired, free of head rent. TX/TESSKS. BEARD and SON will Sell by XYX Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, January 18, 1899, at Two p.m., the above-mentioned GBOUND BENTS, in Two Lots, of £102 and £26 per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Welman and Sons, solicitors, 76b, Westbourne-grove, and 9, Southampton-street, W.C.; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 110, Westbourne-grove, W. By order of the Westbourne-park Permanent Building Society, who are removing to larger premises. Shop Property, occupying a good position in an important business thoroughfare, and Stabling at rear. MR. HARRY GLENDENNING BEARD (of the firm of BEABD AND SON) will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, B.C., on Wednesday, January 18, 1899, at Two p.m., the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTY: — . POBCHESTER-BOAD, BAYSWATEB.—A capital Shop and House, No. 56, of the estimated annual value of £120. With the advantage of vacant possession at an early date. OELBBIDGE-MEWS, Nos. 1 and 2.—Immediately at the rear of the above-named shop and house. Stable, coach-houses, and workshop, let on repairing lease until Christmas, 1902, at £50 per annum. Held for an unexpired term of about 45J years at low ground rents of £8 and £7 respectively. Particulars of Thos. Eichards, Esq., solicitor, 44, Finsbury-square, E.C.; and at the Auctioneer’s Offices, 110, Westbourne-grove, W. Be Sidney Henry Harriss, Esq., deceased. A Fully-licensed corner Publichouse and Shop Property in a good thoroughfare, offering sound leasehold investments. TV/TESSRS. BEARD and SON will Sell by ILL Auction, at the Mart, E.C.. on Wednesday, January 18, 1899, at Two p.m., the following excellent INVESTMENTS :- Bv order of the Mortgagees.—Re E. T. Hooley’s bankruptcy.—ISLE OF WIGHT.—On the Solent.— Small choice compact Residential. Agricultural and Sporting Estate, containing about 225 acres, situate midwav between Cowes and Wootton. immediately adjoining Osborne (Her Majesty’s island residence), and known as Palmers, with farm buildings, etc., and offering unique advantages for erection of a mansion or development as a building estate. MARVINS will Sell by Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, London, on Friday, January 27. 1899. at Two o’clock precisely. Particulars of Messrs. Lane. Fagge and Co., solicitors. Fitzalan House, Arundel-street. Strand. W.C.; or of the Auctioneers, Prince’s-buildings. Cowes. Sale of Freehold and Leasehold Properties. MESSRS. ARTHUR ALDRIDGE and CO. -ILL win Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, January 26, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the following valuable PROPERTIES : — HYDE-PARK, W.—No. 1, Hyde-park-place, containing 14 bed rooms and dressing rooms, bath room, five reception rooms, large inner and outer halls, and full domestic offices.—Solicitors, Messrs. Trower, Freeling and! Park, 5, New-square. Lincoln’s-inn, W.C. MARGATE, Cliftonville.—Nos. 1 and 2, Second-avenue.—Two Freehold newly erected red brick Residences, with stone dressings, and each containing seven bed rooms, bath room, three good reception rooms, large square entrance, and excellent domestic offices; each has a frontage of 42ft. Also Piece of Freehold Land opposite, with 105ft. frontage and depth of about 80ft.—Solicitors, Messrs. F. J. Macarthur and Co., 33, King-street, Cheapside, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the respective Solicitors; at the Mart, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 79, Park-street, Grosvenor-square, London. W. Registered Telegraphic Address, “ Require, London.” Telephone No. 2825 Gerrard. Term. Gr’d R’nt /91years\ from ! Sept. 29 f ( 1853 J £10 0 0 ,99 ־ years) from Dec. 25, f 1844 j 7 7 0 Ditto 7 7 0 £130 55 50 The fully-licensed Corner) Public-house, known as the Oxford, 90 and 92, Portobello - road. W., underleased at £130 per annum, for a term expiring Sept. 29,1936, when an increased rent and considerable premium on renewal may confidently be anticipated.. J No. 228,Westbourne-grove,) W. — A double-fronted i Shop and Dwelling ׳ House. Let until March ( next, at the low rent of | per annum.. •• J No. 43, Archer-street, Westbourne-grove.—Shop and Dwelling House. Let for 21 years from Midsummer, 1898, at per annum.. Particulars of Wellington Taylor, Esq., solicitor, 39 Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 110, Westbourne-grove, W._____________ ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX. Freeholds in Splendid Market Position. MESSRS. EVES and SONS, of 7, Mark-lane, E.C., will Sell, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, January 26, 1899, at One o’clock, the FOUR extremely valuable and desirably situated FREEHOLD SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES, each having good storage in the basement, with the use of a large yard in the rear, the whole forming a very valuable block of property in the very best market position in the town, known as Nos. 1, 2, 3 ana 