Complete in Twenty Parts PART ONE CONTAINS: THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT An article by R. Barnwell Rhett, formerly editor of the Charleston “Mercury,” with portraits of Jefferson Davis and his Cabinet. WAR PREPARATIONS IN THE NORTH The Outburst of National Feeling:—“ Sumter is Bombarded”—The North Aroused. BY Major-General Jacob D. Cox, Ex-Governor of Ohio, and Secretary of the Interior under President Grant. The Illustrations Include: Secession Hall, a Panorama of Washington, a view of Richmond in '61, Portrait of John A. Dix, and a facsimile of his famous despatch, “ If any man attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the spot! ” “GOING TO THE FRONT,” BY A PRIVATE Excitement among the Boys—The Bulletins of the Recruiting Officers — Enlisting — Drill —The First Uniform a Bad Fit—“ On to Washington ! ” Illustrations of the Departure of the New York Seventh Regiment, etc. (Continued in Part Two.) WASHINGTON ON THE EVE OF THE WAR The Beginnings of Secession—The Close of Buchanan’s Administration—Who will Sustain the Government?—Organization of Volunteers in the District of Columbia.— General Scott—Trouble with the Volunteers—The Inauguration of Lincoln and the Plots to Prevent it. BY Brigadier-General Charles P. Stone, U. S. V., Inspector-General of the District of Columbia at the Outbreak of the War. The Illustrations Include : Three Portraits of Lincoln, Three Portraits of Grant, Portraits of Vice-President Hamlin, Seward, Chase, Stanton, Welles, Cameron and General Scott, View of Lincoln’s Inauguration, the White House, etc. THE BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER Described by Union and Confederate Participants. “ From Moultrie to Sumter,” by Major-General Abner Doubleday, U. S. A. (A Captain and Executive Officer under Major Anderson at Fort Sumter.) “ Inside the Fort,” a graphic narrative by Captain James Chester. (A Sergeant of the Garrison at Fort Sumter.) “The Confederate Side at Sumter,” by Lieut.-General Stephen D. Lee, C.S. A. (A Captain and Aide-de-camp to the Confederate General Beauregard during the bombardment.) The Illustrations Include: Portraits of Major Anderson and his Officers, and of General Beauregard and Governor Pickens of South Carolina, with seventeen views of Forts Sumter and Moultrie, a Map of Charleston Harbor, etc. ALL THIS IS IN PART ONE With Sixty-two Illustrations by the leading American Artists and Engravers. PART THREE - WILL CONTAIN “THE CAPTURE OF FORT DONELSON,” by MAJOR-GENERAL LEW WALLACE Commanding the Third Division of the Union Army at the Siege of Fort Donelson; author of “Ben Hur,” “The Prince of India,” etc., etc. AND THE BEGINNING OF “THE BATTLE OF SHILOH,” BY GENERAL GRANT In Command of the Union Army at Shiloh. MAGNIFICENTLY ILLUSTRATED. The DeVinne Press. if*