January 7, 1899. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS Supplement to the Estates Gazette. THRAPSTON. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. GEORGE SIDDONS, AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AGENT, TENANT-EIGHT AND PROBATE VALUER, THRAPSTON. Branch Offices at Onndle and Higham Ferrers. Attendance at Northampton Market every Saturday a,t Grand Hotel 10.30 to 11.30■____ TIVERTON, DEVON. OOOi ARK BIRMINGHAM, AUOTCONMM, VALUERS, LAND AGENTS, SCE-VBT0B8, STEWARDS AND BAILIFFS UNDER THE LAW OF DISTRESS AMENDMENT AOT. Branch Office at Crediton. TORQUAY. 00X k BON, AUGTIBREERZ, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AIENTS i, VICTORIA FARADS, TORQUAY. Gentlemen desiring to rent or purchase Residential Estates, Houses, Ac״ in Devonshire or the West of England should apply as above, when the fulleit information will be impplied, __________Established iso*._____ TOTNES, DEVONSHIRE. BOURNE AND SON, J־.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS, AND SURVEYORS, ___________TOTNES.______________ TROWBRIDGE, WILTS. FOLEY, BON AND MUNDY,F.8.I.,F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SURVEYORS, AND GENERAL VALUERS. Auction Mart and Offices:—TROWBRIDGE, WILTS., Established over a Half Century. Telegraphic Address :—“Foleys, Trowbridge.” H. MUNDY, F.S.I., Valuer appointed by the Wiltshire County Council under the Finance Act, 1894. TUNBRIDGE WELLS Fatah! *ter Free. Telegram* “ Original,'• Offices: 3, The Pantiles, TUNBRIDGE WELLS TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Estates, Residences, Faims, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Building Land, Ground Rents, &c. LANGRIDGE AND FREEMAN, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Farm and Timber Valuers and Surveyors, Tunbridge Wells, Kent; and 28, Queen-street, Cheapside, London, E.C., publish a Register of Estates, Residences, etc.. To be Let or Sold in Kent, Sussex, Surrey and elsewhere ; also a separate List of Farms to Let, which may be bad gratis on application at their Offices. Particulars of Properties inserted in the Registers free of charge.______ UPWELL & ISLE OF ELY ELWORTHY k BON, LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS AND SURVEYORS. Mg"Wisbech Market, Thursday*. UXBRIDGE. WILLIS AND CROUCH, (Established 1869), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 90, ST. ANDREWS, UXBRIDGE, ־_____And 29. Basin ghall Street. E.O._ WADHURST. SUSSEX. H. J. AUSTEN & SONS, P.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, TIMBER, TENANT - RIGHT AND GENERAL AGRICULTURAL VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS, Ac. Proprietors of the Wadhurst Fortnightly Auction Cattle Market. ( MARLING PLACE 1 Offices I AND > WADHURST. I GRAY LOUGH \ WAKEFIELD. HO WO ATE AND CHAPMAN, LAND AGENTS. AUCTIONEERS A SURVEYORS SOUTHGATE. WALSALL, STAFFORDSHIRE, AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND SURVEYOR. Offices A Mart, The Bridge. -- a SALES of Properties, Estates, Collieries, Ironworks, Furniture, Pictures, &c. Valuations for Probate, Mortgage and Transfer. WALTHAM CROSS, N. JOSEPH TYDEMAN, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT,