PART SEVENTEEN WILL CONTAIN ftWAJTArçpi ?Missionary liiilVe Tp-Vl Г Г* j lees. ! j »A s); А-Фшр •f i S♦• ; Г I ■■' ■ i 1\ о vi ?7 А5СЗ. "*Т*гавП* BTajÀ&t-, TlìeaverdaleV W׳ ’ °/ turai Vale^-T- Sumach Mel Hill Vs ®״׳״Wy# °T““״Vjj\ jg« hrov.(28,18G3. J0j. 23, May 6, ft<7,1864\ №№« <>Ш.ос1гу Шее Feh. 23,Жау/о, 1864. \ IjHiAtleofKhekyЩсеMay 12Д§64. Hassler\ Â$s!|éieir #״״.\ ЕЯ raW¡rBiassM ио R Я a/y\ ЩЯ C&a«0ctìCh\ . 9 Fort MountainiP.O! ^л1Аь L (Й \\ ®Sprinjg Placa ) } о״Л&М»־и»МШ } { , В׳ ׳־• Ч r.íChlO? i ЙЩг' щ (f^C^Cre0_r Mar.tius Mill Tiltoü' ,Carters,. Coosaxvi -WTieeler ׳ grryjNe^n 4"״״®״ ТХД RlteaB>dD / Щ/СА LHOUPW Ì* Op Blackwood 0 , *jX3 \ Sonora Z?wpicl)aniel3 Ipyd Sprs£"Tlaiuyiew Tdljÿ Vmuâbee fields Mill) o^Gun^Spring )Adairsviller1 Mings Mill, МадСТео A i //Tattle hfayu1 ó Hermitage' ־?¿OG (WafeslM J jj§ [Moores Mills.’‘•״" )Bransons Mills KINGS■ T: (Sutalloe?.¿ Г J IO V־J iftd)Sprlnw V VfetampCj^eek Q« iwah Ir'onWorfcTT CANTON/ !A\J Елг-'¿»'■ Best^t¿AK-| Й& Saltpetre Wor^sW^Station^^ i Gillems BridgeO Itogersjfcy ; carVersvilue. I Euharlee׳ *SOfr 1Cherokee¿ V Mills «5 \?Ж5 ־Ws/emnis^íBatile df Allatolmáj Cpfsville^X1' ׳•¿Жг! W_______Qt;t| i Arno! Woodstock Moons 3 РЙоу’зЩ| 1 Biq Snaintÿi A W ° A pBlacKVells) I ВаЩрд J fune 3,18( I гШ?Лф iswcnV tollins Ol BowderJ I of/ihaitahno Ж BeU^o5xVkSlmpT Upm^hill J озерЬ\>Щ. )¿Ezra Church, rï%8.1S(il. •’./fAvé V T^Sus teU Dourglasville: Brownsville) ,.BrightCsiaE. CAMPBELL lii “The Defense of the Red River By GEN. E. KIRBY SMITH Confederate Commander of the Trans=Mississippi Department “The Battle of Mobile Bay ADMIRAL FARRAGUT’S FAMOUS FIGHT The Union Side By Lieut. John C. Kinney Acting Signal=officer on Admiral Farragut’s Flag=ship “Hartford” The Confederate Side By Commander Johnston Of the Confederate Ram “Tennessee” The Continuation of the Story of SHERMAN’S MARCH TO ATLANTA Described from The Confederate Side By GEN. JOS. E. JOHNSTON Commander of the Confederate Army During the Campaign from Dalton to Atlanta MAP OF THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN, Front ,1The Mountain Campaigns in Georgia; or, War Scenes of the W. & A Published by the Western and Atlantic R. R. Co. “Hood’s Second Sortie at Atlanta and the Battle of Bald Hill” By Major W. H. Chamberlin Aide=de=Camp to General Dodge at the Battle of Bald Hill