JRA, URODELA, APODA zoology; plate 21 1Franz Josef Farqeli Sea of f Okhotsk^ Sea of 's Okhotsk] Labrador Sli/ti¿’1' zkodacU, '■Tono a, I? C ANURA, TAILLESS AMPHIBIANS ) atidse - Pouched Tree-Frogs [_j Discoglossidae—Disc-Tongued Frogs I I Pipidse—Surinam Toad, &c. Dactylethridae—Clawed ToadsQ ! Baffin, i -Sqy ibolsk Baring javlgysk Sea of f Okhota k\ ״Tomsk Okhotsk] Labri ìLtiA׳״ ikodadi, Av¿¡ •land,1■ ( URODELA, TAILED AMPHIBIANS Sirenidæ—Mud-Eels Proteidæ—Proteus or Gilled Salamander, &c.[~ Salamandridæ—Typical Salamanders[^ _j Amblystomatidæ—Axolotls, &c. I I North, Cape BurLson, CiFarnwelT Sea of 1 Okhotsk. Okhotsk] *etrtrpaylqvsk CL.in a strilo Is < I)״al;i׳,N<• vZ. Zealand1 URODELA, TAILED AMPHIBIANS APODA, LIMBLESS AMPHIBIANS Plethodontidæ—Spelerpes, &c. r~i Desmognathidæ—Desmognathus, &c.j*•*•"! Amphiumidæ—Fish-like Salamanders[ ~~j Cœciliidæ—Ccecilia. &c.i mài No te The.Plateau.-Area above 3000 is shown, by a. ruling of fine black dots thus UPHIf.A ITUTE