[Supplement to the Estates Gazette, INDE X AUGUST 12, 1898.] Saturday ¡half-holiday, 319, 945, 1009, 1101 Sayings and ¡Doings, 27, 66, 96, 135, 176, 220, 265, 309, 365, 404, 448, 483, 534, 568, 610, 669, 702, 747, 859, 910, 992, 1040, 1107 Scotch Lands Valuation Assessors, 260 Sheep, the points! and breeds of (by Mr. W. J. Malden), 347, 411 Shrewsbury bull show and sale, 563 Shropshire sheep for !the United States, 108 Small Houses Bill, 748 South Shield® Property Owners’ Association, 1111 Surveyors’ and Auctioneers’ Clerks’ Provident Association, 271, 365 Surveyors’ Institution, 106, 191, 279, 455, 498. 581, 623, 911 Agricultural Holdings Bill, 745 Annual banquet, 806 J Annual meeting, 940 Bristol, its growth and development, paper by Mr. W. Sturge, 700 Candidates, 367 Formation of a Western Counties’ branch, 809 Irish Land Agents’ Committee, 697 Land Purchase in Ireland, 844 Light ¡Railways! Act, 1896—paper by Mr. P. J. Smith, 394 London Building Act, and the official supervision of buildings—Discussion on Mr. Weaver’s paper, 55, 233 Management of brickfields—paper by Mr. J. L. Crouch, 303 New buildings (illus.), 397 New President, 939 Professional examinations, 1899, successful students, 806, 860 ¡Railways and the farmer—paper by Mr. W. M. Acworth, 696 Bating in respect of Tithe Bent Charge— paper by Col. G. W. Baikes, 479 Bating of coal mines—paper by Mr. Edward Boyle, Q.C., 134 Small Houses Bill—paper by Mr. Howard Martin, 697 Students’ preliminary examination, pass list, 134 Visit to Bristol, 652, 699 Sutton, Carshalton! and Wallingiton—Beyond! the greater Metropolis (illus.), 564 Temperance Permanent Building Society, 271, 319 Tenant-right Valuers’ and the Agricultural Holdings Act—Deputation to the Minister !of Agriculture, 841 Uckfield! Agricultural College, 264 Unclaimed and lost property sale, 743 United Property Owners’ and Batepayers’ Association, 528, 860, 909 Valuation of land and houses, 1043 Value of rain water, by E. Brand, 606 Water finding and the divining rod, 17, _843 Western Counities’ Auctioneers’ Association, 101 Tear 1898—Beports of land agents and surveyors1, 14, 54 OBITUARY. Banham, Mr. Edward (Methwold Hall), 845 Brinsley, Mr. George (London), 906 Cheesman, Aid׳. J. O. T. (Brighton), 104 Collier, Mr. John C., J.P. (Godaiming), 621 Coote, Mr. Geo. (Sudbury), 1046 Cox, Mr. J. B. (Torquay), 319 CUrtis, Mr. Henry (London), 235 Fortescue, Mr. Sidney Chichester (Shepherd’s Bush), 663 Franklin, Mr. Thomas (Oxford), 61 Gerrard, Mr. W. H. (Oswestry), 133 Grogan, Mr. H. H., F.S.I. (London), 1101 Hearn, Mr. Charles! (London), 104 Hobbs, Mr. Bichard (Worcester), 17 Lovell, Mr. J. M. (Northampton), 578 Milne, Mr. Alexander (Westmorland), 17 Orgill, Mr. James J. (London), 764 Butherford, Mr. J. E. D. (Bedcar), 1101 Sandoe, Mr. W. D. Malvern, 716 Sands, Mr. Jno. (Heckmondwike), 906 Scroggs, Mr. Wm. (Kidlington), 61 Smith, Mr. Frank (Morcambe), 906 Stafford, Mr. ¡Robert B., F.S.I. (Bedford, 845 Walker, Mr. G. E. (Woodbridge), 17 Warwick, Mr. H. J. (Peterborough), 845 OCCASIONAL NOTES. Acquisition of workmen’s dwellings, 183 Adulteration Bill, 141, 271 Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Bill, 900 Arundel Castle and cyclists, 1055 Assessment of real property, 4Q3 Auctioneers’ instructions, 901 Barbed wire, 101 A. Betterment, 757 Bills relating to real property, 271 Brickmaking, 315 Butter Association, 533 Cider, 101 Clergy and tithe, 227, 663 Collection of land tax, 619 Cromwell’s house and tomb, 709 Earl Fortescue and safeguards from fire, 709 Ecclesiastical Commissioners’ estates, 575 Ejectment of cottage tenants, 532 Good pastures and meadows, by E. Brand, 813, 865 Great Painters, 583, 905, 1040, 1110 Grimsby Property Owners’ Association, 1063 Half a century’s business—Interview with Mr. E. Swain, 321 Hinton St. George, Somersetshire (illus.), 133 History of agriculture, 305, 411 Hogarth, William—Great Painters, 583 Horsham Union re-valuation, 132 House Property and Investment Corporation 842 Hull Corporation and Cattle Auctioneers, 579 Hunters at Islington, 407 Ilford and Clapham Park Estates, 997 Incidents in a “Farmer’s Tear,” 942 Increased rates at Liverpool, 69 Injurious insects of 1898, 621 Insurance of property against injury, new scheme, 456 Institute of Estate and House Agents1— Paper on the “ Temple,” by Mr. Pitts-Lewis, Q.C., 316 Paper on the “West-end and Mayfair,” by Mr. W. H. Warner, 701 Paper on Westminster, by Mr. H. M. Hovers, 142 Judge Austin and bailiffs, 143 Land Transfer Act, the new, 52 Lectures on Agricultural history at Cambridge, 233, 434 Leeds■—from a surveyor’s point of view, 453 Leighton Buzzard light railway, 945 Letting land by public auction, 176 Licensed property notes, 15, 57, 103, 142, 177, 228, 259, 308, 349, 392, 452, 492, 538, 581, 608, 650, 695, 762, 792, 842, 902, 957, 1015, 1062, 1110 Light railway appeal, 1014 Lincolnshire Land Agents’ Association, 266 Liverpool Property Owners’ Association■—Proposed conference, 583 London Improvements—New street from Hol-bom- to the Strand, 710, 744, 813 London waiter supply from Wales, paper by Mr. B. E. Middleton, F.S.I., 221 Manchester, Salford, ■and District Property Owners’ Association, 131 Manor House, Hythe, interesting sale of furniture, 612, 696 Markets, 28, 68, 108, 192, 279, 412, 449, 499, 540, 583, 628, 671, 719, 765, 815, 911, 1063, 1111 Marlborough Mansions, Victoria-street, Westminster (illus.), 745 Marquis of Worcester’s estate—■Sale of licensed properties, 403, 742 Mem® from the Mart, 24, 65, 103, 143, 186, 233, 277, 321, 363, 409, 451, 497, 528, 579, 625, 669, 715, 763, 811, 855, 907, 959, 1011, 1045, 1107 Midland Counties Tenant-right Valuers’ Association, 133 Mr. Richard Parry’s classes, 53 National Freehold Land and Building Society. 17 New auction offices at Hammersmith (illus.), 1013 New books, 536, 865 New rating, proposals, 1086 New sale yard for Dunstable, 815 Notes by the Way, 24, 62, 104, 146, 190, 234, 277,' 307, 350,' 395, 454, 496, 525, 576, 620, 670, 713, 796, 893, 1010, 1056, 1102 Parliament—Adulteration of farm produce, 404 Personal, 21, 53, 101, 141, 183, 230, 275, 307, 351, 395, 439, 491, 540, 575, 611, 663, 713. 757, 812, 861, 901, 953, 1009, 1046, 1105 Preparation® of conditions by auctioneers, 260 Presentation to a Nottingham land agent, 278 Properties in the Market, 174, 627, 700, 767, 813, 864, 910, 941, 991, 1043, 1109 Property registers, 279, 537 Proposed closing of private slaughter houses, 187 Provincial Property Sales, 16, 65, 106, 144, 184, 230, 275, 319, 366, 407, 452, 495, 527, 578, 623, 667, 714, 762, 805, 858, 891, 958, 997, 1044, 1092 Prudential Assurance Company’s annual report, 359 Bating of tithe rent charge, 29 Beal property sales in Berkshire in 1898, 147 Bed Lion׳ Hotel, Henley-on-Thames (illus.), 15 Besidential London—Norbury (illus.), 996 Besults of Auction Sales, 25, 65, 105, 145, 187, 231, 274, 318, 362, 406, 450, 494, 536, 578, 621, 666, 711, 760, 808, 857, 904, 956, 1008, 1058, 1104 Bew testimonial, 176 ¡Richmond Horse Show, 1043 Bothley Temple on fire, 187 ¡Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 612 Royal Agricultural1 Society of England, 814, 911, 944—Ditto show at Maidstone, 1090 Royal Commission on local taxation, 214 Observations by Mr. Charles F. Jones, F.S.I., 347 Royal Counties’ Show, 1010 Royal Hotel, Weymouth, 853 Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, 177 Sales at Masons’ Hall Tavern and Hors'e Shoe Hotel, 57, 103, 143, 177, 228, 259, 308, 349, 392, 452, 492, 538, 609, 651, 695, 762, 793, 842, 902, 957, 1015, 1062, 1110 Sales by Private Treaty, 21, 56, 104, 141, 175, 219, 263, 307, 351, 407, 447, 486, 533, 619, 663, 716, 761, 809, 853, 957, 1009, 1055, 1101 Sherwood v. Keevil, 843 Smith v. Johnson, 218 Smith v. Thomas and Wilberforce, 694 Stark v. Leveson, 1013 Uncertainty of law, 107 Vendor’s incapacity to sell, 264 Ward and Co. v. “Western Mail,” Limited, 177 Walters v. Le Blanc, 1091 Warlters, Lovejoy and Telfer v. Marshall, 1091 Watson v. Eddy, 320 Winkworth v. Ellis, Clarke and Co., 843 Wohlgemuth v. Coste, 320 Wright v. Dickie, 410 Wright v. Wright, 218 MISCELLANEOUS. Agricultural Notes, 26, 67 Agricultural Outlook, by Mr. Clare Sewell Bead, 1006 Agricultural repository in Wales, 667 American’s views of London life, 765 Arthur Young and his times, Lecture by Sir Ernest Clarke, 434 . Aspatria Agricultural College, 841, 995 Assessment of licensed: properties, 998 Auctioneers’ Institute—Acts affecting property in London, paper by Mr. Harold Griffin. 147 Annual meeting and dinner, 797 Ejectment of tenants, paper by Mr. E. J. Vaughan, 276 Kent, Surrey and Sussex Branch, 265, 309 Prizemen, 854 River Thames, paper by Mr. Walter Simms, 13 Spring meeting at Derby, 435 South Wales Branch, 144 ;paper by Mr. D. T. Alexander, 144; annual meeting and dinner, 664 Successful candidates, 854 Western Counties Branch, new, 1109 Yorkshire Branch, 189, 761 Bath and West of England Show, 943 Beds Chamber of Agriculture, 1013 Beyond the Greater Metropolis, 564 Blackburn Property Owners’ Association, 348 Bric-a-Brac, 63, 106, 135, 185, 228, 272. 316. 364, 408, 454, 496, 538, 581, 611, 668, 718, 766, 814, 888, 954, 1013, 1060, 1106 Bric-a-Brac Sales of 1898, 11 Bristol Old and New (illus.), the visit of the Surveyors’ Institution, 652 Bristol Property Protection Society, 945 Bury Property Owners and taxation of ground values, 905 Business in Bristol, 578 Business in Gloucestershire in 1898, 142 Business in Shropshire during 1898, 135 Carlisle Hotel, a famous, 792 Cart Horse Parade, 902 Cattle market at Halstead, a new, 16 Central Chamber of Commerce, 612 Charlock spraying, demonstration at Uckfield, 846 Circus properties sold by auction, 582 City Topics,322 ,263 ,227 ,175 ,133 ,96 ,64 ,15־, 351, 408, 439, 483, 537, 583, 626, 655, 701, 761, 812, 845, 906, 1006, 1056, 1104 College of Agriculture, Downton, 621 Contents of Do-the-Boys Hall, sale of, 839 Coombe Court, 52 Darby Digger, 959 Detecting adulteration of sulphate of copper, a farmer’s test, 891 Dinner to Mr. Gilbert Murray, F.S.I., 263 Dispersion sale at Enslon House, Salop, 540 Downes’ patent chimney top, 260 Duke of Beaufort’s Monmouthshire Estates, sale at Usk, 842 Estate buildings, by H. W. Raffety, F.S.I., 654, 696, 748, 792, 862 Estate Exchange—annual meeting, 483 Estate management, 892, 945, 994 Farm accounts, by A. Macdonald Brown, B.A., 793, 866 Farm agreement, a novel, 109 Farm and Field, by a land agent, 95, 142, 174, ,624 ,576 ,537 ,480 ,404 ,353׳ ,306 ,265 ,219 651, 699, 742, 810, 892, 947, 995, 1060, 1109 Farmers’ Year Book, 322 Farm, the, its care and management, by Mr. H. W. Raffety, F.S.I., 51, 131, 173, 21b, 264, 323, 368, 455 Fat stock sale at Tibberton Manor, 911 Fences, by Arthur Vernon, F.S.I., 106 Fencing Laws and Customs, 390 Fly fishing, by Sidney Buxton, M.P., 102 Forestry, 28, 56, 148, 349 ,302 ,276 ,215 ,186״, 391, 448, 478, 524, 562. 609, 655, 717, 745 796, 841, 889, 941, 995, 1043, 1111 Forestry, importance of, 228 Forthcoming Sales at the Mart, 25, 65, 105, 145, 187, 231, 273, 317, 361, 405, 449, 493, 536, 577, 621, 665. 711, 759, 807, 856, 903, 955, 1007, 1057, 1102 Forthcoming Sales in the Country 30, 69, 109, ,499 ,456 ,412׳ ,369 ,323 ,279 ,235 ,193 ,148 ,911 ,863 ,816 ,767 ,719 ,672 ,628 ,584 ,541 961, 1017, 1063, 1112 Funeral of Mr. J. J. Orgill. 