The narratives of the Civil War contained in this hook were first published in1 THE CENTURY MAGAZINE In that magazine, beginning in November, 1894, there will be printed New and Magnificently Illustrated LIFE OF NAPOLEON I. Thorough, Scholarly, and Popular BY A DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN STUDENT AND PROFESSOR OF HISTOR\ The interest in Napoleon has had a reviyal that is phe rtomenal in its extent and intensity—as evinced in a flood of publications; in the preparation of works of art dealing with the period ; in the demand for autographs, portraits, and relics of all kinds. Even the theater has taken up the theme, and still the craze increases. As a distinguished French» man remarked the other day, “Napoleon seems again to have hypnotized the French people.” The illustrations include reproductions of most of the important historical paintings in which Napoleon figures, and many fine pictures made for this work. SUCH a work is most important and timely because of the abundant new materials furnished by the opening of the different national archives, and by the publication of valuable memoirs. Thus far no biography of the extraordinary man has appeared in either English or French which is free from rancor, and attentive to the laws of historical criticism. No one could have so fine a perspective, or be more dispassionate in his judgments, than a competent American writer. The life will be illustrated in The Century’s most complete and artistic manner. It will be followed with intense interest by hundreds of thousands of readers.. Arrange to take The Century during its publication. The Life of Napoleon begins in November, 1894.