'ORMES, PELECANIFORMES, ANSERIFORMES zoology; plate 15 40Franz Josef C. Chefyuslàru Nbrth-Cccpf Baffin Sea of y Okhotsk} Ti'btT /r ■. 9rm¡ ■ Tristarv&v Cunhcu Zealaac PELECANIFORMES, PELICAN GROUP Tachypetidse (Fregatidae)— Frigate Birds - | Phsetontidae—Tropic Birds[ [ Pelecanidse—Pelicans I 40Franz Josef Land C. Chefyusla’n, Ifishrtii-Ki *fymsk, .j: A S־ I A SrPetërsî ui ibolsh Sea, of f OkhotslA Sea, of V Okhotsk! Labi■ ad׳ Galapagos 1? \Per-ncnnbu o 'Trtstaivd t Cunha, J$e»cZealani ( ANSERIFORMES, SWANS, GEESE, DUCKS Cygninse—Swans | ___ ׳ ] Anseranatinse Plectropterinse—Spur-winged Geese, &c.| Australian Geese 40 Franz Josef L.ancl ־Siberia,!? PPJiarr Suds on Sea, of \ Okhotsk! Labrador i ewfoundlai d Cli ina. ?•nujdas ! We st Indies 'Tristwvd L Cunha, ,Kefy Zealani Alici •land1■ (^ANSERIFORMES, SWAN S, G EESE, DUCKS Cereopsinse —Cape Barren Goosej__j Anserinse—Typical Geese Chenonettinse—Maned and Kelp Geese: ! _Çû־clç. Note The Plateau Area- above 3000 ft is shown by a ruling of fine black dots thus !RAPHICA y INSTITUTE ^