January 7, 1899. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS Supplement to the Estates Gazette. DERBY. J. and W. HEATHOOTE F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT, PRORATE, HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUERS, LAND * ESTATE AGENTS , C W. HEATHOOTE. Member a oi the Firm. J PARTRIDGE. H!flTA'RTJTaiTniT> DERBY, JNO. JACKSON, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, LAND, HO USE, & ESTATE AGENT, Sales of Estates, House Property, Farming Stock, Household Furniture, Pictures, Works of Art. Valuations made for Probate, Transfer, Mortgage, etc. Mortgages negotiated. Offices : 6, MARKET PLAGE, DERBY DERBYSHIRE. WILLIAM WATSON & SON, auotionebbs, Land and Estate Agents, agki- OULTUBAL AND GENEBAL VALUERS. Sales of Estates, Timber, House Property, Farming Stock, Household Furniture, Pictures, Works of Art, &c., also of Building and Colliery Plant, Valuation, for Probate, Succession Duty, Transfer, Mortgage, &e Bents collected and Estates managed. Offices Sstablished 18891■______________________ DEREHAM, NORFOLK. Auctioneer and Valuer, __ ■c? Estate Agent, ___--* Telegrams : “Cranmer, Dereham.” Offices: QUEBEC STREET. DEVONSHIRE. MESSRS. HUSSEY AND SON (Established oyer a century!, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, AGRICULTCR 4.L TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER AND OTHER VALUERS, EXETER, DEVON. Stock, Timber, and all Classes of Sales and Valuations undertaken on Moderate Terms. Telephone: No. 21, Exeter. etc., etc. ry&O DONCASTER. Auctioneers. S ur vey ors.Tenant • right Hotel and General Valuers, St. GEORGE GATE, DONCASTER DETAILS given in all Tenant-right Valuations. References to landowners,land agents and farmers, who have tried and approve of the system pA fo»S DORCHESTER. HY. DUKE AND SON, F.S.I., LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. DORCHESTER & WIMBORNE. T. ENSOR (Late Baker and Ensor). Established over Eighty years, AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND LAND AGENT. Bales of Farm Stock held at Dorchester, Wimborne, Blandford and Wareham. DORKING (SURREY.) WHITE AND SONS, F.S.I., F.A.I., LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. Established 1817• ON FRIDAYS AT LEATHERHEAD. DOVER. FLASHMAN & 00., Upholsterer» to the Queen, AUCTIONEERS״ VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. Proprietors of the Oastlb Street Sale Rooms jvhich are always open for the reception of Household Furniture, Objects d’Art, Vertu, j > ^ *.....for Mortgage and Probate. Insurance Agent. Valuations made BURNLEY. J. H. HOWARTH, Auctioneer and Valuer, COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, BURNLEY. Sales and Valuations of all Descriptions Undertaken. BURY. HENRY AINSWORTH, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Farming Stock and Furniture Salesman, Licensed to value for Wills, Letters of Administration, etc. Auctioneer to the War Department. BUXTON. HAMPSON BROS., ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS HOUSE, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENTS 20, SPRING GARDENS. Nat. Telephone, No. 38. CARDIFF. STEPHENSON & ALEXANDER, auctioneers, surveyors, land agents and valuers, Office.: 5, HIGH STREET. CARDIFF. GOTTWALTZ, BOWRING & PERRY Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate Agents, &c. Extensive and well lighted Rooms for the Sale of all classes of Property. LEWIS GOTTWALTZ, R. A. BOWRING, F. L. PERRY. Office:—11, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. CARDIFF. OFFICE FOB WELSH ESTATES AND RESIDENCES S. HERN * PERTWEE, F.S.I. (by exam), F.A.I., (Proprietor• of “ South Wales Property Gazette,” ESTATE, HOUSE * LAND AGENTS. AUCTIONEERS, 94 ST, MARY STREET CARDIFF. 1 K»tabli»hed 1844. COLCHESTER. ERNEST S. BEARD, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, LAND SURVEYOR, HEAD GATE, COLCHESTER, HIGH STREET. BRIGHTLINGSEA. COi-CHESrcR, ESSEX SEXTON & GRIMWADE, Auctioneers, Valuebs, Estate Agents and Land Subveyobs. Branch Offices— MARKET PLAGE, HAD LEIGH. Weekly Sales at Colchester and Hadleigh. Monthly Horse Sides at Ooleheater and Ipawlek, CARLISLE. CASTIGLIONE AND GIBBINGS, Auctioneers, Land Agents, Valuers, and Surveyors, LOWTHER STREET, CARLISLE-CARLISLE. R. DALTON AND SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, Land and Estate Agents, CITY HALL, CASTLE STREET, CARLISLE. CARMARTHEN. JOHN FRANCIS, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, VALUER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT Offices: — \■ NOTT SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. CARNFORTH. M. CAPS TICK, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, 37, HILL STREET, CARNFORTH. CHATHAM. W. E. R. RANDALL, AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND APPRAISER TO H.M. GOVERNMENT BOROUGH AUCTION MART, 171, HIGH STREET. Dealer in Local Stocks % Shares. CHELMSFORD. G. B. HILLIARD AND SON, F.S.I., UOTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Weekly Salks of Stock. Established over a Quarter of a Century.