PI3C1S“DIPN BARTHOLOMEWS PHYSICAL ATLAS, YOL. Y 40Franz Josef ־ ־Wrang cl I. B a, ft in, L Bay Tr orris ot* Ikhotak- -SiPe tersi urg Sea, of f OLAoCsfeV Okhotsk] ?etropca'Tçvsk T ib e£ ** Thasa, ־Mippine\, Sis /'•••׳!. Tolart DIPNEUSTI, DIPNOI TELEOSTEI, BONY FISHES Lepidosil’enid*—M ud-Fishes t—I Ceratodontidse-Lung-Fish| f» Molidae—Sun-Fishes | +++1 Diodontidse & Allies—Porcupine-Fishes[^/*\J Tetrodontidae—Globe-Fishes1 40Franz Josef C. ChefyusTar Alaska- Okhotsk jHudson, ,Tomsk Okhotsk] iakhnrg. ylcnt 1־ ׳Nicobar: 3ernarhlm •o -(■ ‘■Tana a 1? ]ricorri ’ Tristan,d V CwJw, ( TELEOSTEI, BONY FISHES Balistidae & Allies—File-Fishes, &c.| +־^־-f | Lophiidae & Allies—Angler-Fish, &c.| Mastaeembelidae [" ־") Lophotidae—Unicorn-Fishes¡ •#»| Traehypteridae—Ribbon-Fishes[ q°q 40Franz Josef Greenland I ׳, ,ral'׳: Lairador AUSTRAL 'Tristan,d V Ciaiha, Orateti7 [ TELEOSTEI, BONY FISHES % Zoarcidae-Viviparous Blennies, &c, ! 0 9 0 1 Blennidæ & Allies—Blennies, &c.| Q°Q | Ophidiidæ & Allies—Snake-Fishes, &c.[ Batrachidæ—Frog;Fishesp\jj W Eagle Ciarte. Percy ÏÏ. Grimsiiaw. THE EDINBURGH GEOG: