MINING CONDITIONS UNDER CITY OP SCRANTON, PA. 00 to Compressive strength of anthracite coal—Continued. EASTERN MIDDLE FIELD. Collieries. Height of sample. Kidney. Olyphant No. 2, Hillman. Diamond. Rock. Big Baltimore. New County. Clark Ross—Arch. Dunmore Red Ash. Dunmore No. 2. Dunmore No. 3. • Grand average. First crack. Max. load. 1 No. of tests. First crack. Max. load. 1 No. of tests. First crack. Max. load. 1 No. of tests. ! First crack. Max. load. No. of tests. First crack. Max. load, j No. of tests. 1 First crack. Max. load. i No. of tests. 1 First crack. Max. load. No. of tests. ! First crack. Max. load. No. of tests. 1 First crack. Max. load. No. of tests. ! First crack. Max. load. No. of tests. 1 First crack. Max. load. No. of tests, j Mai nmoth W1 íarton Bu ck Mt. 1 5,00(1 6,825 1 8,500 10,525 1 7,000 10,962 1 2 2'830 3,547 1 4' 500 5' 400 1 5,000 5'000 1 4 1*375 1¡375 1 4,000 5,990 1 5,000 3,375 1 Hazleton No. 1 1 1,750 5,200 2 5,488 6,528 2 2 1,500 3*000 1 3,113 3' 600 2 4 3*057 3* 170 2 3,752 4' 833 2 ! 5,000 6,825 1 4,000 6,975 3 5,992 8,053 3 7 417 7 2 2,830 3,547 1 3^000 3,700 2 3,742 4,066 3 3,343 3,857 6 4 1^375 1Í375 1 3,371 4; 110 3 4,135 4,347 3 3,413 3,821 7 ! 1 3 3 3 WESTERN MIDDLE FIELD. 8,631 3,499 2,447 3,001 788 1,440 1 1 1 Buck Mt. 6,500 2,000 1,842 4,450 968 1,005 Seven foot. 9,500 4,497 3,000 1,552 500 1,370 Mammoth. 3,000 9,892 1 895 4,000 1 1,945 2,500 1 SOUTHERN FIELD. 1 2 4 1 2 4 N Wh 1,442 1,087 1,515 0. 9£ ite Asi 3,638 2,191 2,152 1. 2 2 2 h Whi 2,063 1,753 841 Io. 9 te As 4,509 3,219 1,150 il. 2 2 2 Wh 897 860 1,361 sTo. 7 ite Asi 3,571 1,596 3,127 1. 2 2 2 Lykens 3,814 2,377 1,809 1,124 1,099 Little Lykens Valley. 3,025 1,198 911 976 764 735 Lykens Valley. 4,131 2,937 2,262 725 956 1,246 White’s Vein. 4,013 2,120 1,612 642 1,175 1,231