road, and fell back in great confusion. Spotting the fields in our front, we could detect little patches of blue—the dead and wounded of the Federal infantry who had fallen facing the very muzzles of our guns. Cooke’s brigade of Ransom's division was now placed in the sunken road with Cobb’s men. At 2 p.m. other columns of the enemy left the crest and advanced to the attack; it appeared to us that there was no end to them. On they came in beautiful array and seemingly more determined to hold the plain than before; but our fire was murderous, and no troops on earth could stand the few d’enfer we were giving them. In the foremost line we distinguished the green flag with the golden harp of old Ireland, and we knew it to be Meagher’s Irish brigade. The gunners of the two rifle-pieces, Corporals Payne andHardie, were directed to turn their guns against this column; but the gallant enemy pushed on beyond all former charges, and fought and left their dead within five-and-twenty paces of the sunken road. Our position on the hill was now a hot one, and three regiments of Ransom’s brigade were ordered up to reinforce the infantry in the road. We watched them as they came marching in line of battle from the rear, where they had been lying in reserve. They passed through our works and rushed self above the crest of the ridge and advanced in columns of brigades, and at once our guns began their deadly work with shell and solid shot. How beautifully they came on! Their bright bayonets glistening in the sunlight made the line look like a huge serpent of blue and steel. The very force of their onset leveled the broad fences bounding the small fields and gardens that interspersed the plain. We could see our shells bursting in their ranks, making great gaps; but on they came, as though they would go straight through and over us. Now we gave them canister, and that staggered them. A few more paces onward and the Georgians in the road below us rose up, and, glancing an instant along their rifle barrels, let loose a storm of lead into the faces of the advance brigade. This was too much; the column hesitated, and then, turning, took refuge behind the bank. But another line appeared from behind the crest and advanced gallantly, and again we opened our guns upon them, and through the smoke we could discern the red breeches of the “Zouaves,” and hammered away at them especially. But this advance, like the preceding one, although passing the point reached by the first column, and doing and daring all that brave men could do, recoiled under our canister and the bullets of the infantry in the localities. While our guns were firing the enemy’s long-range batteries on the Stafford Heights opened upon us, as much as to say, “What are you about over there 1 ” We paid no attention to their inquiry, as our guns could not reach them. At dawn the next morning, December 13th, in the fresh and nipping air, I stepped upon the gallery overlooking the heights back of the little old-fashioned town of Fredericksburg. Heavy fog and mist hid the whole plain between the heights and the Rappahannock, but under cover of that fog and within easy cannon - shot lay Burnside’s army. Along the heights, to the right and left of where I was standing, extending a length of nearly five miles, lay Lee’s army. The bugles and the drum corps of the respective armies were now sounding reveille, and the troops were preparing for their early meal. All knew we should have a battle to-day, and a great one, for the enemy had crossed the river in immense force upon his pontoons during the night. On the Confederate side all was ready, and the shock was awaited with stubborn resolution. Last night we had spread our blankets upon the bare floor in the parlor of. Marye’s house, and now our breakfast was being prepared in its fire-place, and we were impatient to have it over. After hastily dispatching this light meal of bacon and corn-bread, the colonel, chief bugler, and I (the adjutant of the battalion) mounted our horses and rode out to inspect our lines. Visiting first the position of the 10-pounder Parrott rifle on the Plank road, we found Galbraith and his boys wide awake andreadyforbusiness. AerossthePlank road, in an earthwork, was the battery of Donald-sonville Cannoneers, of Louisiana, all Creoles and gallant soldiers. Riding to the rear of Marye’s house, we visited in turn the redoubts of Squires, Miller, and Eshleman, and found everything ready for instant action. The ammunition chests had been taken off the limbers and placed upon the ground behind the traverses close to the guns. The horses and limbers had been sent to the rear out of danger. We drew rein and spoke a few words to each in passing, aud at the 3d Company’s redoubt we w’ere invited by Sergeant “Billy” Ellis to partake of some “ cafe noir,” which his mess had prepared in a horse bucket. Nothing loth, we drank a tin-cupful, and found, not exactly “Mocha,” or “Java,” but the best of parched corn. However, it was hot, the morning was raw, and it did very well. At 12 o’clock the fog had cleared, and while we were sitting in Marye’s yard smoking our pipes, after a lunch of hard crackers, a courier came to heavy. Colonel Walton, bearing a desoatch from General The enemy, having deployed, now showed him- 173 THE WASHINGTON ARTILLERY ON MARYE’S HILL FIRING UPON THE UNION COLUMNS FORMING FOR THE ASSAULT. Longstreet- for General Cobb, but, for our information as well, to be read and then given to him. It was as follows: “Should General Anderson, on your left, be compelled to fall back to the second line of heights, you must conform to his movements.” Descending the hill into the sunken road, I made my way through the troops, to a little house where General Cobb had his headquarters, and handed him the despatch. He read it carefully, and said, “ Well! if they wait for me to fall back, they will wait a long time.” Hardly had he spoken, when a brisk skirmish fire was heard in front, toward the town, and, looking over the stone wall, we saw our skirmishers falling back, firing as they came; at the same time the head of a Federal column was seen emerging from one of the streets of the town. They came on at the double-quick, with loud cries of “Hi! Hi! Hi!” which we could distinctly hear. Their arms were carried at “ right shoulder shift,” and their colors were aslant the shoulders of the color-sergeants. They crossed the canal at the bridge, and, getting behind the bank to the low ground to deploy, were almost concealed from our sight. It was 12:30 p. M., and it was evident that we were now going to have it hot and down the hill with loud yells, and then stood shoulder to shoulder with the Georgians. The 25th North Carolina regiment, crossing Miller’s guns, halted upon the crest of the hill, dressed its line, and fired a deadly volley at the enemy at close range, and then at the command “Forward!” dashed down the hill. It left dead men on Miller’s redoubt, and he had to drag them away from the muzzles of his guns. At this time General Cobb fell mortally wounded, and General Cooke was borne from the field, also wounded. Among other missiles a 3-ineh rifle-ball came crashing through the works and fell at our feet. Kursheedt picked it up and said, “ Boys, let’s send this back to them again ”; and into the gun it went, and was sped back into the dense ranks of the enemy. General Kershaw now advanced from the rear with two regiments of his infantry to reinforce the men in the sunken road, who were running short of ammunition, and to take command. The sharp-shooters having got range of our embrasures we began to suffer. Corporal Ruggles fell mortally wounded, and Perry, who seized the rammer as it fell from Ruggles’s hand, received a bullet in the arm. Rodd was holding “vent,” and away went his “crazy bone.” In quick succession Everett, Rossiter, and Kursheedt were wounded.