PRESENT CONDITIONS UNDER SCRANTON. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. collieries. VON STORCH COLLIERY. (Works Providence section, river to mountain, between Clearview and Putnam Streets, from river to Cayuga line, between Putnam and William.) General conditions. Worked and robbed. 104 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 7 and 8; thickness, 4 feet 9 inches; 1 inch of refuse; fireclay roof, which falls; pillars well distributed and look good; rooms well packed with gob, inclusive of roadways when finished. 165 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 7 and 8; thickness 3 feet clear; chambers well filled with gob; many parts roadway also filled. 365 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 7 and 8; thickness, 10 to 15 feet, includes 2 to 4 feet refuse. This bed carries 10 to 15 feet of falling fireclay roof which soon disintegrates and falls, filling all openings. 395 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 7 and 8; thickness, 3 feet 6 inches; 2 inches of refuse; falling roof; rooms filled with gob and falling roof. 397 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 7 and 8; thickness, 11 to 13 feet; closed throughout. 6 acres mined. 489 acres mined. Depth, see sections on Plates 7 and 8; thickness, 7 to 9 feet; caved and closed throughout. Mining conditions under school properties. No schools........................................ Depth, 55 feet; pillars sound; conditions fair. — Depth, 37 feet; large pillar under entire school lot. Depth, 147 feet; inaccessible; all openings filled with gob.......... See West Ridge colliery, page 23. . _ , - ... Large pillars under half of school lot; mined under other half, chambers filled; much pressure on pillars from effect of squeezing in Dunmore bed; passageway along east side of Big pillar. Caved; abandoned; inaccessible.. Depth, 235 feet; solid, and too thin to mine here................. Depth, 260 feet; caved and closed. . . . Denth. 216 feet; solid under school lot; mined on west side only at present; vicinity of School No. 25 shows signs of squeeze. Caved and closed. Not mined; to date considered too thin to mine. Caved and closed.............................. These beds mined by West Ridge colliery (see p. 23). No. 40 School undermined from this colliery in Diamond, Big, and Clark beds, but workings are caved and closed. Name of school. No. 24. No. 25. No. 24. No. 40. No. 25. No. 24. No. 40. No. 25. Coal beds. Eight-foot. Five-foot.. Four-foot. Diamond. Rock. Big.. New County. Clark....... Dunmore beds. CO Cjr