4, London-road, Enfield, producing an annual rental of £230, and let on repairing leases to first-class tenants. . Particulars and conditions of sale may he obtained from Mr. Arthur E. Eves, solicitor, 7, Mark-lane, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers, of the same address. SHEPHERD’S BUSH, NOTTING-HILL, WESTBOURNE-PARK, HAMMERSMITH, and FULHAM. MR. ALFRED PREEOE will Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Bush Hotel, Shepherd’s Bush-green, on Tuesday,, January 17, 1899, at Eight o’clock in the Evening precisely, THIRTY-THREE PROPERTIES, situate at Ellerslie-road׳, Leffern-road, Melina-road, Shepherd’s ^ush; Acklam-road, Blagrove-road, Bangor-street, Talbot-grove (shops), Ladbroke-grove, Raymede-street, Silchester-terrace, Swin-brook-road, Notting-hill; All Saints’-road (shop), Tavistock-crescent, Edenham-street, Southam-street, Westbourne-park; Overstone, Mall, and Raynham roads, Hammersmith; May-street, Fulham. The whole producing rentals amounting to £1,010 16s. per annum. The properties may be viewed by permission of the tenants. Particulars can be had at the place of sale; of the Solicitors, Messrs. Leggatt, Rubinstein and Co., ־ 5, Raymond-buildings, Gray’s-inn, W.C.; and at the Auctioneer’s Office, 31, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, W.C. Dates of Sales at the Mart. E.C.. 1899. MESSRS. ROGERS, CHAPMAN and ILL THOMAS beg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION of FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, and other Securities, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the following days, at Two precisely: — Tuesday, January 17. Tuesday, June 13. Tuesday, February 14. Tuesday, July 11. Tuesday, March 14. Tuesday, September 12. Tuesday, April 11. Tuesday, October 17, Tuesday, May 9. | Tuesday, November 21. Arrangements can be made for other dates if desired, and terms for the sale of house property, furniture, and effects by auction, also for valuation for probate and other purposes, surveys, specifications. etc., may be obtained on application at the Auction and Survey Offices, No. 78. Gloucester-road. South Kensington, 50, Belgrave-road, S.W., and Earl’s-court, S.W. ־MESSRS. DANIEL SMITH, SON and ■ILL OAKLEY. Land Agents. Surveyors and Auctioneers, 10, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, S.W., beg to announce that the following days have been fixed for their Auction Sales in 1899. at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. : — Wedne^d ay, February. 15. Wednesday, March 8. 22. Wednesday, April 12. 26. w־edrecday. May 10. !7. 24. Wednesday, June 7.21, 28. Wednesday. Julv 5.12.19. Wednesday, August 2, 9. Telegrams, “ Yelkao, London.” Telephone No. 1474 Gerrard. MESSRS. WARE AND CARPMAEL, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS & LAND AGENTS 30a,Lmcoln’s Inn Fields (corner of Searle Street). Firm: A. W. Wake, H. Carpmael, F.S.I. Sales bv Auction of Lauded Estates, Freehold and Leasehold Property, Ground Rents, Reversions, Stocks and Shares, and other securities held periodically at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard (also by private treaty), at moderate and fixed charges. Valuations for Probate Mortgage. Compensation a^d other purposes. Surveys of Building Estates, Dilapidations, and Sanitation. Special attention given to Rent Collection and Estate Management. Telegraphic Address, “ Demur,” London. Foithcoming Sales for the Year 1899. MESSES. E. and H. LUMLEY (Burnley’s, of St. James’s House, 22, St. James’s-street, London, S.W.) beg to announce the following days of SALE by AUCTION for the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.; but, in addition, other dates can be arranged for special sales.—Terms on application. Tuesday, Jan. 17 Tuesday June 6 Tuesday, Sep. 12 Tuesday, Feb. 14 Tuesday, June 20 Tuesday, Oct. 17 Tuesday, Mar. 14 Tuesday, July 4 Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuesday, April25 Tuesday, July 18 Tuesday, Nov. 28 Tuesday, May 23 Tuesday, Aug. 15 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Messrs. E. and H. Lumley announce in the advertisement columns of ״ The Times ” on Saturdays a complete list of their sales, which will include estates in England, Ireland and Scotland, town and country properties, ground rents, reversions, gas and water shares, stocks, etc. In cases where property is to be included ample notice should be given in order to insure due publicity. St. James’s House. No. 22. St. James’s-street. S.W. WH. COLLIER, F.S.I., Auctioneer to the • BRITISH LAND COMPANY for many years, undertakes the development and Sale of Building Estates in all parts of the country, makes valuations of Landed Estates and House Property, prepares and negotiates Railway Claims, and obtains Mortgages Building Land wanted to purchase, and advances made on Freeholds.—Address, 130, Strand, W.C., late of Moorgate-street. Printed and Publishea by the Proprietor. Frank P. Wilson, at the Estates Gazette Printing Works, No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, E.O.