PRESENT CONDITIONS UNDER SCRANTON. MARVINE COLLIERY. (Works oetween Providence and the city line, from Florida Street to Dunmore and Olyphant Road.) 150 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 9 and 10; thickness, 5 to 8 feet, includes 2 to 3 feet of refuse; bottom bench, 5 feet thick, mined only; this bed mined from Richmond drifts; abandoned and inaccessible. See page 36. 135 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 8 and 10; thickness, 9 to 10 feet; bad falling fireclay roof; now being mined under Marvine farm on east side of mine; on west side now reopening caved area caused by recent general squeeze. This vein not mined at Marvine colliery. 445 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 9 and 10; thickness, 13 to 14 feet; divides into two splits on east side, where it is now being worked under Marvine farm where there are few surface improvements. 242 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 9 and 10; thickness, 5 to 6 feet; largely caved and closed on west side; open and partly mined on east side; few improvements on surface east side. 53 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 9 and 10; thickness, 2\ to 3 feet; not much mined as yet. 74 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 9 and 10; thickness, 4£ feet, includes 1 foot of refuse. These workings have suffered by general squeeze on west side at Marvine; squeeze has more or less affected overlying beds and has extended to Leggetts Creek mine; now working under good conditions on east side under Marvine farm. CO