794 Furniture Old and New, 17, 63, 91, 191, 220, 260, 305, 391, 453, 482, 534, 563, 610, 671, 700, 765. 813, 866. 909, 942, 1038, 1087 Furniture sale at Old Manor House, Hythe, 696 Shepherd v. Wright—Law of Distress, nower of liquidators, 408 Sherwood v. Keevil—Tenant’s character, 795 Smith v. Johnson—Damages for breach of contract, house owner and builder, 217 Smith v. Thomas—Action for illegal distress, 710 Sprague v. Allen and Sons—Architect’s claim, award, remitting on discovery of fresh evidence, 136 Stapleton v. Upton-on-Severn District Council —Injunction stopping flow of sewage, 1042 Stirling v. Staples—Action for return of deposit, 1089 Stock v. L.C.C.—Tribunal of Appeal, open air space at the rear of buildings, 995 Stone v. Webb—Claim for rent, 482 Tomlin v. Humphries and others—Important■ drainage question, cost of abating nuisance among owners, 17 Townsend v. L.C.C.-—London Building Act, what ׳constitutes a wooden building, 27 Tyler v. Renad—An architect’s claim for fees, 217 Wall v. Upton-upon-Severn Rural District Oouncil-wAUeged nuisance, flow of sewage, 1014 Walters v. De Blanc—Contract to purchase house, Statute of Frauds, ascertaining vendor, 1089 Watson v. Eddy—Action for dilapidations, 262 Wilkes v. Dufton—Liabili y of landlord for defective condition of property, 361 Williamson v. Coleman—Claim for wrongful distraint, 1014 Wix v. Butson—Charges for paving new street, construction of covenant, 262 Woodthorpe v. Spencer•—■London Building Act, 1894, uniting a building, 172 Wright v. Dickie■—Bound by conditions of sale, 360 Wright v. Wright—Bailiff and Judge, a very questionable transaction, 218 Wynn v. Norton—Claim for damage by game, 306 Yeo v. Hurt—Sale of a nubile-house, claim for specific performance, Statute of Frauds, trusteeship, 794 LEGAL TOPICS. Aldis v. London Corporation, 887 Alleged nuisance, house property, 133 Bailey v. Fruen, 663 Betty v. Attorney-General, 810 Bowen v. Due D’Orleans, 810 Brackston and Co. v. Jones and Co., 624 Brand v. Spital, 441 Broggi v. Robins, Snell and Co., 320 Brown v. Dunstable Corporation, 887 Brown v. Fox, 663 Garrick v. Godson and Sons, 1013 Cartwright v. Sculcoates Union, 320 Challen v. Silcock, 843 City and West-end Properties! Co. v. Coulson, 410 Clibbery v. Homer, 29 Compulsory registration of title, 29 Cox v. Cardinall, 218 Cree v. St■. Pancras Vestry, 441 Distress, 29. 56 Durrant v. Sadd, 56 Earl of Westmorland v. New Sharlston Collieries Co., 1039 Eastern Telegraph Co. v. Dent, 563 Elliott and Co. v. L.C.C., 1039 Eton College v. Waters, 563 Ex parte Barclay, 107 Farlow v. Ste\ enson, 441 Farmer v. Carey, 1039 Griffiths v. Ilford Gas Company, 843 Gunter v. Jarrett, 563 Hanbury v. Baring and Cook, 493. Hayman v. Burton, Smith and Go., 218 Hazell v. Scott, 810 Hjimphrey v. Conybeare, 177 Jenkins v. Methyr Tvdvil District Council, 764 Johnston v. Boves, 764 Jones v. Bernstein, 177 Jones v. Robinson, 132 Jordeson v. Sutton, Southcoates’ and Drypool Gas Company, 887 Julian v. Anderson, 957 Knowles v. Causey, 29 Lindsey v. Norman and Bowen, 887 Lilley v. Foad, 1013 Lynes v. Snaith, 265 Marnham v. Weaver, 493 May and Bowden v. Schreiber, 218 Miller and Aldworth (Limited) v. Sharp, 264 Moore v. Henry, 56 Moule v. Garrett, 843 . Mutton v. Hornsey Urban District Council, 62•1 Newsby v. Eckersiv, 132 Newton v. Bethnal-green Vestry, 624 Nosotti v. Auerbach, 107 Owner v. Stanley, 493 Parsons v. G.E.B. Co. and Wright, 534 Perrin v. Bellamy, 694 Property in the hands of several agents for sale, 56 Property stolen from lodging house, 410 Richardson v. Bead, 441 Roberts v. Gwyrfar District Council, 177 Sales and Clarke v. Bell, 177 Santley v. Wilde, 264 Seaman’s Hospital Society v. Kyffin, 534 Shepherd v. Wright, 441 »