PREFACE TO THE PEOPLE’S PICTORIAL EDITION. a part. General Grant wrote for it four papers on his greatest campaigns, and out of them grew his “ Personal Memoirs,” which retrieved his fortunes, and added new laurels to his fame. The good temper and the unpartizan character of the articles have been an important means of bringing about a better understanding between the soldiers who were opposed in the War for the Union, and indeed between all the people of the North and the South. Upon the completion of the “War Papers” in The Century, the work “Battles and Leaders of the Civil War” was issued under the editorial charge of Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Bnel, of the staff of The Century, by whom the war articles had been planned and edited, and to render the book complete many additional articles and illustrations were prepared for it, making the total cost of the four-volume history nearly a quarter of a million dollars. HE present edition of “ Battles and Leaders of the Civil War,” known familiarly as “ The Century War Book,” is issued with the idea of bringing its picturesque features before a larger body of readers than has been reached even by the great circulations of the complete book and of The Century Magazine, upon whose “ War Papers ״ the book is founded. Probably no series of magazine articles ever attracted so wide an interest as the “War Papers” in The Century. Within six months after the appearance of the first of these articles, the circulation of The Century was increased one hundred thousand copies, work many commanders and subordinates have UNIFORM OF THE 14TH NEW YORK AT BULL RUN. In this unique contributed to the history of the heroic deeds of which they were Copyright, 1884, 1887, 1888, by The Century Co. COPYRIGHT, 1894, BY THE CENTURYr CO. The De Vinne Press.