PART NINE WILL CONTAIN The Continuation of General Pope’s account of the Second Bull Run, and the Story of Jackson’s Raid around Pope, by General Taliaferro, C. S. A. With articles regarding Lee’s Invasion of Maryland and THE BATTLE OF ANTIETAM Lee’s Invasion of Maryland from the Confederate Side, by General Longstreet, who corn־ manded a wing of Lee’s Army in Maryland. “Stonewall Jackson in Maryland,” by Colonel Henry Kyd Douglas, Aide-de-Camp on the Staff of Stonewall Jackson. General Longstreet’s account of the Confederate Side at the Battle of Antietam. “ Stonewall Jackson’s Capture of Harper’s Ferry,” by General Walker, C. S. A. PRESIDENT LINCOLN IN GENERAL McCLELLAN’S TENT AFTER THE BATTLE OF ANTIETAM (Upon which he was engaged at the time of his death) “From the Peninsula to Antietam The DeVinne Pres&