ZOOLOGY, PLATE 24■ ־ TELEOSTEI. 4®Franz Josef Grant: 2iishniLKù 'ymsk. Faroe. I? 'nrr-.\ (■it Saat off Okhotskl ,Tomjo Sect of \ OkTialsh] .abrador ׳ TripoliFA a, ¡h a, r ^GiloU] ’Tristcatü t Ctmha! y.׳ a Zealand 40 Franz Josef Tromsfi¡¿« 'C- arr■.׳. tdi Sea of I Okhotsk] ^,•Philippines '1’«׳I rw. la/lw ’ Tristan d t Clini io. J Ltd■:,.!,. Buds an! Sect off Okhotsk Sea, of l Okhotsk] Labrador hcvilLb Qiijtda ( TELEOSTEI, BONY FISHES ! Amblyopsidse—Blind-Fishes | j Cyprinodontidse—Killifishes Kneriidae [ j Scopelidae & Allies—Lantern-Fishes, &c. * Circle ]Sf 0 J. G. B artkaLomevr, The Plateau. Area, above 3000 /? Ls shown by a ruling of fine black dots thus i. >RAPHIC-vL INSTITUTE ÌQjarichvicfi. ״ ־♦־ jfarnoaJ? • + MAP IV ( TELEOSTEI, BONY FISHES ) Syngnathidte—Pipe-Fishes, &c.| ,*»| Centriseidse & Allies—Trumpet-Fishes, Fistulariidae & Allies—Flute-Mouths i +++1 Gastrosteidce—Sticklebacks FT 1 ..7?n! .•׳/ ,_________MAP V________ ( TELEOSTEI, BONY FISHES ) Lamprididae—The Opah or King-Fish | Fierasferidse—Pearl-Fishes | Notacanthidse—Thornbacks [+^+] Percopsidae—Trout-Perches [ Arene Carole _ 0 Fart/el? . ' < &orej0 ':• h i •J • Cartiìjne I? . Soma a,l? vl. käs? *#׳׳־