67 PIANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND COSTS. COST OF SUGGESTED PROTECTIVE MEASURES. The absence of accurate and conclusive data, and the many uncertain factors entering into this general statement make any submitted figures approximate only. Assuming that all the sources of flushing material hereinafter mentioned in the order of their importance and value—first, sand and loam brought from a distance in returning empty coal cars; second, culm from breakers and washeries; third, crushed mine rock, gob, etc.; fourth, culm and silt from Lackawanna River and Roaring Brook; fifth, crushed rock from three or four plants (which might be established by the protective commission)—are utilized in regular and systematic order, and that the methods of procuring water for flushing, etc., as suggested, are put in effect, we would in that case estimate the cost of the measures suggested about as follows: The necessary plants and machinery for expeditiously excavating and loading the sand and filling material at distant points, and the plants in the city for unloading and transferring the material to the traction company cars for delivery at night to the various flushing points; the building of the dam and pumping stations on the Lackawanna River and the necessary storage dams at various points on the river above the city, for catching surplus sediment during seasons of high water; the dam in Roaring Brook, above the city level; the necessary means to conduct the water to the more elevated parts of the east and south sides; and a portable crushing plant to be located at the flushing points to crush the larger particles of sand, coal ashes, and city refuse that may be delivered and mixed with the flushing, would cost approximately $500,000. The necessary facilities outlined above for the expeditious and economic handling of material and prosecution of the work having been provided, it is our opinion that artificial piers may be established in various beds at about the cost shown in the following table, using the factor of safety (2) mentioned above.