THE NEXT PART (V) WILL CONTAIN The continuation of the narrative of the fight between The “Monitor” and the “Merrimac” The Article by JOHN TAYLOR WOOD, Lieutenant of the “Merrimac,” begun in Part IV followed by An Article by SAMUEL DANA GREENE, Executive Officer of the “Monitor” Giving the story of the battle from the Union side, and containing a brilliant description of the engagement as seen from the turret of the “Monitor” The Building of the ‘Monitor,’” by Captain John Ericsson inventor of the “Monitor” and a graphic description of “The Loss of the ‘Monitor,’” by a Survivor of the Crew McClellan organizing the grand army״ and “The recollections of a private by Phillippe, Comte de Paris “Campaigning to No Purpose” Aide־de=Camp to General McClellan by Warren Lee Goss WITH THE BEGINNING OF “The Peninsular Campaign” By General George B. McClellan General=in=Chief of the United States Army during the first part of the Campaign The De Vinne Press.