Januaby 7, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 10 1 BIRMINGHAM. GRIMLEY & SON, F.S.I., Auctioneers- Surveyors and Estate Agents. SHEFFIELD, YORKSHIRE and DERBYSHIRE. HORSHAM, 8U8SEX. MESSRS, KING AND CH&SEMORE, F.S.I., Land and Timber Surveyors. . charming Residential Estate, delightfully situated near church and village, four miles from Horsham, and three miles from two railway stations, on high ground, commanding beautiful views, comprising an excellent modern Family Residence, approached by a long carriage drive through prettily timbered parkland, containing xi bed rooms, fitted bath room, entrance hall, three reception rooms, and excellent offices, good stabling for nine horses, groom’s room, coach-house, harness room, pleasure gardens, tennis lawn, bailiff’s house, and1 ample farm buildings. The residence is of a picturesque style of architecture, with good sanitary arrangements, and was specially built for the owner’s occupation. The estate comprises 75 acres of grass and woodland, with good ponds and small stream.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham, Sussex. SURREY, NEWDIGATE, about three miles from a railway station.—To be Let. an excellent Farm of about 354 acres, of which 220 acres are meadow and pasture, 120 acres arable, and the remainder woodland, homestead, etc. Commodious old-fashioned farmhouse, surrounded by a moat, containing attics, six bed rooms, and store room, approached by old oak staircase, two good reception rooms, business room, kitchen, dairy and good offices; pleasure and kitchen gardens, extensive well-arranged farm buildings and two cottages. The farm is well watered, and is in a first-rate state of cultivation, having been farmed by the owner for many years past, and is admirably adapted for the carrying of a large herd of cattle.—Rent moderate. —For further particulars apply to Messrs. King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham Sussex. DEVONSHIRE. MESSRS. HUSSEY & SON (Established over a Century), Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Agricultural, Tenant-Right, Timber and other Valu ers, EXETER, DEVON. Stock, Timber, and all Classes of Sales and Valuations undertaken on Moderate Terms. Telephone : No. 21, Exeter. ־DEVONSHIRE.—For Sale, desirable Free- J׳-־ hold. Estate, situate within three miles of market town and railway station, containing 306 acres, with farmhouse and outbuildings, in the occupation of excellent tenant at the low rental of £160 per annum.—Price £3,200. DEVONSHIRE.—Cullompton (near).—For XJ Sale, valuable and compact Freehold Estate, containing 47 acres (mostly pasture and watered meadow), with suitable farmhouse and outbuildings. Rent £99.—Price £2,200. Tj^OR SALE, near Teignmouth, South Devon) -A- a very desirable Freehold Residential Property, occupying an elevated, healthy position, commanding on all sides extensive views, with detached stables, coach-house, poultry houses, piggeries and tool houses, two vegetable gardens, lawn, grass paddock and other lands, together comprising upwards of 14 acres. The house contains three reception rooms, five bedrooms, bath room, w.c., kitchen, and the usual domestic offices.—Price £5,250, or offer—For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, as above. LONDON AND BERKSHIRE. Wm. R. NICHOLAS & Co. Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Blagrave Street, Reading, & 60, Fall Mall, B.W. NOTICE OP SALE. 36 and 38, LUTON-ROAD, CHATHAM. TV/TESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. ILL beg to announce that they have just SOLD by private treaty the Freehold Ground׳ Rent of £20 per annum, secured upon two houses and shops, known as Nos. 36 and 38, Luton-road, Chatham. Auction Offices, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. BERKS.—Between Twyford and Maidenhead.—Within about l¿ miles of the •former station, on the main G. W. R., whence London is reached in about 40 minutes by a splendid train service. In the centre of a high and lovely district. That attractive old-fashioned Georgian Residence known as HAWTHORNS, HARE HATCH, containing 12 bed rooms, three reception rooms and good offices; stabling for five, cow houses, charmingly timbered old grounds, kitchen garden !and paddock, which will be Sold by Auction, by ־]yTESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. J-YJ- at the London Auction Mart, during February, 1899. Particulars (with photos) and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Bloxham, Ellison, Rose and Henneky, 1, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London, W.C.; or (with orders to view) of Messrs. Wm. R. Nicholas and Co., auctioneers, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. MORTGAGES. IWrESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. LtJ. have several sums of money, both large and small, to put out on good mortgage security, from 3£ per cent., and will be glad to receive particulars from persons desiring same as soon as possible. Auction Offices, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. ESSEX. ERNEST S. BEARD, F.A.I. Auctioneer, Values, , Estate Agent and Sueveyob. Colchester and Brightlingsea. Estate of Thomas Simpson, Esq. (deceased1), H. H. Fawdry, Esq. (deceased), and others. Leasehold and well-letting Weekly Properties.—To be Sold by Auction, by ILTESSRS. GRIMLEY and SON, on Thurs-1YA day, January 26, 1899, at the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, at Seven o’clock to the minute— Estate of Thomas Simpson, Esq., deceased. SOHO-HILL, HANDSWORTH, near PARK-AVENUE. Lot 1.—A desirable RESIDENCE, No. 113, Soho-hill, known as Arundel-place, in the occupation of Mr. N. S. Heeley, as yearly tenant, at a rent of £50. The house contains entrance hall and vestibule, three reception rooms, six bed rooms, dressing rooms, w.c., kitchen, scullery, cellar, and other usual out-offices. Leasehold for a term having 50 years unexpired at December, 1898. Ground1 rent £10. The house is situate in the pleasantest part of Handsworth, it is set back from the road, and has good garden, with lawn, in the rear. WAKE-GREEN-ROAD, MOSELEY. (Between St. Agnes-road and Stoney-lane). Lot 2.—An attractive and well-situated modern RESIDENCE, in the occupation of the owner, who will give possession, with stabling, coach-house, and an excellent garden, known as Laurisdale, Wake-green-road, Moseley, recently erected in a first-class manner, under the superintendence of Messrs. Mansell and Mansell, architects, by Messrs. Mills and Son, builders. The house, which is exceedingly well planned, with all modern conveniences, contains, on the ‘ground floor, vestibule, entrance hall, morning 'room (13ft. by 12ft., exclusive of bay), dining room (16ft. by 14ft., exclusive of bay), drawing room (17ft. by 14ft., exclusive of bay), back hall, kitchen, scullery, china and cook’s pantries. On the first floor are four excellent bed rooms, bath room, and w.c.; with cellars in basement. In an enclosed stable yard are roomy carriage house, harness room, stabling for three horses, loft, and man’s room. The residence stands well back from the road, with drive and lawn in front, and in the rear there are a tennis lawn, and kitchen and flower gardens. The property is leasehold for a term of 98 years, from Lady Day, 189, subject to a ground rent of £19 6s. per annum. Cards to view may be obtained from the Auctioneers. Estate of H. H. Fawdry, Esq., deceased. WILTON-STREET, LOZELLS. Lot 3.—A substantially built LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 120, 122, 124, and 126, Wilton-street, Lozells, and EIGHT DWELLING HOUSES, with outbuildings and yards in the rear, in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents• amounting to £124 16s. per a,nnum. Term unexpired 51 years from March 25, 1898. Ground rent £8. SHERLOCK-STREET (near Gooch-street). Lot 4.—An important RETAIL SHOP PROPERTY, comprising the Two commodious Retail Shops and Duelling Houses, Nos. 199 and 201, Sherlock-street, now and for many years past occupied by Mr. Topiis, draper, who holds the same on lease, at the inadequate rent of £62 per annum, the tenant paying all rates and taxes. Term unexpired 51 years from March 25, 1898. Ground rent £8. BUOKINGHAM-STREET. Lot 5.—FIVE front DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45, Buckingham-street, and TWELVE DWELLING HOUSES, workshops, and outbuildings in the rear, in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £175 10s. per annum. Term unexpired 48 years from March 25, 1898. Ground rent £18 11s. 3d. ARTHUR-STREET, SMALL HEATH. Lot 6.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 329, 331, 333, 335, 337 and 339, Arthur-street, Small Heath, consisting of Six front Dwelling Houses and Six Dwelling Houses, with yards and outbuildings in the rear, in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £148 4s. per annum. Term unexpired 85 years from December 25, 1898. Ground rent £27 10s. LICHFIELD-ROAD, ASTON (corner of Catherine-■street). Lot 7.—An important LEASEHOLD RETAIL SHOP PROPERTY, Nos. 43, 45, 47 and 49, Lichfield-road, Aston, comprising Four modern-fronted Retail Shops and Dwelling Houses, Nos. 43 and 45, being in the occupation of Messrs. Foster Brothers, clothiers, No. 47 let to Mr. J. H. Badger, restaurant keeper, and No. 49 to Mr. W. M. Hardy, tobacconist, at rents amounting to £190 per annum, the tenants paying rates and taxes. Term unexpired 54 years (less ten days) from June 24, 1898. Ground rent £21 10s. 6d. The above property is situate in the best part of Lichfield-road, a short distance from the penny stage of the Aston Tramway, and forms a desirable and improving investment. LITTLE GREEN-LANE, SMALL HEATH. Lot 8.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 44 and 46, Little Green-lane, consisting of Two front Retail Shops, having plate glass windows, and 14 double-fronted Dwelling Houses, pleasantly situate in Richmond-terrace, in the rear, each being fitted with Venetian blinds, and the whole property being in thorough repair, a large sum having been recently expended upon it. Rental £221. Term unexpired 63 years from June 23, 1898. Ground rent £37 8s. 4d., reduced to £23 8s. 4d. by a sub-ground rent receivable in respect cf adjoining property. CROMWELL-STREET, NECHELLS (near Rocky-lane). Lot 9.—A LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. Ill, 112, 113, and 114, Cromwell-street, comprising Four Retail Shops and Dwelling Houses, with plate glass windows; Four Dwelling Houses in the rear, and Ten two-story Houses in open terrace behind, in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £218 8s. per annum. Term unexpired1 56 years from March, 1898. Ground rent £33. The above property is situated in a well-letting neighbourhood, and the buildings are in first-class order and repair. LEA HOUSE-ROAD. BOURNVILLE. Lot 10.—A most substantially built LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 35, 37, 39 and 41, Lea House-road, close to the Endurance Tube Company’s Works, Cadbury’s Cocoa Works, and Stirchley-street Station, consisting of Four front Dwelling Houses, with the out-offices and gardens thereto, in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £72 16s. per annum. Leasehold for an unexpired term of 94 years (less three days) from Midsummer, 1898. Ground rent £8 8s. Solicitors: Lot 1, Messrs J. B. Clarke and Co., 40, Waterloo-street; Lot 2, Mr. H. G. Tanner, Union-chambers, Temple-row; Lots 3, 4, 5, 6. and 7, Messrs. Beale and Co., 12, Newhall-street; Lots 8 and 9. Messrs. Wright and Marshall, New-streel; Lot 10, Messrs. Arnold and Son, Waterloo-street. Auctioneers’ Offices, 39 and 40, Temple-street, Birmingham. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER, and HASTINGS, Estate & General Auction Mart, 2, HIGH STREET, A TLAS ROLLING AJNU YVIKK uumMia, A LIMITED, BURTON WEIR WORKS, ATTER-OLIFFE-ROAD, SHEFFIELD. Valuable LEASEHOLD WORKS and MACHINERY to be Sold at a Going Concern, by order o£ W. Wmg, Esq., chartered accountant. ־״,״..■. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS will Sell by Auction, in the Mart, No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, January 10, 1899, at Half-past Four precisely, in One Lot, subject to conditions of the Sheffield Law Society and Special Conditions of Sale:— ^ . , _ ... _Tr . All that valuable Block of Brick-built Works, krcwn as BURTON WEIR WORKS, now occupied by The Atlas Rolling and Wire Co., Ltd., in liquidation, and comprising suite of offices, top wire mill, strong wire mill, corn rolling mill, thick wire mill, flattening shops, cleaning house, two galvanising shops, and warehouse, with the horizontal condensing steam engine, by Davy Bros.; Galloway s boiler, 24ft.; Lancashire boiler, 28ft.; donkey pump, two water tanks, steam and water piping and fittings to first motion. The site contains 2,406 square yards or thereabouts, and is held along with the above-mentioned machinery, under a sub-lease, until January 25, 1955, at an annual rent of £300. __ Also the following MODERN MACHINERY and PLANT, erected and fixed by the Atlas Rolling and Wire Co., Ltd., and not included in the schedule attached to the lease. . , ״ , , _ ... 13 Wire Drawing Benches, with Blocks and Swifts. Set of Scaling and Blocks. Five Spinning, Straightening, and Slitting Machines. Four Flattening Machines. . , . Three Pairs Cold Rolls and Roll Grinding Machine. Two Annealing Pans, Two Annealing Furnaces, and Three Annealing Ovens. Four Paragon Hardening and Tempering Furnaces. Patent Blower and Fan. Steam Hoist and Two Cranes. Screw Cutting Lathe and Tyre Bending Machine. Range of Blueing Ovens and Furnaces. Two Blacksmiths’ Double and Single Hearths. Three Wire Galvanising Machines and Pans. Vertical Steam Engine. Pulling-out Frame. Seven Spirit and Oil Cisterns. Two Cart and Platform Weighing Machines. Steel Bundling Bench and Three Winding Drums. Fast Work Benches and Vices, Wire Racks, and Foot Boards. ״ . _ _ . . Main and Counter Shafting and1 Driving Gear. Steam and Water Piping from first motion. Gas Piping and Fittings. Conies of the Lease and Schedules can be seen at the Offices of the Auctioneers, 2. High-street; the Liquidator. W. Wing. Esq., F C.A.. North Church-street; or Messrs. Broombead. Wightman and Moore, solicitors, George-street, Sheffield. Wednesday, January 11. 1899. THE ATLAS ROLLING AND WIRE CO., LIMITED, In Liquidation. BURTON WEIR WORKS. ATTERCLIFFE-ROAD, SHEFFIELD. mo WIRE MANUFACTURERS AND i. DEALERS, MACHINE BROKERS AND OTHERS. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS have instructions from Wm. Wing, Esq., chartered accountant, to Sell by Auction, unon the premises as above, the whole of the STOCK-IN-TRADE and LOOSE WORKING TOOLS, including about 100 TONS of WIRE, in various stages of manufacture. . Comurising Galvanised Hawser Wire, Galvanised Iron Wire, Patent Wire, Paragon Wire. Snring, Cut. Flat, and Square Wire, Thick Homo Rods, Flat Wire. Patented and Paragon Rods. Bicycle Tyres and Steel, Hot and Cold Rolled Steel, Hexagon Eight H.P. Horizontal Steam Engine, Patent Fan. Screw Cutting and Turning Lathes. Stretching, Cutting. Slitting, Washing, Polishing, Bundling, and Reel Measuring Machines, Paragon Turning and Spoke He-ading Machines, Emery Grinding and Testing Machines, Cutting Shears, Steel Rolls, Housings and Pinions, Change Wheels, Annealing and Galvanising Pans and Plates, Hardening and Tempering Furnaces and Plates, Powerful Fly, and Small Flies, Tanks and Pans, Circular Bellows, Winding Drums and Swifts, Pul levs and Spur Wheels, Grindstones and Troughs, Platform Weighing Machines, Straightening* Frame. Drawing Plates. Anvils. Vices. Glaziers. Snindles, Stocks, Tans and Dies. Pining. Steel Picks. Whortle Ingots and Plates, Suelter Ingots and Moulds, Brass. Lead. Belting, Iron Scrap. Office Furniture. Safes. Double Desks, Writing Tables, Cupboards. Letter Press, etc. Full uarticulars in Catalogues, which may now be had of the Auctioneers. 2. High-street, Sheffield. On view two days before the sale, between two and four o’clock. PHT/wart-road, sharrow vale. QAPITAL LEASEHOLD INVESTMENT. To be Sold bv Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON. GREAVES. BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, 2, High-street, on Tuesday, January 17, 1899. at Four o’clock for Half-past■ Four precisely, subject to the General Conditions of Sale of the Sheffield District Incorporated1 Law Society and the Special Conditions to be read at the Auction : — All those SIX excellent Brick-built DWELLING HOUSES, with palisades at the front and gardens and outbuildings at the hack, being Nos. 62. 64 . 66. 68, 70. and 72, Stewart-road, Sharrow-vale: Sheffield, in the occupation of Messrs. Greenhedge, Green, Cox and others, at rents amounting to £74 2s. per annum. The site contains 518 square yards or thereabouts, and is held on leas© for 800 years from March 25, 1886, at an annual ground1 rent of £9 18s. The property is pleasantly situated, well built, and always commands respectable tenants, the rents not having been raised for a number of years. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers. 2. High-street; or to Broomhead, Wightman and Moore, solicitors, 14, George-street, Sheffield.