IP I SI €#׳ E S! BARTHOLOMEWS PHYSICAL ATLAS, VOL. A 20 # • 40Franz Josef ITîshmbKt *jyrnjii¿ . Ä S I A ytrchcmgel Sea, of \ Okhotsk] Sea, of f Okhotsk. ypcailgvsk llAraL ihrethdt AN Arabia, 2/ìcóbar: Equator 7 !'Quito ’TristarväeCtmha, Tdbart, -, ntipi /׳ ( TELEOSTEI, BONY FISHES 40Franz Josef Gree aland Hammer fi a'P< Trovisi¿k *=-y ^Archangel ihoisk Sea. of I Okhotsk<| ־Kaâ&y .Wiyt Indies ־ - ■׳ . 'TristarvtLiCunha. { TELEOSTEI, BON Y FISH ES ; Anabantidæ—Climbing-Perches I I Ophiocephalidae—Serpent-Heads r I Stromateidæ—Butter-Fishes ] «%[ Sphyrænidæ-Barracudas[ +•#| Polynemidæ-Threc 40Franz Josef Trornso¿* Sea, of \ Okhotsk■I Lairad-or öÄS¿׳״ tokhsca:- Ì.-Xicobc Fÿilfe S- V־/, ..I , TELEOSTEI, BONY FISH ES J Mugilidæ-Grey Mullets [yEJ Atherinidæ & Allies—Sand-Smelts, Ammodytidæ- Seombresoeidæ—Gar-Pike, Flying-Fish, &c. [-f־־^-K Pegasidæ—Dragon-Fishes[¿ Circle THE EDINBURGH GEOi