85 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OE VARIOUS MATERIALS. After the test many of the stones were found reduced practically to a powder. The stones under the bearing plate were greatly disintegrated and the plate was pressed downward into the stones. At the ends the pile moved outward as the load was applied, but on the sides the pile was confined by timbers which prevented lateral TEST NO. 5. movement. This test consisted in crushing a pile of broken sandstone of various sizes up to pieces as large as a man’s head. Small stones were placed under the bearing plate. The stones were confined on the sides but were free on the ends and were not laid in any order. The pile was 25 inches wide and 11J inches high; its length was 3 feet 8 inches on top and 5 feet at the bottom. The load was applied by a cast-iron bearing plate on the top of the pile, the plate being 20 inches square. The following table gives the loads and settlements. The maximum load was 417,000 pounds and the maximum settlement was 4.6 inches. Loads and settlements of a ■pile of broken sandstone. Loads. Settle- ments. Loads. Settle- ments. Loads. Settle- ments. Pounds. 6,500 21,000 25,000 31,500 33,600 Inches. Pounds. 50,000 72,500 155,500 164,*00 Inches. 1.06 1.54 2.35 2.66 Pounds. 194,300 266,000 365.000 417.000 Inches. 3.21 3.74 4.31 4.61 0.32 .46 .61 .69 TEST NO. 6. This test consisted of applying a load to a pile of river sand by means of a 20 by 20 inch bearing plate. The pile was 8 inches deep, 2 feet 6 inches long on top, and 4 feet 2 inches long on the bottom, had a width of 25 inches, and was confined on the sides but not on the ends. The maximum load reached was 600,000 pounds, and the maximum settlement was 5 inches. TEST NO. 7. This test consisted in crushing a pile of broken sandstone, the pile having 40 per cent voids and being of sizes that would pass through a ring If inches in diameter, mixed with river sand in proportions of ten volumes of the broken stone and four volumes of sand. The pile was 10£ inches in depth, 25 inches wide, 2 feet 5 inches long on top, and 4 feet 6 inches long at the bottom; it was confined on the sides but not on the ends. The load was applied on top of the pile through a 20 by 20 inch bearing plate. The following table shows the loads and settlements. The maximum load was 800,000 pounds and the maximum settlement was 4.7 inches. Loads and settlements of a pile of broken stone and sand. Loads. Settle- ments. Loads. Settle- ments. Loads. Settle- ments. Pounds. 2,550 13,000 27.300 52.300 Inches. 0.67 1.27 1.82 Pounds. 100,000 180,000 249,700 337,600 Inches. 2.41 3.02 3.39 3.73 Pounds. 488.000 640.000 8001000 Inches. 4.13 4.43 4.69