PART EIGHTEEN WILL CONTAIN The Continuation of the Narrative of Hood’s Invasion of Tennessee BY GENERAL J. B. HOOD (Confederate) AND COLONEL HENRY STONE (Union) "־־־־ ־־ 1"״"" The Shenandoah Valley Campaign “Sheridan in the Shenandoah” By General Wesley Merritt Commanding the First Division of Sheridan’s Cavalry Early’s March to Washington ” Told by the Confederate General Jubal A. Early FACE THE OTHER WAY. BOYS l FACE THE OTHER' WAY 1 The Siege of Petersburg and the Battle of the Crater BY GENERAL AUGUST V. KAUTZ and MAJOR W. H. POWELL (Union) _ __ AND GENERAL R. E. COLSTON (Confederate) Continued in Part XIX M The De Vinne Press.