Janttaby 7, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 30 Somersetshire. Newtown—Greenslade and Kidner, of Taunton, at Buckland St. Mary, on January 17, residential and business properties Bedminster—C. J. Hole and Son, of Bristol, at same, on January 11, Freehold property Midsomer Norton (near)—George Ferris Powell (Messrs. Powell and Powell), at Bath, at same, on January 17, Leasehold cottage property Surrey. Witley—Messrs. Mellersh, of Godaiming, at same, on January 20, Freehold building land of about eight acres Sussex. Lewes (near)—Bullock and1 Sadler, of Brighton, at same, on January 24, licensed properties Brighton—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on January 31, Freehold residence Warwickshire. Birmingham— Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on January 19, Freehold and Leasehold properties Coventry (near)—Joseph Ashley, of Coventry, at same, on January 11, Freehold estate of about 41 acres Birmingham—Grove and Baker, of Birmingham, at same, on January 20, Freehold residence and Leasehold investments Birmingham—Thomas and Bettridge, of Birmingham, at same, on January 24, Freehold and Leasehold properties Leamington Spa—J. Anthony Locke, of Leamington Spa, at same, on January 19, Freehold business premises Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on January 26, Leasehold residences and shops Worcestershire. Stourbridge—Oates, Perrens and Wooldridge, of Stourbridge, at same, on January 20, Freehold licensed property Yorkshire, Ilkley—W. G. ¡Stansfield and Co., of Bradford, at Ilkley, on January 14, Freehold dwelling houses and building land Doncaster—W. H. Dewhurst, of Doncaster, at same, on January 9, Freehold1 dwelling house Morley—Whitham and Sons, of Morley, at same, on January 18, residential properties Clifford—Stephenson and Son, of York, at Clifford, on January 25, Freehold dwelling house and land Leeds—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on January 16, Freehold dwelling houses Sheffield—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on January 10, The Burton Weir Works, L, also Machinery and Plant Sheffield—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, at Sheffield, at same, on January 17, Leasehold dwelling houses Wales. Cardiff—J. T. Saunders, of Cardiff, at same, on January 19, Leasehold property Llanbadrig—-J. Pritchard and Porter, of Bangor, at Llangefni, on January 26, Tithe rent charges Herefordshire. Hereford (near)—F. H. Merrick, of Hereford, at same, on January 12, Claremont House, F Hertfordshire. i Baldock—Edward Smith, of Baldock, at same, on j January 13, Freehold dwelling house and shop Kent. Maidstone—R. Waterman and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on January 19, Freehold properties and Chart Sutton and Maidstone—R. Waterman and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on January 26, Freehold properties Lancashire. Lancaster—J. P. Baines, of Lancaster, at same, on January 12, school house Southport—J. Hatch, of Southport, at same, on January 11, Leasehold residence Warrington (near)—Thomas Sutton and Sons, of Warrington, at same, on January 18, Freehold farm, comprising about 23 acres Leicestershire. Hal hern—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at Hathern, on January 25, Freehold cottages and shop Lincolnshire. Louth (near)—John Taylor and Son, of Louth, at same, on January 11, Freehold property Monmouthshire. Abergavenny—Straker and Son, of Abergavenny, at same, on January 10, Freehold licensed property, dwelling houses and land Norfolk. Hunstanton—Ingram, Watson and Sons, of Hunstanton, at same, on January 11, residence Yarmouth—T. W. Warren, of Yarmouth, at same, on January 10, Freehold and other properties Nottinghamshire. Nottingham—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at same, on January 18, Leasehold property Nottingham—W. M Whitehead, of Nottingham, at same, on January 11, Freehold' property Oxfordshire. Woodstock—Franklin and Jones, of Oxford, at same, on January 21. Leasehold licensed property Shropshire. Whittington—Whitfield and Son, of Oswestry, at same, on January 17, Freehold land I Cornwall. Saltash—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on January 10, Freehold residence Penzance—Edward Eve, of Penzance, at same, on January 17, dwelling house Germoe—John Coad, of St. Keverne, at Helston, on January 18, Freehold properties Cumberland. Carlisle—Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at Carlisle, on January 16, Freehold licensed property, and dwelling houses Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on January 9, Freehold land Derbyshire. Derby—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at same, on January 27, Freehold properties and shares Devonshire. Dartmoor—Ward and Chowen, of Tavistock, at same, on January 11, Stannon Manor Estate Exeter—A. Bromley Sanders, of Exeter, at same, on January 17 and 18, Furniture, etc. Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on January 12, The St. Andrew’s Terrace Property, Freehold Plymouth—Rowland Hambly, of Plymouth, at same, on January 31, The Mount Pleasant Hotel, F Plymouth—Parkhouse and Sons, of Plymouth, at same, on January 12, Freehold dwelling house Plymouth—Gilchrist and Bishop, of Plymouth, at same, on January 19, Freehold building land Plymouth—'Woolland and Sons, of Plymouth, at same, on January 17, Freehold' residence Dorsetshire. Marnhull—Senior and Godwin, of Sturminster Newton, at Marnhull, on January 12, Freehold dwelling house Durham. Shildon—Joseph Holmes, of Shildon, at same, on January 9, Freehold dwelling houses Gloucestershire. Gloucester (near)—Bruton, Knowles and Co.., of Gloucester, at same, early in March, Wotton Court Estate, 206 acres Cheltenham—Engall, Cox and Co., of Cheltenham, at same, on January 26, cottage and land Bristol—C. II. Tucker, of Bristol, at same, on January 18, business premises Bristol—C. H. Tucker, of Bristol, at Kingsdown, on January 19, Freehold and Leasehold dwelling houses Hants. Winchester—Gudgeon and' Sons, of Winchester, at same, on January 18, Freehold residential property and building land Ar.dover—Frederick Ellen (F. Ellen and Son), of Andover, at same, on January 13, Freehold landed estate comprising about 30 acres Southsea—Penney and Clark, of Southsea, at same, on January 17, Freehold properties He thought if the Government had pressed on the Commission that such a report should he made, they would have succeeded in persuading them to do it. As things now were, it was a mere chance, in his judgment, as to whether they would be able to persuade Government to take it up, or Parliament to pass a Bill if the Government did take it up. There would be very strong opposition, he was sure, to putting tithe owners on the same level as occupiers of land, but he thought they were doing quite the right thing in pressing the matter. He was quite ready to bring the matter before the Bishops and see whether the Episcopal bench could take it up. He would discuss it with them, and if they were willing to join him he would be quite ready to attempt to influence the Government. In a matter of that sort they could not always predict what was the best mode of dealing with Government, and, therefore, he could not speak about that. He would do his best, but in what way he could not say until he had made inquiries. He would bring the question before the Bishops, and try to get them to take it up as a matter affecting the Church. He thought Cabinets were, generally speaking, very difficult to move when׳ they asked them to anticipate a report of a Commission now sitting. Mr. Peterson: They anticipated that report in the case of the Agricultural Bates Act, 1896, because the Commission is sitting to inquire into the burdens upon all ratepayers. The Archbishop : Ah, yes ; of course. The Bev. E. E. Gepp pointed out that they were only asking for the same temporary relief which had been granted to others, pending the report of the Boyal Commission. The deputation then withdrew. FORTHCOMING SALES BY AUCTION IN THE COUNTRY. London Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere. All announcements of sales should reach our Office by the first post on Thursday morning, or they cannot appear in the paper of the Saturday following. Berkshire. Beading—Simmons and Sons, of Beading, at same, on January 17, Freehold licensed premises Abingdon—Harris and Jackson, of Abingdon, at same, on January 19, Freehold properties Lambourn (near)—Dreweatt and Watson, of Newbury, at same, on January 17, Freehold property Buckinghamshire. Badnage, and Great Marlow—Eaffety and Son, of High Wycombe, at same, on January 13, meadows and pasture land BARNARDS, LANDSCAPE GARDENING. W. INNES STUCKEY, Landscape Gardener, 46, ־Dyne-road, Brondesbury, N.W. 13 Years with Mr. H. E. MILNEB. NORWICH. SPECIAL OFFER. TSAAC MATTHEWS & SON can supply— A AUCUBAS, from 1 to 4 feet; OVAL PRIVET, from 2 to 5 feet, bushy; THORN QUICKS; RHODODENDRONS in variety. An immense quantity. All Sorts and Sizes. HODGESII and other FANCY HOLLIES, LAURELS, YEWS, CONIFERS, FOREST and other TREES. Price List on application. Nurseries are 120 acres in extent. Inspection invited. THE NURSERIES, MILTON, STOKE-ON-TRENT. nOGS-RACKHAMS DISTEMPER BALLS. M? The only cure known. Has been used in the Principal Kennels nearly Fifty Years. Price Is., 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. HOGS — RACKHAM'S JAPANESE WORM U BALLS AND POWDERS-SentdTUC medicine necessary. Price Is., 2s. 6d., and 5s., free 2d. extra DOGS-RADKHAM’S TONIC CONDITION DAI I C are invaluable for Greyhounds. Stud, DALLu also Exhibition Dogs. Price Is2 ״s. 6d., 5s., free 2d. extra. nOGS-RACKHAM’S KATALEPRA. - cure־ U Bed Mange, Eczema. and all Skin Diseases. Price Is.,2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. Dogs-rackham s japan soap for Washing Dogs. Prevents Skin Diseases. Kills all Vermin. Tablets, 6d. and Is., post free 2d. extra. -RACKHAM’S PUPPY WORM BALLS imp for Puppies of all Breeds and Toy Dogs. New Remedy, Safe and Effectual. Price Is., 2s. 6d., 5s., and 10s. 'free 2d. extra. RACKHAM’S ANTI-DISTEMPER onrnirm For the Prevention and Cure of Ortulriu. Distemper. With Young Puppies its effects are marvellous. This remedy contagion at Shows. Price 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s. per box, free 2d. extra. Dogs - rackhams Norfolk hound IUICAI flD RI®GUITS Dogsbe8tM?e IBs. per cwt. Advice Gratis in all Diseases of Dogs. ST. PETER’S. NORWICH , RACKHAM & CO., MAIDSTONE and KENTISH JOURNAL 1YJ- and SOUTH EASTERN ADVERTISER, MAIDSTONE. Established 1876, the Largest Circulation in the County of Kent and neighbouring Counties, circulated extensively and most exclusively amongst the higher and middle classes; forms an excellent medium for advertising every description of property, and for making every kind of public announcement. Published every Thursday and¡ Saturday, price Id., unstamped. The “ Journal" is the most influential newspaper in the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and the South Eastern District, in which it is the recognised Conservative organ, and is extensively circulated among the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and the Commercial Classes. It therefore offers to Solicitors, Auctioneers, Estate and Land Agents, Public Companies, and every class of trades a valuable opportunity of laying their proposals before the public. The “ Journal ’ contains full reports of the Provincial and County Markets, and during the season ,special reports of the Foreign and Home Hop markets MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER to H.M.’s Government, Council of India, Science and Art Department, Admiralty, &c. Mathematical, drawing & surveying INSTRUMENTS of every description of the highest quality and finish, at the most moderate Çrices. Price Lists post free. Engine Divider to the rade.—Ad •ress : GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. PLANTING SEASON. HARDILY-GROWN Forest, Fruit, & all other Trees & Plants Evergreens, Roses, &e. Stocks quite Unequalled for “QUALITY,” “VARIETY,” & “EXTENT.־' Priced Catalogues Post Free. Nurseries PUCOTCD (ISO Acres) unto I tn. .Dicksons Established 1774. THE “ CUMBERLAND PACQUET ” AND WARE’S WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER (Published every Thursday Morning), IS the Oldest Newspaper in either Cumberland, Westmorland, or Durham. The organ of the Conservative Party in West Cumberland. Full reports of all local events. Having an extensive and influential circulation throughout the county, the “ Cumberland Pacquet ” furnishes one of the best mediums for advertising. PRICE ONE PENNY. RATING.—This work, which is written from a Surveyor’s standpoint, gives under three heads—Principles, Practice and Procedure—a clear and comprehensive survey of all the matters appertaining to this difficult subject. In addition to the pages devoted to the rating of land and buildings, exhaustive chapters are devoted to the complex point« arising out of the rating of Railways, Canals, Tramways, Gas and Water Companies, Docks, Harbours and Piers.—By Michael Faraday (Rating Surveyor), the Legal Matter revised by Stanley A. Latham, LL.B., of the Parliamentary Bar, A.I.C.A., F.R.S.S. Net Cash Price 10s. 6d.-ESTATES GAZETTE office. WATER SUPPLIES. Subterranean streams discovered. Approximate depth and yield estimated. Unsatisfactory existing supplies tested. All works of water supply carried out. Estimates furnished Free. Highest Testimonials at Home and Abroad. Patronised by His Highness the Khedive, the Egyptian Government, and extensively throughout the United Kingdom. LEICESTER GATAKER, Water Expert, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST—SUPPER. THE BUKY and NOBWICH POST, published every Monday night for Tuesday morning. Price One Penny. For more than 100 Years the High-class County Newspaper. The BURY and NORWICH POST is the only weekly paper published on Tuesdays circulating in the Agricultural Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, and the Isle of Elv. The BURY and NORWICH POST is published in time for the important markets of Bury St. Edmunds, Ipswich. Norwich, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Halesworth and Harleston, and has a larger postal circulation among farmers and the capitalist classes than any other weekly newspaper in the Eastern Counties. Offices : 19, Abbeygate-street, Bury St Edmunds.